
Tonight, an exchange is made

The vampire Luna bloodmoon is waiting within the park near the tree she met the human at.The night sky is black, no Star in the sky. The wind slowly and gently blows towards her direction.her outfit seems to be the same as her first meeting was.the vampire patiently waiting for her guest of honor to arrive.he wasn't late rather she arrived earlier then the estimated time of their meeting.now that she thinks about it she hasn't told him the time, just tonight.She look up towards the starless sky pondering.

Luna:…maybe I should of told him when to arrive rather vaguely telling him to meet me here tonight.

A smell of blood filled her nose as Luna instantly took her eyes off the sky and look infront of her towards Craig. He seems to be a bit far away.

Luna(mind):that smell…it's rich yet, delicate, sweet but not like fruit.this aroma is very addictive…as usual his blood is high quality…I could snatch it now but he seems to be out of my radius.no matter, I just need to take a few steps towards him.

Right when she starts to take a step towards him Craig stares into her eyes with a small glare.Luna stops with a curious brow raised.

Luna(mind):does he really think I'm intimidated by a simple glare? How adorable~.

Luna:What's wrong, aren't you going to come a little closer? We can't seem to have a normal conversation if you're standing all the way down there.it's rude to raise our voice you know.

Craig doesn't move an inch.Luna takes a closer look at him, his hands seems to be behind his back.what does he have there?

Craig:I rather keep my distance…I have something to ask you.

Luna was curious on what he's trying to ask, did he figure out what she is hence the distance? Or was he just a shy boy that barley socializes with the lady's.it would be fun to tease him with such things but at the moment that isn't what she should be doing.

Luna:oh? Do ask away, I'll answer to the best of my abilities, after all you are the one that arranged this meeting you know.

Craig:I did arranged it but I was wondering-

Craig slowly reveals what was in his hands.her eyes widened at what the contents he was holding.it was a full iv blood pack sealed tight.

Craig:if your "thirsty"?

Before any event transpired after this Craig starts to recollect the memories of what happened earlier tonight.

Flashback from earlier today

Craig is at the front door of his house opening it so he can get inside.He was honestly happy that the house doesn't look damaged but still worried if the people inside were actually getting along.he was given confirmation but seeing is believing after all.upon opening the door Craig sees eve wearing a dress, white with a golden vine like look to it the design.Craig see's a knight in rusty armor looking his way as he took notes on his equipments conditions.it seems to be on the verge of falling apart.Eve is looking towards Craig with a shock like expression seeing him arrive earlier then she anticipated. Craig is surprised at the facts that Eve's wearing a dress and the knight is still wearing his filthy rusty armor spreading filth across the house.scratch that, where did eve get that dress was all Craig is thinking at the moment but in his humble opinion.it was a massive upgrade to interact with her in a dress rather then her previous choice of fashion.

Craig(mind):s-she finally wore clothes…hallelujah, the world just ended.

Eve:oh, you just arrived back home master, I hope it was a safe trip.

Eve polity bows slightly making craig exhaled in annoyance.

Craig:stop calling me master, just craig.

Before eve could make a comment on that lily looks under eves left wing and from behind Alcock to see her best buddy.with a big smile she starts making a b line towards him and jumps towards him with the intent to give her childhood friend one big hug.


Craig's eyes widened as he catches her with his hands and gently places her back onto the ground. Lily looks a bit annoyed that she couldn't give him a hug.

Craig:…I see your doing well.

Time stops around him.

Craig(mind):lily seems to be alright. B-but how is Steve doing?

Time resumes as Craig seeing Steve making his way towards him.he seems to be showing his carefree smile as he usually does.

Steve:if it isn't our grand host, we really appreciate the hospitality if it was on better circumstances.

Craig:I see your having a good time…

Steve:always pal, now do tell me how you got three beautiful woman living in your house? Don't tell me you're secretly a Casanova within all that rough exterior?

Steve joked while Craig didn't show any sort of amusement from it making him sigh.

Craig:for you of all people to ask me that question is a compliment on itself.

Steve chuckles as lily looks at Steve with a playful grin.Craig honestly always wanted this to happen since he was little.his friends visiting him without the worry of those terrible rumors.can they continue doing this? As much as he wants this it can't happen, society will group them together as bad people for being near him.even if they need to be together for this terrible tournament he wants them to still be viewed by society in a positive light.Craig smells something good, he wonders if someone started cooking when he was gone.Before Craig asks the question alcock approach's the three making them look at they knight. Alcock puts his hand on his heart and kneeled on one leg making Craig,lily and Steve to look surprise at his over the top mannerisms out of nowhere.even eve looks a tad surprised at him suddenly kneeling towards Craig.

Alcock:you must be our humble host, sir Craig I am honored to meet your acquaintance as well as thankful for having us within your household.

Craig looks at the knight for a moment before looking at eve to see her shrugging.


Alcock:alcock, alcock the great.

Time stops as Craig ponders.

Craig(mind):might as well ask him, if he does attack Steve can order him to stop considering his collar. But…that would be inhumane to treat this person as an object…actually maybe later, nows not the time.

Time resumes once more.

Craig:alcock…you don't need to be this formal.stand up, and treat me as your equal.

Alcock flinches at that statement but stands up almost immediately.Craig looks At alcock a bit more considering that Craig is about seven inches taller then the knight in rusty armor.Craig walks towards

Where eve is, considering on the left is to enter the living room.

Alcock(mind):a man to never judge a book by its cover, Steve said many wonderful things about this man and proven to be of expectation.now the question is how powerful is this man?

When Craig enters the living room he sees Cammy smirking at him with glee, he looks at her as he examined her cute apron, he honestly didn't know Cammy had one.

Cammy:I assume you're day went well retainer, but it's going to get better.

Craig can assume it was what she is cooking, a nice change of pace considering he usually cooks by himself for the most part when his dad wasn't home.

Craig:charmed, as long as you don't burn the house down it's a win in my book.

Domino:yeah, but it ain't the first time it did.

Craig turns his head slowly to look towards domino with annoyance.lily and Steve were curious on what she said, this house burned down before?


Craig:don't ask.

Craig said interrupting her as he turns his head towards the anthropomorphic multi tailed fox.Kitsune is staying at the spot she was in since she got here.she's glaring him down an icy cold stare that could freeze hell ten times over.Craig could feel a small shiver sent down his spine but he doesn't show it.

Craig:…can I help you?

Craig is analyzing her posture and facial expression.her ears are slightly held against the side of the head as she keeps her glare, it was a sign of a fox showing aggression.Kitsune isn't saying a word as he can also see her tail is fluffed up and erected, a sign of fear perhaps? She is a bipedal humanoid creature after all, so they should have similarities but differences.lily looks at her and then Craig before giving the fox a small glare.

Lily:now Kitsune be nice, he's a good friend of mine and you should treat him nicely.

Kitsune looks at Lilly in shock but sighs as she try's to calm down.Craig looks at Lilly as she looks at Craig slightly apologetic.

Lilly:I'm sorry about that, she's-

Craig:scared, I noticed when her ears were held back.for a fox it show signs of aggression.

Lily looks a bit shocked at him noticing such details while Craig looks at Kitsune.time went to a halt.

Craig(mind):it's understandable considering the people and I look terrifying…well eve,domino and I are terrifying to the eye while Cammy is terrifying by title.

Time resumes to flow as he looks at Kitsune

Kitsune:fox? Your partially right, I'm-

Craig:a nine tailed fox yokai, or in other words a Kitsune.in English we call it a fox spirit.

Kitsune's eyes widened a bit.

Kitsune:so you know a thing or two about my kind?

Craig:you can say that.

Their eyes contain to lock onto each other as the atmosphere from this discussion was getting colder.In fact even domino felt a tad chilly from just staring at them.

Kitsune:do tell, what's your reasoning for being in this tournament?

Cammy looks at Kitsune with a small glare as she was going to summon a gun, close to snapping her fingers.eve on the other hand looks at Kitsune with signs of severe hostility, ready to turn that fox into a new coat for Craig to wear, even matching boots.alcock in the heat of the moment gets in front of Steve as if to shield him from the incoming battle, his shield raised but his sword sheathed as he watches what might unfold.Lily's eyes widened at the events that's slowly transpiring before her.to her at least it feels that way.she looks towards Craig to see what he's thinking if not silently pleading for him to figure out a way to not have a messy scene play out.domino only looks at them not moving an inch, hoping she doesn't get dragged into this.Steve is looking a tad worried at the events slowly transpiring as he sees alcock getting infront of him.before eve and Cammy even do such a thing Craig held his right hand up making Kitsune a bit jumpy, she exposes her teeth as the floor and walls behind her freezes to a thick ice.Craig raises his right hand up signaling the two girls to not do anything.his eyes never left Kitsune.

Craig(mind):th-there goes that portion of the living room…

Craig closes his eyes as he places his right hand into his own pockets.

Craig:just like lily and Steve, I was dragged into this mess.personally, I don't want any part of this. I'm basically forced to participate whenever I like it or not.

Kitsune continues to glare at him, analyzing his facials. She doesn't detect any sort of lies but it doesn't mean that her guard should lower.Craig's eyes open as he stares into Kitsune's eyes.

Craig:in other words, I have no interest in such things.

Kitsune scoffs, what type of answer is that? A human not wanting to reach godhood?that's as blasphemy as humans being pure of heart.

Craig:I know you don't believe me, and that's fine, as ludicrous as that answer was, it's the truth.

Kitsune glares coldly at the man.

Kitsune:then what do you want? What's more important then becoming god? You can do anything you want in such position of power.

Craig doesn't change his expression.he already knows what he wanted.the others stare at him curiously while Kitsune glares hardens at him.

Craig:a normal life.

Kitsune raises a brow as she crosses her arms.

Kitsune:care to explain?

Craig:what I define as normal? Or rather a human way of normality?

Kitsune looks unamused as Craig takes it of her asking the former.

Craig:a peaceful life, with friends and having a family of my own.is that enough to satisfy your curiosity?or should I try telling you what you want to hear instead of what you need to hear?

Kitsune:you dare insult me? And yet I have no room to talk considering I don't have the power to stop you…you seem to be telling the truth considering my master trust you enough to be with you after all this time…very well…

Kitsune loosens up as the ice behind her melted away.eve snaps her fingers making the water disappear as the tone and tension in the room has soften up.

Kitsune:my name is Kitsune young man.

Craig:Craig armstrong.

Craig held his hand out to shake hers.she looks at it for a moment before taking it.

Lily:great! Now that we're all friends we can have fun!

Cammy:actually diner is about ready so get your Roba at the table.

Craig looks at the table to see a huge pot with a bunch of fancy bowls filled with what appears to be a Japanese cuisine.the smell was as appetizing as it looks.

Craig:…did you made this?

Cammy smirks with a thumbs up from her left hand.

Cammy:yes sir, I got the ghoul to help me get the groceries.

Craig looks at domino as glares a bit at Cammy.

Domino:only because I was running low on cigs!

Cammy:and begged me to buy you a vehicle.

Cammy smirks even more as domino glares harder.

Domino:shut up!


Time stops as Craigs mind wonders

Craig(mind):they disobeyed me…Or maybe they found a loop hole on my order…or maybe the wording of my request wasn't an order.how specific is this enslavement spell.I know domino isn't under the spell but Cammy did it…I hope they didn't cause a scene.

Time resumes as Craig sits down on a chair looking at his bowl.

Lily:this looks so good!

Lilly sits next to Craig on his right.Steve looks a tad nervous but sits next to Craig on his left. The rest takes their seats.Craig isn't use to having people over but rather then being nervous he was…happy.Craig isn't showing it on his face but he was honestly happy at the fact that his pals can visit him…though he wished it was on better circumstances.he placed his hand's together as he was ready to pray.Cammy,eve, and domino were on it as the rest look at them before mimicking it.after they were done praying Craig gets off of his seat and walk into the kitchen to the shock of everyone.


Craig:eve, are you able to make holy water?

Eve:I am.

Cammy:my cooking isn't that bad!

Craig:I'm talking about what I need to do tonight.

Cammy stops for a second and remember what he needs to do.

Cammy:ohhhh, right, I'll make sure your bowl isn't scarfed down.

Craig grabs a leftover garlic clover and begin to peel the skin off as he gets ready to consume the cloves.

Back to present

Craig looks at the vampire as she seems to be looking surprised at the blood bag he's carrying. Craig seems to be tossing it in the air and catching it, making it slush inside as Luna hears it.it was tempting to lunge at such a bag filled with succulent blood.

Craig:what's wrong? I asked you a simple question.it's very rude not to answer when someone is talking to you.

Luna starts to smile a bit as she starts to let out a dark chuckle.she's very impressed that a human figure her out, although it begs the question on how much he knows about her.

Luna:I see, I suppose I wasn't keeping it well hidden to begin with.by the looks of it you seem to be keeping your distance.I know for a fact I haven't shown my range and radius to you.and yet you roughly have an estimate of what it could be.do tell me, how much-

Craig:I'm not here for a fight Luna.

Luna stops her monologue as she looks at the man skeptically.he isn't here for a fight and yet he's out here taking safety precautions.although it could be a deal, now that could be enticing.if it's as fun as she hopes for then-

Craig:I'm here to make an offer.

Luna looks at him with a sadistic smile licking her lips as her fangs are showing.

Luna:oh? An accord? That's very interesting, do tell me, what's your offer?

Craig gave a small glare as he then tosses the bag of blood towards her direction, lunas eyes widened as it went a few yards.Luna made haste as she smiles in a crazed fashion.extending her left hand as the blood pack exploded.the blood stream then traveled towards the vampire at high speeds as it went onto her finger.Craig's eyes widened at how fast it took for the blood to be gone.from the radius it took for her to manipulate that blood pack it had to be about fifty yards from the pack exploding to where she was.that range is insane to Craig. But it reveals her vampiric rank to him.it was an antediluvian, a Kindred Vampire of incalculable power.Luna looks at the blood with anticipation,blushing a tad red at the smell of his blood in her fingers.she exhales heavily,placing the blood filled fingers into her mouth and started sucking, tasting the crimson liquid.Craig can see her body reeling backwards as she was in a slight curve.her eyes were wide and her pupils dilated.she started to make noises as if moaning in satisfaction from eating a delicious five course meal and dessert on the side with her favorite drink at the ready.while Craig watches this display he started to think, and time went to a halt.

Craig(mind):she seems to be enjoying my b-blood a little too much, it's…very c-creepy.

As Time resumes Luna seems to not have stopped sucking her fingers.she continues a little more as she opens her mouth breathing heavily and licking the fingers she recently placed into her mouth, as if desperately getting scraps of what's left on her plate, or a bone with specs of meat left.Luna's demeanor was different, it wasn't prime and proper anymore.she started to lean forward as she is smiling very very feral like.she's panting heavily as her hands twitches, she slowly looks up towards Craig making him feel scared, he isn't showing it but her expression is making his survival instincts flare up.

Luna:that was the best blood I had in my entire lifetime that I roam this forsaken planet!

Her voice wasn't what it was anymore, it was like a lunatic that finally went off the deep end and gave in to their primal desires, some of the blood she drank seems to be dripping from her mouth.her smile shows her fangs as her eyes was slightly veiny.

Craig:I'm surprised that my blood was up to your pallet.

Craig exhaled a bit before inhaling through his nose slowly,trying to calm down his beating heart.

Craig:regardless, this is my offer.

Luna looks at him as her smile widened slightly more.

Craig:become my ally, and I'll let you feast on my blood.

Luna looks a tad surprised as she tilts her head slightly.it taken her a minute until she started laughing like a hyena, looking at the moon as she then looks back at Craig intensely making Craig harden his gaze a bit.

Luna:interesting, that is quite an offer.you really want to be my personal wagyu cow?! How much are you riding on this anyways? I can just take your blood instead you know.

Craig continues to stand there as he looks behind him to see her there, Luna's facials were even more scary up close as Craig almost broke out in cold sweat.

Craig(mind):calm down calm down! Don't freak out, keep the advantage of being calm.

Craig:if I recall correctly you said that this was the best blood you had, meaning there might be a chance were you can't find blood as good as mine.in other words, if you take it all in one sitting then I'll die, and my heart can't produce any more blood for you.

Luna hums a bit as she straightens herself from her slouch posture and looks at him in the eyes.

Luna:really now? You have quite the intellect for a young man.although~

She pointed her left index finger at him for a bit.after fifteen seconds she looks at Craig shocked that she isn't drawing any blood out of his body.

Craig:you had enough to drink tonight, it's best if you join me now Luna.a chance like this comes once in a life time.

Luna starts to calm down a bit as she thinks for a second.on one hand she could attempt to consume him in one sitting but if she keep him alive she could have an infinite food source of high quality blood.

Craig:think about it, you can have it once a day, more then enough for young lady to enjoy a hearty meal.don't you think?

Luna is very tempted but he is right, taking it once a day doesn't seem bad, rather it would do more then enough to satisfy her thirst.

Luna:alright, but you asked me to join you.may i know what you mean by that? For all I know you're trying to whisk me off my feet~

Craig wasn't humored by her teasing but it did made him wonder why she ask that.

Craig(mind):might as well ask.

Craig:are you a participant?

Luna looks into the sky with her hand on her chin as if to ponder.

Luna:the tournament to become god? Yes, I'm apart of the affair. Although it's rather odd a human like you know about it, but I get the gist of it now.

Luna smiles from how interesting this is turning out for her.

Luna:you want to form an alliance with little old me?

Craig:yes, although it's a lot safer if your near arms reach.

Craig(mind):I'm going to regret this.

Craig:you don't mind if you stay at my place do you?


Luna was taken aback by what he said.

Craig:there are other people staying there too so it's not just the two of us.

Luna was not surprised anymore rather calmed down a bit.

Luna:of course you do, it would be weird for the two of us to be alone together at a house now would it.

Craig sighs as he knew she was thinking of that.mostly to mess with him anyways.

Craig:do get along with them, it's in our best interests after all.

Luna:I won't promise anything, but I'll do my best.

Luna smiled a bit as she pulls out a handkerchief and wipes the blood away from her mouth in a fancy,civilized manner.she stops cleaning her mouth and looks at Craig curiously.

Luna:I am rather curious though.

Craig looks at her with a small brow raise.

Luna:how was I able to grab your blood in a bag but not from your body?

Craig:I consumed holy water and garlic.

Luna lowers her eyebrows in disbelief. He really did thought that far ahead didn't he.

Luna:you certainly did your homework.holy water stops all forms of blood magic, and garlic makes it he blood unsavory to the point of burning vampires taste buds to the point of making their blood inedible…I'm just thankful I got a taste before you carelessly contaminate it.

Craig:it payed off…although if you don't mind can I have a moment?

Luna raises a brow in confusion but it instantly went to fear as she see his nervous habit kicked in.his right hand is on the side where his heart is as he sits Down breathing in and out like he was exhausted.Luna felt like she broke out in sweat herself even though the dead can't do such a thing.she took a couple of steps back to observe him, he was sweating all over and the aura from his body felt murderous, like a demon ready to let loose.time went to a halt as Craig's mind went fast on how nerve racking this whole ordeal was.time resums as it went back to normal as Craig calms down his heart and mind.after a few more minutes of that Craig's facials went back to normal, cold and bored looking as he stands back up.

Craig:apologies, I just needed to get that out of my system…

Luna looks back at him wondering what just happened, from calm and collective to freaking out.was it anger or fear? She can't get a read on this guy, although that made him more interesting.

Luna:th-that's fine, do tell me that was because of our interaction earlier? Your heart went faster then a rabbit in heat.

Craig:not the right words to use.

Luna:either way, I'm ready to depart when you are.

Craig:follow me, lady Luna.

Luna giggles at him trying to be polite.

Luna:just Luna, you don't see me calling you sir Craig now do you?

Craig:fair point.

Craig started to walk towards the direction of his house with Luna closely behind him, in the sky eve was watching the entire thing with a small smirk.nothing escalated to the point of her interfering.

Eve:your exceeding my expectations master, although, do try to not trust people too easily…..there will be fake people in this world that will take your trust away…and use you for their own gain.

Eve flys off towards the house looking concern for Craig, wondering if this was the best move to make.

Next chapter