
Unlikely visit


Eve is within The bathroom examining the clothes domino gave her, they seemed to be bought from a store. By the looks of it the cloathing seemed to be a dress of sorts.it's nothing too fancy but it doesn't look bad ether, the dress appears to be white with golden design.the design has a vine like look to it.the dress was a little tight but not too tight.she can tell that those two we're trying their best on getting something for her.

Eve:in all honesty, it looks great on me…but…I'm not used to being gifted like this…

Eve starts to use her magic and snaps her fingers.she made the shirt not tight anymore as it is now the perfect size for her to wear it.

Eve:I know he said that I shouldn't use my magic but I hope he would understand something like this.

Eve hears the front door closing.

Eve:I see that his guests made it in. I suppose it's time to introduce myself to his friends.

Eve knows about Steve and lily considering she was there to see the two interacting with Craig.she only seen each of them once so it is still up in the air to know if they fear or loathe her.she knows that she isn't perfect but she can't let some of these doubts cloud her judgement.these aren't the same people from who she had to tolerate and live with.she has hope for lily since she seems to have a liking towards her master.Her personality was like a maiden from the heavens above with a pure heart.Steve on the other hand she isn't sure of, he might not have the same reaction she's hoping for.Eve is truly doing her best to be optimistic but she's scared to feel out casted once more.she has memories of being bullied for being a mix breed.was it bullying or being shunned and treated like a monster. Those thoughts have always been kept in her head.if one person out there likes her for who she is then it doesn't matter what others think of her.she's ok with going through hell if it means that she can stay with her new pals then it's worth it.she starts to shake these feelings off of her and looks at the mirror with determined eyes.

Eve:no…I'm not running away from this, I'm going to make some friends and have great memories.if master is kind to me then his friends have to be…if not then I'm ok with it…I only need one person to like me…

Eve takes a deep breath before exhaling.loneliness was something she hates throughout her life within the world.She slowly float's towards the bathroom door with her right hand on the knob.she has second thoughts on this but haven't moved.she ponders on her own newly form resolve and if it's enough to give her the courage she needs.


Lily and Steve looks around the inside of the house curiously.this is the first time they have never set foot within his house before let alone be near it. It was very seclusive from the city after all. While they admire the furniture around the house alcock is striking a conversation with domino.

Alcock:so you can manipulate fire? That's incredible, do tell me how that works.

Domino shrugs.she doesn't know how it works really, just that she can do it somehow.

Domino:magic or some random bullshit, hell If I know.

Kitsune is still very cautious. Lily and Steve sits at the couch near each other while domino leans against a wall continuing her conversation with alcock.she isn't a fan of socializing but she continues considering that land lord of hers is basically inviting people over she has to tolerate them at the least.Lily looks towards Kitsune wondering what got her spooked out.Cammy walks out of the kitchen while taking her apron off.

Cammy:hey zombie that ramen is going to take a moment for the broth and noodles to be done.

Cammy stops to see four people she doesn't recognize.Kitsune looks at Cammy a bit stiffly as she continues to be wary.from her scent she seems to be the second strongest within the house according to Kitsune's nose.lily is loving the style of her outfit, Steve is curious on why theirs a cosplayer here, and alcock is wondering what in the world Ramen is.


Cammy hits the palm of her left hand with the bottom of her right hand.

Cammy:you guys must know about my retainer. I didn't know that their was four of you-

Before Cammy can continue her train of thought lily went up to the demon king and start introducing herself while grabbing her hand.

Lily:hi it's so nice to meet you my name is lily! That person next to domino is alcock, the one on the couch is Steve and the person near him is Kitsune. I really love your outfit it looks so cool! Where did you get it from? Wanna be friends?

Cammy looks shocked and a tad overwhelmed by Lily's chatter. Domino couldn't even believe the energy lily has in the full tank to spew a bunch of words like that.now that she thinks about it lily never did this when she met her.this got her slightly jealous at the fact that she's fawning over Cammy because she looks cool.Cammy then remembers one of the things lily stated was a compliment.this already start to inflate her ego as is.

Cammy:oh really? You have fine taste human. Maybe I can get a uniform fit for ya. Kanojo no sutairu o hikidaseru ishōna no ka na.

Lily is rather looking confuse on what Cammy had said but that didn't deteriorate her excitement Cammy is giving lily a very wide smile while domino gives Lily a small frown.Kitsune is still very wary towards Cammy and what this demon can do.

Cammy: I am Cammy, the demon king from the sixth circle of hell, it's a pleasure to meet my minions friends.

Kitsune's eyes widened from that statement while alcock thinks she's just acting.lily and Steve is still in shock at her title.demon king of the sixth circle of hell. Something that people don't really know how to answer but alcock seemed to approach her.

Kitsune(mind):she may look harmless but that smell coming off of her is that of a very high ranking demon. The ghoul isn't a problem but between that demon and the one upstairs…the one upstairs is something I'm truly terrified of…what kind of man are you truly craig to be harboring such monsters…wait what is that fool thinking?!

Alcock is next to her as he performed a slight bow with his right hand onto his left pec like a gentleman.

Alcock:another lady within the house, Cammy was it? You said your making something called ramen? What is it exactly?

Cammy looks at the knight in rusty armor keeping her signature shit eating grin.she then points towards him with her left index finger.

Cammy:it's something I got from watching something called an anime.

Kitsune and alcock looks at Cammy confusedly at what an anime is.

Cammy:it's a fun watch I must say.

Domino:wait, you know what an anime is but don't know jack shit on video games?

Cammy looks at domino annoyed from what the ghoul said.

Cammy:oh come on it's something I learned from my retainer, I'm still new to the living world after all.

Alcock:what's an anime?actually what do you mean by video?

Cammy starts to smile in a cocky fashion ready to explain her vast knowledge towards the curious knight in rusty armor.Kitsune's tail starts to puff out in fear as her eyes went to the stair case leading up to the second floor.Kitsune instantly gets infront of lily as if she could shield her.alcock see's this and ran to Steve's side and has his hand on the handle of his weapon.domino and Cammy look at them confusedly wondering why their very tense about.

Domino:the hell are the two of you doing?

Cammy:maybe their waiting for eve to arrive?

Steve:who's eve?

Steve looks at them confusedly while lily is just worried about Kitsune and alcock.their basically very tense to the point of discomfort.

Lily:it's ok Kitsune just calm do-

The people within the room hear footsteps.to domino and Cammys curiosity they then look towards the stair case.it was odd for someone like eve to use the stairs considering she usually floats around.What Steve,lily,alcock and Kitsune see from descending the stairs was one of the most beautiful women they have laid eyes on, her lovely long black hair to her brown complexion of the skin.her cloathing helps match her outward appearance.the dress appears to be white with golden design.the design has a vine like look to it.making her look like an angel from heaven.then they start to notice her other traits.her halo and demon horns,her pretty wings,one that of an angel and that of a fallen angel, and lastly was her tail, it looks smooth and all.they also see the collar she is wearing, it was the same one Cammy has.the people within the room have a mix reaction to this.Cammy and domino looked happy that the dress they got her was the right size, they gave each other a silent fist bump while keeping their eyes on eve.lily is infatuation by not only her beauty but also her other appearances such as the wings and halo.she couldn't believe her eyes that she was looking at what appeared to be a being from heaven and hell.lily starts to think that maybe she was Craig's guardian Angel.Steve was wondering how Craig got eve into the whole enslavement ritual, did he do something similar to what he did to get alcock?Ether way Steve might have to tease him later for having to have this many woman in his house hold.alcock is stunned to see this creature before him.Her wings, her halo,her horns, her tail, they counterdict each other on what she is.the slave collar on her just like Cammy got him thinking.what is Craig truly capable of.by the looks of it he might be a very powerful man that could even make the heavens and hell kneel before his might.another is what type of cunning to get them to join him.alcock is considering his options with how he should meet him less he would meet a terrible fate.Kitsune is mentally freaking out, Eve's scent is the scent from upstairs.how in the world could a human keep the demon no nay, this monster infront of her at bay.she knows that she can't win against her let alone with Alcock's help.she doesn't know what to do, if things go sour their slaughtered, if not then would they in turn to becoming Craig's slave like the two before them.Kitsune can't think of anything to get out of this situation.While she's paralyzed in fear eve look around to analyze and read the room.she wonders if this was a bad idea or not.lily was the first person to approach her, she looks happy as she seem to not be bothered by her appearance.

Lily:you look so pretty!

Kitsune snaps out of her state to see Lily near that thing.Kitsune is starting to look pale while Steve is a bit surprised that she wasn't weirded out by this.alcock is a tad worried but he has good faith in her so he removed his hand from the hilt of his weapon.Eve on the other hand looks surprise at the fact that lily willingly approached her without any hostility.she didn't look scared nor hesitant.she even gave her a compliment.

Eve:you…really think so?

Eve continues to stare at her while lily nods her head.

Lily:yes I really think so.it's a nice dress and it truly fits you.

Eve:um…thank you…

Eve starts to blush a bit in embarrassment.she still isn't use to positive reenforcement and can only see a smile befitting of a saint.she can clearly see why lily is his friend.

Lily:what's your name? My names lily, the people over there are Kitsune,alcock and Steve.

Steve looks hesitant before giving her his carefree smile.he walks up to her and held his hand out infront of her.

Steve:pleasure to meet you.

Eve looks at his hand hesitant but slowly grabs his hand to shake it.

Eve:the feelings mutual, my name…is eve.

As eve shakes Steve's hand Alcock went next to eve as he placed his left hand on her right shoulder.Eve doesn't sense malice intent as she looks at him.

Alcock:what a wonderful name, tis reminds me of the Bible…well, the name at least.

Eve looks a bit surprise at Alcock's statement but seems to smile.

Eve:as if i would take a bite at the fruit of knowledge.

Eve seems to be, happy.the three of them aren't scared of her heck the knight in rusty armor seems to be comfortable enough to even place a friendly hand on her shoulder.but Kitsune on the other hand kept her distance.

Lily:I hope this isn't a bother but…c-can I pet your wings?

Eve looks really surprised as the rest of the room looks at lily in shock at her out burst.Kitsune is mentally panicking at how straightforward she is.

Eve:oh, sure, just be gentle with it…it's very sensitive.

Eve looks at Kitsune with a small smile as half of her eyes are closed.Kitsune feels like as if the fur on her back is standing straight up.Kitsune's guard is still up.although she's watching her master pet her wings Kitsune can't help but feel intimidated.Eve noticed that Kitsune is scared while domino raises a brow.Cammy seems to have a hand on her chin pondering what to do.

Cammy(mind):I could tell her about how we aren't going to harm her unless ordered to-wait no that's a bad idea.

Eve sees how afraid she was and hoped to break the ice with the fox.eve is in pure joy right now even if she doesn't show it.eve smiles as she raises her left hand making Kitsune flinch.eve signals her index finger to come closer to her.

Eve:don't worry little fox, I don't bite~

Eve teases as Kitsune stands there not moving a muscle if not a nerve.Kitsune weighs her options.on one hand she's actually as friendly as she lets on, or it's a ploy to kill everyone near her.Kitsune slowly makes her way to eve keeping an eye on her.eve is starting to feel a little better that Kitsune is approaching her now.lily seems to be infatuated by eves wings as she pets it gently and caresses it, feeling the warm soft feathers from her wings.eve is doing her best to pay no mind to it considering she's trying to keep her cool infront of them.Kitsune is near eve but her guard hasn't dropped a second.

Eve:see, I'm a lot friendlier then you think I am.

Kitsune continues to stare into her eyes trying to figure her out.

Eve:do try to ease up now, it's not like we're going to eat you or anything of the sort.

Kitsune didn't find that funny while alcock being alcock answered without thinking too much on it.

Alcock:that's a very specific thing to say.

Eve:not like you would've been appetizing ether considering-

Steve:have you actually eaten people?

Eve looks at Steve a bit hurt to hear him ask but understands where he's coming from especially since she's part demon.

Eve:not really no…now that you asked…

Eve looks at domino and Cammy.domino seems to be bored and has started to read through a magazine about vehicles.Cammy seems to be in her own thoughts at whatever it is.

Eve(mind):I'm not sure if they…no, never mind I'll ask them another day.

Kitsune, Steve and alcock looks at them a bit worried but apparently Lily is still checking her wings out.

Lily:how do you maintain these things?

Eve thinks for a moment.

Craig(mind):I-I'm near the house, is everything alright?

Eve was interrupted by Craig, it even interrupted Cammys train of thought for the time being.

Cammy(mind):oh, yeah, splendid, the house is still intact.

Craig(mind):I wasn't asking about the house Cammy.

Eve looks at Cammy with a small annoyed glare, Cammy simply shrugs.

Eve(mind):well they arrived safe and sound, three out of the four seemed to get along with us. But all in all…I say we're doing alright.

The people within the house starts to hear the front door open.

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