
The Unexpected battle


tak. tak









tak. tak.tak




" Everybody down, take cover", Francis shouted with all his might.


We have walked for nearly 25 minutes and were near to the place where the target was hiding.

When Adam came to me.

" Francis we should not just walk in. It may alert the stranglers. We should be more low key while approaching. And we should also send someone to cut off their retreat."

'This Adam were was he hiding till now, he is a genius'

" Peter please come here, please.", I called Peter and explained him the plan.

As if understanding the plan had come from Adam, he gave a vicious look to Adam. After all, no one will like to do extra's work.

Well, I don't care if my subordinates have a good or bad relationship. Until they understood who was the boss.

"Yes, boss", this was all that Peter said to me. Before going back to his team and leading them separately.

heh, it's good that he knows his limit otherwise team captain Peter might have died heroically today for the stronghold. After only a leashed and well-behaved dog is a good dog.


Finally, we reached the street where we found the dead bodies of cockroaches after taking a diversion.

After all last time, to not lose out on the loot, we crossed the debris of a complex. But the whole street had a full view of anyone climbing up and down the debris. It would be like announcing that we are coming for you, to the stranglers. And that too when we had 30 men.

I looked back to Francis. And he calmly nodded.

Seeing Francis nod, not only Adam, but everyone became quiet and alert.

I also turned the corner to see if I could find someone.

After making sure that no one was there, I gestured everyone to follow.

Adam used to have four other members in his team prior to becoming a captain, which was highest in any team not manned by a captain. after all, a captain also at most have 10 members.

Now Adam team had added 5 new members. 3 of them were new to the stronghold, while then rest of the 2 lives for nearly 1 year in the stronghold as a worker. Hence all of them were thankful to Adam.

After covering one house in the street and seeing no change, Adam nodded backwards. Where the last member of his team, signalled to Francis and Marks team that they were okay.

First Francis and his team came into the street. Seeing that everything was okay, they crossed the street and covered the street from another side. They were the least afraid, after all in that 10 man team, 3 people had rifles, with Francis and two other having smgs. While the remaining three all had proper army pistols. One can even say that it was the strongholds fully armed team.

In the stronghold, without including anyone's hidden gun, there were only 13 big guns. Of Which 6 were in Francis team. Before Adam became a captain, there were 5 other captains in the stronghold. They had a rule that 3 rifles would pass between these captain s according to a set timetable. Whereas one of the smg was kept at the stronghold's watchtower. While the last one was Francis hidden stock.

Mark double-checked to see that no one was following. Satisfied he nodded toward his men. Mark was doing the work of watching the back. As the newcomer was riding on his achievements, he didn't have any problem with it like Peter. After all, he understood that being too close to Francis was also a bad thing. And that is why he followed Francis order to the point, but never try to show himself in front of him.

As first of his men were reaching across the street to join with Francis team. Suddenly 3 gunshots rang out. The voice of a gunshot was like ringing a bell telling mutants that we were here. Hence one would only shoot as the last option, hence everyone froze.

Before they could understand more than, that the gunshot rang out very near to them. Again gunshots sounded but this time at least 4 members of the Francis team and 1 member of my team were shot to death.



a gunshot just missed one of the soldiers who was standing near the railing.

tak. tak.

Two more gunshots went flying.

" Contact west", shouted one of the four men, who were standing in front of me.

Just his reaction speed and battle time awareness showed. Why he was called a veteran.

Without any command or instruction, all the soldiers and the veterans moved.

All the soldiers ducked, taking out there pistols made way toward the railing. The terrace had a brick and mortar railing, so the soldiers used it as a defence. And started shooting back.

" Contact East", a soldier on the east side of said, and begin shooting.

While of the four veterans one each went to one side, east and west respectively. The remaining two protected me. This all happened in just a second after the first gun was shot.





tak. tak.

tak. tak. tak


And before the after-sound of the first gunshot died, the soldiers took at least 7-8 shots.

Also, they reported the status of their shot.

" kill"







It felt like they were not in life and death battle but doing shooting practice.

Those who were saying miss looked a little ashamed to me.



Suddenly opponent used rifle and SMG.

Before I could understand what happened, the veterans gave a retreat order, " retreat".

And in less than 2 seconds everyone had retreated to the stairs, without a scratch.

It was now that I understood, why the army was called well-trained cogs of machines.

Till now no orders were explicitly given, no instructions were given, but everyone knew what to do, and how to do. While following orders to the point, without asking any questions, even if the order was one word.

I forgot the QUOTE, and couldn't find it on the net. If any of you remembers it, do share it on the comment section.

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