
Part Four

PAST( Recount of all that transpired between Evelyn and Daryl before the date)

It's been few days since Evelyn's encounter with Daryl Smith and she is yet to call him, not that she didn't want to, but hadn't really gathered the courage, let face it will such a man really wants to hear from her.

It was the weekend and Evelyn was in the lazy mood, cuddled inside her sheets not yet ready to greet the day, despite the screams from the sun streaming through her window.

Evelyn was really happy it was the weekend, meaning no Elena the weekend witch and a chance to rest my feet.

Evelyn groaned when a knock sounded on her door, she raised her head to bead the person enter only for the door to open and her mum came.

"Morning Evie, " Melinda greeted her daughter with a smile.

"Morning mum" Evelyn grunted in greeting before taking in her appearance, "you look, good mum," she said looking at her from head to toe.

"Thanks, baby, " Melinda said, flushing from the compliment. "Anyway, I came to tell you I am off to work and that your breakfast in the oven, " Melinda added and turned towards the door.

"Thanks, mum, " Evelyn mumbled, but she was just speaking to her mum's back because she has already turned and left the room.

Still reluctant to leave the bed, Evelyn decided to entertain herself with her laptop, bringing it to the bed, she flipped it open, put in her password, and waited for it to boot.

She spent some quality time on so many fashion blogs getting acquainted with the new trends before the growl of her stomach reminded her that she has yet to eat breakfast. Sending the laptop to sleep, Evelyn made her way to the kitchen for something to eat.

Deciding to satisfy her dry throat first she took out a juice box, drinking it straight from the container while thanking God that her mum wasn't around to scold her.

Thirst quenched, she went for solid food.

She took a sniff of the wrapped breakfast her mum made for her, a pleased smile breaking her face as her mouth watered at the delicious smell, she quickly took a seat and dove into the meal.

Within a twinkle of an eye, she was done with the meal and had flushed it down with the remaining juice in the container. Feeling very full, she flopped back in her seat to let the food digest before she makes her way back to her room.

On her feet ready to head back to her room, an object smacked their front, she went towards to find out what.

Evelyn opened the door, looked down to see today's paper, curious when she saw the picture of Daryl Smith on the front page she retrieved it and turned back inside banging the door close behind her.

Inside her room, Evelyn tossed herself on the bed legs raised off the bed, flapping around as she flipped through the paper eager to find out what they wrote about the man.

His story was featured in the business column, Evelyn found herself staring at his picture, instead of reading the story beside it. Her hand moved over his face as she mused what it will feel like to be asked out by the man.

Having satisfied her eyes with the visual image of the gorgeous man she went to the story.


Reading through the short story written beside the man's picture, Evelyn found out that Daryl Smith has been staying in a penthouse for over two weeks, not once stepping foot in his home, and when the hotel mogul was asked the reason why he answered that he and his wife are taking a break to sort their differences. A question if the separation is going to be permanent, got a no comment from the man. But speculations are high if one of the power couples in the city are going to get back together or will this separation lead to a divorce.

The little tibit revealed in this story whetted Evelyn's appetite and made her hungry for more about the man that had taken up residence in her mind.

Opening up her laptop again, she

I typed Daryl Jonas Smith on the google search, it didn't take a second before sites carrying stories about him flashed on my screen. she scrolled down and picked out one and clicked on it and it opened.

It was something about his business, talking about his hotel and all since what Evelyn was interested in was about his personal life she quickly browsed through the page, picking up that Daryl Smith had started his hotel empire with just one which grown to include nine more hotels in the different area of the country, and he was ranked among the ten richest men in the city.

Done with that, Evelyn picked another site. This time it was something about his family.

It said here that Daryl married his wife Madeline ten years ago and they have an eight-year-old child, Avery Smith the child looks beautiful, she has her father's looks.

Reading further down it was said that Daryl was a playboy, and made the top list for one the most sought-after bachelor for three consecutive years, no surprise there with that kind of face.

Anyway, all these were before he married his wife and was taken out of the market. Getting to the end of the story Evelyn clicked backward then clicked another site.

This one had a story about an alleged rape. Years back, before his marriage, Daryl was accused by a young woman of raping her on their date, but Daryl was exonerated as his lawyer Elizabeth Lockwood had claimed that the encounter was a con sexual one and as the girl was an adult and went home with him willing the court ruled in his favor. A few days later the girl told the news channel that she made the whole thing up, that she just wanted to extort money from him.

Evelyn shook her head at this, there no length people will no go for money, even to the extent of accusing an innocent man, she thought in disgust, berating the girl.

After several other meaningless reads, she decided to close the web and watch a movie instead. Going to her movie section she decided to pass her remaining time doing binge-watching since is been a long time she had a chance to watch the movie.

Going through her movie collection she paused at her recent one, the Wentworth TV series drama about the life of women in the prison. Evelyn didn't know what intrigues her about the movie but she was sure amused by a lot of drama that goes on between these women, and also the romance had her interested even though she believes herself not to subscribe that way. Reflecting inside if there was a possibility of that happening, like if there had been a time she had looked at another female with interest. Her mind came up empty, she can acknowledge that a woman is pretty but has never felt anything for one before, but if giving the opportunity she might try it out just to satisfy her curiosity, Evelyn thought with a smile going to the season she watched last. That was season six so she is about to start season seven. She clicked on the first episode, attaching her earbuds she got comfortable to watch the movie.

Melinda came home to meet silence, not knowing if her daughter was home, she hollered her name but got no response. she decided to check her room only to see her lying in bed earpiece attached still the way she left her since morning.

"Evelyn! Evelyn!, " She yelled shaking her on the shoulder causing the girl to jump in fright.

Evelyn turned to see her mum standing in her room, her hand on her hips as she glared at her.

"Mum what are you doing back home?" she asked, surprised to see her back home early.

"What am I doing home!" Melinda yelled, looking pissed. "I left this house with you on the bed in your nightwear and I come back to meet you still in your pajamas, have you ever taken your bath?! She continued in a high tone, her eyes glaring daggers at her daughter.

Evelyn's flushed from her mum's scolding, she looked out the window and was surprised to see everywhere was dark, "fuck! she exclaimed and smiled sheepishly when mum added language young lady in a stern voice.

"Sorry mum, I just got carried away and didn't know when it got late."

Evelyn's stomach growled loudly reminding her she hasn't had anything since breakfast.

"You haven't eaten too? Melinda asked arching her brow at her daughter.

Evelyn looked down, refusing to meet her stare.

"Go clean yourself up you stink," she mumbled, rubbing her nose together as if perceiving something bad.

Evelyn took a sniff at me, yep she is right I stank.

"I will call the Pizza place, when you are done you come downstairs," Melinda said leaving the room.

Evelyn felt bad, her mum was not a fan of pizza for dinner and because she forgot to make anything for dinner they are left with eating pizza.

Monday morning she made it into work early, in her hand holding the coffee she picked up for Elena, she went to her office to see no one there, that's odd, Elena is never known to be late. She is always here at 6.00 am one hour before the rest of the staff starts arriving she claims it allows her to work in peace before the noise and clatter of the employees associated with the arrival of the staff.

Maybe she just stepped out, Evelyn thought before making her way to Elena's seat. she sat there and pretended that she was the boss, with her feet on the table she imitated Elena calling her and barking orders at her. She chuckled at her poor imitation and jumped out of the seat when a cough sounded at the doorway.

It was their overall boss lady.

Evelyn started panicking, did she hear me making jest of my supervisor. Oh my God, am so done for.

"Don't look so panicked, that was good acting there, have you thought of going into acting, " the woman said making her way further into the room.

Evelyn flushed from the thought that this woman saw her making a fool of herself.

She looked up at her curiously, wondering what she was doing down here.

"Am sure you are aware that Elena will not be coming in today?" She asked.

How will I be aware, is not as if the woman calls me up to chat about her schedules Evelyn thought sarcastically but outwardly kept quiet and waited for the woman to continue.

"She is away on a family emergency, so for today, you will be joining Mrs. Grant because her intern couldn't come in due to an illness. Mrs. Grant is our business writer, "do you know who she is?"

Is there anyone who doesn't know her, my first welcome to this place on my first day was a showdown between Elena and Mrs. Grant? I later got to know that they are rivals, always vying for the position of the best columnist of the year, which apparently is an award the office gives out at the end of the year.

There is no monetary attachment, is just for bragging rights, women will compete for everything. Last year Elena was the defending champion as her column had the highest number of readers, this year the race is on. According to the office pool, Elena is slightly ahead of the annoyance of Mrs. Grant.

I nodded my head, to her question.

"Alright, you make your way there now, " she said and walked out leaving the Flory scent of her perfume behind.

"Follow me" Mrs. Grant barked as soon as she saw me, not giving me a chance to come in, apparently she was briefed about me joining her today. This was one of the things she has in common with Elena, they are both bossy women.

As we drove away from the office, she didn't say anything, not where we were going or why we were going there and that's how it was all through the journey till we pulled into the hotel premises.

We both came down from the car after she parked at the spot the security directed her.

"We are here to interview a big shot in the business world, and if I can get him to spill his guts to me, my reader's chart is going to shoot off the chat, " she said with a gleam in her eyes.

Evelyn wondered who this big shot was but didn't dare ask the woman walking ahead of her as if marching to war, she followed the woman into the magnificent hotel.

The interior was even more sophisticated than the exterior, but Evelyn wasn't giving a chance to admire it because the woman was off like a cannon as soon as the receptionist directed her to where the person she was meeting was waiting for her.

Inside the lift, Mrs had this look on her face as if she was planning her strategy in her head. The lift stopped at the last floor and we stepped off, taking our right to a double door room which Mrs. Grant pushed in and we both walked in.

Evelyn froze at the sight of the man sitting on one of the chairs surrounding a long-ass table.

It can't be she thought her heart beating hard in her chest. What are the odds? she wondered staring at the man.

The sound of the door opening drew Daryl's attention, he was waiting for one journalist interested in interviewing him for her column, but what he wasn't expecting was the young man standing frozen as she stared at him. Daryl smiled at the chance of them meeting here, he had waited for the young woman call beating himself for not taking her number instead, and here she is.

Removing his eyes from the enchanting young woman he turned his gaze to the older reporter, stretching his hand out for a greeting, and then waited for her to introduce the young woman behind her.

Evelyn's legs unfroze when Mrs. Grant beckoned her forward, she stood beside her as the woman did the introduction. Her hand being engulfed in those large powerful palms as she was once again subjected to his charming smile sent Evelyn reeling from its sexual effect. Getting herself together she quickly withdrew her hand before she embarrasses herself by doing something silly like taking those sexy full red lips in hers.

Daryl smirked when he saw the look that flash across the young woman's face, oh she is going to be easy to pluck he thought his internal smirk widening. Turning to the other lady he directed them to take a seat to start off the interview.

Mrs. Grant noticed some weird tension between the man she was here to interview and the young woman with her, she chalked it aside to review later and focused on getting this cocky arrogant male Chauvinist to spill his guts.

Evelyn sat quietly and waited for Mrs. Grant to do her thing, according to some people she is good at getting people to spill their secret, so Evelyn was interested in seeing if that was true, and she was also interested in what she can get Daryl Smith to spill.

She was good, she always asked her question in such a way that you can't give her one-word answer, but Mr. Smith must be a pro at giving interviews as he always found a way to sidestep questions he didn't want to say anything on.

On the other hand, Mrs. Grant also has this talent of always finding her way back to those questions as evidence by the number of times she has brought up the topic of Mr. Smith's family which he has repeatedly and smartly diverted by talking about his business or some other thing.

Mrs. Grant was getting frustrated as shown by the repeated taping of her fingers on the table. She was backing on this story to boost the number of her readers, so Evelyn could understand her frustration.

The interview felt like a cat and mouse game to Evelyn with her wandering who was the cat and who was the mouse.

Daryl was getting fed up with the tenacious woman always coming back to his separation with his wife, like he has told other news outlet his family was not up for discussion, and that was what he had tried to say to this woman but she was always back on it though smartly phrasing the question differently. When the woman asked him another question about why he wasn't left at home, Daryl stood to his feet, he was tired of wasting his time here when he has tons of meetings to attend.

Grant was surprised to see the man on his feet, she has just interviewed him for thirty minutes so he couldn't be leaving, she hasn't gotten anything good here. She opened her mouth to ask what the problem was but the man beat her to it.

"Am sorry ladies I have to be going, I have a business meeting with some of my investors," Daryl spoke buttoning his blue suits before picking up the black briefcase lying on the table, before he left he turned to look at the young woman, "it was nice seeing you again Miss Wright don't forget to give me a call, I will be waiting, " he said with a wink in her direction smiling when the young woman flushed red.

Grant watched disappointedly as the man walked out the door, then that changed to curiosity as she faced the young woman.

"What is the connection between you two?"

Next chapter