
Part Seven


Evelyn eyes flew open as another nightmare racked her dreams, then the water works followed as they tricked down her eyes like a flowing stream. This has been going on since the night of her unfortunate incident.

Her dreams are always filled with horrifying images of her night with Daryl Smith which sends her screaming to reality and then she will cry till she falls asleep and then the whole process repeats itself. Evelyn had tried stepping out of her room but hadn't had the strength so she lies in her bed windows shut, curtains drawn light off with no sense of what time of the day it is and the only thing different is only when her mum comes up with food for her, and with her persistent lack of appetite she is only able to take few bites just to please her mum was beginning to worry.

Talking about her mum, Evelyn wondered why she hasn't seen her today, she turned around in her bed towards the mini table beside her bed to see a plate of food and a note.

Evelyn tried sitting up to get to the note but a wave of dizziness struck her sending her crashing to the bed as her body protested the movement. Evelyn held her head steady to calm the wave and when it subsided Evelyn was attacked by a strong headache that had her clutching her head in pain. Evelyn groaned as her eyes filled with tears, fuck she muttered softly please stop she begged.

As if someone up there had her pleas the headache subsided a little giving her momentary relief. looking towards the note she stretched out and picked open, squiting through the little light penetrating through her windows she found out that her mum has gone back to work.

When they came back from the police station her mum had called her office to inform her that she will be needing some days off, that she was sick and couldn't come in and she also took permission from her own work place to take care of me, and has been doing that for these past few days.

Allowing the note to slip through her fingers Evelyn looked towards the food on the table, her stomach was empty and has been complaining since she opened her eyes but looking at the food Evelyn couldn't mutter the appetite to eat it. Taking the water first at least to quench her dried throat, she took a healthy gulp of it. As soon as the liquid hit her stomach a sever pain gripped her inside causing Evelyn to clutch her stomach waiting for it to subside probably as a result of taking the water in an empty stomach.

When the wave was over, Evelyn glanced around her room and the urge to flee it's the confining darkness gripped her. She decided to leave her bed today, so with so much effort she stood up and made her way to the bathroom, not interested in how she looked she walked pass the mirror with out a glance and entered the shower.

The freshness of the water flowing down her body made Evelyn feel a little bit alive than she had these past few days.

Changing into a fresh clothes and turning out her bed sheets, Evelyn took her breakfast to the parlor with the intention of distracting herself with the TV.

Settled down on the two man couch in the living room, Evelyn took a bite of her breakfast while she waited for the TV to come on, and when it did, she wishes she had remained in her room as the picture of Daryl Smith and his wife looking charming to the cameras surrounding them was all over the TV.

The bite that Evelyn just took sat heavily in her stomach as she stared in pain at the TV, the words from the news caster floating around in her brain not making sense. The sight of the man, even is from the Television who betrayed her destablise Evelyn and sent her inside reeling as the whole incident came flashing back to her.

The plate she held in her hands fell through her fingers as her breath became shallow and fast, her heart rate increases so fast that Evelyn became scared that it was going to race out of her chest. The lack of air worsened her fear and made her grab around for something to hold on to. Not seeing anything, Evelyn slidded down the couch till she dropped to the floor, bending her forward she tried to get her breathing under control.

Few minutes past in which Evelyn felt like she was dying luckily it past and Evelyn was able to breath freely.

The sound of Daryl Smith speaking drew her attention back to the TV, and Evelyn listened with heavy heart as the man talked about how him and his wife had settled their differences and was getting back together.

The charming and wide smile on the face of the guy who recked her life sent sharp stab to her chest and the feeling of bleeding from the wound, Evelyn stared dejected from the floor as the man carried on with his life as if nothing happened.

The dejected feeling was gradually being replaced with rage which grew in intensity the more the media flashes the smiling face of Daryl Smith, Evelyn found herself gripping the remote tightly in her arms and unable to hold it in hurled the object at the TV. The object flew towards the TV but luckily her aim wasn't as accurate as she would have hoped as the object flew past the TV to crash at the wall behind it.

Failing to achieve her aim the remote, Evelyn dragged herself up and walked towards the TV and shut the annoying image off.

She wanted to hear her mum voice, needed the comfort of her voice so picking up the phone lying on the couch she dialed the number and waited eagerly for her mum voice to come on. The phone rang and rang without anyone picking, when it rang off, Evelyn repeated the dial button, and still the same result. After the fourth try she gave up feeling dejected and disappointed she made her way back to her bed and conconed herself in between the sheets.

Her thoughts wouldn't let her rest as they berated her for being a fool, for falling for the sweet tongue of the devil. The saying that all that glitters are not gold rang through her mind flashing a neon example with her case. She was carried away by the beauty and sweet tongue of the man that she ignored the warnings of her mother. If only she had told Daryl to take her home that night she wouldn't be in this mess, Evelyn moaned painfully as tears began to fall again and the next thing her shoulders were shaking as she sobbed bitterly.

Not trying to hold in her emotion, Evelyn gave free reign to everything that was consuming her insides as they poured out through her tears. Tired and drowsy she fell into an exhausted sleep.

The department store where Melinda worked was so packed today with customers that she was kept busy almost half of the day and by the time she got around to check her phone it was almost evening. Seeing four missed call from her daughter sent her heart racing as every worse scenario flew through her mind.

She dialed her number and it rang for a while and rang off without anyone picking. Panicking, Melinda ran to her boss taking permission to go home she hurried home.

"Evelyn! Evelyn! "Melinda called when she got through the door, no answer sent her hurrying towards her daughter room. Opening the door to see her sleeping caused a breath of relief to escape through her lungs.

Walking closer she leaned over her daughter and shook her gently wanting to make sure she was really alright.

Evelyn groaned in protest at the hand that was causing her shoulders to move. She didn't have the strength to pull herself out of slumber and so could only mutter nonsensical words to the hand disturbing her. The hand persisted till Evelyn was finally pulled out of her sleep. She turned to face the direction of the disturbance only to see her mum standing there.

"Mum," she croaked softly, blinking up at her, her voice hoarse from all the crying she did earlier on.

Melinda heart broke at the sight of her daughter swollen eyes and the pain reflecting in them. Rage and urge to kill the bastard responsible filled her that she had to clench her fist tight to control her anger. Clearing off every emotions she sat beside her daughter on the bed,

"Baby are you alright?" Melinda asked softly stroking her hair.

Her mums presence and question opened another dam as Evelyn felt tears fill her eyes at the recollection of who she saw on the TV. Evelyn started sobbing causing the woman beside her to be alarmed.

"What is it my darling? " Melinda asked pulling her daughter into her arms.

"I saw Daryl on TV today, "Evelyn sobbed into her mothers neck, clutching tightly to her as the pain she felt from seeing the bastard today came rushing back.

Her daughter words caused mixed feelings in Melinda. On one hand she was elated that her daughter was able to leave the confines of her room, something she hasn't been able to do since the incidence, on another hand she was saddened that her child was subjected to seeing the bastard face when she wasn't ready and to make it worse she wasn't here for her.

"I am sorry baby, "she murmured pulling her daughter closer into her arms.

"Why are you sorry ma? " Evelyn asked pulling away to give her mum a confused look.

"For leaving you alone today, " Melinda whispered wiping the tears of her face. You will get through this with time, she spoke in assured tone to her daughter.

Evelyn wished she could believe her mother as she can't wait to stop feeling this way. The scar that has been left on her, Evelyn doesn't believe that time will be able to wipe it away.

"So what was the news about? " Melinda asked suspicious that it wasn't only the sight of the bastard that would have affected her daughter like this


""He is getting back to his wife, "I spat out unable to help the pain that pierced my heart as I said those words.

The knowledge that Daryl was getting back with his wife was like a nail to all his deceits, making me believe that everything about our encounter was all a lie, a lie perpetuated to get me in bed, and when I resisted he took what he wanted by force.

" You can say it, Mum, " Evelyn murmured, looking away in shame.

"Say what? sweetheart" Melinda asked a little confused.

"That you told me so" Evelyn whispered lowly.

"I won't be that cruel..." Melinda said softly picking up her daughter muttering.

"But you will be a right mum" Evelyn yelled sitting up, "you warned me!, you told me to be careful, but I didn't listen" she finished in a whisper before bursting into tears again.

Melinda pulled into her back into her arms, placing her head on her shoulder, running her hand all over my back she began, "Darling is not a matter of if I am right or if you had listened, her tone soft and tender, as she moves her hand calmly over her daughters back, "the fact is that no one should go through what you did and is a good thing we have reported the matter to the authorities, we just have to wait for the law to catch up with him, he will get what's due him" she finished, patting her back in comfort.

Evelyn just nodded unable to say anything, but her heart was filled with bitterness at the unfairness of the situation.

"Why don't I prepare something for us to eat" Melinda stated, while looking down on her daughter, her eyes radiating love and compassion.

"Am not hungry" Evelyn mumbled, her tone flat, she withdrew from her mother falling back to bed with her back turned wanting to be alone with her thoughts.

"But darling you have barely eaten anything since these few days, you have to keep your strength" Melinda spoke, with worry for her daughter who had eaten to fill a bird.

"I said am not hungry!" Evelyn snapped at her mother, suddenly filled with rage that she can't pinpoint it's the source.

Melinda stared at her daughter willing her to change her mind, but when the back remained turned to her, she stood up quietly, I will make something and keep it in the oven, you can eat it when you do feel hungry, she said in a resigned tone before walking towards the door.

Immediately the door shut behind her mum, Evelyn was filled with remorse, she hadn't meant to take out her frustration on her mum, but she was getting tired of feeling this way and wishes it will stop.

Few minutes in bed with her conscience pricking at her, Evelyn decided to go and apologize to her mum.

"Am sorry mum" Evelyn apologized, leaning against the kitchen door, with her gaze downcast.

The sound of her daughters apology caused Melinda to pause her cooking, looking to her daughter,, "my darling you have nothing to be sorry about, am the one who should be sorry, I shouldn't have been badgering you about your meals but Evie you still have to eat something but I promise no more bugging you about it. The food will always be here whenever you want, you can eat it, " she finished with a small smile in her direction.

Evelyn nodded my head, making her way further into the kitchen, taking one of the seats surrounding the small kitchen table.

she sat and watched her mum cook in silence, which felt weird because whenever they make meals together or she is keeping her company in the kitchen, it's always filled with their voices as they chatted and laughed with each other. It was Evelyn favorite time because she get to tell her mum anything.

When the food was ready, Evelyn had to force herself to take few spoons before letting her spoon fall back to the plate. Thanks mum she said standing from the table, as she made her way back to her room she felt her mum worry glance on her, but Evelyn can't do anything about her missing appetite.

As the days flew by, Evelyn was getting tired of being cooped up at home so she decided to try venturing outside, and to go back to work, hoping if she kept busy with work it will be lesser time spent in her mind. After making her decision, she decided to start the next Monday seeing that it was already Friday.

Monday rolled around and Evelyn prepared for work, standing before her mirror she made sure to cover all the scars left by Daryl's assault.

"Are you sure? " Melinda questioned her daughter, watching her put a light make up on her face.

"Don't worry mum, I will be fine, " Evelyn said turning to give her an assuring smile.

Arriving to work Evelyn froze at the spot where she first met Daryl Smith and that triggered her panic attack. Evelyn bent to her waist trying to get in the air.

Evelyn was just about to enter the office complex when she caught sight of her intern bent to her waist struggling to breathe. She approached her quietly, bending to her level, she commanded the girl to look at in a soft tone.

Evelyn unconsciously obeyed the command of the familiar voice, staring into the icy hazel eye she followed her directives to breathe slowly and deeply as she demonstrated. Evelyn followed the breathing pattern of her boss till hers came down to normal.

"Thanks, ma, " she murmured gratefully to the woman.

"Just helping, "Elena answered getting to her feet. Elena wanted to enquire what triggered the attack but she wasn't in the business of poking into people's business.

Evelyn rose to her feet, her legs feeling wobbly as she staggered almost losing her balance, only for the strong grip of her boss to come to rescue.

Elena reacted quickly before her intern could topple to the floor. "Easy there, " she said softly steadying her with a grip to her waist while watching the young woman with a worried frown on her face.

Seeing the look on her boss face, Evelyn was quick to assure her that she was fine.

Not taking the girls words for it, Elena took a clinical assessment of the young woman, satisfied that she was not in immediate danger, she released her, stepping away she asked, Are you up for work today.

Evelyn knew that her boss will not hesitate to send her home if she says she wasn't fit, and being back home was the last place she wants to be right now.

"Yes ma, I will be fine to work, " Evelyn said with a direct stare into her boss eyes.

Elena gave the young woman few more seconds of assessment, in her opinion she didn't believe the young woman was fine because she could see the pain shadowing the her eyes, that the young woman can't hide but she decided to let the young woman do her wish. Without further words she headed inside with the young woman on her heels.

The day crept on slowly for Evelyn which was fine for her because the work was a source of distraction. Evelyn was arranging files that Elena handed to her few minutes ago when the said woman came back inviting her to go out with her on an assignment. Thrilled to be finally seeing her boss at work, Evelyn Juggled happily behind her.

It was noon when they made it back to the office. We were just entering the complex when the TV up in the wall at the lobby flashed the news that had me freezing up.

Next chapter