
Part Five

PAST( the recount continued)

Waiting like a hawk for it's prey to land, Grant waited for the young woman to answer her question. On Evelyn's part, she didn't know what to say to the woman watching her like a hawk as if trying to snatch out all her secrets.

There is no connection, Evelyn muttered as casually as she can pull off, while her heart raced in her chest. She wasn't lying there wasn't really anything between them yet, Evelyn thought remembering the man's words to call her, though she hasn't made up her mind if she was going to.

Grant didn't believe the young woman's words she has seen the looks that transpired between the two, especially from the man who was looking at the young woman as if she was a meal he wants to devour whole. At best Grant will surmise that the man has fucked the girl and if he had not then he wants to. A glint appeared in the woman's face as an idea struck her. If the man wasn't going to give her something to write then she is going to explore his relationship with this young woman whatever it may be.

A tensed silence reigned in the car on their way back to work, that Evelyn was forced to speak out or die from nervousness. Why is she feeling nervous? because since they entered the car, Mrs. Grant has been giving her these weird looks as if she was trying to pry something out of my head without my permission and the looks were driving me crazy that I had to speak up. Maybe if I make it clear that I really don't know Daryl Smith that it was all a chance encounter she will stop giving me the looks as if I hold the key to her problems.

"I don't know Mr. Smith" Evelyn blurted out in a nervous tone, squirming a little in her seat unable to stand her piercing eyes on her, any longer. "I just ran into him literally on my first day of work and he gave me his card to call him. Seeing him today was just the second time after that day, " Evelyn further explained to the woman.

How she managed to drive perfectly while throwing glances at me baffled Evelyn.

Evelyn heard the young woman's words and believed it to be thorough, but she also believes that there was something there worth exploring and even if she can't write a story yet on their relationship because that will be premature, she can use the young woman as her spy, to pry out information from the tight-lipped Daryl Smith. I have never interviewed a man so good at evading questions as the man I just interviewed a few minutes ago, Grant thought in frustration. She turned to the young woman beside her to table her request of prying information from the man when they meet again because she was sure they will meet, judging from the look she saw on Smith's face.

When the silence lingered after her words, with nothing from the woman driving beside her, Evelyn grew suspicious and when she glanced at her she didn't like the look in her eyes, and when she saw her mouth move as if she was going to say something her foreboding grew, as something made her feel that whatever is going to come out of that mouth will not be easy.

"I want you to give Mr. Smith a call, " Grant began in a sweet voice, having overheard the man telling the young woman to call him.

"Mrs. Grant I don't think I can be able to call him, "Evelyn whispered feeling nervous at the prospect of calling such a man up, I mean what is she going to say. Hello yeah this is the girl you met twice and you asked her to call, so I am. Evelyn winced at how lame that sounded in her mind.

"When you guys meet you can ask him questions about his marriage, " Grant continued ignoring the girl's outburst, " I am sure with your young innocence face he wouldn't suspect a thing" she finished with a big smile on her face glancing expectantly at the young woman.

So she wants me to play her little spy, Evelyn thought throwing her head back to the seat with her eyes closed as a weary groan escaped her mouth softly. The woman a seasoned journalist couldn't get the man to spill his guts and is she who finds herself ridden with nerves in the man's presence that will be able to do so. Evelyn held back the ridiculous laugh that wanted to escape her mouth at the absurd notion.

I don't think I can do it, moreover what makes you think that the man will talk to me? she asked looking at the woman.

I know he will, Grant muttered in a confident tone that made the young woman beside her frown.

How are you so sure? Evelyn asked sporting their office building.

Because I saw the way he looked at you, Grant answered parking the car in her space.

This woman was really delusional if she believes just because the man desires me that he will be spilling his guts to me, and I am not even sure I was going to meet the man again, Evelyn reasoned. Putting her hand to the door handle, she faced the woman, I don't think I can do what you are asking me to do, she said bluntly and was about to make her escape when the woman held her back.

Grant was not going to let what she sees as a great opportunity to get information not privy to the public about Daryl Smith to go just because this young lady was being a chicken so with a narrowed look on the girl, she said if you don't do as I asked I will make your interaction between you and him my headline tomorrow she threatened.

Evelyn threw a disbelieving look in the woman's direction. She can't be serious she thought, but the unsmiling look on the woman's face proved how serious she was being. Evelyn wanted to laugh out her disbelief that she is being threatened to spy on a man she wasn't even sure she was going to see again but knew that will not be the right reaction instead she agreed to be the woman, little spy, with no promises that she will be successful and luckily the woman let her go. Whew, I am never going anywhere with her ever again, Evelyn thought following the woman towards the office.

Grant needed a cup of coffee after the colossal failure she had with Daryl Smith, she was barking on this interview to be her top story but what she got from the man is enough to give her what she wants, so now she going to probably look for another story, and it annoys her that she will once again come up second to Elena in readers chat. She turned back to the woman following her on the ass, ordering her to get a cup of coffee and the preceded inside.

The sudden bark of orders from the woman in front of Evelyn to get her coffee without a please startled Evelyn and before she could find out how the woman takes her coffee she had disappeared inside. Evelyn irritated at the woman ordering her like she is her servant murmured some curse words at the woman before turning around to head towards the coffee shop close to the office complex, knowing the woman won't appreciate her getting her the office coffee which tastes like shit, though Evelyn was really to get her that for blackmailing her earlier on.

On her way, Evelyn realized she didn't know how the damn woman takes her coffee, and she didn't feel like turning back to go ask her, and she didn't have her number to call, deciding to get her something similar to Elena taste, with how similar they act she won't be surprised if they have the same taste in coffee.

Inside the shop, few patrons were taking some lunch, Evelyn walked towards the counter to place her order.

As soon as the person behind the counter looked to see her, he smiled with recognition as his eyes lit up, "hi Evelyn" he greeted with excitement.

"Hi Tad" Evelyn responded, smiling back at him.

Their familiarity was created by how many times Evelyn has come here to get coffee for her boss, who is so particular about her coffee that she doesn't take any other coffee if is not coming from here.

"As usual?" he asked, without looking away from her.

I went to nod my head and then remembered I wasn't buying for Elena, "the usual for the coffee, but give me muffins instead of doughnuts" Evelyn said remembering seeing Mrs. Grant with muffins bag one time when she passed her office. She took a seat on the stool beside the counter to wait for her order.

As the guy prepared her order he kept glancing in her direction but Evelyn pretended not to notice.

Evelyn was not blind to the boy's crush on her ever since she set foot in this place, but she regarded him as a little brother and nothing more and has done nothing to encourage him, hoping that with time if he notices her lack of response that he will get discouraged, but his interest is not relenting. Talking about a crush, Evelyn's mind took her to her own crush, bringing up the image of the man she met earlier on and her heart skipped in reaction. The man was really handsome and his look today was really nice and fit, his suit molded so well to his sculpted body making Evelyn salivate looking at him. Her subconscious tried reminding her that the man was married but Evelyn quickly countered that he was separated.

"Here, " Tad said stretching my order to me, his smile back on his face.

His presence snapped Evelyn out of her thoughts, she returned his smile taking the bag from his hand, and made a move to pay him.

" on the house, " he said smiling brighter at me, his interest so obvious in his gaze.

"Thanks, " Evelyn said, glancing away as her face flushed, sometimes she feels embarrassed from the boy's interest in her.

"Anytime," he says gently his smile never leaving his face.

Nodding at him she turned to leave with her package.

Can I take you out sometime" he blurted out suddenly, his face that of someone who couldn't believe what came out of his mouth but all the same his eyes were hopeful as he waited for my answer?

Evelyn hated to crush that hopeful look but she knew she can never go out with him, not if she wants something with Daryl Smith.

"Am sorry Tad but I can't, " Evelyn declined politely, flashing him an apologetic look.

"No worries," he said, his smiling diming a little, and she saw it didn't reach his eyes which were clouded with disappointment.

Evelyn gave him one more am sorry look and made her way out of the shop.

Evelyn held out the paper bag to Mrs. Grant with her breath held as she took a look at the inside but she didn't say anything when she took a sip of the coffee.

Whew!, she let out the breath she didn't know I was holding, so I was right, she thought with a smirk.

Grant looked up to see the young woman still standing in front of her, "yes? she asked with her head tilted.

"Am sorry, " Evelyn apologized sheepishly before hurrying out of the room.

She headed towards the lunchroom, for her own lunch, inside there were several employees there already, taking their lunch. she went towards an unoccupied table and set up her lunch.

"I heard you guys went to interview Daryl Smith, one of the most handsome men on earth" a voice, taking the seat opposite mine, placing lunch tray opposite mine.

Evelyn looked up from her lunch to see her colleague Olivia looking at her with a curious look waiting for her to spill something.

Olivia is one of the interns like me but works in the editing section. She has this outgoing and happy personality that you can't help being relaxed in her presence. We are sort of friends in the office but have never hung out of it.

She continued to look at me with that big blue eyes of hers shining with curiosity and interest, waiting for me to drop the gist.

"Yes, we did" Evelyn answered in a monotonous voice.

Olivia groaned at her friend's one-word answer, flashing her an irritating look at not spilling. Girl, you have to give me something,

"Is he as handsome and mouth-watering as he looks on magazines and TV?" she fired at her friend, leaning forward as if to make sure she captures every word and reaction.

He is Evelyn said" with dreamy eyes, imagining the man she met earlier on today.

She must have heard something in my tone because a glint appeared in her eyes, "You like him!" she blurted out loud giving me a knowing look.

"No, I do not!" Evelyn denied hotly, glancing around to make sure no one heard her, " and bring your voice down for heaven's sake! she snapped.

She rolled her eyes while giving me a disbelieving look but luckily let it go, making me relax.

"What's with you working with Mrs. Grant?" Olivia asked. The last part she said in a low tone as if saying a forbidden name.

Evelyn chuckles inside at the way she whispered Mrs. Grant's name. It's funny how scared the workers here are of Mrs. Grant and Elena. Immediately they enter the room everywhere goes silent and tensed as people tiptoed around them making sure not to get in their way. I don't blame them the two women are known for their hot temper and smart mouths and when they go off on each other is a movie to watch which I have only seen once.

The incident happened on my third day here, that was the publishing day, Mrs. Grant had banged into Elena office fuming, accusing her of flaunting her tits at the publishing guy that was why her story got the front page. Elena has taken offense to be accused of using her feminine wiles to get ahead in the office so they got into a shouting match drawing the attention of several of the employees who watched with excitement as the two top dogs went at each other. The situation was diffused when the big boss came in and took control, causing most of the staff who were hoping for something more to sigh in disappointment as everyone went about their duties.

"Is just for today" Evelyn said, not mentioning anything about everything that transpired between them, she still can't believe the woman threatened her. I guess her reputation is well deserved, Evelyn thought.

'Did you hear, " Olivia began with a twinkle in her eyes, pulling Evelyn from her thought

Yeah that's another thing about Olivia, she likes to gossip, I get the story about the things happening in the office from her. Even though most times am not interested in the gist, I try to accommodate her so as not to seem rude, like now.

Evelyn looked at her with mild interest waiting for her to continue.

"I heard that Janet was caught doing the nasty with Jasper, the cleaning guy in the janitor closet" she carried on, taking my silence as a go-ahead.

Ew, Evelyn said making a face, just to seem interested, which made her lunch partner chuckle like a kid.

"Who is Janet?" Evelyn couldn't help asking.

" She works in the printing room" Olivia supplied.

How she could have gotten to know people in the printing room with the short time we have been here amazed me.

We chatted for the remainder of the lunch, or rather Olivia talked and I listened.

When we finished our lunch, we went our separate ways.

Mrs. Grant kept me later than I expected as most of the staff have already left the building by the time I exited it.

At the parking lot, there was a black flashy model car with tinted glasses parked in the lot with an older dude leaning against it his legs crossed at the ankle as if he was waiting for someone, not giving him a second glance Evelyn went to walk past him but his deep voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Miss Wright there is someone who wants to see you."

Next chapter