

Finally, the month of muteness was over, and I can stop making my Orphanage mates forget I existed. I even had to mind control the Sisters, so they don't try and talk with me.

In this whole month, the only thing I did was read books, and the Alchemy Tome.

Alchemy has been an interesting journey. It mainly focuses on Runes, Transfiguration, Potions, Muggle Chemistry, along with Philosophy, which explains why there are only two well known Alchemists around, and why they are French.

Wizards in general, as well as British Wizards in particular, don't have much.. thinking capabilities. And, Alchemy requires you to think. Sure, they offered the subject in Hogwarts, for 6th year and up, but only if there's more than 10 students for it.

I already had all those subjects mastered, well, almost mastered in case of Philosophy, which is why I found the Alchemy texts interesting.

While making Panacea, the Elixir of Life, is the end game for many, they don't just try and make the Philosopher's Stone.

There's transmutation, which is sort of permanent transfiguration. Then, there's the search for a Universal Solvent, which can dissolve anything thrown in it, which until now, no one has found.

I was not an alchemist, not even close. While the subjects under Alchemy are easy to me, after these many years of studies, Alchemy itself, is not. I did not even sign up for the Alchemy Class for my 6th Year!

But, I was interested in transmutation. The ability to change any metal to any other metal? I can create Gold, Silver, and even the other metals if I had samples of them, and knew the magical properties of the metal.

But, that's for later. I remove the Mandrake leaf from my mouth, as the full moon has come last night, and add it to the potion, quickly adding my hair strand to it, root and all.

Then, I re-place the cork, and place it right back in the dark corner of the Chamber. First, I go and brush my teeth, as I haven't done that for 30 days and I'm feeling grossed out.

Sure, there are mouth freshening charms, but they don't feel the same as brushing my teeth.

Next, I send each of the girls a letter, saying, "I'm done with step 1." They send similar coded letters to me.

And now, it's time to wait and cast the spell, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" every sunrise, and sunset, until the next thunderstorm.

On the 5th day of casting the charm during the sunrise, I feel a second heartbeat along with my heart, for just a second, but I don't stop.

On the 7th day, I feel a third heartbeat join in. Thankfully, it's only during the charm casting.

Finally, 20 days after the Potion was resealed after the leaf and hair were added, I see a thunderstorm rolling in all around London. The radio says that the storm will stay for a few hours, all over UK, meaning it will cover Scotland and Ireland too. Perfect time.

As soon as the first lightning strikes, I portal to the Chamber of secrets, and make a portal to Darla's room, where she's ready with her Potion vial covered up in a spare shirt.

She looks at the portal in shock, and says, "You know, I sometimes think, you can never shock me again, and you do something like this."

I chuckle, and say, "Come on. I need to pick up the others too."

Darla comes in and looks around the outer chamber, which is where we are right now. Leaving her to look around, I make another portal to Dorea's room this time, to a same reaction. Only this time, Cassiopeia was with her.

She firmly says, "I'm coming to make sure you cunts don't make a mistake."

Glaring at her, I speak, slowly, but firmly, "If you're coming, I need an unbreakable vow you'll never share whatever secrets you learn today. Non negotiable."

I was in a hurry, and she just sprung this on me. Cassiopeia raises her eyes, and looks into Dorea's pleading eyes, big mistake. Sighing to herself, she says, "Fine. I'll give you the vow before leaving from wherever you're taking us."

Nodding, I enter her mind while keeping eye contact, and say, "Just so you know. I can erase your mind of all memories if you try to betray me. No offense, but you're you."

While she does get shocked by the telepathic message, she nods, and enters the portal, where Dorea and her join Darla in looking around the Chamber.

Finally, I collect Ana, with no extra surprises.

"This is the Chamber of Secrets, isn't it? So you're a Slytherin?" Cassiopeia asks, as soon as I'm back in the Chamber, Ana in tow.

I nod, and wave my hand. I say, "Questions later. Take out your Potions and check if they're the correct shade."

I had memorized by now, how the Potion should look, and check them all over. All 4 of our Potions were the perfect shade of red they should be.

Sighing in resignation, I say, "Well, no use dallying, I suppose. I'll go first. The storm will stay here for a few hours. If I'm alright, you guys can follow. Else, I suppose, Cassiopeia can take me to Mungo's."

Without waiting for them to argue, I drink the Potion, and chant, "Amato Animo Animato Animagus."

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Thud! Thud! Thud!


I feel my heartbeat getting stronger, and faster with each cycle. Closing my eyes, I focus, only on the Animagus spell, and finally I see it. Or them.

Floating around my mind, were two serpents. One of them, I recognize as a Quetzalcoatl, a feathery serpent very similar, yet different to an Occamy. Where an Occamy is a serpent like bird, a Quetzalcoatl is a bird like serpent. Occamy has the beak of a bird 2+8)3 Quetzalcoatl has the head of a serpent, but feathery wings.

It was blue in colour, with red and orange feathers all around it's body. Finally, there were two hind legs, and two front legs which were only used for balancing, as far as I could see. The Quetzalcoatl was floating anyway.

The second snake, was a normal mundane snake, that looked to me like an Indian Cobra. Fitting, I suppose. It was black in colour, at the top half, while the half that's close to the ground was brown. The designs on it's head were brown too.

Focusing on the image of the Cobra first, I think hard on transforming into it. Immediately, my perception changes. Instead of colours, I see warmth. I could, I suppose, see different colours signifying different temperatures, the higher the wavelength, the higher the temperature.

It was IR vision. Snakes do see the heat, so I suppose it was expected.

I slither around for a while, using my tongue to smell around in 3D, and knowing instantly where everyone is. Is that blood? Damn, one of them's having her time of the month.

After a few seconds of getting used to the snake form, I stop in place, and focus on my next form. A Quetzalcoatl.

This time, the change is a bit scary. I feel myself growing, and growing more, until I stop at 15 feet of length, and half a foot of width. I also feel that I have two pairs of limbs, one pair a couple feet below my head, while the other pair was 4 feet above that.

Most important of all, I feel the wind as I float around it. I'm flying, without using Telekinesis, using the air around me to take me up. I do feel wings folded around my body, but I'm not using them to fly.

~~Amazing!~~ I say, which obviously, the other's don't understand, and with a thought, I turn back to human, and land down on my legs.

I check over myself, as Darla, Dorea and Ana sprint over in happiness. Two legs, check. Two hands, all fingers, check. Clothes, check. My lil bro, check.

"THAT WAS AMAZING, MASON!" Dorea says, excitedly jumping around.

"Yeah, it was something alright. Sorry if I didn't answer any of your words while I was transformed. You wouldn't have understood me anyway." I say, rubbing me head a bit, and looking at the contemplative Cassiopeia.

While snakes don't have ears, they can hear the human voice through vibrations near their jaw bones. I did hear them talking, but I wanted to get used to the form first.

"Okay, who's next?" I ask, looking around at the girls.

Dorea jumps in first, and removes the Potion from where she had it covered. She gulps it in one go, and writhes during the transformation, looking like she was having a hard time not staying afraid.

I shout, "Don't be afraid, Dorea. The animal form belongs to you. Not the other way around. They can't harm you."

A few seconds after that, Dorea transforms into what looks like a wolf. Grey, and white in colour, the wolf had the grey eyes of Dorea, and they looked human, as she begins smelling around.

Finally, after about a minute or so of walking around, she gets used to this form, and closes her eyes. She begins growing, making the girls go, "Oohh!" and take a few steps back.

When she stops growing, she's a bigger wolf, 6 feet in height, and black in colour. A Direwolf?

Nope, she proves me wrong my jumping down and into a shadow, and goes right into it.

"What?! Where'd she go?!" Cassiopeia shouts, panicking.

Dorea- the Shadow wolf, comes out of another shadow from the corner, and snickers, somehow, making us all sigh. She soon transforms back into her human form, to praise from her sister, and her friends.

One by one, even Darla and Ana take their Potions, as the storm was still high up in the air. Darla first turns into a leopard, which then grows to become a 7 feet tall Nundu. Great. Now, she can just turn into a Nundu whenever she's in danger, and unless there are hundred Wizards, all casting at the same time, she won't be harmed.

Ana, meanwhile, turns into an eagle at first, which then grows to become a6 feet golden bird, with 6 pairs of wings. A Thunderbird. Again, an amazing transformation.

Finally, we all sit in a circle, and I say, "Now, before I tell you anything, I'm going to need vows from all of you. A magical vow will suffice."

A magical vow, different from the contract, does not have specific conditions on breaking the vow. Mother Magic herself decided what the punishment will be. It can be death, loss if magic, inability to cast certain spells, or even a shortened life.

"A vow?! But.." Ana says, getting concerned.

I smile at her and say, "Don't worry, I'll give a vow too. This is just so no one else knows about it. This is going to be just our secret."

"I'll give the vow. You recreated the old Animagus Potion, and I want in. If you give me that, I will give you your vow." Cassiopeia says, looking calculative.

She always either looks calculative, or contemplative, or rarely, like she knows your every secret. She probably always does, but she doesn't like to tell others that.

Dorea adds, "If this will only help in keeping our secrets, sure." Shrugging to herself.

Darla nods, and says, "I agree. I don't want to risk anyone knowing of my Animagus form either."

Ana sighs, after all of us look at her, and says, "Fine! I'll give your bloody vow."

Smiling at her, I point my wand into the air, so they can follow my lead, and say, "I, Mason Lucas Aves, swear on Mother Magic, that I will keep whatever secrets I have learned of, or will learn or theorise, about the individuals in front of me, during this whole day, from dusk till dawn, to myself, and not even hit of it to anyone else other than this group, unless the person in question agrees to divulge it. So I swear, so mote it be."

A wave of magic goes off, starting from my wand tip, and the vow settles down.

Ana is the first to give her vow, copying the one I just said, as it was simple, and to the point. It will protect our secrets by being mentioned anywhere by anyone other than the subject of the secret themselves.

Cassiopeia is the last to say the vow, and she looks at me, and asks, "So how are you Slytherin?"

Raising an eyebrow, I say, "My father was descended from Salazar Slytherin. I found this Chamber a year ago, and have been spending most of my time here, when I'm not with the girls."

Dorea asks, "Oh is this the Chamber of Secrets that's said to keep a monster?! What monster is it?"

Grimacing, I answer her, "It's a Basilisk.. you don't want to meet the bloody snake. Trust me."

I haven't even woken it up yet. But, Salazar told me that his past descendants have used it to kill muggles around nearby towns, and so, it has gained.. an appetite, for humans.

I'm still on the fence about preventing Voldemort altogether, by Killing him as soon as he's an adult. But, I don't know what dangers my actions will bring to the world. So, I'll have to stick to the timeline for now.

"Huh. Basilisk." Ana mumbles, looking around, as if it'll come right from behind someone.

Rolling my eyes, I say, "I can kill it if it comes, don't worry. So can you Ana, with your Thunderbird form."

"So.. what was that snake you turned into? It was floating. Without wings." Darla asks, raising her hand.

Cassiopeia answers for me, saying, "It's a Quetzalcoatl. It can control the winds, I think. So, floating around using that ability is not that hard for Aves, here."

"Now, last question. After that I'm dropping you all home." I say, standing up.

"Speaking of. What were those glowy portals you made?" Dorea asks, looking at me wide eyed, and excited.

Rolling my eyes, I say, "That's.. a secret, Dorea. Maybe I'll share it with you later, maybe I won't. Now, Goodbye. Don't forget to practice your transformations in secret. Unless you want to go to Azkaban."

Saying that, I open portals directly behind the girls, and use my wand to push them through.

"MASON!" I hear, from all 4 portals, as I close them, making me chuckle.

Practicing my Animagus form for a while, I stay in the chamber until the storm goes away from Scotland. Once it's gone, I walk towards the Forbidden forest, while using every stealth trick I know.

I have a unicorn to find.


7 weeks. It took me 7 weeks to successfully get a Unicorn to give me its horn. It took 3 weeks to just get a Unicorn to meet with me, and it took 4 more weeks of begging for a horn to finally get it.

The Unicorn literally said, "Take it, and stop annoying us."

Like, what the bloody hell? I even came back to Hogwarts, before I got the horn!

So, now I have the Unicorn horn. I'll need to find Helena, and Rowena's graves now. I need only one bone from Rowena, but Helena's whole skeleton.

The problem is, I don't know if the bones will be intact. Probably not. Bones decompose within a few decades at most in fertile land. And Helena was buried in Albania, which is definitely fertile land. For Rowena, I'll have to first look up where she was buried.

Which is why, I've returned to a subject I had kept away after getting one spell out of it. Time.

If Salazar and Merlin can time travel, then so can I. I have the knowledge right here.

The rest of the steps can be started immediately. Well, except some materials like werewolf fang, Phoenix feather, and the cloak of a lethifold. Those I'm going to get from Borgin and Burkes. Mind control, baby.

Rowena's upper arm bone, the humerus has to be added 4 months in. So, I have 4 months to find Rowena's grave, and find her humerus, all the while making sure no one interrupts me.

So, I use the connections of Borgin, and buy all the necessary ingredients which cost me G7500. Thank God, I'm getting my Aves Family Vault in 2 years. I erased every trace of my presence, from his memories, and then leave invisibly after keeping a letter saying that he had agreed to an Obliviate spell.

I don't care if he realizes he did not actually agree. He's not getting those memories back. Telepathy trumps Legilimency.

When the solar eclipse comes, I start up the Potion, and add the first batch of ingredients.

Let the body building, begin.


A/N: Time skip coming up.

Next chapter