
Search and capture part 1


Craig was sitting on the couch with his hands huddled up in-front of his face as he stares at Cammy and eve as domino was besides him looking around the house.

Domino:Cozy place you got here.

Craig wasn't the slightest bit amused by that comment.


Domino:come on now grumpula I'm sure it was an accident.

Craig:…They were fighting over a fictional videogame from an electronic device…That said fighting caused the whole house to be on fire.

Domino looked at eve and cammy still without a care.

Domino:…well sucks to be you girls.

Cammy stared daggers at domino.

Cammy:shut it you-!


Cammy stopped as she try's to hide in her hat. Eve looked at Craig as she gulped a bit.

Eve:well…like you said master, you hadn't found anything that wasn't missing or destroyed so I'm pretty sure that…we-

Craig continues to stare coldly at them as eve shuts up and looked in fear.

Domino:jeez oh mighty I'm starting to feel bad for these skanks.

Craig's eyes instantly went to domino making her jump a bit

Craig:I will not tolerate this type of language within my house domino.

Domino feels uneasy as she looked away irritated.

Domino:ok dad I'll keep my potty mouth in check.

The girls looked at Craig deadpanned as their facial expressions looked shocked.



Craig(mind):p-please don't tell me that they think we're related…

Domino:it's an expression ya bunch of dumbasses.

Craig sighs as the other two glares at domino.

Craig(mind):th-this isn't good, ok, I need to get them to calm down.

Craig:…stop…let's focus at the task at hand…domino is in need of our assistance in finding…a culprit that's causing havoc…I don't know if the same thing is apart of…a higher meaning…but we should do our best to help her out…

Craig(mind):h-holy smokes that actually worked out better then my previous attempts at socializing!!! I don't know how I did that without giving us away! I don't know if she is a contestant or not.She didn't see them but who is to say she pretended to not see them when they were invisible.

Domino:that's the legist of it…ok now this is bugging me for some time now so why are all three of you wearing a collar like literal dogs?

Craig's eyes widened as he stares at Cammy and eve.

Craig(mind):oh no.

Craig was mentally pleading that they didn't say anything about them being his slaves.this really isn't painting a good picture on him if they say anything.

Cammy:We're what you call besties!

Cammy smiled as they looked at her.

Cammy:after all the three of us are sharing something in common within our accessories…such as a friendship bracelet.

Cammy looked at his way and giggles as he was mentally relieved.

Craig(mind):I'm s-so thankful right now that she c-caught on to my pleads…wait, C-Cammy are you reading my mind at the moment?

Cammy(mind):si señor maestro

Craig(mind):I see, s-so all s-slaves and masters can communicate once the ritual is done, I knew eve could do it but I didn't expect you to try and r-read my mind.

Cammy(mind):mwahahaha, it's expected of yours truly to use every resource available to make sure we have the best out come.You know master for someone as intimidating as you is surprising that you have a very soft inner voice.

Craig(mind):I-I can see your s-surprise on that…a-as dad always say to n-never judge a book by it's cover.

Eve(mind):but why should we lie about us not being slave?

Craig(mind):p-please don't get me started on h-how wrong it is eve.

Cammy(mind):by how the two of us are collard up to look like slaves doesn't send a friendly message.

Eve(mind):is that so? Here I thought it was a symbol of trust.

Craig(mind): how is it a symbol of trust?!

Eve(mind):because you're entrusting your own life for someone to control you.orders, will, and many more.

Craig(mind):I-in other words a boss and co-worker…

Cammy(mind): I see it as more of a general and their comrades in arms then anything.

Domino:I see, and here I thought you guys were into some freaky shit.

Craig(mind):o-oh no…

Eve tilted her head.


Cammy looked insulted

Cammy:what do you mean by that zombie?

Domino looked very pissed off.

Domino:the fuck you called me napolian?!

The two where glaring at each other with killer intent.

Craig:…stop fighting.

They looked at him as they started to calm down.not because they wanted to but more because of the fear inducing aura producing from him.

Domino:Anyways…I've scratched his back by keeping him company now it's time to have mines rubbed by helping me find this vehicle destroyer.


Eve tilted her head the other way as she is still confused

Domino:cars, motorcycles, trucks and- listen just help me take down the bastage.

Craig:…I believe we should scout the area…look around what might be our culprit…I advise we split up into teams for this…since me and domino isn't as mobile as the two of you-

Cammy:I'd say eve and I go together, she can fly and I can summon fire arms…you can see my point when it comes to having an air born sniper.

Cammy gave him a confident smirk.

Craig:…how far can you shoot?…and how accurate are you?

Cammy smirked once more.

Cammy:the better question is, what can't I hit?

Craig thinks for a moment as he looks at everyone and everything they have on them.Craig started to calculate everything that can or could happen with every type of outcome that occurred. After 10 seconds of thinking about everything with how their search will go Craig started to stand up.

Craig:…here's the plan.


Lilly was starting at the yellow eyes as she slowly approached it.

Lilly:Don't worry little kitty, I'm friendly. Are you hurt? Are you hungry? Need some help?

The eyes blinks before fainting as Lilly started to run towards it. She uses her phone as a flash light as she investigated the creature. Her eyes widened as she saw a multi tailed fox, it has white fur with gold outlines, it's ears are a tad pointy but small with a brown nose.

Lilly:a fox??? It has multiple tails like a videogame character.Or was it a myth of sorts…Maybe Craig know what it Is.

Lilly checks the body as she sees some wounds on the creature.Lilly looked scared as she picked it up and started to run towards her apartment.

Lilly:don't worry little fluffy butt I'll patch those boo boos up good as new!

Lilly continues to run towards the apartment keeping the fox in her arms


Craig and domino continues to walk around in the city as they looked everywhere as discrete as possible.

Domino:I'm starting to think those scaly douchbags are actually mole men.


They continue to look around the city as well as the island's within Venice.

Domino:I know you told me to conceal my ghoulish parts and what not but it's starting to get on my nerves that I'm not being able to move my bony arm all around.

Craig:…we don't want…to attract attention…

???:did you heard of this? Craig was caught by the police for some sort of kidnapping.

Craig looked to his left to see some girls from his school sitting at a table.


Girl 1:seriously?! Craig did that earlier today?!

Girl 2:yeah, that meat head basically was in the police department earlier, Not just that but he got out without a hitch!!!

Girl:3 dose he have connections with the police too?!

Girl 1:no, maybe they work under him!

Girl 2:nonono, I believe this guy threatened them if they didn't let him go or something scary like that!

Craig(mind):g-great, my time near the police is getting exaggerated, not as m-much as f-fighting a ghost but-wait…w-when and how did they know about this?! I'm starting t-to question this spread of information!

The girls turned around to see Craig as they scream and started running to his annoyance. Domino looked intrigued at this.

Domino:do you know them?

Craig:…no…people that go to the same school.

Domino continues to look at him.

Domino:I see…rumors?

Craig:rumors…over the top at that…

Domino:yeesh, you didn't try to defend yourself?

Craig:what's the point…even with any sort of evidence they'll only hear what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear…they'll keep their own opinions despite the truth of such matters.

Domino:like sheep to the slaughter house.



Eve was carrying Cammy as they searched in the skys.

Cammy:c-can you not be too shaky.I'm trying to keep my scope from swaying.

Cammy was holding a .50 caliber sniper rifle to look on the ground as eve smirked.

Eve:don't tell me the great demon king is afraid of heights.

Cammy:only because you're making me feel uneasy about this! Your literally not holding me that much while you're flying reckless! γαμημένο βύσμα μακριά.

Eve raised an eyebrow as she smirked and shakes her a bit.

Eve:oh no Cammy, I'm losing my grip.

Cammy was looking a bit fearful as she dose her best not to scream.

Time skip

The groups continue to search until nightfall.Everyone returned to Craigs house as they sit in the living room.

Cammy:That was eventful.

Cammy sarcastically said as she lays her head on Craig's lap making his eyes widened a bit in shock.

Cammy:There wasn't any sort of clues for us to use.

Eve:speak for yourself, it was amusing that you have a fear of heights~

Eve giggles as Cammy was ticked off.

Cammy:well maybe I wouldn't gain such a phobia if you were Tā mā de steady!

Domino:…is this normal?

Domino looked at Craig as he sighs.

Craig:…Unfortunately yes…

The two continue to argue and insult each other as time begin to slow down to the point of stopping.Craig's eyes were closed as he thinks and thinks within his mind.their investigation was not fruitful but not to the point of it failing.there were tracks from his search so he can guess the reptile.it was some sort of anthropomorphic lizard person.By the looks of it that destruction could be accidental, a failed landing or even a surprise attack gone wrong…there isn't much to connect with such little evidence. But Craig still has many hypotheses on where the culprit could be.Without the evidence to help reduce the options on how many hideouts the lizard person could be.

Craig(mind):I s-suppose we have tomorrow…b-but, i need to do it in one day considering I have school after tomorrow…how would I keep an eye on them if they destroyed the house last time, I can't take them with me if I'm trying to blend in…if I remember correctly Cammy and eve has problems with each other so separating them is a must…and later I could try to get them to get along with each other…that's going to be a choir and a half…no, scratch that, almost impossible with my own social skills…I should text Steve soon so he knows that I'm ok and what not…

Craig looked at domino as time move by one second as he continues to ponder.

Craig(mind):m-maybe I can have domino stay over and what not so that I can keep an eye on her as well as making sure that she's ok with it.

Time begins to resume as normal with Cammy and eve continues to argue while Craig speaks to her.

Craig:…I suggest you stay for the night

The two girls stopped arguing as they stare at Craig in shock.

Domino:sure, what's for dinner?

Craig:…your ok with this?

Domino:it's not like I have a damn house of my own.from the ground remember.

Craig:…I remember.

Craig(mind):th-that was easy…easier then I thought…B-but it doesn't mean I should still trust her yet…information is key.

Craig gets up as he goes to the kitchen.

Craig:behave yourself lady's…I'll be back.

They watched Craig enter the kitchen as the lady's awkwardly stare at each other.


Cammy:have you ever heard of videogames?

Domino:kinda, what type of games do you two nerds play?


Lilly just got done applying new bandages on the fox as she looked satisfied with her work, it wasn't good nor bad but it was enough to stop the bleeding.

Lilly:There we go, good as new. Now rest up as best as you can so you can feel better in the morning.

Lilly kept her innocent and warm smile on the fox as they appear to be staring back with a bit wide eye.Lilly started to walk towards her room, she thinks the poor thing can rest on her bed considering how comfy it is compared to the floor.She opened the door to her room and went back to pick the fox up.

Lilly:here, let's get you somewhere comfy.

Lilly walked to her room as the fox looks around.it looked very clean and organized.There are a couple of stuff animals on the bed with a poster of a kitten hanging on a tree saying "never give up" on it.

Lilly:here we are, I'll get you on the bed so we can relax.

Lilly sets the fox down on the fluffy bed as the fox cuddles in it.looking at Lilly with adorable eyes.

Lilly:awww, your so adorable.

She was very happy at how adorable this multi tailed fox is.Lilly started to pet the cute fox as she continues to do so the fox made some adorable noises making Lilly's heart melt by how adorable this animal is.

Lilly:oh my goodness, if Craig was here he would be petting you all around….I wonder how he is doing?


Craig was sitting at the table as the three girls were present.They were examining Craig's lasagna as if it was an unknown object to them.


Craig started to do his prayers as the zombie girl looked at him before nervously dose the same.Cammy looked at the two curiously while seeing them do this.Craig stopped as he picked up his fork and started to his lasagna as he made sure it's all bite size.Craig was taking in on what he's experiencing.Usually it's him and his dad eating together but instead he has more then one person eating together as they seem to be copying what he was doing.

Craig:…is it really that interesting to copy me?

Eve:isn't this how you eat this?

Craig:…eat it however you want.As long as you use your fork.

The girls looked at him before they all placed their utensils into a piece of their lasagna.They then placed the piece into their mouths and started chewing it.When they swallowed their food their eyes widened.


Cammy looked happy.

Eve:so, good…

Eve looked very pleased

Domino:holy fucking shit…

Craig eyes domino for that type of language as domino flinched before she continues to eat her food.Eve and Cammy started to scarf down their food while Craig stares at them.

Craig(mind):…i-I need a bigger fridge for these two.

Domino:…so, how in the he-…Heck did you get this recipe?

Craig:I copied it…non of the recipes I have are original…but, I do make improvements from it.

Craig(mind):especially the Mac and cheese recipe…Who p-puts onions with the noodles?! Noodles absorbs flavor, n-not all of these random ingredients but Mac, and cheese. A little Salt and pepper as well…Nothing else! How that chief became famous is beyond me! He can't make a simple bowl of Mac and cheese!!!…I need to stop thinking about something m-minuscule considering the subject at ha-hand Isn't important.

Domino whistles a bit.

Craig:…I have a question.

Domino:and I have an answer.

Craig:…if your dead, how are you able to feel let alone taste?Shouldn't your body be numbed out from lack of blood flow?

Domino:…eh, I don't think too much about it anyway. If I can, then I can.if not then nothing's changed.

Craig looked at domino.Eve just finished her meal

Eve:in other words your the same even without feeling anything?

Domino shrugs.


Craig continues to stare at them as he stands up.

Craig:…it's time to sleep.

Cammy stands up quickly while raising her hand up cheerfully.

Cammy:dibs on the roof!

They looked at her weirdly as she looked annoyed.

Cammy:what? I'm basically your average Okujō sogeki-hei…

Craig:…whatever works…Take the couch Domino…

Domino shrugged as everyone went to their resting quarters.Craig lays down in his bed thinking about everything that happened today.The Holy Spirit, domino, the vehicle destroyers whereabouts.He really couldn't catch a break.Now he sleeps so he can start the next day with no distractions.


Lilly was lying down on her bed as she cuddled the fox like a protective parent would.the fox seems to have made some noises as it closes it's eyes.Ready for tomorrow with an explanation.Lilly wonders how Craig will react to this making Lilly giggle at his reaction with the multi tailed fox.

Next chapter