When the god of death and the goddess of the moon are reincarnated into highschool teenages. Love washes its path on them. The land , waters and air craved with trapped souls. They couldn't get to the afterlife because they needed to complete their birth reason. Innocent Mrs Menices runs away from her husbands torture while 9months pregnant but her fate is unfortunate. She dies while the baby stayed alive in her tummy. She became a trapped soul too and with charm and chants the baby was brought out of her. He was magnificent. His hair was blazing like the volcano and his eyes combined the colouring of gold and red .His teeth was bright white and his skinned looked slightly pale almost like the souls. As the elder among them held him, watching his intimidating look they, felt his strength and they named him Thanatos:he who brings death. But that isn't all. They sent him away at age 18 to study and live with the humans and that is where he met Luna the girl who made his rage high and yet only she could calm him down.
Reading novels has always being my best buddy for years and I'm glad I got the idea to write this book. It popped up in my head when I remembered a relative of mine who is no more alive.... Most of the DEAD died untimely and this is my reason for the story. Welcome to my fun page