

Steve:what just…happened…

Craig:...…something unnatural….

Craig try's to calm down as he went to the man that's been wedged in the car, he examined his state as some blood was spewing from his head and mouth.

Craig(mind):that I-isn't good, this man is on deaths door right now, the paramedics c-can't get here on time as well as my lack of resources to operate on him…plus wh-what am I going to do with the dead one?s-steve is nearby…I don't know what else she can do…st-Steve might get hit in the cross fire…

Zombie:the fuck are you looking at?

Craig turned his head towards the zombie as she was staring at Steve, he flinched as Craig started to walk infront of him with his nervous habit still kicked in. The zombie's eye widened as she looked a bit spooked by him.

Zombie:Jesus Christ your one scary mother fucker…tch.

The zombie girl started to walk away putting her hood back on.Craig took a deep breath as Steve approached him.Craig isn't nervous anymore so his face became as normal as it can look, board with a bit of annoyance.

Steve:listen to me Craig, I know your not going to like this but we should follow her.

Craig stares at Steve for a second and looking back towards her.

Craig:…it's so she doesn't harm anyone else?

Steve nodded.

Steve:yeah, by the looks of it she might do something more then a punch if she gets angry.

Craig:…I'll follow her, try and get the man help…after he's safe try and look for me…if I'm in trouble then get to a safe place and hide…

Steve:I was all down for it until you told me to abandon my best friend.

Craig sighs as Steve looked at the man in the car.

Steve:listen Craig…don't do anything thing that can get yourself killed…I know you're the type of guy to take a bullet for about anyone if given the chance too…

Craig:…I'll do my best to survive…aren't you scared?

Steve:…yeah…I'm terrified.

Steve chuckled a bit as his face still looks a bit carefree.Craig can tell he was putting up a front to hide it but his words were true to the core.Craig patted his back in reassurance as he started to follow the zombie. He was sneaking and spying on her throughout the walk.

Craig(mind):I-i need information, I-i need research…i-i need to find a way to minimize the casualties as well as prevent her from harming everyone else…Steve took it better then I thought he would c-considering an undead woman just p-punched a man into a car.

The zombie continues her walk as she looks around her surroundings, a bit shocked but not too fascinated.

Craig(mind):is she actually new to the city?…wait…I realized that I should of gave Steve the groceries so he can dro-…no, eve and Cammy are at the house and m-might suspect him as an intruder.

The zombie stops at a crosswalk looking both ways before walking across, she started to take a carton of cigarettes out of her jacket pocket. She opened it and took a cig out with her mouth.she started to hover her Bonny thumb to the end of the cigarette as fire caught on to it.it lights the end of it as she inhaled and exhale a puff of smoke.

Craig:a smoker?

Craig(mind):a zombie that smokes???…I guess old habits j-just doesn't die huh…wait…did her thumb went on fire? Dose she have some sort of ability to control fire? She is a walking contradiction of what a zombie should be…not bad just different.

The zombie continues to walk as she took her hand onto the cig and take it out of her mouth to exhale some more smoke.

Zombie:damn it, first woke up with little to no memory of who I am then suddenly a god damn perv try's to touch my socket following to a fucking twink staring at me.

She started to place the cig back to her mouth to inhale it as she took it out to exhale it.

Zombie:then this scary mother fucker stares me down…tch, and here I thought I was having a bad day.

Craig continues to stalk her as silently and stealthy as possible, he was controlling his breathing as well as making sure his bags aren't making any noise ether.

Craig(mind):I-i guess she's one of those ramble t-types…i-i can relate to that since it h-helps my nerves t-too.

The zombie continues to walk around as she looks to her left to see a whole hog like motor cycle with a bit of glint in her eyes as she stares at it with a small whistle escaping her mouth.

Zombie:that's a nice hog to ride on…pause.

The Zombie finished her cigarette as she smiled with glee at the hog.

Zombie:I would give a shit ton of days off from smoking just to ride that…pause.

The zombie girl continues to stare at the motorcycle as it suddenly blows up to her dismay.

Craig(mind):wh-what in the world?!

What appears in the smoke was some sort of figure moving away.


The zombie went to her knees as she seemed to be in tears.

Zombie:why did it have to die…it was so young…it had that new oil smell and everything!

Craig(mind):I-is she actually crying about that motorcycle right now?

The zombie just started to have tear going down her face as she looked dismayed at such a travesty.

Zombie:…not the motorcycle…what did the baby do to deserve the death sentence.

Craig continues to stare at her as he doesn't know how this was happening, he couldn't get a clear view of the figure. When he looked back at the zombie she was instantly infront of him making him jump back a bit with his groceries still in hand.

Zombie:now before you start bitching, I know you didn't blow that hog up, but it didn't excuse the fact that you were stalking me. The hell do you want freak?

Craig stares at her as she glared him down.

Craig:…Curious on why you almost killed the guy…I want to know your side of the story.

Zombie:oh? And if I refuse?

Craig:then you refuse.

They continue to stare at each other.

Zombie:anything else?

Craig(mind):this isn't g-good…If I don't choose my answer correctly then…no, I-I can do this, talking isn't my f-forte but I think I can do-w-wait…I think I got something.

Craig:that motorcycle…was it yours?

Zombie:nah, it wasn't mine, but damn it was quite a ride…pause.

Craig:have you seen who destroyed it?

Zombie:I don't freaking know, it just exploded.

Craig:are you going to investigate?

Zombie:maybe, maybe not.

Craig:mind if I investigate?

The zombie shrugged.

Zombie:ok ace detective, go ahead and look for clues.

Craig started to approach the burning vehicle as he inspected it, time seemed to have slowed down as he closed his eyes while breathing in. What he saw was something not human. It wasn't a troll nor an orc.The foot prints seemed to be claw like.Possibly a reptilian.Craig opens his eyes to look at the zombie as she looked at him.

Zombie:find anything Sherlock?

The zombie seemed to be mocking him as craig stares at her.

Craig:I believe what destroyed the vehicle was a reptilian of sorts…where it went didn't leave any sort of trace for me to track.

Zombie:a reptile? What, so you're saying Some sort of walking crocodile giving people gator aids wrecked that hog?

Craig raised a brow at her as she looked at him deadpanned.

Zombie:…ok, look out for lizard people I guess, I'll come find you if I need anything.

The zombie was walking away until Craig stopped her.

Craig:How about this.Why not work together on finding the culprit?

The zombie stops and ponders a bit. She started to hum and hum as she thinks about the offer.

Zombie:and what makes you think I want that?

Craig:because that creature might destroy more motorcycles if we don't.

The zombie went wide eye a bit and started shrugging.

Zombie:alright, if you insist. Just try not to get in the way.

Craig:if you promise to not harm any of the innocent.

The zombie turns around to stare at him.

Zombie:hmmmmmm, sure, I can do that.

Craig(mind):g-great, I've got that handled, now before helping her out I need to deliver the groceries before it gets spoiled.

Craig:if it's alright for you I want to deliver my groceries before helping you out.

The zombie shrugged as she walked up to him.

Zombie:alright, just no funny business ok creepazoid?

Craig nodded as she smirked at him.

Craig:my name is Craig, Craig Armstrong…you?

The zombie stops smirking and started thinking as she pondered and pondered on what her name was.

Zombie:hmmmmm…my name….what's my name…?

Craig's eyes widened a bit.

Craig(mind):d-dose she have some sort of amnesia?!

The zombie got a look of disappointment as she looked at him.

Zombie:kinda forgot actually, came to life with no memories of the past.

Craig:then you're ok with me giving you a name?

The zombie shrugged as she looked deadpanned.

Zombie:sure, just don't make it a shity one.

Craig(mind):…I-I'm not good at naming things…ok, um…she's missing an eye, and her clothes are a bit in rags…apparently dead…wait…


The zombie raised a brow.

Domino?:domino? I'm guessing you just came up with that name because of my missing eye.

Domino? Sighs as she smirked a bit.

Domino:alright, I'll go with it.

Craig nodded as he started to walk with domino following him.

Craig(mind):th-thats a relief. M-maybe I can do something about this…if I can make her a permanent ally then the chances of survival would increase even if it's small…she doesn't seem to be a participant by the looks of it, she might've been just r-resurrected l-like she said…I p-pity her though, having no memory of yourself is honestly sad…well, let's j-just hope the house isn't a wreck.


The house was on fire as the two lady's tumble around with eve starting to pull her hair while Cammy was grabbing her cheek pinching it while trying to pull it.

Cammy:Orokana baishunpu! ti taglierò le fottute ali dal tuo sporco ibrido!

Eve:I don't know what you said demon but I'll make you eat those damn words you high and mighty shit eating dirt bag!

Back with Craig and domino

Craig(mind):…I-I'm sure they might be getting along soon…i-if not then I'm not making a-any dinner…I sound like a dad right now…

Craig and domino continues to walk towards the shortcut as he continues to look around to see if anything was off. He knows which person goes to which direction by their daily routine of which day as well as the date. Craig's photographic memory makes him remember every detail from the area around him from doing his routines of his own.

Craig:…domino…do you know how you woke up?

Domino shrugged in a carefree way as she continues to follow him.

Domino:it was dark until I started clawing my way out of the ground.I don't know what else to say about it.

Craig:…I see…

Craig continues to walk as he continues to think on what caused her to awaken from her grave.science, magic, some sort of combination of both as well as her own will? It's something to think about at another time.

Lilly:hey Craig!

Craig looked to his left as he stares at her a bit wide eyed as she approached him.

Domino:a friend of yours?


Craig(mind):I-I s-suppose this is the time when she walks around the city.

Lily walked up to them as she looked overjoyed at seeing him.

Lilly:how are you doing?


Lilly looked at domino as domino tilted her head in anticipation.

Lilly:hello there, what's your name?

Craig looked at them as Lilly smiled with domino shrugging.

Domino:domino, you?

Lilly:Lilly, are you a friend of his?

Domino: acquaintances, he's going to help me with a little problem at the moment.

Lilly looked sad as she stares at her.

Lilly:what's the problem?


Craig:destroyed a motorcycle she liked…we're trying to find the culprit considering the police won't be able to trace it.

Domino:basically that.

Lilly:oh I see, I'm sorry that it got destroyed. Is there anything I can help you guys with?

Craig(mind):I-if I do I might endanger you! M-maybe I should say something before she makes up her mind as well as domino getting her to tag along.

Craig:possibly…maybe you can help Steve out with his predicament. It appears that he might need some assistance…here.

Craig grabbed his phone and texted Lilly the coordinates to where Steve was last seen as Lilly nodded and started to run as she waved at them.

Lilly:I'll do my best to help best buddy!

Craig and domino looked at her running as he sighed with domino looking at him with a smirk.

Domino:here I thought you were a lonely man with little to no hit with society.

Domino laughs as Craig stares at her making her feel uncomfortable.

Domino:what? It's just a joke.

Craig:…a bad one at that…

Craig started to walk away as domino followed him to the shortcut. Luckily for Craig, domino didn't really care for the sewers as they proceeded towards the exit of the pipeline.

Craig:not much farther till we get there.

Domino:I see…wait, this looks familiar.

Craig:how's that?

Domino:it looks like-wait, is that smoke?

Craig's eyes widened as he started running with domino behind him as they then stopped to see the whole house on fire with Craig continues to stare at it.Domino looked at it with wide eyes too.

Domino:looks pretty toasty.


Domino:did you left the oven on or something?


Domino:um…big guy?

Domino was waving her hand infront of him to get his attention as he looked at her slowly. She was about to say something but held her toung as she saw his nervous reaction making her shake abit as he looked at the house.

Craig(mind):OHNOOHNOOHNOOHNO! T-The house is on fire!!! What will my dad say and react to this?! How are we going to get a new house with the money we have?!…I believe I know who is responsible for this.

As the house burned Cammy went flying past them with Craig looking behind him to see her getting up while shaking her head getting her senses back as eve flown near her. Before they could continue they felt a shiver down their spine like it was a blizzard in the Arctic. They slowly looked towards Craig as his nervous habit was still on his face with domino looking confusedly at Craig, then the house and what he's looking at.

Domino:where the hell are you looking at now?

Domino whispered to herself trying to not get his attention.

Eve:m-master, p-pleasant surprise.how was your um trip to get nourishment?

Craig continues to stare at them as they shake in fear.

Cammy:u-um, I'm pretty sure he's énervé.


Eve:d-don't worry master I'll fix this.

Eve snaps her fingers as the house became good as new to Craig's surprise, domino looked amazed on how it just happened like that.

Domino:what the hell?! What just happened?!

Craig stopped his nervous habit as he looked at them and domino as he sighs.

Craig:everything is fixed?

Cammy:I see, I guess you have some incredible magic on you hybrid, I commend your efforts in fixing our mess.

Craig:so it was both of your faults that this happened?

Craig stares at them coldly as they shake in fear.

Eve:y-you couldn't keep you're mouth shut for the life of you.

Cammy:at least I didn't start using fire magic during our scuffle!

Craig:the house may be fixed but if I see anything out of the ordinary I will take some meal privileges away.

The two girls started shaking in fear as domino looked at Craig like he just lost sanity.

Domino:who the fuck are you talking to?!

Craig sighs as he motions them about domino as they looked at each other and nodded as domino looked at where Craig was looking at and looked wide eye at what she is seeing.


Lilly continues to run towards where Steve might be until she heard an alleyway making very loud noise.She looked at it curiously as she then see glowing yellow eyes

Next chapter