
Fourth Year - 2(Seal)

A/N: I should have just kept this book as a One shot and kept my focus on the first book. Writing school stuff is boring as fuck.


It's been 3 months and I have spent about 3 years or so in the RoR. How? Using a spell I invented.

It is a combination of a few pre-existing spells, actually. This spell, when cast inside a room, with the incantation, 'Tempus Prohibere!' slows down the flow of time, to a 60th it's rate. Meaning, while a single hour passes on the outside, 60 hours pass inside.

First, it were two different spells, one which sped up time for you, making everything around you seem 4 times as slow, and the other sped up time inside the room 15 times. Both those spells, combined into a single spell, gave rise to my Time Stop spell.

It doesn't actually stop the time, but calling it the "Time Slower spell" sounded lame. So yeah, I crafted my first spell. I'm not going to tell anyone though, so no patent for me.

The spell was crafted within a week of spending 6 hours a day inside the room. And once I mastered that spell, I began studying Runes.

I knew, that even with the extra time, I won't be able to read even 1% of the books here before leaving school. And I'm not a teacher, so I don't think I can stay here and teach.

Which is why, my first subject to completely master, was Runes. I wasn't even close to mastering Runes yet. There's literally 2000 books on Runes, and I've finished about 200 of them. But, these 200 books were enough for my next project.

I write down a rune scheme on a piece of paper, and show it to Helena, who is the current, and probably of all time, expert on Runes.

I ask, "What do you think? Is it possible?"

The scheme I had written down, is my own invention. By now, I had about as much knowledge in runes as any Runic Master out there, possibly more.

But the knowledge I had was more focused for my purposes. I did not just read any runes, no. I read the Sumerian, Ancient Nordic, Gaelic, and any language I could find, but mostly I focused on Rune schemes related to my project.

And now, after some three years of studying just Runes, hashing out different combinations, I had made my first attempt at my final product.

"Hmm.. This is nice. You'll have to change some things on this part.. no this won't work. This will blow your brain up.. okay, this.. no.. okay, yes. Hmm.. this is nice." Helena says, looking at my project.

She finally looks up, and says, "This could work, and I get what you're trying to achieve. But don't rush into things. Look at the sections I've marked again, and then show me."

I sulk, and go back to my bench, still in the room. Rechecking everything, which takes me an hour more, I add a few runes, connect them different to before, and then finally I am satisfied.

I show it to her, this time confident that it'll work, and she says, "Good. Let's test it out, shall we?"

I nod, and bring out a square piece of parchment, two feet wide on each side, and copy the whole rune scheme down on it, carefully. Once done, I take another square piece of parchment, bigger than the first, and write down the Arithmancy formula for checking over Runic arrays.

Once done, I lay the Runic parchment on top of the Arithmantic parchment, and put my wand in the centre. I whisper out, "Analyse."

Immediately, the Arithmancy formula starts spinning on the parchment, and once the effect is over, the empty centre, now contains a single word. Absorb.

Happy with my work, I look at the smiling Helena, who says, "Good. It works as you hoped. Now, how will you actually use it?"

I shrug, and say, "Simple. I'll carve the array on my palm."

Saying that, I immediately begin my work. I'm not going to actually be carving it with a carving knife, no.

I'm going to transfer the runes from the parchment, to my hand. This can't be done, usually, for anyone other than the original rune crafter.

What I'm gonna be doing, is directly transfer the Runes, on to a part of my body, which is my hand.

First, I take the parchment, and go out of the Room. I was physically there, this time, so I had to open the door and walk out. All the while, Helena follows me around, to make sure I don't fuck up.

Once outside, I pace in front of the wall 3 times while thinking, "I need to carve runes on the ground."

A door appears in front of me, opening which, leads me to a hall, about as big as the Great Hall. The Hall's centre, had concentric circles, made especially for rituals.

Starting from the inside, I writr runes for the transfer of the array to my hand inside the first 3 rings, using a brush, and black ink, mixed with my blood.

Leaving the next ring blank, I carve my own runic array in the next 3 rings, making a total of 7 rings. Magical number.

Checking, to see if I've done everything correctly, which I have, I say, "Helena, you might want to go out for about an hour or so. This will hurt me, a lot. Plus, the magical interference you will cause, might disrupt this ritual.

Helena hesitates, so I hit the last nail on the coffin, "And I'm gonna be naked."

Helena blushes and flies out of the room, at speeds I've never seen her fly before.

Ah, girls. Wizards. Blushing at the possibility of seeing a relative naked. Taking off my clothes, I sit down on my right knee, God this feels weird and kinky at the same time, and place my left palm on the exact centre of the rings.

"Here goes nothing." I mumble, and channel magic through the left hand.

Immediately, the ink on the runic array begins moving from the parchment, and up my palm, to my arm.

"ARRGHH! Holy fucking MOTHERFUCKER!" I scream as that happens. This shit hurts! I knew it would, but not this much!

It feels like my whole hand is burning! I bite my lip to stop screaming, and force myself to stick to the ground with a telekinetic field around me.

Magic might mess with the ritual, but TK won't. I hope.

Once the whole scheme has transferred over to my hand, 10 minutes after starting it, ink covering up to my shoulder, the flow starts to reverse, and converges on the palm of my left hand.

Again, I feel pain, but not as much as before. Where before, my whole arm felt like it was going to melt, now, it only feels like I'm being poked with a hot poker. And there's the melting pain in my palm. Fuck!

Finally, 15 minutes after starting the process, I drop down as the pain dies down. Damn, this hurt. I'm never trying that again.

I look at my left palm, and see something I expected, but still feels weird to have. At the centre of my palm, there is a dark black circular ring, and at the centre of it, is a small rhombus. Like, half a centimetre per side, while the circle was in inch in diameter.

Ignoring my new tattoo for a while, I stand up from my place, and wobble over to my clothes. Pulling a pepper up, and gulping it down, I immediately feel smoke coming out of my ears, and I feel better. I wear my clothes, and put my right hand inside the trousers' pocket, pulling out a book.

"Introduction to Animagus Transformation." I haven't read this book yet.

"All the Gods out there, if you're listening to me.. please let this work." I say, and patting my left palm on the top of the book, I cast a spell. I say, " Combibo!"

Immediately, a similar rhombus shape becomes visible on the back of my hand, and I feel my magic being pulled to it. Next, the book glows golden, and then the glow dies down. Other than that, nothing.


Huh. It failed? I sulk, and go towards my clothes and start wearing them.

Wait! No! No way! "Hah! Haha!" I laugh, and keep laughing.

I see it now. I see it! There's a new book in my mind's library, separate from my memories!

Quickly opening the book in my mind, I open it up and start reading. Once I've read the first few pages, I open the book still in my hands, outside my mind, and read. It's the same!

"IT WORKED!? IT WORKED! HELENA! IT WORKED!" I shout out, extremely happy.

Helena comes in, just when I'm finished wearing my clothes, and asks, "What happened? Why're you screaming?"

I immediately get out of my physical body, and into the Astral plane, hugging her. I say, "It worked! My Seal worked! It absorbed the information on the book, while keeping the physical book intact! Helena, my seal worked!"

Helena stiffens at my hug, but then hugs me back. She asks, "That's a great news. But Seal?"

I loosen the hug, and say, "Yeah, Rune Scheme felt too weird to me. So, I took this word from the Japanese. Fuin, or seal. Their name for runecrafting."

Helena shakes her head, and says, "Great. Now you can use this seal to learn faster. And then leave."

Understanding her feelings, I ask, without hesitation, "Would you like to come with me when I leave Hogwarts, Helena?"

Helena widens her eyes, realizing what I just said, and flies away, crying. What did I do wrong?

I'll give her some space, and talk later. I got this seal to check over. But, I hope she's alright.


It's been two days, and I haven't seen Helena since that night. I went to the RoR still, and copied as much books as I could. I kept the topic of Alchemy and rituals for the last, as I wanted to study them while I was in Hogwarts.

By the speed I was absorbing books, I would be done before my OWLs are complete.

My new Seal, which I totally did not steal from Naruto, was in one word, Awesome! It can absorb all the information stored inside any book, and send it directly to my mind's library.

That way, I don't have to read them all one by one, I can just send the books to my mind!

After that, I can do one of two things, depending on my own choice. I can either read the book in my mind, or I can choose to absorb it directly within my memories.

The second way was a bit painful for my head, making me feel like I'm hungover, but it was less time consuming. Once I absorb a book, I'll have the memories of reading the book, and memorizing it, without ever having to do any of that!

But, I can't do that to all the books. My mind would overload. So, I'm just storing the books in my mind for now, while I absorb only the knowledge that I need.

My Telepathy means that my brain is already superior to other brains, and thanks to me absorbing 20 Languages at once, my brain was used to having more data than it could handle. So, I absorbed 30 books per day for now.

But because of that, the lessons feel too much boring! I already know what they're going to teach me! I need something interesting in my life. I need a new project!

I...I need to go down to the Chamber of Secrets! I think I'm ready now. I hadn't gone there before because I wasn't strong enough. But now? I could run circles around the serpent.

"Hey, I'll be going for a while. I'm getting bored." I whisper, looking at my group of friends studying in the Library.

Dorea, Anastasia, Darla, would study with me in the Library, where I would help out anyone if they needed it. I generally didn't need help, but I would make up problems for myself, so they don't feel useless.

Sometimes even Tom would join us, as the other two of our roommates are not studious at all.

Dorea raises her eyebrow, and asks, "Where are you going?"

I raise an eyebrow in return, and ask, "Why? Are you offering to escort me?"

"Maybe I am. Depends on where you're going." Dorea says, leaning forward, and smirking a little at me.

"Ugh. Just leave, Aves. You both flirting will ruin my appetite." Darla says, pushing me away.

I simply chuckle, and walk out. Dorea was getting prettier. Sure, at first I was a bit peeved about trying to date her. But then I realized, no matter how I look at it, I'll still look like a creep to myself.

If I try dating women my mental age, I'll be dating Professor Rowle! And she's 40! So, I decided to treat my life as Chinmay, as another person, who's memories I got. This way, I can make myself feel better about... Myself.

So, yes, I'm gonna ask her out soon. Maybe the next Hogsmead weekend. Or after she returns from the Yule holidays.

Sure, some call it Christmas, but I don't feel like it. Like most traditional Purebloods, I prefer calling it Yule. And there's a reason behind it.

No offense to any Christians, but the Church was responsible for Wizards going into hiding. They first tried to make Wizards work for them, in the name of Jesus. When that didn't work, they tried to enslave us. When even that failed, they began burning Wizards and Witches.

Why? Because Wizardry was devil's work. We made demon deals to get magic. So, yeah, I don't call it Christmas. I don't even like to celebrate it, but for other's sake, I do.

Anyway, once I'm far enough away from the Library, I activate my mental invisibility, and then cast the Disillusionment Charm on myself.

The Mental Invisibility is not true invisibility. I simply create, and emit psionic waves from my mind, that make anyone that sees me, forget I was ever there. It's not like the Notice-me-not spell, where the observers feel inclined to ignore your presence. It just makes them forget you altogether.

Now invisible, I walk down the stairs a floor, and go towards the currently still active Girls Washroom, where Myrtle will die in a decade or so. Making sure no one is inside, I say, ~~Open~~ and drop down the chute.

Once I'm down, I see nothing. It was completely dark down here. So, I non-verbally, and wandlessly, summon, "Lumos Maxima" over the palm of my right hand, and throw it up. It stops 2 feet above my head, and keeps floating there, moving with me.

I look around, and see a lot of rat bones. Did this Basilisk eat only rats? I walk even more inside, and encounter nothing, until the metallic gate, with snake motifs.

Huh. What's this metal? It looks durable. As a test, I pick up a stone from the ground, and throw it at the gate. A clang sounds, and the stone falls down, with not even a scratch on the metal.

Damn! Either it's enchanted to hell, or it's some rare metal! I summon my Astral Form and try and phase through the gate, but get stopped like I'm physical.

"Damn it. Enchanted. I'll see if I can decode it later. It'll come in handy." I whisper to myself, and then say, ~~Open~~

Now that I'm actually inside the Chamber, I look around. I don't see anything that resembles a secret door, other than Salazar's statue's mouth, but I don't want to call the Basilisk yet.

I dismiss my Light orb, as there was no need for it here. There was light everywhere, thanks to some enchantments inside this room. It almost looked like it was outside, with the lakes and all.

Again, calling my Astral Form, I pass through many different walls, to see if there's anything that will stop me.

Either whatever he's hidden here has a ward blocking my Astral form, and I'll know where it is, or it won't have a ward like that, and I'll still know where it is, as I'll have passed through the wall and into said secret room. Or, there isn't anything hidden here, but that's highly unlikely.

It's called the Chamber of Secrets, not Chamber of Secret.

After passing through a lot of walls, and wasting 38 minutes of my life, I was counting, I finally run into something. Literally.

The place was hidden at the top of Salazar's head, and my Astral Form hit it.

I have a question, why did the Wizards feel the need to ward off spirits? Ghosts are usually cool. Did a Ghost rebellion happen in the past that we don't know about? Who knows! Rowena's library should have had something on it. I'll check later.

I get back to my body, and float over to Salazar's head, 20 feet into the air. Oh, it wasn't a full body statue, his head was about 15 feet tall. The spot I ran into is. 5 feet above that. How the hell did he even go there? Bloody Wizards.

I try speaking Parseltongue, I say, ~~Open~~


~~Salazar Slytherin~~


Getting a bit closer so the snake doesn't hear it, I whisper, ~~Speak to me Slytherin, Greatest of the Hogwarts four!~~

Still nothing.

Getting a bit frustrated, I punch my fist on the wall, leaving a small crack there, and shout, ~~What do ye want me to do, ye old cunt? Let me in!~~

As soon as I said the last word "Cunt, Let me in," the wall shimmers, and a door appears on that spot.

"I can't fucking believe it. His password was 'Cunt, let me in?' Huh. No wonder his descendants became like this." I whisper and put my hand on the door knob.

I feel a pulse of magic, and the door swings open, without me even turning the knob. Hesitating only a second, I walk inside to complete darkness, and bring my Light orb back out again.

Throwing it up, I unknowingly activate some charm, that turns on the lights in the room I'm in.

"Okay, I'm impressed." I say, looking around the room.


A/N: What did Mason find in the Chamber of Secrets? What will he do with Helena's sadness? Find out, on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.

Next chapter