
Ch. 8

As if sensing my distress, McGonagall turned a critical eye in my direction. "You did create a lesson plan, didn't you?" McGonagall skeptically asked.

"As I said before, I've never had to teach a single thing before," I admit to my blunder. In all honesty, I knew I would need to prepare something for my classes, but that was secondary to increasing my own strength. I figured I could just wing it.

The look of exasperation on McGonagall's face spurred me to defend myself. "If someone would have informed me of the need for a lesson plan, I would have prepared one," I state in an attempt to push the blame elsewhere, such as the Headmaster.

Knowing McGonagall would side with Dumbledore, I threw out another excuse. "Despite the lack of information given to me, I did visit Madam Marchbanks at the Wizarding Examinations Authority Department. She," I heavily emphasized, "was kind enough to inform me what level of competency the Ministry expects from each year."

At that little nugget of information, McGonagall seemed slightly startled. Slightly for her, that is. Her silence suited me perfectly. I could use the time to calm down from my little oversight. This isn't anything that I can't easily overcome, but it will eat up my time before the students arrive. I really had my heart set on exploring the Room of Requirement. After releasing a long sigh, I cast off my Gilderoy persona and decide to knock this out as quickly as possible.

"Learning how woefully ill-prepared I am," I began, "I'm afraid I will have to trouble you a bit more."

"I will do what I can," McGonagall said with a bit of strain in her voice as she studies me from the side. I can only assume the sudden attitude change is throwing off her game.

Ignoring the woman's tenseness, "I will need the schedule for my classes, an example of a lesson plan, and access to a Hogwarts' House Elf. I do not wish to lose time walking to the Great Hall every meal, at least not until I have my lesson plan completed."

McGonagall didn't seem as unsettled by my demands as she did my 'normal-seeming' mannerisms. She merely gave a single nod of her head. "I have already placed your schedule and class rosters in your room," McGonagall replied. "As a professor, you just have to call out for a House Elf, and they will respond. It is advised you do not mistreat or abuse their generosity. The House Elves are treated as regular staff members," McGonagall finished with a piercing gaze that promised retribution if her words were defied.

Receiving my own nod, McGonagall resumed her march up the stairway. "As for a lesson plan, I can lend you a copy of one of my own. With classes starting in three days, I recommend you stick with creating two or three lessons per year as opposed to finishing out an entire year before moving on to another."

"Thank you, Minerva," I said with as much gratitude as I could squeeze into those three words.

"Of course," McGonagall said with only the faintest hint of irritation at me using her first name. "This is for the betterment of the students. Their education is our true objective, Gilderoy."

Taking a look at the moving staircases, I can't help but wonder what the hell the Founders were thinking when they created this. While it is a wonderous piece of magic... I can't shake the idea of how impractical it is. We had to go up to the fourth floor, so we could reach a staircase that would allow us back down to the third floor!

Maybe it was an attempt to force Hogwarts' residents to get some exercise? Looking up towards the ceiling of the stairwell, I get an idea. An incredibly awesome idea!

I rein in my excitement and return to memorizing the route to my room. Before long, we arrive at a perfectly ordinary door. I take note of the magical portraits hanging on the wall across from my new lodgings. There is no way this is a coincidence.

"Here we are, Gilderoy," McGonagall said as she swung the door open and stepped to the side.

A quick look around the room reveals a spacious bedroom with adequate floor space even with the oversized furnishings. The three windows overlooking the Black Lake fill the room with light. A single open door leads to what I can only assume to be a bathroom.

I step inside and wave my trunk to the place beside a stout looking desk. Sitting on the desk is a small stack of papers. Those should be the class rosters and schedule for my classes.

"Thank you, Minerva. Now, if you will excuse me, I have much to do," I said with a hint of frustration in my voice.

As McGonagall closes my door behind her after a polite farewell, I move to my new desk. It's not as grand as the one in my flat, but it will serve its purpose.

Sitting on top of the small stack of parchment is my class schedule. The more I look over the timesheet, the more annoyed I become. This is going to eat up a ridiculous amount of my free time! I had imagined myself being able to spend a fair amount of time in the Restricted Section of the library and practicing magic inside the Room of Requirement. But my schedule is packed!

Each grade year is broken into two groups, each with two of the four Houses, and every group has two D.A.D.A. classes a week. With six class periods a day, I only have two free periods a week!

I'm sure there are others with such a hectic schedule, but they're career teachers. They choose this lifestyle while I'm just trying to get by without losing any of my credibility and fame.

Well, time to see if my idea bears fruit.

Stepping out of my room, I draw my wand and silently cast several protection charms on my door. Nothing sinister, but I will definitely know if someone tried to enter my room while I'm out.

With my room secured, I holster my wand and move towards the stairwell. I only cast a passing glance at the artifacts filling the halls. As wondrous as this place is, I can only scrounge up so much excitement for seeing yet another piece of magical furniture or portrait. It gets somewhat repetitive.

It took me twenty minutes, but I finally made my way to the seventh floor. My excitement is quickly building as I begin my search for a tapestry of ballet dancing trolls. I plan to exploit the Room of Requirement for everything I can, to make myself one of the most powerful wizards alive. But first, I need a lesson plan.

Hogwarts has housed thirty-four Defense Against the Dark Arts professors in as many years. I'm not sure how the R.O.R. works, but surely, one of the previous Defense professors left their lesson plan or a copy of it.

Finally, in the left corridor of the seventh floor, I find a faded tapestry of a dark-haired wizard attempting to teach four leotard wearing trolls ballet. I can only give the humorous image a quick scan before I turn my attention to the wall opposite the tapestry.

With an image of what I need in my head, I begin to recite my desire as I pace back and forth. On my third pass, a tall arched door emerges from the wall as if the stones were water.

With a smile worthy of the original Gilderoy, I swiftly move to the door and jerk it open. My lips stretch a bit more at what I see.

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