
Black King

Chapter 9:

'If four days ago you told me that I would be an orphan, a pureblood son of Regulus Black from Harry Potter, sitting in front of my family-account manager-that happened to be a goblin wearing a business suit- oh and did I mention I'm a wizard, I would've called you crazy and sent you to a therapist.

But now I find myself sitting in front of that same family-account manager,' Allen sighed, 'time for business' he thought.


(Goblin Pov)

"Hello, so I assume you are Heir Black?" The goblin asked Allen with a toothy grin, his tone was quite respectful. And it should be, seeing as his clan had served the Ancient house of Black for roughly 200 years, well 196 years if the goblin was really counting.

"Hello, my name is Allen Black King, and yes your assumption is correct" Allen replied in the same respectful tone and a small nod. 'It wouldn't do for me to be rude to the goblin that is managing my finances' he thought.

"My name is Moonblood so I am guessing that you have come to check your house's finances?" the goblin reconfirmed, he took a good long look at the new heir of The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black.

He had very good features, enough to be called pretty handsome by most human's standards. He had the trademark black hair and grey eyes- well eye, which was weird. Usually the Blacks would inter-marry which caused them to have the same features for generations.

The goblin looked closer, aside from the obvious different azure eye, his hair was a different shade of black as well, ink-black to be precise.

He didn't know exactly how this had happened but he knew that either Regulus or Sirius had broken out of the cycle of inbreeding, and had added new blood into the equation.

Of course since both Regulus and Sirius were still purebloods, -though not as bad as most would believe- they weren't as much of a blood supremacist as they let people on about. He knew this because of his clan's Goblin Magic, he could know if someone was lying thanks to it.

Encre, his clan was one of the few clans with an Elder in it. This gave them considerable power in the goblin world, but that could only be done with the help of the Blacks. It was them that helped them when they came during the French Revolution. He shook his head, the Blacks wouldn't just help people like that, no, in return his whole clan had to swear a set of unbreakable vows to the Blacks. To never harm them, to always serve House Black, etc.

And they have held true to their oath for 200 years.


(Allen's POV)

"Yes" I confirmed with a nod.

"Would you like to see all the properties of House Black as well?" Moonblood helpfully supplied.

I have other properties aside from Grimmauld Place? "Yes please, that would be most helpful" I said, but I have one thing left.

"Would you allow me to undergo the heirship test?" I asked, this whole time I had the claim to the Heirship of Hose Black, but I didn't undertake the test to become one. It might've been because I read it in a fanfiction but I think there is a test, it was never specified in the books.

He almost seemed to snicker, "Of course, since you have a claim to the heirship you may take the test" he said. Hmm? What's so funny? Though I didn't verbally ask, he seemed to understand my confusion.

"It seems that you are different from other Purebloods, they usually come in demanding idiotic things from us" he told me with no small amount of dislike in his voice. "do this, do that." He motioned with his hands, "it can get very annoying very fast and it surprised me that an heir of house Black would ever say 'please" he finished.

"Well I think I am quite special" I puffed out my chest a bit in pride, while it may seem pompous, it is true.

Even in my last life I was above way average in grades but where I truly excelled in was business and strategizing. I was the best chess player in my school and others, even though I was younger than them.

This naturally got me into all kinds of games, card games (with the occasional gambling), board games and D&D which turned out to be a favorite of mine. Something about turning into someone else, was so attractive to me. I could be powerful, powerful to help the poor, to protect the weak and… my mother. I rid my head of those thoughts, I've grown up and all but I guess just some things don't go away.

I snapped out of my thought process, and continued from my previous statement.

"Though I am a pureblood, I have grown in the muggle world, away from any hint of magic. This makes me very... ill-prepared for a scion of an Ancient and Noble House." I told the goblin.

The goblin seemed to get the picture, "I see, so you would like a basic overview of Wizarding Britain and how you should act in it?" it wasn't much of a question as a statement. Seeing my nod the goblin replied with a toothy-grin, "Well then, I guess we should start, but first things first, the Heirship test" he brought out a small delicate box, it looked quite expensive. He opened the box and inside the box sat an obsidian and silver ring, the dark-blue velvet with small silver stars and constellations it was sat on looked like a starry night background. The ring in particular seemed to have a lot of detail on it, a fancy quill, and wand were crossed in an x while a sword ran through them in the middle. Beneath the three instruments of destruction was the house motto:

"Toujours Pur" I said out loud, "yes, they've kept their 'purity' by intermarrying for generations" he scoffed, "a stupid solution to a stupid problem, no Pureblood family is truly pureblooded anymore. They just remove the squibs and muggles from their ancestry" he told me.

Around the whole ring were three ravens with their wings closed and three gems for eyes, each of different color, one red, one sapphire blue and one emerald green.

All in all it was a pretty beautiful ring with its own dark feel to it, did it have any special powers of some sort? 'Observe.'

Black's Ring of Heirship -Rank: Artefact

Class: Jewellery

A ring that has been enchanted to test someone from the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, beware, anyone who doesn't have a claim to the heirship or is not from House Black would instantly curse and suffer a horrible punishment. It is practically unbreakable by normal means since it is made from Goblin Silver and has been enchanted as well, it is quenched in the blood of the Black ancestors. Being the heir of Black has made it so that you must always consider the best of your house.

-Compulses the heir in the right way to behave.

-Shows when there is someone aiming something dangerous towards your general area (Blue-eyed raven)

-Shows when there is something harmful in you or your food (Green-eyed raven)

-protects you from most harmful spells (Red-eyed Raven)

-other small enchants

+10% MP Regen

+500 MP

MP: 2500/2500

Durability: 10,000

What…? I was left dumbfounded at the small ring in the box.

"Go on then, try the ring on" he snapped, making me snap my attention back to my new task.

I tentatively put the ring on my left middle finger, the silver ring too big for my child fingers started rotating and twisting until it shrunk to my size.

I felt a sharp pain from my finger the ring was on, I saw the Ruby-eyed raven's eye light up with a scarlet light.

Then the Blue-eyed raven's eye lit up with a dark blue light.

Simultaneously followed by the Emerald-eyed raven's eye lighting up.

When all the eyes of the ravens lit up they started spinning, slowly at first and then speeding up until it became a blur.

Red, blue and green blurred and looked like a light show. Soon the ravens started slowing down and came to a stop.

'The ravens were now… the exact same' I deadpanned, suddenly one of each raven's wings came to life and unfurled itself. I was so confused, did I pass the heirship test?

But, that's what I said on the outside on the, what I really felt was something else entirely. When the ring poked my finger, it took some of my blood, and when it finished spinning, I felt something. A connection of sorts, it was weird. Like the ring latched onto my mana itself. I turn my attention away from the ring and towards

The goblin seeing my confused look answered me, "congratulations on becoming the new Heir of Black, i must say it always proves to be a wonderful thing to watch"

"Always"? How old is this guy? He looks around 40 years old, but maybe goblins age differently.

I coughed into my fist, now it's time to get to business.


(3rd view POV)

I walked out tired from my meeting with my account manager, I stood still and stretched my aching muscles and gave a satisfied grunt when I felt them stretch. While I didn't have to do anything taxing, I was still a child and I am not used to staying in one spot for so long without moving.

I looked up at the sky and checked the position of the sun, it was close to sun-set and I had come at around noon.

Well, if I was here then I might as well do some shopping before going home.

I bought an ice-cream, chocolate and raspberry with chopped nuts, I took a spoonful of the delicious cold treat, "mmm…" I gave a slight grunt at the satisfying feeling of me being somewhat full.

But this brings up another problem, Gluttony, if I don't have some kind of food on me then things can go bad, real fast.

Back there, in Gringotts, I was crazily hungry, and that was from a few hours inside that place.

I need to get this thing under control, would that mean I would have to keep food on me at all times.

"Hmm…" I thought as I took another spoonful of ice-cream, wait, that's it! Ice-cream! Wait, no.

I quickly walked to the closest candy store, this would be my answer to my hunger, candy!

…I will not lie, the kid-side of me might've screamed in joy, just a tad bit.


I walk out of the candy store with hundreds of candy's in my inventory, hey! I'm just… stocking up, yeah!

I coughed into my fist at my blatant show of childish-ness from myself, though it was quite funny seeing the shop owner's face when I put everything down on the counter, he wouldn't have believed me if I didn't slam down all the galleons needed on the table. Of course it is just a temporary fix but it works for now.

I took out a lemon drop and popped it into my mouth, I can see why Dumbledore like these so much.

Which brings us to my next problem, is he good? Is he manipulative? Senile? There is too many factors that I don't know of but at the same time I think I am overreacting quite a bit.

If this the Harry Potter world, which I am pretty sure it is the same one from the books then Dumbledore will be good… it's still not stopping me from putting up anti-measures for people like him from controlling me, though it's not like I will holding a bill board that says: 'I am heir Black King', that's just a way to get in trouble.

I looked down to two fingers on my rings, one that signifies my heirship to House Black, and one to House King, which had a caladrius on it with two swords crossed behind it. While the Black ring had a darker feel to it, this one had a nice comforting feeling to it, it was made of Feathered steel (which is literally steel that looks like it has feathers of steel on it) and white gems and stone, the eye of the caladrius was azure as well.

Did I mention that I am Heir King as well? Well… it is quite a weak house, politically and financially.

It doesn't have a single knut to its name and apparently it was a very… introverted house, like no one had ever heard of it before. Meaning it is practically useless, the only thing bothering about me though is the whole 'Holy house' part. What could it mean?

Also have you seen the stats of this thing! I 'observe' the ring.

King's Ring of Heriship –Rank: Artefact

Class: Jewellary

A ring that has been enchanted to test someone from the Holy House of King, beware, anyone who doesn't have a claim to the heirship or is not from House King would instantly be rejected. It is practically unbreakable by normal means since it is made from Feathered Steel.

-Tells when there is Dark Arts being used/ someone that has recently used them.

-other small enchants

+10% HP Regen

+500 HP

MP: 2500/2500

Durability: 10,000

So yeah… safe to say I'm getting into the Healing Arts to boost this up even more.

Also tells when someone has recently used Dark Arts? Hell yeah! That can be so useful.

I turn my attention to the store in front of me, Flourish and Blotts. But I'm not going in while looking like a kid.

I quickly walk into a small side alley next to Flourish and Blotts with my hood drawn, I wrap my cloak around me tighter.

As soon as I enter the new alley which is clear of all people, I take out a few adult sized clothes.

I take off my own kid sized one and change my appearance to an adult one, brown hair, brown eyes, average face, not something you'd be able to remember.

Wearing my new clothes, a white shirt, black pants and a cloak around me, I walk into the book store.

The first thing I see when I walk into the store is books, lots of books. I walk in between the literal stacks of books, I spot separate stacks of books on tables.

I walk up to one and check the contents, oh, it's just 7th year stuff. Does this mean they create packages for each year? That's straight up the smartest thing British wizards have ever done.

I pick up the 7th spell book,

You have found [The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 7]

Requirement: Lvl 35 Wizard

Would You Like to Learn?


I pressed decline, it's not like I can learn it.

But that doesn't mean I won't take it.

I quickly gather books from all grades, including 1st, I still haven't tested if the books get destroyed after I learn them.

I took a quick stroll between isles, searching for anything that is interesting.

I found an isle each filled with subjects like for runes, arithmancy, care of magical creatures, and all other subjects.

And of course I took an easy, medium and hard level book for each, it was pretty since they were put in a pattern, from easy to hard.

I left the muggle studies section alone, why would I need outdated books?

I brang all the books to the back of the shop where a lanky man stood behind a counter reading a book. Nothing about the man was special, average in looks, I even 'observed'.

Will Watson, Bookworm Lvl 27

HP: 3,140 (245HP/ Minute)

SP: 3,080 (230SP/ Minute)

MP: 6,460 (230MP/ Minute)

REP: 10/100

Class: Wizard: Lvl 34

STR: 19

VIT: 44

DEX: 19

INT: 36

WIS: 19

LUC: 16

CHA: 16

Will Watson is an underpaid muggle-born wizard, son of Sarah Watson and John Watson. He only does this job because of the free books he gets to read. The books are the only thing he likes in this job, because he is of muggle-born status he cannot get a better job.

And it was at this moment that I knew, I am weak. Like really weak, I can't even stand up to this guy.

Also, the hate for muggle-borne goes really deep. Maybe I could use this to my advantage, hmm… things to think over.

I quickly purchased the books, with a weird look from the cashier before he turned his attention back to his book. I mean, I do look like an adult, but I guess he ended up thinking I'm getting it for someone or something.

I walked out of the book store with the books in my pocket, yes, pocket, the cashier could apply a shrinkage charm on the books for a small price.

I wrapped the dark cloak tight around me once more, as I looked up I saw that the sun is about to set, shit! I need to get home, ASAP! But how? I don't think I can outrun the cars with [sprint]. I quickly walk out of Diagon Alley, it's good to know that when you're in front of the wall it opens up by itself.

I walk out of the dirty pub and get a taxi, this… is going to be bad…


I walk towards the orphanage in my child form, my cloak and adult clothes in my inventory.

I pull up my status, I haven't put my stat points into anything, I guess I should put some into CHA. I'm going to need it. Hopefully this gives me a perk, something to do with acting or persuading people.

Allen A. King

The Gamer

Title –Heir of The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black,

Heir of the Holy House of King,

Cold-Blooded Killer,

Class: Wizard: Lvl 1 EXP: 30.00

HP: 2030 (280.5HP/ Minute)

SP: 1830 (335SP/ Minute)

MP: 2150 (230MP/ Minute)

Lvl 13 (880/4000)

Race: Wizard (Pureblood)/ A???e Dra??? K?ng

STR: 20

DEX: 23 (+5)= 28

VIT: 23

INT: 25

WIS: 18

LUC: 21

CHA: 50

Points: 39

Credits: 100

Money: 105G/16S/23K-£130

You have gained a new Perk!

Diverse Communication

Allows you to send different signals like smell, ideas etc. to other races and people.

As I tap on the door, it is swung open with a snap. I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound, I take a tentative glance towards the doorway. In front of me stands two demons, ironically, the Matron and Sarah.

Hehehe, I inwardly chuckle, I'm in trouble.


I lay on my bed, I just had dinner after my… scolding, from Sarah and the Matron. I rub my ears, they still ache, how can ears even ache like this? I stop rubbing my ears, I remembered I have the rewards from my heritage quest.

I quickly open my inventory and retrieve everything I got.

2 Gacha Tokens,

The Metamorphagus Perk that I used in Diagon Alley,

The Soul Seal Dagger, it looked like a short version of Sasuke's Kusanagi, the straight one-sided blade was a pure silver color, there was no guard, only a straight black hilt without a pommel.

Now this is interesting, it's supposed to be a Rare so let's see what's so good about it, I 'observed' it.

Soul Seal Dagger –Rank: Rare

A dagger that when stabbed into someone (animal, spirit, human, etc.) has a chance to suck in the soul inhabiting that body and may gain their powers through the dagger. The dagger will become a sentient creature, it may telepathically communicate with you or anyone connected to you. Onnce the dagger is bonded, it can be stored inside the soul.

You have 3 chances to get that body's soul.

Requirements of host: must be alive, or recently deceased.

Requirements of host: must be B-Rank or less

Item Skill: Blade Transformation

The length and width of the blade may be changed.

Cost: 100MP

MP: 0/0 (no host inhabiting it)

DMG: 0 (no host inhabiting it)

I start chuckling which is then turned to full on cackling, this is so underrated! I could potentially make a horcrux! Learn how to split myself, send one part of my soul to another body and kill that one, boom! I just made myself a frickin' horcrux, but better.

I slam down [Gamer's Mind] down on my mind. My greed was overpowering my normal thinking, this can become a serious problem.

I remembered I also have 100 Credits, what are they for?

I open my status and press on the small Credits bar.


Credits are the currency that is given by the P-System, the currency has lots of power. They can be used to generate other kinds of money, though if you put galleons into the system it can also be changed to pounds, etc. Credits can be used to buy from the Shop, build/edit your territories and buildings and are generally used as the universal currency for very powerful beings. Other currencies may not be allowed to be turned into Credits, but the other way around is possible. Things sold to the Shop may give you Credits, though the amount depends on the value of the thing.

Credits to Galleons: 1/50

I stopped dead in my tracks, 1-50 ratio? Each galleon is 24.5 Dollars, I checked with my account manager. Does that mean I have $122,500 in Credits sitting in my inventory?

That's one hell of a flex, 'yeah, but do you have $122,500 in Credits, which is a currency used by super-powerful beings, in your hammer space?' I slightly cringed.

I haven't checked my titles yet, let's see those.

Heir of The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black:

You are the heir of Black, one of the guardian houses. You have a claim to the Lordship of the house.

+10% Effectiveness for Dark Arts.

+10% EXP gain for Dark Arts.

+10% Effectiveness for Necromancy.

+10% EXP gain for Necromancy.

+10% Effectiveness for Mind Arts.

+10% EXP gain for Mind Arts.

Heir of The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black:

You are the heir of King, formerly White, one of the guardian houses. You have a claim to the Lordship of the house.

+10% Effectiveness for Healing Arts.

+10% EXP gain for Healing Arts.

+10% Effectiveness for Light Magic.

+10% EXP gain for Light Magic.

These are pretty amazing, though I can't really exploit the Black heir's buffs except the Mind Arts part, though I am pretty sure I don't need Occlumency, Legillimency is a completely different matter.

It would be so easy, it would be a lie detector, memory searcher, and a way to see if my minio-someone is loyal to me.

But I have a question, who are the other Guardian Houses? And what do they guard against?

A Quest Has Arrived!

Guardians of The Realm!

Find out who and what the Guardian Houses are!


Find out what are the Guardian Houses (0/1)

Find out who else are a part of the Guardian Houses (0/1)

Find out what the Guardian Houses protect from (0/1)


5000 EXP

Full access towards the White banks, property, library and material possessions.

Territory Mode Access


Potential destruction of the world

Humanity becoming in-slaved


[Accept/ Decline]

I stared blankly at the new quest, potential destruction of the world? What? How can… you know what I'm not even going to question it and accept it.

I turn my attention back to the next reward. I hope these can finally help me.

Well, time to snap a Gatcha Token! …Don't worry I don't like gambling, much.

I snapped a Gatcha Token and the same screen with a wheel came up, I pressed the spin button and watched as it started spinning, going through different weapons, powers and items. The wheel soon started slowing down until it reached a stop on one item, a key, a cool looking gold one that looked like it could open a king's treasure kind of key. I 'observed' the intricate key in my hand.

Kitsune Den ID Key –Rank: B

An ID key for the Kitsune Den ID, it can be used anywhere.

A B rank? Shouldn't it be a Rare? Why is it now using letter categorization? Anyways, I am in no way using this now. Just as I moved my hand to put the key into my inventory, a notification popped up in front of me.

A Quest Has Arrived!

Fox Raid!

Defeat the Kitsune Den ID!

Time: 1 Month


2000 EXP

ID Create/Destroy Skill Book

100 Credits

1 Class level-up


A Dungeon Break Occurring

Lots of People's Deaths

The death of all who you hold dear


I growled loudly, I already knew what happened if you didn't press accept in a quest. The failure would occur no matter what, I grudgingly press Accept. [Gamer's Mind] quickly quells any anger I have, I need a clear head if I am going through with this

Welp, I guess it's time to do my first dungeon.


Interlude: Dumbledore:

'This is… unexpected, though nothing bad. The new is great even.' Was a thought going through Dumbledore's head as he peered through his half-moon glasses at Minerva. His deputy headmistress remained standing even though he offered a chair.

'She really needs to… soften up' Dumbledore thought once more when he saw the deputy headmistress glare sternly at him once more.

Minerva had just told him that someone connected to the Whites had just been found, Allen King. Not only that, but at a muggle orphanage as well.

He stroked his bear deep in thought, why would the 'Kings' emerge now? Though he had to admit, the cover-up name was fitting.

He remembered the stories his father told him, how the Whites were the mightiest Paladins. The ones that could bring a person from near death back to life, and decimate a whole army if they tried. They could bring death to the living and life to the nearly dead' he mused, but that was a fraction of what was the true powers of a Paladin.

Their true power lay with their Light Magic, Elemental Magic at that, they could make spears, swords and arrows of light that would decimate armies, imbue themselves with it to gain almost Godlike power, and the scary part was that… not a single Paladin has ever fallen in battle, their Healing Arts, Light Magic and armor is just too powerful for their enemies.

Thankfully though the Whites swore an Oath on their Magic to always remain just- well that was what the stories say, and he has nothing to disapprove of.

He sighed once more, maybe he could educate the young White in their purpose. No. he banished that idea as soon as it came to him, he would not allow for an 11 year old to fight against freakin' Demons.

No, for now he would wait and see if the young White could hold out on his own. If he could then he would introduce the White to their purpose, to guard the realm of man against the demons. But there was a problem with that, the other families may come after him. Well, the decision ultimately lay with the young White but he would help as much as he could, the Ignis's were always allies with the Whites.



So...it took a bit to make this, to be honest I couldn't just sit down and do it without breaking into my sleep time (Which I did).

Oh so, yeah it's gonna start becoming much more AU and splitting off from canon, don't worry canon won't be going anywhere, I'll just be changing some stuff.

Also has anyone ever watched an anime and is like the power of love is bs? I hate it, it ruins the story as well. So I've changed the whole power of love to power of ?

What did you think I'd just tell you? If anyone can figure it out PM me.

I recently re-watched the movie: Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald, and remember the flames that Grindelwald conjured? The 'blue' ones (they're supposed to be black). The chant is: Protego Diabolica literally meaning, protecting the devil/ protection of the devil etc.. I'm using the second translation, the fire ties in with him being close to Dumbledore. Since Dumbledore or Ignis is the fire elemental house.

Please leave a review or PM me if there is something you want added in the story, also Pm me or Review any perks you might want me to give him for stats.

Peace out, 2Unreal.

Next chapter