
Unexpected Death


Being married to a ruthless man is like bathing in a lightening storm. He kept pressing my neck to suffocate me. My fear was intense . I was already 9months pregnant but Howard showed no mercy. He wanted to kill me. He referred to my pregnancy as a taboo. He was wicked and wasn't even thinking of our unborn child. I picked up a lamp on the desk next to me and crushed it on his head before pushing him to stumble and fall. I runned outside and I heard as he commanded his men to chase after me. I runned as fast as I could and behold I came across a deserted graveyard. I was weak . I heard foot steps come closer and I saw a flight light. I bent too low and hid behind one of the caskets . After they had gone I sighed in relieve. Where am i... I moved deeper into the yard and and saw a wall with scary imprinting. It contains names of people and it titled "trapped souls" I was scared and decided to go but a pain rushed through me and I screamed "Ah" . It was from my body. The baby was kicking so hard like he or she wanted to be freed instantly . I tried to run but a thorn pierced my leg and I fell hitting my head on the hard concrete... I felt light headed and unable to breath. Then I heard a little girl sing her voice was amazing and my eyes began to close. What about my baby I thought and forced myself to open my eyes. That was when I saw where the voice was coming from. A little girl stood in a white robe and after few seconds I was surrounded by lots of them with different age and genders. They had paled skin and didn't look human. The sudden realization hit me what they were but the little girls melodious voice was getting louder and toxic and I couldn't get the strength anymore. I closed my eyes and death carried me away transporting me to a cross road. It was like magic. I was stuck inbetween three roads . One looked clear and peaceful while another looked grumpy and uncomfortable. The third one however looked to familiar. As if I knew where it lead to. First I moved forward to travel on the clear path but as I went closer a force pushed me down. Cursing under my breath I took the grumpy path and yet again I was pushed away. What the hell. I calmed my nerves down and finally took the third path. Luckily it didn't push me away. As I neared a three I saw lots of people in a white robe. They looked sorrowful and trapped . I walked further and they kept staring at me as I moved. Then I saw myself on the ground lifeless. It was confusing because I seemed alright.. I spun around to access myself. I didn't look normal .my skin was pale and I was in a white robe just like them. Oh no I'm dead. I remembered the whole past scenes and begun to fear my baby was dead too. I run toward the body and I sensed the smell of life. What do I do .

"Helo Menices. I'm May and they all call me Old lady. I can help for your child to be born" what is she saying.Is she a doctor who died.

"Are you a...a ..a doctor who died" she simple smiles and shake her head saying no. This woman wants to murder my child I thought as I furrowed my eyebrows. She smiled again and went closer to.my lifeless body. Strange words left her lips and I saw as my stomach slit open slowly. My mouth was agape and my eyes was too heavy with shock it wanted to drag on the ground. Another enchanted word was spoken.And the baby floated out of me. It was a male and he was breathing. The washed him and brought him to me. My baby was beautiful. Blazing hair . It looked hotter than an erupting volcano lava. His eyes shaded gold and red. His skin looked pale but normal. It was like he was the male version of nowhere. He was beautiful. I touched his cheeks and he smiled so broadly . Who knew ghosts could cry. I was already weeping as I cuddled my boy.

"Let me hold him" Old lady May said and I gave him to her. She looked into his eyes and gasped . What was wrong .I was worried.

"He is strong and special" she spoke again . She took a knife and tapped it on him three times before uttering

" Your name is Thanatos:he who brings death" ... And they all bowed their heads to my son . He who brings death. How can she name him that I thought frustrated . I shook the thought out and lived life normal with them.

3years later........

"Thani get your tiny legs here I need to bath you" he was playing in the mud and looked so adorable. As he heard me say bath he run to hide behind a casket. I could clearly see his leg poking out. I let out a big laugh and then decided to play his game.

"Hmm I don't know where he went too. Does my boy have super powers of disappearing " I said and walked silently to his direction.I continued talking. " He left mummy all alone . ... hmmph I'm definitely going to enjoy tonight food all by my self" and if I know my son well ,he doesn't joke with his food. He eats a lot and the thought of him not eating made him come out from behind the casket to find me. Unfortunately for him I was behind him. I picked him up and tickled him before saying " I caught you" . He was laughing hard. The sound of a child laugh is warm . I was a happy woman ... too happy..

15 years later.

15years passed by after the three years and my Thani was 18. And adult and a full grown man. The ghosts ladies where drooling over him. Isn't that strange. How can this ladies who.are trapped act this unpure. I let out a chuckle and shook my head. Thon dies most of the hard work since he was the strongest. He even build a thorny fence to surround the graveyard our home sweet home.

I went to the nearest Apple tree to collect Apple's for my dear boy. And when I say nearest I meant the graveyard gate. That was were the tree was planted. As I reached there I stopped at who I saw. It was Howard and his hands was around ladies waist. I felt pity for her at the same time scared for my boy. What will he do if he saw Thani one day. After all they both have the same matching hair... I needed to protect my son and the only reason to do that was send him away to the city.....

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