
Comments of chapter undefined of Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.


Gracias por el capitulo Gracias

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wow these wishes will make this as boring as it possibly can

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this is not really a crític but observation, Li Qiye and Nie Li are not talented in the way of comprehension innately,the reason both of them can comprehend and have enlightment easily is thanks to Millions and Thousands of years of knowledge accumulation respectively,in a simpler way,Genius of hardwork,their accumulation and experience from stupidly long períods of time made talent bê irrelevant tô them, the only talented one there is Ji,and even he was not a ultra mega Genius,he is a Genius of course but the true reason for his rise tô Power was the tenacity and obsession with ressurecting his wife,basically self discipline and tenacity,again not dissing or anything,but none of these guys are innately ultra talents in a innate way,they are Monsters thanks to knowledge,mindset and discipline,things this MC sorely lacks


Can‘t imagine this story being any good after reading the first two chapters. The prologue was totally unnecessary as I have no idea what its use was. Should we feel sympathy for this waste of space called a MC? Should we feel disgusted by his behaviour and negligence of his family problems? I really have no idea... And the most frustating part? The MC just behaves like nothing happen when confronted with his five wishes.. If he really had expierienced such a ‚harsh‘ first life than he would habe wished for something different like a loving family or wealth, but instead he had choosen way too powerful stuff, but a crappy family with Tang Hao as a dad..??! Also his first thoughts in the new world were that he has to be careful of Tang San so that he won‘t find out about him being also a reincanator?? Why wish to his adopted brother if you can‘t even be honest to your brother, just be a normal orphan! He should have wished for an ultimate concealment skill so he doesn‘t need a protector like Tang Hao... Also, I seriously doubt the author can really use all the things the MC wished for too their full potential. And if there is one thing I hate the most, it is MC that don‘t use their powers efficiently to their utmost potential. These would be my wishes: 1. Twin Spirits(One Tool Spirit, probably a spear or dual blades/One beast spirit with OP-concealment abilities) 2. Being born ten years before canon as a orphan in some random village.. 3. Teleportation(good wish) 4. A library with fighting techniques/Weapon manuals/cultivation techniques/Movement technique/etc. 5. idk. maybe a skill to upgrade spirit rings with the energy from other spirit rings?? That would be all I need to become a god in that world. Because, yes there is something like too much good stuff will drown you...

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There are 2 options like this ... the mc will be tang san .. the author's oc will only follow him and do not open anything new, 2 the mc will be tang san's bitch

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Yes, Zhuqing and Bibi dong, add Heavenly Snow Woman :)


I really liked how you started with the prologue, and wait for me a good story, but with these wishes this story is assured that it will be garbage, I do not understand the need of the authors to give so many wishes, just to despair not being able to carry the story and disgustingly op in 2 or 3 chapters and if it is going to follow the main story it will be even more boring, because it will only be like a spectator who is going to hit the enemies that the main characters could not.


you gave him memories and comprehension of li qiye and ji ning. If he can't destroy the world by the time he becomes *****(18) means you have wasted the story.... there is really no reason to make your wish so op....


I already feel like dropping but I'll try to continue


the 3rd and 4th spirits are just for giving the MC an immortal vibe.


Honestly there werent even 5 wishes, they were way more than just 5.


Lowkey mad that a useless bum got all these benefits...


So, is this another one of those boring op harem fics? Is so, I'll be on my way and not waste any more time to rant about anything and everything in the most irritatingly tldr way I can possibly type.


First, check wish list. If it's filled with self satisfied insert don't read. If I had wishes, first thing I would go for 'universal communication'. The ability to read, write, understand, and speak any language.


thanks for the chapter


I would made one of those wishes to completely ruin the family he had. At least to have the ability to travel between worlds so he can made them feel the pain he felt.


stop it that's soo many wish don't make him so OP

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Espero puedas terminar tu historia y no la abandones :'c


think 3 spirits is over the top but i'll read on

