
The Potion

14 July, 1934:

It's been a few days since I met Newt Scamander, and we had our raid. Well, I was not actually a part of the raid.

What we did, was Ash led us to the building in London where the Crossbreeding was happening, I made sure that it was the correct address by going in invisibly, and then Tina called in the British Aurors by saying they "came across" the place while they were simply roaming around London.

The wards did prove their claim, and the fact that Newt was there meant some people assumed he spoke to some Magical creature or something. Yeah, he's apparently a Magical creature whisperer.

My job done, I went back home, taking the horns with me, and leaving Ash with Newt. While I would love an Ashwinder, Newt is better equipped to take care of him for now. Once I make my Habitat Suitcase, I'll get him back, and more.

The rest of the time, I spent switching between the Chamber of Secrets, and my room at the Orphanage, making the Animagus Potion. The other needed ingredients, I got from the Apothecary.

Oh, yes. I had managed to make portals while I was in Hogwarts. I was still a long way from figuring out the Mirror Dimension, or taking energy from other Dimensions. But, I was happy with what I had. Portals gave me a lot more freedom than what I was used to.

Thankfully, and fortunately, Wizards and Witches don't need Sling Rings to create portals. Salazar used them at first, but he soon realised that he didn't actually need the rings to make portals. Our bodies are better made for conducting Magical Energies, than muggles who learn Sorcery.

I still used a silver ring, that I made to conduct the Universal Energies, and my magic. It did not make the portal, I did. The ring just made it easier. I did discard that ring within a few days of mastering portals.

And now, finally, the Potion was done. I just had to let it simmer on a low flame for two days. Non stop. Thankfully, we have spells for that.

"Finally!" Helena mumbles, from where she was sitting in a corner.

I shake my head, and say, "At least the process was easy. I wonder why this method was stopped being used?"

The way Helena rolls her eyes, lets me know that she knew I already knew the answer. Control. Ministry wanted control over the Animagus. So, they had people develop the other method, which could only turn Wizards into mundane animals. And then, they restricted it even more, by making it compulsory to register your Animagus form.

Meddling cunts.

"So? What's next?" Helena asks.

Smiling at her, I approach her in Astral form, and kissing her, I say, "You know, I always knew you were different."

Helena snorts, and kissing me back, she asks, "How am I different than the other girls, Mason? Other than the fact that I'm dead?"

Shaking my head, I pull her up, and cuddle with her in the air. I say, "Not like that, dummy. I meant, different than the other ghosts. You are more solid. While each and every one of the ghosts in Hogwarts are white, you're grey. You can touch things, and you can turn into a ball of light when flying. Are you seeing where I'm going with this?"

Helena shakes her head into my chest, saying no, and asks, "You're going to explain, aren't you?"

"Yup. Now shh. I went through all the books on Necromancy, and downloaded the data directly into my mind for the subject, so I'm currently the highest expert in the subject, in this world." I say, feeling proud of myself.

Of course, I was asleep for 2 days. Thankfully, I was in the Orphanage, so they brought in the regular Doctor, declared me exhausted, with a fever, and gave me some meds I never took.

But, when I woke up, I knew everything the Library Room had about Necromancy, and there was a lot. The Bones family, and the Peverells were a family of Necromancers, and after that, even Potters joined the short list.

Many of them, brought the family grimoires to school in the past, thinking, "No one can open them anyway." And I got that knowledge thanks to Rowena.

Thanks to that knowledge, I know enough to bring someone back to life, if they were a ghost, or if they were completely passed on.

"Get to the point, Mason?" Helena asks, content to stay in my arms.

I snuggle deeper in her neck, and whisper, "I can give you your body back."

Helena tenses, and immediately gets out of the hug. She says, "Mason, don't even joke about it. I know it's not possible. I've read all the books in the Library too. The spirits that have passed on cannot be returned, and ghosts cannot get a pure body back. It'll come up rotten, and like inferis."

I nod, and hold her hand. I say, "I know, Helena, I know. But this is why I was saying all that before. I know why the ghosts get rotten bodies, and I know how I can give you a perfect female body. I swear, I'm not lying. Will you listen?"

Helena nods, hesitating a bit, not willing to get her hopes up. I say, "You are not a ghost. Well, you are, but not really."

"Please be clear, Mason." Helena says, tiredly.

I nod, and say, "While other ghosts, everywhere, have only parts of their soul here, in the mortal plane, you are a complete soul."

"But that's not possible." Helena says, pointing out that it means she's alive.

I nod, and say, "Yes, it's not. But, then again, you're not normal. You're the daughter of the Phoenix."

"The what? My mother's name was Rowena, and she was a Raven Animagus, you know that." Helena says.

"Okay, first of all, shush. You're interrupting me. Secondly, while your mother was definitely Rowena, an Entity named The Phoenix Force, was inhibiting her body." I say, and then give her a look when she looks like she's about to say something.

She closes her mouth, so I continue, "The Phoenix Force, is an Entity, that.. personifies Rebirth. Any Phoenix you see, they were either named after her, or she made them herself. She is also the source of all Psionic Powers, meaning my Telepathy, and Telekinesis, are both a bit powered by her. That's why your mother could call those flames you told me about. That's also why she got sick, because the Phoenix Force left her body."

"But.." Helena begins, but doesn't say anything, and keeps thinking.

I add, "Usually, Phoenix Hosts are left with a bit of her energy, so they can survive her leaving them. Why your mother wasn't, either means that your mother did something to piss her off, or she was forcefully removed. It could be by Rowena herself, or by someone else. I don't know."

Pausing a bit, I say, "What I do know, is that she transferred a bit of her energy, on to you, which is what you call your gift. And it is the reason your soul stayed intact even after your death."

"What you say.. makes sense. But how do you know all this?" Helena asks, and she's looking at me intently.

I can't lie to her, but I can't tell her everything either. Sighing, I say, "This.. is not my first life. Know that I know a lot from my previous life, as I kept my memories. But, please don't ask about my previous life. I can't.. I can't tell you, or anyone about it.."

Helena comes close, and looks at my eyes. She whispers, "I feel your pain, when you think about that life. Very well. I won't ask, but I do hope you tell me about it some day."

I nod, and clear my throat, thankful that she accepted. I say, "Back to the point. The Rebirth Ritual works. Cadmus Peverell wrote that he had managed to somehow bring the soul of his lover back, and had also managed to bind the soul to a sacrifice he had prepared."

"Yes, The Resurrection Stone. But, even with the Stone, the body shrivelled up, and died. It's even mentioned in that fable of Deathly Hallows. Dead do not belong in the land of living." Helena says, adding to my explanation.

I nod, and say, "Yes, but you're not dead! You, my dear Helena, are already a complete soul, and you did not enter the Realm of the Dead. Meaning, I'll have to modify the ritual a bit, but it's doable."

Helena thinks up on it a bit, so I begin writing down whatever will be needed for the ritual I'm thinking of.

Helena interrupts my thinking, and asks, "Are you sure you can do this?"

I nod, and continuing my writing, I say, "Yes. I'm going to need your burial site though. And your mothers. And a willingly given Unicorn horn. But it's possible."

Along with that, I'm going to need to brew a potion, and also have a woman as sacrifice, so that it can provide the flesh for her body. Thank God, it's not a virgin. And a muggle also works. Helena's magic always stays with her.

"Show me." Helena says, demanding the page I wrote everything on.

I hand it to her, and step back.

"3 Years? The Potion will take 3 years to make?" Helena whispers out, shocked.

I nod, and say, "Yes. That's not counting the time I might take to procure the ingredients. I'll need at least a month for the Unicorn horn alone." And that's if the Unicorns even show themselves to me. Granted, I'm still a virgin, so they just might.

The Rebirth Ritual binds a soul to a body. That is already possible. But, the original ritual simply changes bodies for the souls. An almost dying person can do that and move from one human body, to the next, using a younger body each time. That's what the Ritual was originally designed for.

When used on ghosts, or spirits called back from the dead, there isn't much of a soul in them to take over the body. Which is why all possible experiments in bringing back the dead to life, failed. Or so I believe.

What I'm going to do, is use the skeleton of Helena, and use the flesh, blood and bones provided by the sacrifice to rebuild Helena's body around her skeleton, and soul, while at the same time, binding the soul to the body.

If it works, Helena will have a new body. If it fails, Helena will simply become a spirit again. It's not like she has ever been to the Realm of the Dead to be pulled there. She literally came back as a complete spirit, thanks to the Phoenix Force.

Rowena didn't, which tells us that she either pissed the Phoenix off, or she was the one that expelled the Phoenix Force. Forcefully. Why, and which one? I'll have to ask her that myself.

"This.. might work." Helena mumbles, and sits down where I had just sat, and takes over my work table.

She begins working out the Arithmancy, to see if it will actually work. Well, I'm sure it will.

Two days later, the Potion is ready. Now, all that's left is adding the mandrake leaves soaked in our saliva from full moon, to full moon, and one of our hair. After that, I'll have to keep the potion in a dark damp place, where neither Sunlight, nor moonlight reaches.

After storing the Potion in a dark place, we'll have to chant the spell, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" every night, after placing our wands on our hearts.

Then, and only when a lightning storm starts, we have to drink that potion. While the other method has similar steps, it is not that expensive.

Sigh, but it's still too troublesome. Let's distribute the leaves among the group, and give all the warnings.

~~~ Next Day, Leaky Cauldron- Private Room~~~

"Place these leaves and stick them to the top of your mouth. Don't swallow them. Don't spit them out. And don't talk for a full month. Full moon is 2 days away, so keep the leaf in your mouth only then. I'll advice carrying a notepad and pen with you at all times. That's what I'll be doing." I explain, looking at the girls writing my instructions down.

They know that failed Animagus Transformations, fail horribly. So they'll have to do it properly.

"If you mistakenly swallow the leaf, or spit it out, you'll have to start again from the next full moon. If you do that, send me a letter, simply saying ,'Restart'." I continue, waiting for them to write it down.

I add, "Once the month is over, you'll add the leaf, along with one single hair, pulled along with to root, in the potion vial, and store it somewhere very, very dark. Don't even think about checking on the Potion. It'll do it's work. Get it?"

The girls nod, so I give the last instructions, "Now, once you take the leaf out of your mouth, you'll have to place your wand tip on your heart, every sunrise and sunset, and chant, 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus' Everyday. Until the thunderstorm comes in. When that happens, the green Potion will turn red. Then, you drink that Potion, and say that chant again, and go somewhere with a lot of space. You'll see the image of your forms in your minds, and know how to switch between the two."

"Um.. Mason? What do you mean, Forms?" Dorea asks, raising her hand.

Smiling at her, I explain, "You think I'm going to settle down for the ministry approved ritual, when there's a superior ritual that shows two Animagus forms right in my Library?"

"Two forms!?" Ana shouts. Thankfully, I have already cast all the privacy charms I know, and even a charm that would detect any eavesdropping.

"Yup." I say, smiling at the very appreciative girls. I add, "Oh, and I'll come pick you up when it's time to drink the Potion. Trust me, you'll like the method of travelling."

Darla snorts, and says, "You don't have to impress us, Mason. We're already impressed enough. Two forms." She shakes her head, while Ana does the same.

Dorea simply looks excited, as she says, "Oohh, I wonder what I'll be?"

"Whatever it is, we'll like you the same." I say, while the other two shrug.

Ana says, "Unless it's a worm, or something like a bug. I'll first laugh at you, then I'll hug you to comfort you."

Dorea smirks and says, "Ah, your insults mean nothing to me. Mason said he likes me."

I shake my head, and lay down, leaving the girls to talk. Thunderstorms have already begun, thanks to London weather being so unpredictable. So, we won't have to wait for long.

And I've been to each of the girls houses at least once. More for Darla, simply because she lived in the muggle world. I can make portals, and even teach them if they wish.

I'll have to trust my friends not to break my trust. I will have to show them the Chamber, but I trust them that much.

Plus, there's still time for school to start, so we'll be done before that, I think.


A/N: Animagus forms are fixed. Voting is closed.


Mason: Serpent

Darla: Avian

Dorea: Feline

Ana: Canine

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