Hi there! Thank you for even making it this far! This is my attempt at a holistic breakdown of this work, but please keep in mind that it is my first time writing a story of this genre.
TLDR: Not a typical OP ML who levels up in a game. More of the journey (both mental and in-game) of a top eSports player. Inspired by actual eSports players and discusses their struggles, games, and career.
Writing Quality: Clear and understandable writing with minimal grammatical errors. Generally reread and edited at least twice before publishing. I personally pride myself on vivid descriptions of scenery and emotion and try to add small Easter eggs or foreshadowing, but it might read a bit wordier than most works of this genre.
Stability of Updates: Pushing for an update at least once every two days. I am a current student, so please excuse me if I disappear for a few days. That being said, if you vote and comment, chances of me updating or even giving a mass release are very high :3
Story Development: Will be a moderately paced story, roughly divided into four quarters that mirror the ML's place in life: 1. Casual Play 2. Rise of eSports 3. Height of eSports Career 4. Forced towards Retirement/New Commercialization Trends *A lot of the plot drivers will be personal growth, both career-wise and interpersonal relationship-wise, so do not head into this story expecting a straight leveling up story.*
Character Design: Very realistic character designs, with each person complete with their own strengths and flaws. More importantly, there will be character growth and development.
World Background: Realistic setting that mirrors the history of eSports. The game, Kings of Valor, is loosely based on popular MOBAs such as League of Legends, except with different names, champions, and champion skills. (And yes I play League a lot ;-; Tbh wayyy more than I should for my own good)
Warnings: Not the typical videogame story that focused on the game itself or the somehow OP ML but instead centers around character development, gamers' relationships to family and friends, societal expectations, and choosing between dreams and reality.
Disclaimer: All coincidences with real life names and events are not intentional and are not intended to offend anyone.
Enjoy! To see if people actually read through these reviews...if you play League, attach a GIF of your main! Also, if you wanna support me through Ko-Fi for the new Diana Ultimate skin, I swear I'll update ;-;