
Chapter forty-three

Tense silence reigned between the duo. Avery waited with a held breath for the other woman to answer.

Jada didn't want to hurt the young woman beside her, but she really wasn't cut out for commitment.

Her old self would have wanted such a thing but not now, and factoring who's the daughter she was then Jada shouldn't even consider it, not that it stopped her from taking the young woman to bed.

But sleeping with a person is a desert apart from being in a relationship with them. The formal Jada was good at, the later Jada runs from like a plague.

"I am sorry Avery I can't really be what you want from me."

"Is it because of the red hair? " Avery enquired with a little bit of jealousy coloring her tone.

"Who? " Jada asked a little puzzled.

"How many red hairs do you know? " Avery asked in a sarcastic tone.

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