
The Chamber of Secrets

A/N: Nothing here today. Go right down to the chapter, thanks.


Walking inside the room, I'm greeted with a small room, with a few Portraits hung up. Right in front of the door, was another door, which was open.

In the first room, which was sort of like the living room in modern houses, there were a few chairs, and a table, with a couple books open on top of it. There was no dust, as far as I could see, so either someone lives here still, or there are enchantments cast on the room.

I can't discount Salazar still being alive, but if he was alive, he would have taken over the Wizarding World.

There were 3 Portraits in all, around the small room, but they were all unmoving. One had a portrait of the Four Founders, Salazar and Godric standing there unsmiling, while Rowena and Helga were sitting on a couple chairs. Again, unsmiling.

There was a fireplace in the corner, which was not burning, and the coals had turned to ash. I touch the fireplace, and feel only cold. Thank God! No one's living here. I still do the same for the cup of tea kept on the table. Again cold.

I walk inside the second door, and come out, into a Potions Lab, which.. was also a kitchen? What the hell, Sal? Keep Potions and food separate!

Oh, nevermind. There's a ward here that keeps the kitchen stuff on kitchen's side, and Potions stuff on Potion side.

Walking through another door at the left of the Potions lab, I come out into a bedroom, and Library.

The bed was a 4 poster bed, and looked fancy. Green and silver colour was everywhere, and the bed even had Snake motifs.

The Library, that's where things get interesting. There were books ranging from Rituals, to Charms, Necromancy, to healing. Salazar Slytherin had books on Light Arts, and even Black Arts!

But most important of all, at least for me, was a journal hidden in the corner, which was labelled, "My Journey in learning Sorcery."

What. The. Fuck.

My man Sal studied Sorcery?! And he wrote a Journal on it?! Damn! I'm sorry for cursing your password choices!

One by one, I absorb all the books there, leaving only the Sorcery Journal separate. I wanted to read this one slowly. Without absorbing it. This will probably keep me busy, and make sure I'm not bored!

In 10 minutes, I absorb 127 books kept there, and picking up the Sorcery Journal, I sit down on the chair beside the bed. There's no way I'm sleeping on the bed of someone as weird as Salazar. I don't know what's been here.

I open the Journal and start reading, but stop when I feel someone looking at me. Summoning my wand with one hand, but not letting them know I'm aware, I discreetly use my Telepathy to scan for intruders.


Okay, how about this? I summon the ash from the fireplace 2 rooms over, using my Telekinesis, and without even moving from my place, I use it to detect invisible people. Again, nothing.

Frowning, I finally look up, and look around the room. Nothing. And I still feel that someone is looking at me.

"Who's there?" I ask, calmly, while summoning daggers near me with telekinesis. Thank God there was a kitchen and Potions lab next door.

I hear an amused chuckle, a male voice, and suddenly, the door to the room closes. Walking close to it, I go to open the door.

I try and open it with my hands. Nothing.

I point my wand at the door, and cast, "Alohomora!" Nothing.

"It won't open, you know. Not unless I allow it." A voice says, from behind me.

I turn back, to see something I never thought I'd see. A portrait, of a portly bald man, brown skinned, and wearing robes similar to what I remember those Kamar Taj Sorcerers wearing, only older. But that portrait was not there a second ago. I know, I checked for portraits!

I look at him and pointing my left hand at the door, I ask, "Is that so? Let's find out, shall we?"

Smirking to myself, completely confident, I fire a psionic blast, right at the door.

A blast full of telekinesis, enough to break stones, and dent iron, crashes into the door, and comes right back at me, throwing me on the bed.

"hahaHAHAHA! THAT'S THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE SEEN IN MY LIFE! HaHahaHAH!" Salazar laughs, banging his fist on the portrait window.

I get off the bed dusting myself off, and drink a general healing Potion, to speed up my body's healing. I don't have a healing factor, so this will have to do.

Groaning at the bruised ribs, I rub them and ask the man, "How did you manage to ward the door like this?"

Salazar, still chuckling, answers, "You think me an idiot, boy?! I saw you move those daggers and the ash! I know about your other powers boy! I lived with Rowena, herself! And I made the wards to hold of against her! She was a hundred times stronger than you, boy!"

"You're Salazar Slytherin then? I never thought founders had talking portraits made of themselves. Given the fact that they weren't invented at that time" I say, looking at the portrait in curiosity, still rubbing at my chest.

I groan and slap my hand on my face. Of course he dabbled with time. Just to make a portrait? Or was there any other motive?

"Ah, I see you realized my methods. So then, boy, who are you? You don't look like any of my children, and no one after them came here. Well, instead of me.. but that was.. centuries ago." Salazar says, both of us not bringing the topic of time travelling Salazar.

I shake my head and sit down on the chair, after summoning it to me with a wave of my hand. He already knows I have telekinesis, why hide it now. I say, "My name is Mason Aves. I'm.. a descendant of yours, I suppose. But I'm also the last living main line descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw."

I say main line, because obviously many of the other Wizards right in my school are also descendants of the founders. Aves family was just the main line of the Ravenclaws.

Salazar scrunches his face for a moment, and then smiling widely, he says, "Ah! The Aves! I met them during my adventures, you know. I should have realised Rowena's runaway brat was their ancestor. Well, the first runaway brat, anyway. So, which of my families are you from? Gaunt, Slytherin or Evanshade?"

I freeze, he did not just say Evanshade right? I ask him, "Sorry? Evanshade?"

Salazar nods, and says, "Yes, one of my great grandsons found that family. But, judging by the fact that you don't know who they are, they must have died off." He goes sombre for a bit.

I nod at him, and exolain, "Yes. The last one died 300 years ago. As for the Slytherins, the last known Slytherin was in 15th century. 400 years ago."

Evanshade was not in any way even considered to by related to Slytherin, whereas the Gaunts liked to boast that they were the descendants of Slytherins. The Gaunt themselves killed Evanshades in the past, 317 years ago due to some feud or another. But, it's important, because I believe the muggle Evans name came from this one. Meaning Lily Evans was descended from Slytherin.

"Hmm.. So, Gaunt then?" he asks, looking me over. Then he snorts and says, "Went after the Aves, did you? Not one Gaunt feature in your body, boy. At least your eyes are Slytherin."

And I thank God for that! I had black hair, soft to touch, and they get combed very easily. My skin was fair, not too fair, but not too tanned either. I am a British white person. My face shape is similar to my previous one, not too big, but not completely angled either. And my eyes are green. Not lemon green, they are emerald green.

I'm thankful that the only thing I got from my rapist father is my Parseltongue. As even my hair colour came from my grandfather's side. The eyes, were from my mother. Hers were Emerald too.

I grunt in displeasure at Salazar, and say, "I'm thankful there's no Gaunt feature in me. Bloody bastards the lot of them."

Salazar frowns and asks, "Why're you saying that?"

Clenching my fists, I take a deep breath and control myself. It's not his fault. I whisper out, "One of your last descendants from the Gaunt line, Morfin Gaunt, raped my mother. She died giving birth to me. So, forgive me if I hate them."

Slytherin grimaces, and asks, "I... apologize for that. Judging by the fact that you go by Aves, no one knows who your father is, right?"

I nod, and we stay silent for a minute. I finally shake my head, and ask, "How are you speaking English? I mean modern English? The language must have changed over the Nine hundred years."

Salazar looks at me, smirking, and says, "Rowena was not the only one gifted with minds. My gift simply allowed me to talk to, and understand the language of any sentient being. Each one hears the language that's most common for them to hear."

Huh. I did not know that. He has AllSpeak. I ask, "Is that how the Parseltongue came to be?"

"Nay. Parseltongue was my family's gift. My grandfather did some sort of ritual, that used the body parts of his pet Basilisk to give him the ability to talk to snakes. Any snake. It also made us, meaning his descendants immune to a Basilisk's gaze. Pretty amazing, right?"

I nod, pretty impressed. AllSpeak and Parseltongue? If he didn't look so much like an Indian person, I'd have pegged him as a Lokison. And I'm immune to Basilisk gaze? I'm not gonna test it out anytime soon, but it's nice to know.

Getting up from my chair, I stretch a bit, now that I'm completely healed up. I say, "I would love to sit and chat, but I have to leave now. I still have school."

Salazar grunts, and waves his hand, going to sleep, and making the portrait completely invisible again. I hear a voice as the door opens, "Do come in here some day again. I'd love to chat again."

Shaking my head, I simply walk out. I wanted to take these Potions, but chances are, they're already ruined. Shelf life of Potions is not much, and even stasis enchantments don't stay forever.

Ignoring the Basilisk's resting place I go out the same way I came, after checking for girls in the toilet, of course. I only left the pipe, once I was sure no one was inside the toilet.

All in all, I spent two hours inside the Chamber, and by the time I got back, dinner had already started. Eating my food in the Kitchens, to avoid people looking at me, I leave for my room. I miss Helena now.

Night time was usually reserved for our talks, and I've been spending hours bringing her out of her funk. And now, all of that is in drain because of one stupid question. Not willing to think more on it, I go to sleep, and begin to read the book, "Finding your inner animal- A guide to Animagus Transformations." Along with any other Animagus notes from the Room.


From the corner of the room, hidden from view, Helena views the boy she had known as her sister's descendant, and now knows as a good friend. She was still crying, 2 days from the incident, and she wasn't sure what was wrong with her.

But she knew, why it all began. She was beginning to like Mason, and his question felt like hope being dangled in front of her. But she knew, it was not possible for ghosts to come back to life. No one has ever done that before!

So his question, just brought more sadness to her.

Looking at him go to sleep, she went back to the Room, to spend the night. Ghosts don't need sleep, but they do get bored.


".. and that's all with today's agenda, from me. Anything else?" Headmaster Dippet asks, looking at the four Heads of Houses sitting in his office.

It was usual for the Heads of Houses to meet with the Headmaster, once a week, while a full staff meeting was called twice a month.

Professor Merrythought speaks first, "I would like to offer Mr Aves a chance to give his OWLs this year."

"Mr Aves is just a fourth year, Galatea, no matter how smart." Dumbledore says, before Dippet can even say anything.

Merrythought rolls her eyes at his condescending tone, and says, "Don't forget, Albus, that I was the one who taught you hot to hold a wand. I know when one of my students is smart enough to pass the OWLs, and Mr Aves, is smart enough to pass his NEWTs if I have him take them tomorrow!"

"Truly?" Dippet asks, to which Merrythought nods once. Dippet rubs his chin for a second, and says, "What do you all think of this? Should he be given this offer? Herbert?"

Professor Herbert Beery, the head of Hufflepuff house, straightens up, and says, "I'd say it's Tea's decision, Aves being her student, and none of our business." He pauses to glare at Dumbledore, who frowns, and Merrythought nods thankfully at him. Slughorn chuckles a bit uncomfortably.

Beery cobtinues, "But, since I've been asked my opinion, I'd say what I've seen. Mr Aves is an exceptional student, and he's a genius in anything he studies. He has most definitely studied ahead, and already knows most of the 7th year material, and some of it even more than that. That said, he doesn't show any interest in Herbology beside the plants that might be used for Potions and Healing."

He pauses, again, and continues, "Even Silvanus said the same thing. He likes Magical animals, studies ahead, but isn't too enthusiastic about them. But, he does somehow love the Thestrals, and likes to spend time feeding them."

Dippet nods at the detailed explanation, and turns to Slughorn. He asks, "Horace?"

Slughorn gets excited, and starts rambling praises, "Genius! I'd say he could take the NEWTs in Potions, right now and still pass with distinction. He is simply an amazing student, and even helps others sometimes. But, like Herbert said, he does seem to favour Healing. Just last week, I caught him brewing a Wiggenweld Potion! And he made it perfect! I'd say let him!"

Dippet nods, and turns to Dumbledore. He says, "Your turn Albus, but be honest."

Albus nods, and sighs. He says, "Mr Aves reminds me of myself. I too, went through my studies, as fast as I could. And look at how I am now. Forced to stay here and not even say one word, while my former friend tries to take over Europe. I simply don't want Mr Aves to turn out to be like me. It's a no for me."

He slumps back into his chair, looking sombre. Everyone is concerned for his feelings, knowing about the blood pact he'd stupidly made when younger.

Merrythought finally sighs, stands up, and says, "I understand your feelings, Albus. But he's getting bored in his classes. How long do you think before he turns to the Dark Arts, simply because we had nothing to teach him, and he had nothing to learn while in school."

"I'm not saying he will go to the Dark Arts, but as his Head of House, I can't ignore the possibilities. So, it's better that we offer him the chance to give the exams, and maybe pass out of school. He can apprentice under some distinguished wizard, and even the Flamels would pay for a chance to take him under their wings." Merrythought says, and sits down, finished with her argument.

Dippet hums, pulls up a parchment, and starts writing on it. He says, "Very well. Galatea, you are permitted to make him that offer. I will write to the Department of Magical Education, and inform Griselda of an additional student appearing for this years examination."

He finishes writing, and stamps it. Waving a hand, he summons and melts sealing wax, and seals up the letter with the signet of Hogwarts. He gives the letter to a elf that appears without being called, and turns to the four Heads of Houses.

He says, "While I would like it if Mr Aves studied at Hogwarts for 3 more years, he's as you say, a genius. He wants to be a healer, so lets do our best to make him one. Horace? Can you talk with your contacts at St Mungo's and get him an apprenticeship if Mr Aves agrees?"

Slughorn nods, getting excited. He says, "Oh yes, Mia owes me a favour any way. If Mr Aves agrees, I'll send him right over to them."

Dippet nods at that, satisfied. He says, "Good. Galatea, talk to Mr Aves, I need an answer tomorrow. Dismissed."

The three Heads of Houses stand up, and immediately leave, with only Dumbledore staying. Dippet begins working on another letter, and says, "You've already been dismissed, Albus."

"But Armando- " Dumbledore begins to argue, keeping the same tone as before.

Dippet slams his hands on the table, pushing Dumbledore back into his chair with a wave of magic, and freezing him in place in the same instant.

He glares at Dumbledore, and says, "Do not presume to be superior to me, ALBUS! I've been a professor here for 300 YEARS, AND HEADMASTER FOR 25! IF GALATEA SAYS HER STUDENT IS READY, HE'S READY! Now, you've been dismissed! GET. OUT!"

Dumbledore finding himself loose and walking again, before he even realizes he's walking. He walks out, nodding at Dippet, and hiding his fear of the old Headmaster. He never would have guessed the old man still had it in him.

'He pushed me aside like I was a fly!' Dumbledore thinks, calming his heart.

This was the day, that Dumbledore learned the importance of being old, and looking frail, and kind. Everyone underestimates you. Always.

'Just like I did with him.' Dumbledore thinks, grimacing a bit. He makes a motion with his head, that says, "I get it now." And thinks, 'At least now I know why Herbert was so afraid of him during my first year. He must have made the same mistake I did.'

Finally calm, Dumbledore walks towards the kitchen, intent on having some soothing lemon tea. Maybe with a splash of whiskey.


A/N: Hola Amigos! I changed my mind. Again. I'm not going to bring Dorea and Mason together.

Mostly because he and Helena make a better pairing, but also because I made the introduction to her a bit forced. It's like, I was taking the character with no chemistry with Mason, and putting her with him.

Darla has more on screen chemistry with him, than Dorea, and she's a closeted lesbian. And yes, Mason's going to talk to her about it soon, to let her know that someone's there for her if she needs anything and all that crap.

Now, Helena, that's something I never intended but happened anyway! The Chemistry is there, they like each other, tolerate each other's presence, and it doesn't even feel forced!

Plus, they're related so Wizards might accept them as a couple too!

But, this will mean poor Luna Lovegood has one less friend to talk to her, but I'll do something about it later.

Do you guys know if I ever described his looks? If I did, tell me where it is, and I'll check if it's the same as the one I did in this chapter.

I hope you guys liked the last part. It was my favourite to write!

Dumbles is.. not evil. But, he believes he knows best. Galatea Merrythought finds it amusing. Dippet, does not, as you might have guessed.

Okay, until next time. Tata!

Okay, I realize that the votes aren't working. It doesn't work for me either. I wrote a complaint, but nothing's happened yet.

And, the book is still not showing on my bloody profile! Anyone knows what I can do?

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