
Part Ten

If Evelyn was asked to hazard a guess as to who will be at the door when she flings it open, the woman standing elegantly dressed in her red fancy coat, push stilettos, a red shawl wrapped fashionably around her neck and a Gucci back hanging off her elbow wouldn't have been in her million guesses.

Her mouth dropped open in shock as she stared at the woman like a retarded person, unable to mutter the simplest ability of speech.

Madeline hadn't meant to come here, but when her husband was arrested a day ago on account of sexual assault and later was said it will be going on trial, she had to come and see the young woman in person, and she is no surprise that the woman is pressing charges, obviously looking for ways to extort money from her husband she thought taking in the modest apartment which she is sure wouldn't improve further inside.

"Are you going to let me in or continue gawking at me?" Madeline asked the young woman staring at her like she has lost some brain cells

Evelyn bristled at the woman's patronizing tone but she moved aside for the woman to come in, and she swept past Evelyn like a queen leaving behind a trail of expensive perfume that Evelyn has no doubt cost more than what her mum makes in a year.

Melinda was waiting for her daughter to come back with whoever was at the door, but when that was taking a bit of a time, she stood to find out what was happening at the door, only for her to stop midway at the entrance of the woman she will never believe in million years will darken her door.

She looked at her daughter asking with her eyes what the hell was going on.

Evelyn saw her mum's look and her response was a lift of her shoulder as she too was confused as to the woman's presence in their house.

Madeline was not surprised by the state of the inner part of the house as she took in the drab features, the worn-out couches bare wooden floor. It just further confirmed in her mind that this family is gold diggers looking for an opportunity to extort them and Madeline was going to oblige them. It will cost a couple of thousands of dollars and the whole matter will die down she reasoned while still looking around the house.

Evelyn noticed the woman's patronizing causal perusal of our living room, and she tried seeing their house in her eyes, the living room was not much and has only a long couch which looks so worn out from use, another short couch beside the long one, wearing the same worn outlook, a table at the center of our TV and the other appliances taking up small space at the corner, the floor had a red rug that had seen better days the walls had a faded yellow paint with our family photos lining most of the walls but all the same the room exuded a homing feeling, filled with scents of all our memories in them, and I must say they were happy ones.

But looking at the woman standing in the room her presence looking bigger than the room itself with her nose turned up, she knew that the house didn't meet her standards, but who cares what she thinks, am proud of my house, Evelyn murmured to herself.

Melinda ignored the distasteful look on the woman face as she took in the interior of their living room and offered her a seat in a polite manner trying to be hospitable even though all she wants to do was walk the woman out of her house in the most aggressive way for what her bastard of a husband did to her daughter.

"Am not here to seat down" Madeline said curtly turning down the older woman's offer of a seat, she will be damned if she seats on that couch that looks fleas infested. She turned around to take in the young woman who had seduced her husband and now turns around to accuse him of rape. She must give it to Daryl he knows how to pick his women, the young woman was very stunning and pleasing to the eyes just like every one of the whores the bastard had cheated on her with, but what she wouldn't stand is this piece of trash trying to take advantage of the situation to soil her family name.

"Hundred thousand dollars, "she muttered into the thin air.

"What!" Evelyn and her mum exclaimed together, they probably heard the woman wrong.

Madeline rolled her eyes at the mother and daughter, "I said a hundred thousand for you to withdraw your case from the police."

Evelyn couldn't believe the woman dared to repeat the nonsense she just vomited.

"Get out!" Melinda yelled furiously pointing towards the door, she couldn't believe the nerve of this woman. Rich people and their nonsense believe that everything and everyone can be bought with money.

"One fifty, "Madeline increased the money, thinking that they were playing hard to get.

"Mrs Smith leave my house, " Melinda growled moving threatening in the woman's direction.

Evelyn having had enough of this woman belittling attitude, moved as if to take the woman by the hand and throw her out of their house.

"My mum asked you to leave, or have you added deafness to your madness." Because there is no other explanation for this excuse of a human being to believe that they will actually take her money, Evelyn thought shaking her head at the insult.

Madeline looked so unconcerned by the fury pouring from the mother and daughter. "You don't have to look so mad like I have insulted you, I am merely trying to help you, to spare the humiliation of being dragged by the mud, tarnishing your image only for it to be for nothing cause there is no way you will be winning us in court, so take the damn money and forget about your stupid ego."

"If you are sure that you will win in court, why are you here?" Evelyn asked snidely glaring in the woman's direction.

Madeline shrugged her delicate shoulders at them, "is your funeral, " she said heading towards the door.

Evelyn stomped ahead of the woman, her body filled with repressed fury, she held the door impatiently and waited for the lunatic to exit.

At the door, she turned to me, " you are going to regret not taking my offer" Madeline said as a parting shot before passing through the door.

Evelyn not waiting for the woman to fully exit the door banged it close almost catching her on the ass. Would have served her right, Evelyn thought darkly heading back to the living room.

"I can't believe the nerve of that woman, " Evelyn yelled once she made it into the living room, diving across the long couch, still fuming.

"Don't give it another thought, " Melinda said to her daughter why she tried to control her emotions at this unexpected and infuriating visit from their visitor.

One week later.

I sat in the courtroom fidgeting, my hands cold and clammy, I tried rubbing them together to infuse some warmth but that didn't help, my trial starts today and I feel so sick to my stomach from nerves, I am scared that I will throw up all over the place, embarrassing myself in front of all these people. My feet started tapping restlessly, my nails already shorter than they usually are from my nervous biting.

"You have to calm down" Melinda whispered to her daughter, stilling the restless leg with her palms on her thigh.

"Your mum is right Evelyn, you have to calm down, this is just the preliminary hearing, " Ross addressed the young woman who looked as if she was going to pass out any minute.

"Easy for you guys to say, you are not the one who is going to be under the judge and scrutiny of these people, " Evelyn mumbled beneath her voice, but tried to take in deep breaths to calm herself when that did not work she tried to distract herself by looking around the courtroom.

There were few people around, looking behind her, the sight of her boss, and friend Olivia occupying the back seat, made Evelyn feel tearful, as a feeling of appreciation for their support infused her.

Olivia waved, smiling in her friend's direction, her eyes conveying her support, which Evelyn returned with a close-mouthed smile, also replying the nod of greeting she received from her boss.

I also saw a few of my aunts and my uncles from mum's side, and my dad's half-brother uncle T was also in the crowd.

My grandfather, a caucasian was already married before meeting dad's mum, a beautiful African American woman with whom he had a brief affair, and dad was the product of their brief affair.

Dad's family was not in acceptance of him and his mum, and when his mum died it was him alone. His father only supported him but had refused to acknowledge him, what a prick anyway the summary of the whole thing is that among dads side of the family he only got along with Uncle Terrance who is somewhat a black sheep of the family seeing that he is gay, and the family disowned him, but dad accepted him which made them a little closer.

I nodded my head at all the family members, also grateful for their support.

The sound of the door opening drew everyone's attention to it, as Daryl and his entourage made their way in.

He looked more intimidating and powerful than before, and the woman walking beside him looks like someone not to trifle with. Her steps were sure and confident like a woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. His wife walked beside him looking as regal as she looked the night she came to my house.

I have always had a healthy respect for strong and powerful women like Elizabeth, but seeing as she was representing a bastard like Daryl Smith all I could feel was detest and disgust. it felt like she was a traitor to the women folks.

My heart started beating so hard in my chest that I was scared it was going to pound out of it, their presence made the whole thing more real.

As the opposing council took their seat, I couldn't help taking a side glance at Daryl. He looked so calm and collected, not even an inch of nervous expression, it was as if he was sure he is going to win.

Daryl could feel the stare of the young woman on him, but he refuses to acknowledge her. She was stupid if she thinks she could win against him in court, and moreover Daryl trust the efficiency of the woman beside him to extricate him from this mess and when this was over he can get on with his life as he is already receiving backlash from his investors because of this scandal.

The judge entered and everyone stood up in respect and waited till he sat down before taking our seat.

The judge was an old small white man, whose black robe almost swallowed him, and his reading glasses were perched low on his nose as he peered at the crowd from above it instead of through it.

The jury walked in one by one, there were eight of them all within the range of middle thirties and fifties.

The plaintiff stood up and read out the case opening the floor for the lawyers to say their opening speech.

I took a slow breath to calm my nerves as my lawyer did his opening speech, he was eloquent and confident but when Elizabeth took the stand her presence drew everyone's attention as they focused on her, she commanded the room with her words, her carriage and when she was done I threw my head down scared at what we were up against.

Watching his lawyer in action-filled Daryl with more confidence that he was getting out of this unscathed, he chanced a look in the young woman direction to see her already looking in his direction, and couldn't help giving her a smug look causing the woman to look away quickly and Daryl to chuckle inside.

When the session was dismissed Evelyn stood up on a shaky leg making her way towards the door, she needed to use the bathroom as she felt a bit nauseous.

Evelyn walked briskly into the bathroom going to the sink, she poured water on her face taking a deep breath to calm down. She looked up to see Madeline standing beside me from the mirror. Her eyes had a gloating look when they met hers.

"You should have to taken my offer," Madeline said in a smug voice, applying a colorless lip gloss before smacking her lips and turning to face me, "Elizabeth is just starting, by the time she is done with you, you will wish that you never met Daryl Smith," she finished with a smug look in the young woman direction.

"I already feel that way and the trial is just starting, who knows how it will end" Evelyn spoke in a brave facade that she wasn't feeling. She was really scared, but she will be damned if shows any of those fears in front of this woman. She merely stared expressionlessly at her waiting for any more words from the woman, and when she didn't get what she wanted from me, she left in a huff.

One look to be sure nothing was amiss, Evelyn exited the bathroom after the woman.

"Where have you been?!" Melinda asked when she finally caught sight of her daughter heading in her direction.

"In the bathroom," Evelyn mumbled looking a bit down.

"Are you all alright?" Melinda asked looking at her worriedly.

"Am fine" I answered my tone subdued, what I needed was to go home and rest and forget about the whole day.

"Can we go home now? " Evelyn asks her.

"Yes," she said to walk in the direction of the existing.

I didn't see my lawyer anywhere, I guess he spoke to mum about what next, while I was in the bathroom, but at the moment I didn't feel like knowing, I just wanted to curl on my bed and wake up when everything is over.

Outside we managed to elude the reporters hanging around the courthouse, finding our cars easily because the parking lot wasn't really filled and mum made her way out quickly and by the time the press got to know of our presence mum was already driving off.

When we reached home I just went up to my room and locked myself inside, feeling the stress of the whole day in my body.

It's been three days since the trial started, both parties have examined and cross-examined their witnesses, my mum has gone up, the doctor that examined me after my visit to the police station has given his testimony, the jury was also shown the footage of me in the restaurant with Daryl and also the image of me going into his apartment building with him, is just remaining I and Daryl we are yet to be called to the stand.

"The defending counsel you said you have another witness?" the judge asked, looking in her direction.

"Yes your honor," she said, stepping forward, "I call to the witness stand, Mr. Oliver Bernard."

Hearing that name I froze, what the hell is he doing here!

Next chapter