Hidden booze. Drunken nights. Cherry light of a cigarette. Last words. The twins were one in the same with their quick words and strong opinions, aiding Miles in his search for a Great Perhaps. Started 11/18/20 Finished 11/23/20 Smut warning. Based off the book.
The Young sisters couldn't wait to get out of this hellhole. They hated it here, which was why they never came home for holidays. Home was full of ghosts.
The pair was beyond ecstatic to be going back to school, Alaska nudging her sister to help her load up blue citrus.
"Austin, come on!" She called to the blonde form the car. Austin stayed there on the porch, nursing the cigarette in her hand.
"Comin'." She mumbled, stomping the cigarette out as she stood up. She helped her sister shove the last two of their boxes into the pathetic little car.
"How ya feel?" Alaska asked, looking over at Austin. Austin gave her an awkward thumbs up.
"You?" Austin asked. "You aren't nervous?"
"Nervous?" Alaska replied.
"Nervous." Austin confirmed. She knew about Myra and she'd promised her sister she wouldn't tell, but it made her nervous. She knew Chip and Takumi would try to get to the bottom of it.
"Relax. You're a good liar. Act like it." Alaska replied as she made her way to the driver's seat. "Let's go."