
Mod Conqueror System

Author: SlumDog
Ongoing · 29.6K Views
  • 12 Chs
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What will you do if you are given power one day? Will you wield it? Will you become an oppreser, a dictator? Do you want to be above all? Even the gods.

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Chapter 1Initialising . . .

tat, tat.. tat.. tat


tat. tat.. tat.tat tat..

firing sounds near and far keep ringing.

Most of the sound is of smaller arms, but there is a mix of assault rifles and SMGs also.

I looked out the broken window. And all I saw was devastation and a city in ruins.

Black smoke could be seen from many different areas in the city.

These smoke represented the last pockets of resistance of zelk city.

smar, karg, karg, smar.. smar..

Suddenly sounds of growling with increasing frequency and decreasing distance came

' Shit, shit ', I fanatically grabbed my pistol and hid away from the window.

The coldness of iron and steel from the gun, that should give me courage was nowhere to be found.

Because those thing which was coming near me were basically invulnerable to small arms like my pistol.

snar.. snar.. ohuu ohuu oh..uu..o

Listening to the sounds, I concluded that those things were fighting among themselves.

And one of them has been defeated.

Right now all I could do was pray that either the other one was also hurt and will die or will be satisfied with whatever it has for lunch.


After some time I realised that it has been quite for some time now.

Realising this I started to crawl near the window to get a better understanding of the situation.

Outside a number of bodies were lying dead outside.

Well not exactly normal ones, these bodies were of humans, mangled and out of place, leaking black blood from various wounds, others might not know what they were, but he knew them, they were terrors from a famous movie 'Resident Evil', zombies.

Th..at thut.. that

"Somewhere here", someone sounded from a little further down the street.

I could hear 4-5 sets of footsteps coming this way.

Thinking of the black bead, my body responded in overdrive as I descended to the ground floor, at my highest speed.

Keeping my disgust to myself, my hands moved as I took the beads from the body of extra-large zombie's body and 2 other zombie's in my hand, from there already open skulls. After the great change when humans randomly became zombie, the only way to kill them was by destroying their brains, but as time progressed zombies adapted by making their skulls harder and denser.

Taking the loot at my fastest speed I made my way towards the hideout on the second floor, which I had just recently made in the last 7 days, as i didn't want to get in contact with anyone.

The moment I entered the apartment and locked myself in, a lot of mental pressure on my mind decreased.

' Now I don't have to worry about my food for the next 4-5 days, with a little rationing it can even make a week, with this much food.' I thought In ecstasy.


' Today is a good day, even the sun is shining brightly ', thought Adam.

'Who would have thought that after the great change we will have extra food'.

hhe... hehe...

'Boss will be pleasantly surprised. He may even name me a captain.'

'In great change when even coming out your strongholds is considered death, we got prey and that too without doing anything.'

' Today was my platoons patrol, and that bastard rat gave me the east, even though it has the highest numbers of these mutants. hump I will deal with him later. '

' But today's most important deal was that we saw a grasshopper and cockroach layers fight to the death. And became a fisherman in there fight. Till now we already have 4 dead cockroaches carcass. After bringing all these back I will come under good grace of Frances. Hehhehe. '

" Boss look it here"

"Hahaha today we are rich"

' Even I couldn't contain my ecstasy, at seeing five more carcasses of cockroaches'

" Okay boys quickly clean it up, and make sure to leave no trace behind", I recall all the bloodshed happened for a single carcass and couldn't shudder.

Cockroaches were cannabils and would not let even their own. And they lived together in 12 - 20 cockroaches a layer.

Hence even their meat was a delicacy.

In about 5 minutes everything was cleaned up. Not even a speck of meat was left.

All the carcass were packed and kept in bags.

Seeing that everyone was ready we started to track back, after all, if this meat is given to Frances our contribution will be enough to become a team captain hehhehe.


While those people were taking the rest of carcass, I kept an eye on them. To make sure that they will not notice my trail and come after me.

After all, I had a grasshopper carcass.

A grasshopper was a baseline mutant, and its meat was 10 times more nutritious than any other horde mutant.

After confirming that the group has left, I made myself comfortable.

Bringing out utensils salt and spices, ahem, all that is left of it.

I wanted to consume at least the grasshopper meat as quickly as possible because anyone can become greedy over it and I had no interest in sharing my spoil.

hehhehe today is going is to be a feast.

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primodial · War
175 Chs