
Part Nine

Evelyn lay awake on her bed as the news kept replaying in her mind, the picture of the bastard smug face as he walked out of the hospital kept the sleep away from my eyes as my mind became troubled. Evelyn was scared that the man that took so much from will walk free and there is nothing she could do about it. Tired of staring wide-eyed at the ceiling she got up to her mum's room.

She opened her door slowly, trying not to make any noise so I won't wake her mum but as soon as her weight dropped on the bed she opened her eyes.

" Is everything alright Evie?" Melinda croaked in a sleep tinged voice, rolling to her side to accommodate her daughter who adjusted to rest her head on her chest.

"No mama" Evelyn answered snuggling more into her arms, "but we can talk about that in the morning, " she said closing her eyes and allowing her mum's slow heartbeat to lure her to sleep.

Melinda wanted to insist on what had her daughter awake and in her bed, but hearing the soft snores coming from her she decided to let it go.

Melinda woke up again when her bedside alarm announced that it was time to be up. She quickly shut it before it wakes her daughter sleeping peacefully beside her, a rare occurrence these days. Quietly leaving the bed to get ready for work and then make some breakfast before she can wake Evelyn.

Melinda came back upstairs after getting their breakfast ready and decided to wake her daughter before she is late for work.

Evelyn sat in the room filled with people here to judge her case, their eyes were red as they screamed at her for accusing an innocent man, she tried to explain that he wasn't innocent but her mouth wouldn't move and she was growing scared as the mob grew violent heading in her direction. "Evelyn wake up, " a voice said penetrating her nightmare.

The voice sounded familiar, Evelyn looked around the faces surrounding her trying to identify the voice when next it came a hand joined it pulling on her shoulders and dragging her away from the thousand hands reaching out for her.

"Mum, " Evelyn whispered softly trying to get her bearing and clear away the remnant of her nightmares.

"Baby you have to get ready for work, " Melinda said to her daughter, leaning down to peck her turned towards her bathroom.

Evelyn didn't feel like greeting the day, and falling asleep late was not helping keep her awake so as soon as her mum turned her back she turned to go back to sleep.

"Don't make me get the cold water, " Melinda threatened her daughter without looking back.

Evelyn grumbled beneath her voice but stood up anyway, and then last night incident came rushing back to her mind, and then she grew sad again and the will to leave her bed deserting her, but she knew she didn't have any other option, and the thoughts of being alone with her thoughts were scary enough so she stood stretching out the kinks of sleep headed towards her room to get ready.

Evelyn was just coming out of her room when the phone rang, wondering who could be calling at this hour headed towards it, hurrying in its direction to avoid it going into voice mail.

"Hello, " Evelyn said into the phone holding it to her ears while she waited for the person on the other side to respond.

"Is this the Wright residence?" Asked a soft cool female voice across the phone.

Evelyn nodded her head but remembering the person can't see her answered yes

"This is detective Crook, " the voice said putting a name to the voice.

The name caused Evelyn's heart to leap in her chest before it started to pound within her chest, as she tried to guess the reason for the detective calling, and the scenarios rushing through her mind were not helping to calm her heart.

"Hello detective, this is Evelyn, what can we do for you? "

"Hello Evelyn, how are you doing?"

"I am doing as well as is expected, " Evelyn replied softly, while urging the detective to cut right to the chase, as the pleasantries were just making her suspense worse.

Evelyn didn't know why it rubbed her the wrong way when the detective asked to speak to her mum, but it just made her mad that she nearly snapped at the detective, but as calmly as she could in her anger she told the detective that she can say anything to her concerning the case. She was an adult and didn't appreciate being treated as a child.

"I apologize, Miss Wright, " Detective Crook said reading the anger behind the calmly delivered words, the reason she couldn't comprehend but it wasn't her intention to offend the young woman with her request to speak with her mother.

Evelyn accepted the apology and listened calmly as the detective relayed the reason why she called.

Apparently, Daryl Smith's lawyer is claiming that her client is innocent so the case is being charged to court for them to decide, and the detective needed us to come in to meet the prosecutor that will be handling our case.

Evelyn was split into two. On one hand, she really wants the bastard to pay for what he did to her, on the other hand, she didn't want the publicity, the exposure messiness that will be associated with a trial. From the movies she has seen about cases like hers the girl ends up being dragged to the mud. Evelyn hopes that is not the case for her.

Melinda walked into the living room to find her daughter staring into space, the cord of the telephone still in her hand while the receiver was dangling about. She called her name and got no response then she repeated it causing her to jump slightly. "I am sorry, " she apologized smiling at the comic reaction of her daughter.

Evelyn nodded at her mum while trying to recollect her thoughts.

"Who called? "Melinda questioned becoming alarmed by the look on her daughter's face.

"We are going to trial, " Evelyn muttered in a low tone.

"What! " Melinda asked picking up the low mumbling while giving her daughter a confused look, demanding she explains from the beginning.

Evelyn repeated all that the detective told her, adding also the release of Daryl Smith early this morning. "Mum, do you think we will win against him if this goes to trial? " Evelyn asked her mum.

The vulnerability in her daughter's eyes made Melinda's heart clench in pain, as she drew closer to her daughter drawing her into her arms, she whispered, "we will. I believe justice will prevail."

Evelyn had her doubts because Daryl Smith was an influential person with a lot of money, but she nodded at her mum's words.

Evelyn and her mum made it to the precinct and were directed into detective Crook's office.

We entered her office to see her in serious discussion with another police officer, their discussion seems to be a serious one, because she was yelling, as the other officer looked on with chagrin.

When she caught sight of us she dismissed the officer, who cast us a strange look on his way out.

We took our seat in front of the detective and waited calmly as she repeated in detail about the reason she wanted us to come in.

She told us about Daryl's lawyers bailing him out early this morning and how they are claiming he is innocent of the crime he was accused of.

"Innocence my foot, " Evelyn muttered sarcastically beneath her voice, she couldn't help feeling a rush of anger at the thought of the man who raped her walking around free, and who might even not be found guilty by the court of law just because of who he is and the kind money in his pocket. He probably has some of the judges in his pocket Evelyn thought bitterly.

As Evelyn was contemplating the bleakness of her situation, while her mum and the detective were discussing hiring a lawyer, the door opened and a tall handsome African American man with a serious look on his face came into the office.

The serious look, change to one of the huge smiles transforming his whole closed off and aloof appearance, as soon as his eyes met that of the detective, which was returned by the detective who had stood up to hug the newcomer.

I guess they knew each other.

I and mum looked on as the two obvious friends caught up with each other. When they were done, Detective turned in our direction and made introductions, his handshake was strong and firm as his expression was schooled back to business.

"Ross these are the Wright, they are the ones I was telling you about, " the detective said to our confusion, while the tall leaned muscled man nodded his head in understanding.

Mrs. Wright, Evenly this Ross Reynolds, one of the best prosecuting attorney in the city and a dear friend of mine, her voice grew tender here, "he will be representing you in your case, " she finished looking at us expectantly.

We looked at each other, conveying and understanding each other thoughts. Though we are grateful for the detective offer, the man looks expensive and we can't afford to hire his services.

Melinda turned to the detective, "I am sorry officer I don't think we can afford his services, " she said looking at the man who looked more like the type of lawyers that their opponent will have in his corner.

"No no Mrs. Wright you misunderstand, I am not charging you for this am doing it as a favor to my friend here, " he said looking fondly at the detective.

Evelyn's brow hiked up when she saw the serious detective flush from the man's words.

Mmm I don't think they are just friends, Evelyn thought in her mind, but whatever they are she felt grateful to them because look at things she needed a good lawyer in her corner.

Melinda turned to the man to thanks him, before doing the same to the detective, feeling very much grateful for their help.

Ross smiled warmly in the older woman's direction, accepting her thanks before turning to the young woman beside her who has yet to say anything. Ross couldn't imagine what she is going through but he can glimpse an inkling of the hell the young woman has been through these past few days from the turmoil behind those brown eyes. He hated to dredge up the whole incident, making the young woman relieve what must now be the worse day of her life but he has to do it as he needed to get the picture of the whole story.

Facing the young woman with a compassionate look in his eyes he asked for the detail of everything that took place that day, even the minute detail that she considers unimportant.

Evelyn stayed silent for few seconds giving herself some time to mutter the strength to rehearse the whole incident again, and when she concluded her tale, her eyes were once again filled with the tears of her pain as they flowed down her cheeks.

He nodded his head in acknowledgment, before saying " am made to understand that the trial will be in two weeks, he said looking in the direction of the detective who nodded her head yes.

I was surprised by his words, I didn't know about this, the detective must have told mum when I was lost in my thoughts. I felt a little panic coming on at the suddenness of the trial, we will be prepared within this short time I wondered in worry, turning back to the discussion to hear the detective taking his leave, not before he extracted a promise of dinner from the smiling detective. Mum thanked the man once more as he took his leave.

"Thanks for your help" mum said in gratitude to the detective, who just raised a part of her mouth in somewhat of a smile, waving mum thanks away "just happy to help ma and I wish you all the best," she said as we both stood to take our leave.

Evelyn and her mum came out of the precinct to see several reporters waiting around and immediately they caught sight of them rushed in their direction, the microphone being shoved in their faces as questions upon questions were thrown at them, especially in Evelyn direction who was trying to use her mother as a shield against the mob. The whole thing reminded Evelyn of the nightmare she had early this morning before her mum shook her awake and she couldn't help the panic that gripped her as her mother tried to shield her from the relentless paparazzi.

The sight of their vehicle filled Evelyn with immeasurable relief that she nearly ran to it in her haste to escape the reporters.

As soon as her mum unlocked the doors she flew inside winning the glasses close to keep them away.

Melinda ran to the other side once she was sure her daughter was safely inside the vehicle and zoomed off, not minding if she hits any of those meddling freaks, in her mind they deserve it, she thought in anger at the hassle they had to go through just to get to their car. If Daryl Smith was to be in her presence right now she would be forced to murder all her baby girl was passing through because of him. Her gaze flung to her daughter to see her coiled up upon herself weeping silently.

Are you alright baby? she asked looking worriedly at her daughter.

"Do you think I deserve what happened to me?" Evelyn asked her mum, sniffing, her voice soft and filled with pain.

"Why will you think that? " Melinda asked glancing at her daughter while trying to keep her attention on her driving.

"Nothing, " Evelyn answered looking out the car, but inwardly she was bothered by some of the questions the reporters had hauled at her. She remembered the dress she wore on their date, she had met for him to find her attractive not to seduce him into thinking that she wanted to sleep with him. Evelyn would have if only they had taken time to know each other, but that hadn't been on his agenda, Evelyn thought bitterly.

Another question that struck her mind was one about being the second Charlotte. Evelyn closed her eyes as she remembered her reaction when she read the story and couldn't help the hysterical laughter that broke her lips at what now feels like karma to her.

The sudden sound of laughter from her daughter drew Melinda's attention once again to her daughter. Are you alright she asked the giggling girl but to her amazement the laughter grew in intensity, making Melinda think that her daughter has finally lost it?

Evelyn looked to see her mum giving her the has she gone crazy look and her mirth increased she laughed till tears flew down her cheeks and the laughter became cries as she started weeping, not really sure why she was weeping but the feeling was just there, as she tried to cry out all the emotions feeling up her inside.

"Please tell me what is wrong, " Melinda pleads to her daughter who was crying silently beside her.

Do you know I am not the first person? he has done this to, Evelyn muttered suddenly.

"Who? " Melinda asked feeling confused by her daughter's words.

"I am not the first person that Daryl Smith has raped during their date."

"What are you saying? " Melinda asked in a quiet voice because she can't believe her daughter will be aware that the man has such a history and still go out with him.

"I didn't believe it when I read the story, "Evelyn said reading the look in her mother's eyes.

At her words, tense silence reigned in the car with each lost in her thoughts, not willing to continue the

Later in the night, Evelyn was relaxing in the living room with her mum as they tried to occupy their time catching up on TV shows they missed these few days.

The show they were currently watching was on a break as they aired some commercials which were suddenly taken out of view to be replaced by an image of several reporters surrounding a beautiful tall white lady standing in front of a building that Evelyn could recognize anywhere in the world. It was Daryl Smith hotel, the very one of their second meeting.

Evelyn sat up in her chair her attention fully on the TV causing her mum to on the TV also as they both watched the woman begin her speech.

"Am standing here on behalf of Mr. Daryl Smith she began sounding bold and confident, to address the alleged rape accusation against my employer and we are here to tell the public that this is a plot of a disgruntled young woman who feels slighted that Mr. Smith is getting back with his wife after having slept with her."

My mouth hung open in shock as my eyes widened in reaction, my ears couldn't believe what it was hearing.

The sound of a hard knock on our door snapped me out of my shock as I wondered who could be knocking at this late hour. I flung the door open and my eyes widened at who was standing before me.

Next chapter