
Chapter 40

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https://www.pa treon.com/MessyLife

Chapter 40

I look at Nojiko's back as she walks away. Just a little more, I just need to pull some more strings and she will be in my palm, just like a puppet she can be controlled. This is quite fun...

I walk outside and use <Geppo> to go higher and I narrow my eyes. I can see a huge city with a castle at the top. I also see smoke coming out of the island. Wonder what is going on there? 

This doesn't seem like any of the islands that the Strawhats visited. So another unknown… hmmm… I will see where this will lead. But I will also need to hide the ship, and go a little undercover. Going into a situation without knowing anything isn't smart.

"Sabo, use your fire to create a mist around us," I order Sabo, he nods without needing me to tell him anything he understands.

He points his palms at the water and releases a continuous wave at it. Immediately we are surrounded by steam, creating a mist all around us and beyond us. 

Me and Sabo have Observation Haki so it doesn't affect us at all. But devil fruits can have many usages outside of battle. One just needs to have imagination, the original Ace was good with it… but not too good either.

"Everyone stay close to me, I will sail the ship into a remote part of the island. Then we will go and explore." I explain to everyone, they know that they can count on me during situations like these.

I sail towards the outskirts of a remote part of the island and have Sabo stop creating any mist. I see a river which leads to a forest and I sail down it.

"Okay, only Cat will be staying to look after the ship. We will go and look around what is happening here. Travel in groups of three or more later, just in case." I give out instructions to all of them and they nod. I then smirk. "Also, let's have some fun on this island. I hope there are entertaining things to do around here."

In the end we all as a group walk towards the city that we saw from before. 

I can't help but be proud of the strong crew that I have built. Deuce, Sabo, Bartolomeo, Gin… and then there are Desire and Nojiko. The latter has been kinda useless, but hopefully, she learns how to use that sniper rifle on her back. I should start teaching them Haki as soon as they get stronger physically. I better start soon, because it will take them years to learn Haki, but that will be priceless once we reach the New World.


-General POV-

While Ace was already planning years into the future, everyone else has smiles on their faces looking forward to adventuring into the unknown.

"Hmmm… I wonder what new thing I will get to write about?" Wonders Deuce.

"Maybe write about a sh*t down the road. While looking intently at it as if you wanna eat it." Suggests Bartolomeo, making everyone in the group snicker, even the usually quiet Gin.

"Oh I know, I will write about the dumbass barrier man." Says Deuce, annoyed by Bartolomeo. For the next couple of chapters in his book, he will give him an insulting nickname. This is his way of retaliation.

"Oh, Bartolomeo, Deuce is calling you sh*thead on his book now." Infirms Sabo, a slight smile on his face. 

"What?!!" Exclaims Bartolomeo. "Oy, masked idiot don't write that!!"

Deuce didn't listen and a malicious look appeared in his eyes as he read out loud what he just wrote. "And so the sh*t head **** sh*t **** and did ****."

"Oy! Don't put that in the book!!" Yells Bartolomeo as he chases Deuce around to take his book away, but the latter just runs around with surprisingly fast speed.

"Woah, I didn't know that Deuce was that fast." Exclaims Desire in surprise.

"He… has tapped into a secret forbidden power." Says Gin suddenly with a very grave voice. "The forbidden power of a writer."

"Ehhh… that sounds like a made-up power." Says Nojiko.

"Because it is." Answers Desire.

"No, that is a true forbidden power." Inputs Ace with a passionate voice.

"As expected, I knew you would understand it, Captain." Says Gin. "Everyone else in this crew is dumb, they can't see beneath the superficial."

"No Gin, it's not that they are dumb." Explains Ace with a serious look on his face. "It's just that we are too smart for them."

"Oy, don't talk as if we are not here." Says Sabo.

"Shhhh… Sabo… shut the fu*k up. Your dumb brain waves are withholding my smart ones." Explains Ace with a mock mysterious voice.

Sabo blinks twice and looks at Ace. "Oy, ain-"

"Shhhh… Sabo… don't talk, you are ruining the moment." Says Ace, his eyes closed as if he is sensing something.

"Hm?" Sabo is confused by this. 

At least until a chuckle escaped Gin, and like that Ace started chuckling too which went into full-out laughter. "BAHAHAHA… can you believe it Gin, he believed our bullsh*t."

"HAHAHAHA…" Gin laughs too. "Captain, as expected, Sabo's brain waves might be making us dumber."

Sabo gets pissed off at this and fire burns around his body.

"On no, Sabo is on fire!! Gin let's pee on him to make it go away!!" Yells out Ace in full on panic.

They are about to pull down their pants and this makes Sabo even angrier. 

A burst of fire later and a kick below the belt has Sabo knocked out by Ace who is holding him over the shoulder.

The men look at him with pale faces. Ace looks at Nojiko, Desire, and winks at them. "That is my special attack called <Ball Crusher>."

"As expected from Captain Ace, he is willing to do anything to win. What an amazing conviction!" Exclaims Gin, his eyes full of admiration as he looks at Ace.

"Oy!" Calls out Desire. "Don't make everything he does something that shows his greatness."

Always, whatever Ace does, when Gin describes what his captain did, he will make it sound like the best action possible that even the smartest person in the world wouldn't think of.

Out of all the crew members, Gin is the only one who sees Ace as someone perfect, and whatever he does is planned meticulously.

After some time, Ace and his crew finally arrive at their destination. Which is the city… and he sees where the smoke was coming from now.


An explosion rings out as one of the walls of the city breaks down. 

Ace looks at this calmly, even as his nose scrunched a little at the smell of death in the air. "I see… so this is a war…"

What they were looking at is tens of thousands of people fighting against each other. Thousands of corpses litter the ground.

"What should we do?" Asks Bartolomeo, unsure of their next actions. He looks at his captain for directions. And uncharacteristically he sees Ace with a cold look on his face.


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