
Part Six PAST( Recounting continues

Evelyn has seen enough crime movies to know you don't enter a black tinted glass car to see someone unless you want to be kidnaped and taken to an underground secret lab and be experimented on.

She watched the man wearily, not making any move towards the car, who is to say that the person he says wants to see me is the person in there. I was really scared of being a lab rat, who knows these days. And to make matters worse, she was the only one in the parking lot with these people whoever they are.

Evelyn thought about making a run for it, she has already warmed up her feet to do a Usain Bolt act when the dude said the name that had her freezing in her tracks.

"Mr. Smith wants to see you" he repeated, when he saw I wasn't making any move to approach him, opening the side door for me, his face not giving anything away, typical of dudes like him, always forming serious.

Evelyn walked hesitantly towards the car, glancing around to see if there was anyone around who will bear witness to her entering this car. She kept one eye on the man to see if he will make any sudden movement and she out of here.

Daryl had waited for the young woman to call him but she didn't, further intensifying his curiosity about where the young woman is. Women have never not called him when giving an opportunity, in fact, they are lining up for me to notice them but this young woman with her shy attitude is acting differently from the rest. So since the young woman refused to come to me, here he is looking for her.

Daryl gave the woman a relaxed smile when he noticed the tense suspicious look on her face when she joined him inside, as the cautious one she is he thought relaxing when he saw the young woman lose the suspicious look and relax with a shy smile curved her luscious lips.

Evelyn relaxed and gave the man sitting at the owners corner a shy smile, even though she had been surprised that it was really Daryl Smith here to see her, she was able to lose the suspicious look on her face as she relaxed in the man's presence giving him side glances to really make sure he was really the one because she had really made up her mind that she wasn't going to see the man again and didn't really think she possessed the courage to call him as he requested but here he is looking for me, Evelyn thought in wonder as the driver got the car moving in what direction, Evelyn didn't know and wasn't bothered as immersed herself in the man's presence.

"Hello Evelyn" Daryl drawled, his voice low, I didn't get your call why?

Evelyn shivered as little bumps erupted across her body at the man's low drawl. Evelyn didn't know that a man's voice could sound this sexy. As for his question, Evelyn really didn't know what to answer, I mean she can't tell the man she didn't call because she didn't know what to say when she calls which is actually true but will really make her sound like a child which is far from what she wants the man to see her as so she kept quiet as a nervous feeling engulfed her, as her feet started tapping on the floor. Evelyn quickly put her hand to her knees to stop the taping. Whenever Evelyn is nervous or uncomfortable her feet start tapping and she is clearly both as the man beside her focused those beautiful brown eyes on her intensely causing her breathing to increase slightly.

Daryl kept watching the woman beside him, unable to help how gorgeous she looked, he noticed her feet tapping indicating that his stare was making her nervous but Daryl didn't want to stop but instead asked "Nervous?"

Evelyn took in a deep breath before answering, his masculine cologne filling her nose. It smelt nice and wasn't stifling like most men's perfumes.

"Not really" she denied, but quickly looked away when his stare became too much for her as her insides grew more nervous, the butterflies them waking up from their slumber as they fluttered their wings from excessive excitement evoked by the man sitting beside her.

Daryl chuckled softly at the young woman quick denial. "you don't have to be nervous around me," he cajoled, his voice low and smooth, "I don't bite unless you want me to, " Daryl purred making her voice sexier and deeper, while he stared at the young woman with all the desires she evoked in him since he set eyes on her.

"You are such a beautiful young woman Evelyn" he continued "and I must tell you I was attracted to you the first day we met and I caught you in my arms. I have heard of damsels falling into one's arms but I have never experienced that till that day, it was as if I held an angel in my arms" Daryl finished in a charming tone, still letting his need reflect in his eyes.

His words caused Evelyn heart to beat harder as her breathing came out faster, but she tried controlling it, not wanting the man beside her to know how his words affected her, and so she refused to look at him because she knew everything she was feeling will be reflected in her eyes.

Daryl took the girl's chin in his hand forcing her to look at him, he needed to see if the girl was feeling what he felt, and when he saw the shy desires in those brown pools his eyes grew darker as his desire became a raging need. A need to taste the young woman beside him. He leaned towards the young woman to kiss her and almost chuckled when her eyes grew wide, she is really innocent, Daryl thought almost close to her lips, but the sudden stop of the vehicle and his driver's words made him lean away from the girl, even though reluctantly, as he tried to reign in his desires. He will have patient, next time he will make sure there were no interruptions.

"We are here boss," the driver said from across the partition.

Evelyn was to slow to react to his words as she was still frozen from the near-miss kiss, her heart was thundering as her imagination ran wide at how it will feel to actually kiss the man beside her. She didn't know whether to curse the driver for interrupting them or thank him, as she wasn't sure she wants to kiss the man yet without knowing him more. The Daryl effect gradually wore off and Evelyn wondered where they were, she looked at the man questioning him with her eyes.

Daryl chuckled slightly at the girl's fluttered look, is really going to be fun to have her, he thought with a smirk. You are him he said answering her unasked question.

Oh, Evelyn said and reached out to open the door, but someone beat her to it because the next thing she knew she was grabbing thin air. Evelyn looked to see the driver standing beside the open door, she made a move to exit when a firm hand held her back.

"I am interested in seeing you Evelyn," Daryl said to the young woman stopping her from leaving.

"What about your wife?" Evelyn couldn't help asking.

My wife is none of your concern, Daryl spoke in a chilled tone his eyes hardening which softened as he regarded the woman, we are separated now and whatever I do does not have any bearing on her

"So what do you say? Will you like to go out for a coffee with me?"

Evelyn was sacred by Daryl's tone when he talked about his wife, but she waved that aside as she contemplated his offer. This is what she wanted right so why is she taking time to give him an answer, she knew why because her instinct was telling her to proceed with caution. Deciding that there was no harm in having a coffee with the man, Evelyn nodded her head.

Daryl smiled widely at the woman's nod, "Thanks, Evelyn for accepting my invitation," he said, raising her hand to his lips and kissed it, moving his tongue lightly across the smooth skin while he locked gaze with the woman.

Evelyn inhaled sharply at the touch of his lips on her skin, but quickly withdrew it before she combusts.

"Thanks for bringing me home Mr. Smith" she let out in a tone higher than she expected.

"Daryl and the pleasure is mine, Daryl drawled as he watched the young woman leave.

Evelyn stood entranced while the black Rolls Royce drove away unable to get her head around the drive she just took with Daryl Smith.

The front door opened and Melinda came out to see her daughter standing with a dazed look on her face, "are you going to come in, or do you plan to spend the rest of your night there" she asked in a snarky tone, folding her hand across her chest as she looked at her daughter weirdly.

Evelyn rolled her eyes at her mum, thankful she didn't see it as she made her way towards the door. While walking she couldn't help smiling at the unexpected turn of her day.

"Why are you smiling like a cat that ate the canary," Melinda asked curiously, with a suspicious look as her daughter drew nearer.

"No reason mum" Evelyn mumbled out but didn't look her mum in the eyes.

Melinda didn't believe her daughter, but she wasn't going to force her, then she remembered a car dropped her off, one she hasn't seen before.

"Who was that?" she asked with a narrowing her eyes at her daughter.

"Who mum?" Evelyn asked, messing with her mum, as she knew who she was asking about.

Melinda leveled a look at her daughter that got her spilling everything.

"Evelyn that man is too old for you!" Melinda yelled in disbelief and married.....

"No mum he is separated, Evelyn countered before her mum could go on the rampage.

"It doesn't matter I don't trust him, " Melinda, staring hard at her daughter. It was true as she couldn't comprehend the man's interest in a child twice younger than him.

"But ma, you haven't even met him!" Evelyn cried.

Melinda rolled her eyes, I don't need to meet him to know that I don't trust him what kind of a man comes after a child.

"Mum, I am twenty-two hardly a child, moreover age is just a number."

Melinda rolled her eyes, but her daughter was right she was an adult and she can't detect who she sees and who she doesn't. "Promise me you will be careful, "she said to her.

I will Evelyn said casually "So what's for dinner?" she asked, changing the subject. To her, her mum worries too much.

Melinda gave her daughter a resigned look as she didn't think she took her seriously. "You know the drill wash up before dinner.

During work the next day, Evelyn was in a daze, as she finds herself reliving over and over again the car ride she had with Daryl Smith, and this led her to be absent-minded.

"Oh, okay that's it" Elena snapped having fed up with her intern absent-mindedness, "what is going on with you?! she growled, glaring at the young woman.

The high tone startled Evelyn as she gave her boss a frightened look, " nothing ma she said quickly flushing at being caught daydreaming.

"If nothing is going on then you better pay attention when am speaking to you" Elena snarled, having zero tolerance for unserious individuals, even though that is not the word she will use for her new intern who has proven herself hardworking since she started working with me but today she seems off.

"Am so sorry ma, " Evelyn quickly apologized, admonishing herself to pay better attention, as she didn't want to be at the receiving end of Elena ire again.

Elena faced back to them what she was working on without acknowledging the apology.

They were working on the story Elena did on one upcoming fashion designer, Mr. Traci Jacqueline, who just gained popularity these recent few months. The tremendous increase in the market of his brand drew the medias attention to him and now every news media and the world is clamoring to know who he is and the story behind his success, but Elena once again worked her charms and got the exclusive when others were being turned down as the guy claimed not to be into interviews. Guess Elena made him change his mind, yeah she is that good.

"Heard you interviewed Mr. Smith with Victoria yesterday, " Elena asked turning to stare at her intern, she was curious to know if they got anything that Caroline will use to beat her in the chat.

The sudden question from her boss caused Evelyn's heart to skip, especially at the mention of Daryl Smith's name. "Yes, she stammered, feeling nervous.

So was she able to get him to talk, because I heard the man has been refusing all sorts of questions concerning his recent estrangement with his wife?

Evelyn considered if it will be seen as a betrayal if she answered her boss's question, but she doesn't owe the other woman anything and only worked with her once, which really wasn't such a good experience and moreover, Elena is my boss. No, she wasn't able, Evelyn said truthfully.

A slight smile broke Elena's face, as her mind relaxed she still going to be at the top, and with this story, she was working on Caroline is not going to see her back. Elena is aware that their rivalry seems childish especially to most of the other workers but she couldn't help wanting to win always. There is this satisfaction she drives beating the Scottish woman.

It's been two weeks since Evelyn rode home with Daryl Smith and also since her encounter with Mrs. Grant and was a little startled when the woman cornered her on her way leaving the office.

"Hi, Mrs. Grant, can I help you, Evelyn stammered drawing away from the woman encroaching into her private space.

Caroline made sure to be looking at the young woman in the eyes when she posed her question. " Has he contacted you? she asked cutting right to the chase.

Evelyn shook her head no, but quickly stared away from the woman as the ride she took with Mr. Smith flashed through her mind. She felt guilty for lying to the woman, but she knew if she tells the woman the truth it will only encourage her in this crazy idea of hers of me playing spy.

Caroline narrowed her eyes at the woman, something telling her that she was lying, leaning close she whispered remember my promise don't lie to me again she said walking away.

Whew, Evelyn breathed easy once the woman walked away.

What does she want? a voice asked from behind her sending few feet up to the sky, as she wheeled around to see her boss staring at the woman that just walked away from her.

Clutching her hand to her chest, Evelyn gave her boss an irritated look. What is with these two ladies and scary the hell out her are they trying to kill her.

At the silence to her question, Elena looked down to see the scared look clearing from her employee's eyes. She hadn't meant to scare her but instead of apologizing, she rose her eyebrow at the girl waiting for the answer to her question.

"Nothing ma, "Evelyn muttered when the woman stared at her waiting for the answer to her question.

Elena nodded before walking away, the young woman on her heels.

The next morning being Saturday Evelyn was woken up by the banging on their door.

It was 7.30 am and being that she loves sleeping in on Saturday, it didn't seat well with her that she is being made to wake up before noon.

She stood in annoyance stumping towards the door not caring she was still in her PJs, she yanked the door open to give the piece of her mind to the unfortunate soul, only to be faced with Daryl Smith driver standing in her doorway with a bouquet of red roses.

Good morning ma, he greeted politely tilting his head. From Mr. Smith, he said giving me the roses.

Thanks, Evelyn said having recovered from the shock of seeing him in front of her door. With a nod, the man matched back to the expensive car that Evelyn didn't realize was parked in front of her house.

Closing the door after her unexpected visitor she examined the flower to find a card accompanying it. She opened it and it read.

" Sorry for not contacting you for a while Miss Wright, to make it up to you I will be picking you up for dinner this evening signed Daryl Smith."

Next chapter