
Chapter 41

Chapters in Advance:

https://www.pa treon.com/MessyLife


Chapter 41


I look at the countless corpses lying on the ground, it churns my stomach a little. I have a pretty stable stomach and in this world, I had already killed countless people.

From killing the parents of my best friend, to the killing of countless people on my orders. But this is something different now, it showed just how savage the human race could be, killing each other in the thousands. Probably for some weak king… that last part infuriated me the most.

In my 1st life, I was normal too, nothing out of the ordinary. I followed the laws like a good citizen and contributed to society. But when I came to this world, I didn't change too much, simply my mindset adapted to the new world order, the laws wouldn't protect me anymore, so what was the use of them? Killing to me became a new tool in my arsenal, nothing more, nothing less, and like I tool, killing is used when needed.

Still though, killing in this manner wouldn't help anyone. This world has new rules, if the Kings are too weak to fight alongside their army, then their reasons for war aren't worthy in my opinion. And now, I have taken a liking to enforce my opinion and will on others, after all... I do have access to a certain type of Haki most others don't.


I release my Conqueror's Haki, and it waves through the battlefield below me. Knocking out both armies in the thousands. Me and my crew just walk towards the city with nonchalant faces and I have both hands in my pockets.

What a useless war, looking around I see many dead people, each of them could have been a resource instead of having their lives thrown away uselessly like this.


Inside the city, there were also soldiers and civilians knocked out. I never knew the limits of how many people I can knock out, but it seems to be more than around 10,000 at least.

I noticed a castle in the middle of the city, I pointed at it and gazed at Sabo. "Destroy that."

He noded and clocks back his fist.


A giant flame fist shot towards the castle.


The building that had housed royalty and nobles for many years got easily destroyed. I already had a clear understanding of what was going on by looking at the condition of the city and the 'attackers' with their 'weapons' clothes and body structure.

It seemed like the usual oppression by the king or something along those lines. Most of the attackers were civilians, farmers, and similar people.

After that, I only yawned in boredom and looked around the city, "This doesn't seem like a fun place to be and we already cut the head of the snake, it's up to the people to take control now."

"The World Government will be pissed…" I tell my crew members with a smile on my face. "Let them be pissed, we are pirates, we don't care about this. There could even possibly be a raise of lawless anarchy, but, at least I gave them the chance to choose their fate."

I now needed to wait for the Log Pose to set once more and we will be away from this place. I didn't wanna get involved, but if my bounty was raised because of this, then so be it. Because while I might kill when I see it as the easiest solution, in my eyes, every human life is a resource. Even a 'useless' farmer will build in the system. In my last world, homeless people had their role in society too, sure people were homeless at one time and the next they weren't, changes like that were inevitable. But the idea of homelessness had motivated many people to try harder to not end up like that, so yes, even what some people may call leeches had their usefulness in human society.

Three days later and the Log Pose sets, I had minimal interaction with the people on this island. But Deuce got involved a lot as he was writing his book and even helped overthrow a noble who used the death of the king to take power for himself.

Now there was a chapter in Deuce's book about anarchy and such. I was going to skip that part of the book in the future, if it wasn't about the Main Character (which is me, I am obviously the most interesting person in the book, even if Deuce denied my Main Character Tag) then I ain't reading those other parts.

Anyway, even as he just recorded the circumstances of the war in Vira Island. He didn't interfere in any battle, that wasn't his place to. We had already interfered enough, people who are granted freedom will never feel the same as those who fought for it. Now, these people will not be dependant and hope for outside interference the next time an unworthy leader rises. We can't hold their hands and we won't be here forever, but we won't be needed if they find within themselves their fighting spirit.

Around midday we set sail, not wanting to waste any more time in here. I was just sitting on the side of the ship, the water kept hitting my feet which felt nice.

After setting sail, Nojiko seemed conflicted by something, so I decided to approach her. "Nojiko, is something wrong?"

"No…" She answered, but then she shook her head and looked me in the eyes. "Tell me, Ace, if you didn't want to interfere with these people… why did you save my village?"

Oh… now that is quite the question you got there Nojiko. Well, Arlong had to go, but I also wanted a female presence in the crew since I wasn't sure if Desire even existed in this world. There were many reasons, most of which were superficial, but I can't tell her those. 

So instead I went for another answer. "Well, unlike these people, your village had no chance against Arlong. You would have died, these people had the power, they just need to get rid of their mindset that the king can't be replaced by a better ruler. That type of power is like a shadow on the wall."

"Is that the truth?" Asked Nojiko once more, and I smiled at her sweetly.

Well, well, well, hasn't she gotten smarter. So she isn't all boobs and no brain after all.

"Yeah, honestly I didn't want to interfere in the beginning but after I heard of the recent village destruction… yeah, I couldn't just leave," I explained to her, she still seemed conflicted, so I decided to tell her a semi-truth to not let her slight suspicion develop anymore. The seed of doubt can become very dangerous if left to grow without supervision.

"Honestly, sometimes I don't want to get involved in some things, but I will have to because even though my mind tells one thing, my heart tells another," I explained to her, something that was a half-truth.

She smiled at that, and I smiled back at her. Nojiko shrugged and jokingly hit my arm lightly, "Heh, you could just say that you did all that just because you felt like it."

I laughed at that, Nojiko laughed with me. But while I was cheery on the outside, I couldn't help but think some certain things.

I can't allow any suspicion to develop on the crew about me. Though it won't cause any big problems, I don't want a Strawhat Water-7 situation happening in my crew. I was no Luffy, I will kill that crew member who even thinks of betraying me. Because I knew how people like Luffy who didn't have his luck ended... they would end up like Oden...

Still, I wasn't willing to leave everything to chance, as that would ruin what I have carefully planned.

"Sabo, can you come over here for a sec," I called over to my most trustworthy crewmate.

Even if we acted like we are at odds at times, we will always have each other's backs. I know that Sabo would give his life for mine… I wouldn't reciprocate the action, but he thinks that I would. That is all that mattered.

I wasn't giving up this 2nd chance of mine for no one. This is my 2nd shot at life, I will live it to the max… and maybe beyond it, but one thing was for sure, NEVER will I give up my life for someone else's. The original Ace did that, but sadly, me and him are two different people now. His failures will never be mine. Still, though, all of that didn't matter now, as I must concentrate on other matters.

"Sabo, we will need to start training the crew in Haki. We will switch on who teaches it, we will teach them Observation Haki first since it is easier to learn." I informed him of a rough training schedule that could be moved around depending on what we were doing at the time.

"Okay," Sabo accepted. Knowing that this will be a long-time job, they won't learn Haki in weeks or months. It will take a year or two to get the basics down first, but he also knew that Haki will become a priceless way of fighting for them. It could be used in attack, defense, strategy, and pretty much everything.

Even though I doubt Sabo understood that in the New World, Haki wasn't something special and a lot of people have it.

Still, I needed to get my crew up to par so they at least are not a liability to the crew in the New World.

...I also have my training to do too... can't have the captain lacking behind after all.

I went under the deck of the ship, as I knew that it will be at a minimum, days before we reached the next island. 

So I go to my building floor. The place where I build weird things. Mechanical parts were laying all over the floor, giant hears were to the side and the smell of metal was so thick that I could taste it. I just kicked the rubble in the flood away to make way for me to walk on.

Finally, I found the thing that I have been looking for. It was a capsule with water inside of it, I call it a Sea Compressor Machine, I fill it with water, go inside it and it pressurized the water. Truly a nice thing, this way I could still grow stronger physically, by working smart and using machines to train my body even when sleeping.

I should be able to achieve what it would take others decades, but I will be able to do it in years.

After all, working hard is good and all, but also working smarter is even better.

A/N: People like to think of themselves as good followers and morally right guys/gals. But did you know that during the world war, there is this documentary that showed just how a normal farmer, baker, and shopkeeper would turn into beasts on the battlefield. Shooting, killing, stabbing the enemy for survival.

P.S: I really need to set these chapters in a timer.