
Chapter forty-four

The phone rang in the Smith residence shattering the peaceful silence of the night, Daryl Smith currently standing on his balcony in his flying black robe picked the object.

"Hello, " he said into the phone.

"Boss, the Mexican just escaped the Fbi capture, and he just reached out to me, saying he has some information about the guys who he thinks might have been responsible for stealing our drugs. He claims they were his formal buyers but had suddenly backed off the deal, " the man on the other end rambled into the phone

"So what are you waiting for to get to him before some else does, or do you think we are the only ones looking for him, " Daryl snaps into the phone not impressed with his men ineptness.

"Boss, he is asking for something in return."

"What is it?"

"That we help him smuggle him out of the state."

"Is that all?"

"Yes boss"

Next chapter