
Twin Kitsunes

Chapter 10:

(1st POV; Allen's bedroom)

I look at the ID key in my hands once more, it's been a week since I first got it. I bring up my status;

Allen A. King

The Gamer

Title –Heir of The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black,

Heir of the Holy House of King,

Cold-Blooded Killer,

Class: Wizard: Lvl 2 EXP: 47.00

HP: 2090/2090 (301.5HP/ Minute)

SP: 1950/1950 (410SP/ Minute)

MP: 2330/2330 (291.5MP/ Minute)

Lvl 13 (950/4000)

Race: Wizard (Pureblood)/ A???e Dra??? K?ng

STR: 29

DEX: 29

VIT: 29

INT: 32

WIS: 27

LUC: 27

CHA: 51

Points: 39

Credits: 1,000,100

This whole week I was training in every department, it didn't matter if it was Intelligence or Luck, I trained them all. Also, I did find out how to train LUC, you have to test your luck, per se. like flip a coin and guess the side it would land on, roll a dice and bet on one side, basically gambling.

I also checked the shop, it had everything. Well, probably, anyways I could see and buy so many things, Skills, Perks, Items, Ingredients. As I said everything.

I also sold my Gatcha Token, each one sold for 1M Credits, which was a lot. I could buy so many things but I refrained from doing so. Who am I kidding, I saved up for when I had the most LUC I could get, which was right now. Hopefully LUC can help me get better items from the Gatcha, which as it turned out I couldn't buy the legendary versions of, though the Epic and less rarer version were possible.

"Shop" I called out, in front of me appeared a screen with a search bar and many, many categories.

I typed in bows into the search bar and pressed enter. I saw rows and rows of bows of all kinds appearing and the scroll seemed to go on forever.

I started looking through the bow until I found one that I liked.

Moon Slayer –Rank: Uncommon

Class: Bow

A special Bow that have been created on the Moon; Scistema, which (along with the materials it is made of) allowed them to soak in the powers of The Moon of Algeria. They are made by Serch Zingu'ra.

+10% Speed when it is equipped

DMG: 250 Moon DMG

Durabilty: 10,000

Moon Slayer Special Skill:

Arrow Storm:

By marking a place, arrows made out of moon light are created which are sent down in an arrow storm.

+25% Strength when the Moon is out.

DMG: 50 Moon DMG/ Arrow

Cost: 300 MP

Cost: 25,500 (-10%) = 22,950 Credits

Now, you might be asking why I got a bow? Well it's simple. Why would I get closer to someone if I can just snipe them from my spot? I also bought a quiver of iron tipped arrows.

I looked at the bow, it was quite nice, it had a sleek smooth design, and the colour was similar to the moon, silvery white. All in all, it was a pretty beautiful bow.

It isn't the best (seriously there was stuff like 1 billion Credits), but it is pretty amazing. And it is pretty expensive though it is worth it. I searched for armour this time, it would be good to have some defense as well.

Black Iron Light-Armour –Rank: Rare

Class: Light Armour

Durability: 1,000/ 1,000

DEF: 200

A set of light armour made of Black Iron, made by Wulf Gazer. Black Iron is an extremely light metal. It is named after its dark black colour and the condition for it to be formed which is in deep dark caverns. It includes a chainmail undershirt and pants.

(Warning!) anything equipped but not seen only gives the stat boosts; +10 VIT, +10 ST, but the defence stat does not apply unless you summon it.

+10 VIT

+10 STR

Cost: 75,500 Credits

This is some really good light armour, I thought as I inspected the armour in my hands.

Black Iron that was the name of what this is made of. The breast plate was an angular piece that was connected to another piece that went around my abdomen tightly, and had a small tail that was in between my legs. On the breast plate and tail was a wolf head, inscribed around the wolf was runes, I couldn't see them without looking very close. It was just that small, I was amazed by the Runecraft of this whole set of armour, I could tell there were runes in-between the engraving of the wolf head.

The shoulder pads were small and light and the right one went down the whole arm to create a whole arm armour. Each arm had forearm guards.

It had hip armour that went down the knee before the shin were covered in dark shin armour.

Huh, I guess it doesn't come with boots, that kind of sucks. And no hood either, that's going to be a problem.

I start searching for a pair of boots and a cloak, I find one I actually like.

Cloak Of Invisibility –Rank: Epic

Class: Cloak

A cloak made of a very special material. Made by Sirapha Cart'ura, a very famous seamstress that works with special materials. The brooch is a symbol of Sirapha Cart'ura, she puts it on all of her works. This is one of her cheaper works.

+15 LUC

+15 CHA

DEF: 75

Durability: 2,300/ 2,300

Cost: 135,000

Cloak Of Invisibility Special Skill:


Your face will not be able to be seen without you wanting it too, your face will be covered by a shadow. Your hood can only be drawn by you.

Cloak Of Invisibility Special Skill:


It would turn you invisible. For the invisibility enchantment to work, the hood must be drawn and the cloak fastened.

Cost: 10 MP/ Second

Hey, you perv. It's not like that, I'm not going to be using it for that. I looked at the cloak, it was quite beautiful. Even though I had no idea about what went on when sowing, I could still appreciate the beauty of such work.

The cloak was a deep silky black, its material flowed like water. Silver was braided along the edges and hood, runes were sewed into the cloak in. The silver brooch was in the shape of a rose, its thorny stem extended around itself allowing the cloak to be fastened easily.

Now you might be asking: 'why would you need luck?' well you'll know in a bit.

Snapping out of my appreciation, I start searching for a new pair of boots to wear as well.

Boots Of Wind Walking –Rank: Rare

Class: Boots

Durability: 750/ 750

Boots that are capable of 'Wind Walking' also known as Double Jumping. They are made of special materials, they are a failed prototype of someone trying to make Hermes's Boots.

+10 DEX

Cost: 35,500

Boots Of Wind Walking Special Skill:

Double Jump/ Wind Walking:

The ability to gain a step or 'walk' on wind.

Cost: 90 MP

The boots appeared in my hands as well, I took a closer look at them.

The boots were made of a brown leather-type material, they went up to my mid calves. There was small golden embroideries on the boots, along with two pure-white feathers on either side of each boot ankle.

I put them on, they were quite comfortable.

Pushing aside my hate for wasting so much money, so fast, I quickly put on all of my equipment. I look at my inventory and the small representation on my screen now had armour on it, I checked my hand slots and the Uncommon Dagger I had still there. I put the Moon Slayer dagger in my left hand slot, while the Uncommon dagger took the right hand slot.

I felt the strong boost from all the stat boosts of all the items. I checked my status;

Ahh, it feels good to feel great. And look as well, I added as a side note. It wasn't a lie though to say I look badass.

With the black armour, black and silver hood and brown boots, I look kind of cool.

I search the shop for one more thing, I quickly find it and it appears in my hand.

In my hands appeared a green clay four-leafed clover, it was glowing and it had a G on its stem that was glowing.

Gacha Clover –Rank: Epic

A Gacha Clover that will give anything ranked Epic and up, though the latter is quite rare.

I quickly crush the clover in my hand, come on, be something good.

You have gotten: Bonding Contract

Well, to be honest that wasn't bad at all! I put it in my inventory for another time.

I turn my attention back to the ID key, time to go in.

How do I do this? Do I just twist it? I thought as I twisted the ID key in to the air, instead of a gate opening happening like I thought would happen, cracks grew in the air until it shattered like glass and I found myself somewhere else. I quickly stored the key in my inventory.

I was now standing in a small clearing with giant trees stretching upwards towards the stars, the shadows in-between the trees also adds to that whole: 'haunted woods' feel, oh, did I mention that there are balls of flickering blue flames in the darkness? Yeah, kind of creepy and beautiful at the same time.

I look around, woods stretch for as far as I see, which, admittedly, is not much, so I start walking towards the ball of blue fire and the stony path that it was floating above.

As I walk towards the blue fire another ball of blue fire appears, making me curious, what is it?

I [Observe] it.

Kitsune Fire

Class: Kistune Magic

Magic that is used by Kitsune's to guide strangers to their death. It can be used in a myriad of ways.

DMG: 100 Spirit & Fire DMG/ Second

Oh, so it's a trap eh? Heh, well I think they don't know what they are facing.

Just as I finished my thought a few foxes jumped from the woods surrounding me, I counted at least 7. I took a closer look at them, no, they aren't normal foxes, they're made up of an element. In front of me stoof 3 foxes crouched, that looked as if they were made of brown rock. I didn't think they were much of a threat considering the white names over their heads but I still [Observed] them.

Earth Elemental Fox Spirit Level: 14

A fox spirit that are made by the Twin Kitsune's living inside a cave at the base of the mountain. They can move underground, and used weak Earth Magick. They are tricky and mischievous creatures, and they aren't ashamed to sneak attack their prey.

HP: 700

MP: 700

DMG: 300 Earth DMG

Weak Spots- ?

Drops- ?, ?, ?, ?,

EXP/ Kill: 70

70 EXP huh? Money symbols replaced my normal eyes, literally, I quickly changed them back to their normal appearance. Damn Metamorphagus Perk.

I waited for the foxes to make the first move, I crouched down into an easy-to-dodge position, I had been levelling my [Sprint] skill the whole week. It was now at level 20.

I didn't have to wait long for the foxes to snarl and jump on me, but they looked hesitant to do so. I quickly dodge to the right barely dodging the jaws snapping at the place my jugular was just at, and bring Moon Slayer which was in my left hand aimed at them, quickly drawing multiple arrows I sent them to the throat of the Earth Fox.


(3rd POV)

You have found the weak spot of the Earth Fox Spirit! The Throat.

+150 EXP

You have gained a new Skill!

Critical Strike (Passive) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

You deal more damage to someone or something by aiming at their weakspot.

+50% damage

The arrows after killed the fox, seeing their brethren slain so easily a jolt went through the bodies of the foxes. But it wasn't as if they could go against an order from their mistresses.

So they charged right in, hoping they could fulfil some part of the wishes of their masters. Hoping their numbers could win here.

But they were only met with the cold iron of a metallic white bow wielded by a Black-Hooded Assassin whose moves were ruthless, killing and making their bodies into pincushions at a vicious rate.

Just as the last two foxes were going to jump on Allen, another fox appeared from underneath him, aiming for his neck.

"Cheeky little buggers" he muttered underneath his breath, before he disappeared before their view. All sounds stopped, arrows appeared on each of their necks.

The last thing the three foxes saw was a boy-no man, towering over them his hood drawn and a shadow covering his face. Though the last thing they heard was:

"and that, right there, is why you level up [Sprint] and overpower it when you need it, but hey, aside from the EXP you guys' gave me I also got a new skill: [Danger Sense] and [Bow Mastery], nice." He finished with an appreciative nod, almost like he was appreciating them for dying for him.

He quickly collected the loot drops, 2 brown stones, 2 blue stones, 2 teeth and 3 pelts of fur. He 'observed' the drops.

Earth Mana Stone –Rank: Poor

Class: Crafting Ingredient: Magical Stone

A stone made of mana imbued with Earth Magick. You can find these in places that have lots of mana and Earth.

Able to control 1 meter- cubed worth of Earth per 10 grams

Mana Stone –Rank: Poor

Class: Magical: Magical Stones

A stone made of mana that has no elemental attachments. You can find these in places with lots of mana. Able to be used to created things.

Able to supply mana stored within stone to things.

Fox Spirit Teeth –Rank: Poor

Class: Ingredient: Alchemy

The teeth of a fox spirit, can be used as a crafting ingredient.

Earth Fox Spirit Fur –Rank: Poor

Class: Ingredient

The fur of an Earth Fox Spirit, can be used as a crafting ingredient. Is strong against the element: water.

Allen started walking through the pathway that the Kitsune Fire made for him, occasionally meeting more and more Earth Foxes, but instead of dealing with them with his Bow, he used his skills. A barrage of mana arrows here, choking a few foxes with Mana Chains there, and a few Mana Blades through the gut over there.

A few minutes of being constantly surrounded by foxes, he decided that he should level up something else. Allen took out his wand from his Inventory, he remembered what Ollivander had said to him when he bought it.


(1st Allen POV)

I walked into the dusty wand shop, mindful of touching anything to not get any dust on him.

I walked up to the front. Waiting for Ollivander to come out, I'm pretty sure he knows I'm here.

"Ah, hello! You must be Regulus's son! Elm, Unicorn Tail hair from quite a noble Unicorn, 11 ½ inches." He pops out from behind the wand shelves, still standing on his ladder. I knew he would be there but I still got scared,

I need to learn how to do that.

"Hi, my name is Allen! I've come to get a wand for myself" I didn't want him to know my name, he could possibly know the Kings "also did you know my dad? I was raised in a muggle orphanage you see" I told him, I want to keep people in the dark about me knowing about myself.

And from some fanfiction I've read, Ollivander reports to Dumbledore.

"Ah, yes, I sold him his wand, quite a nice chap when he was younger. But now, I'm interested in seeing what you get" he told me with a mystifying voice as he stared me into my eyes, his steel coloured ones bore into my heterochromia ones.

I knew in some fanfictions he uses Legillimancy on kids to test their wands, but [Gamer's Mind] blocks all that stuff so I should be fine.

"Hmm… interesting" the old wizard said offhandedly, was he reading my mind? Ollivander ignored me and went to find a wand that would suit me.

"Here" he came with a small brown box, he took out the wand from inside and have it to me, he instantly took the wand back.

"No no, not that one" he brought a few more wands which I tried, none of them worked.

This time he went deeper into the wand shelf to bring one more wand, he handed the wand to me while saying:

"Cherry and Cedar, a weird albeit rare double wood combination, a Dragon Heartstring from a Peruvian Vipertooth, 12 ¾ Inches. The double wand combination was, to be frankly honest, a complete passing thought of mine since no one gets accepted by double wooded wands in the first place and this specific combination was extremely temperamental, it's just that I had a passing thought about it.

The heartsring is from a Peruvian Vipertooth dragon that I took down myself, one of the most dangerous species of dragons they are, capable of killing humans in an instant" seeing my look of awe his chest seemed to swell in pride, I wasn't faking it when I showed my awe, it must be truly difficult to slay a dragon.

He handed the wand to me and I felt an instant connection with it, my magic touched and washed all over the wand claiming it as mine, it was a euphoric feeling.

"Seven galleons" he told me, when I went to reply they were with Mcgonagall, she walked into the store.

Quickly looking back at Ollivander I could see a small smile of amusement on his face, how did he know?


(3rd POV)

Allen held his wand, 'observe' he thought.

Allen's Wand –Rank: Special

Class: Magical Item: Wand

Durability: 500/500

A wand that had been created by Garrick Ollivander on a whim. This wand contains two types of wand which is usually unheard of. Its specifics are: Cherry and Cedar, 12 ¾ Inches, Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon heartstring and rigid, it is a very temperamental wand. It has the trace on it.

-10% Mana needed to cast spells

+10% Strength of spells

The wand was quite beautiful, the two woods weaved around each other elegantly creating patterns. Even its shaped was different, it looked almost, fragile, but he knew that wasn't true, it was hard, rigid, even, it bended to no one, for no one. 'Kind of like me,' he mused.

"Well, time to use some spells" Allen said out loud, his wand held in his hand tightly. You might be thinking, why would he use his wand? Well, because they're basically in a pocket dimension he is hoping that he can use magic freely.

He started walking again, it didn't take long before another Earth Fox appeared, this time he held his wand and made a quick movement with his wand, flicking it down then up while pointing at the fox.

"Diffindo!" he cast the severing charm, which flew and hit the Earth Fox, he saw from one one of his observation screens that he had up that, the Earth Fox was nowhere near dead. Allen threw a few more severing charms at the Earth Fox he also threw a Full-Body-Bind Curse at the Earth Fox to keep it from moving.

"Petrificus Totalus"




The Earth Fox was dead and he had his Class EXP, he had found out that the classes' works in weird ways, by learning about the class you can get EXP but you can also do things relating to your class to also get EXP, and the Wizard class had sub-classes as well. Having the Wizard Class didn't mean you couldn't be anything else, it just meant that you would gain more EXP for the Wizard Class Skills than any other skills.

He also got a new skill: Spell Casting.

Spell Casting (Passive) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

The ability to cast spells. Spells are made up of four things: Mana/Power, Mana Control, Emotion/ Intention and the correct Arithmetic Formula (Wand waving, Incantation etc.). Though some spells take more of one than the other.

-2% mana needed to cast spells

He continued walking this time he was surrounded by Wind Foxes, Allen 'observed' them.

Wind Fox Spirit Lvl 16

A fox spirit that are made by the Twin Kitsune's living inside a cave at the base of the mountain. They use weak Wind Magic. They are tricky and mischievous creatures, and they aren't ashamed to sneak attack their prey.

HP: 800

MP: 800

DMG: 300 Wind DMG

Weak Spots- ?

Drops- ?, ?, ?, ?,

EXP/ Kill: 80

He sent a 'diffindo' at the Foxes neck, it just phased through, the spell casting seemed to have aggravated him since he came pouncing at him, Allen narrowly dodged to the right and shot a 'Diffindo!' at his legs.

It phased through, again. This time, when he got more distance between them then he sent another 'Diffindo', this time at his tail.

"Diffindo!" the spells shot through the air and cut through the base of the tail, where the tail met the body, completely cutting it off.

-174 HP

HP: 626/800

You have found the Weak Spot of the Wind Fox Spirit! The Tail Base.

+150 EXP

'Let's try the only elemental spell I have on me' thought Allen

He flicked my wand in the correct wand-movement,

"Incendio!" he pointed my wand at the fox's tail-base. he watched as the fire set alight the whole wind-body of the fox, it quickly started taking damage.

You have found the Elemental Weakness of the Wind Fox Spirit! The Element: Fire.

+150 EXP

Inflicted Status: Strong Burning to Wind Fox Spirit!

-100 HP/ Second:

-100 HP

-100 HP

-100 HP

-100 HP

-100 HP

-100 HP

He watched as the fox tried to free itself of its constant burning fur of fire, the poor fox tried to do anything but nothing worked, all the wind magic that was tried to extinguish the fire just fuelled the it even more.

'Heh, these suckers won't know what hit them.' Was what Allen thought when he finished watching the foxes burn up.


(1st POV Allen)

I was walking away from my latest Wind Fox Crusade, I followed the stone path and Kitsune Fire.

I brought up my class;

Class: Wizard Lvl 3 EXP: 00.11

+1 VIT and +100 MP

I quickly checked my status;

Allen A. King

Title- Cold Blooded Killer

Class: Wizard: Lvl 3 EXP: 00.11

HP: 2210/2210 (368.5HP/ Minute)

SP: 2110/2110 (530SP/ Minute)

MP: 2350/2350 (297MP/ Minute)

Lvl 14 (400/8000)

Race: Wizard (Pureblood)/ A???e Dra??? K?ng

STR: 30 (+10) = 40

DEX: 30 (+10) = 40

VIT: 31 (+10) = 41

INT: 34

WIS: 28

LUC: 28 (+15) = 43

CHA: 52 (+15) = 67

Points: 44

DEF: 275

Credits: 731,050

Just as I finished reading I heard the roar of fire and a blazing heat.

-(900 -275) HP

Status: Greatly Burned, has been inflicted!

-30 HP/ Minute until healed.

Because you are Combat Tagged, your regeneration is slower

HP: 2200 (104HP/ Minute)

SP: 2100 (260SP/ Minute)

MP: 2340 (145.75MP/ Minute)

Then I was met with pain, I looked at my arm which was no longer there. It only took a moment, then the pain kicked in.

"Ugh!" I quickly held the burn stump, not that it would help with anything. Thankfully [Gamer's Mind] numbed most of the pain and calmed down my mind from going into shock.

I looked around and I found myself surrounded by fire? No, Fire Foxes. I quickly activated [Sprint] and jumped over the pouncing forms of the foxes. I quickly started running even harder not taking a look back, by the time I was away, I heard the roaring of fire again.

"Dammit" I muttered under my breath. What is that? A skill?

I quickly jumped towards the woods and started climbing up the giant trees with one arm not looking down until I made it to a high branch. It was a miracle how I didn't slip when I grabbed branches and swung myself on top of them, with one arm! Though it wasn't as if my arms weren't sore from that. Thankfully I had already put my wand away so it didn't burn up.

You have gained a new skill!

Parkour (Active) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

You can now parkour! Everything is your playground! No wall will block you!

You can parkour over most things that are at least 5 metres tall.

I looked down and saw a whole horde of fire foxes running and flashing down the stone path, their fur of fire flickering in the dark night.

I took a sigh as I relaxed, my rigid muscles relaxing into the large trunk that I was sitting against.

I looked down, since I was pretty high I could tell were there were large numbers of the fire foxes.

And from what I could tell (they were glowing like candles), they left a small group of fire foxes every few hundred meters.

There was a group right below me, I wrapped my cloak around me safely. This is my only chance of surviving, I looked at my arm and found that my arm was pretty much finished growing, now the skin was starting to stretch over the muscles and the nails were growing. It was a pretty disgusting sight.

I looked at my new arm and stretched it, it was… the exact same as the other one. Nothing changed, not to say that's bad, it's actually great I would have thought that it would feel weird though.

I unhooked the bow from my shoulder and notched an arrow, I pulled the string.

But I stopped myself from shooting it, if I did then I wouldn't get maximum efficiency. Too many trees around me, if only I could lower myself down… I got a bad idea.

I tightened my cloak and turned my quiver of arrows the other way so it was facing down, I put my hand under it so the arrows wouldn't fall down. I sat on the branch, and then pushed myself down.

I swung around until my knees hooked onto the branch, I knew the branch was strong, I didn't need to worry despite being 50 ft. in the air. Besides I had a safety measure if I did fall.

I notched the arrow again, this time the arrow glued blue and a light-blue magic circle appeared in front of the arrow. The magic circle allowed me to aim better and zoom in, when I lined up the shot correctly I let go of the arrow.

The light-blue arrow shot forward like a bullet in-between the trees causing a gale to appear when I let go. The arrow quickly arrived in the correct spot; right in the middle of the group of foxes below me.


When the foxes heard the cracking of the stone path they turned their attention towards it, but it turned out to be an arrow that was glowing light-blue.

Not knowing better they walked towards it and started sniffing it, they smelled the slight smell of metal and wood with mana mixed in. they were about to return with their guarding seeing as this mysterious object appeared there must have been someone that shot it right?

But just as they were going to leave they heard a resounding click and saw the sky lighting up above them, it looked like a star shower.

The foxes were looking at it with wonder, which was the last thing they would be looking at it with.

Because as they found out, those weren't stars, no, they were arrows, a hundred arrows were darting down at them.

Before they could move they were completely decimated, not a single sound came out of their mouths to warn their brethren.


(1st POV Allen)

MP: 2040/2340

You have found the Weak Spot of the Fire Fox Spirit! The Belly

Lvl 14 EXP: (1,300/8000)

My hand was still in the air in a finger click position, I looked at the decimated spot.

Only cracked stone remained, at least from where I could see.

That light probably warned all the other foxes of me, I should move a bit so that they can't smell me. Wait, can they smell me? No questions now, safety first.

I pulled myself up and fixed my quiver's position.

Now that I have the chance I should probably get a better branch.

I looked around until I found one, it was closer towards the mountain and a bit lower but that's fine, it'll give me a clear shot. Bad news, it was on the other side of the stone pathway.

I moved backwards so I could get a running start. I activated [Sprint] and ran, the speed should be good enough. I jumped over the stone pathway, I saw multiple bursts of light.

'So the foxes are here' I thought and landed on the branch, the branch wobbled a bit before steadying.

I turned on my cloak's invisibility, and notched an arrow. Just as I was going to shoot it I had a better idea, why waste my arrows when I can just use my mana skills?

I started making arrows and swords of mana behind me, trying to make as many as I can. I could only make 35 of each since my level in both were 7 but I can use something else since the arrows and swords won't be enough.

There were 10 foxes, each had at least 900 HP and each of his projectiles could do 75 damage which meant all together he could only do 75 x 70 DMG which with some quick maths I figured is 5,250 DMG altogether.

Of course I could just reuse the skill but I have another idea, what if I use my mana strings? Since they are so thin and razor sharp they won't be able to dodge them. And they can bring them all in one area.

I started spreading my mana strings in a spider web, wrapping it around trees and back so that when I pull on it, it pulls inwards and with the gaps in between, bisect anything between them.

Now that the mana strings are set I set my mana weapons on them, blades and arrows of mana assaulted the foxes below me from all side.

That was intentional too, I needed to round up the foxes a bit more.

After my projectile assault there were five foxes still left, I quickly pulled on the mana wire.

Down below me I could see the foxes pulled into a pile at the centre and wires from all sides squish inwards. This way, I could find the weak spot easily. I sent multiple Mana Arrows and Mana Blades at the pile of fire, thankfully I quickly found out that the weak spot was in-between the shoulder blades.

And there, the foxes were all dead, but I didn't go down. I pulled out my bow to see if there were any more foxes. Thankfully there wasn't, I hooked my bow on my shoulder and jumped down.

Just as I was going to hit the ground I activated [Wind Walk] and landed safely.

With a quick peek to either side I quickly run and grab all the loot before running back to the edge of the tree-line. The whole time I had [Invisibility] on but just in case you know.

I quickly go through what I have. 7 Fire Mana Stones, 4 Mana Stones, 9 Teeth, 7 Fire Fox furs.

'Hmm quite good' I thought as I started sprinting through the woods, I was close enough to see the stone path way and Kitsune fire so I wouldn't get lost.

This time I met a few more Fire Foxes, though they were taken out easily.

I ran through the woods, checking if there were any more fire foxes, but there was none.

Though I did find a lake that the stone path led to, I decided to take a quick break since my SP was low. [Sprint] takes a lot of SP.

I walked to the edge of the lake, it was beautiful. You could see the reflection of the full-moon in the crystal waters. I scooped some water and took a sip, wow, it tasted delicious and pure. You could practically taste the mana from the water.

You have created a Skill!

Mana Sense (Passive) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

The ability to sense mana.

Passively feel mana in 1 meter radius

Actively Feel mana in 10 meter radius.

That's a good skill, I looked at the water still in the lake. I 'observed' it.

Mana Spring Water –Rank: Rare

Class: Ingredient

Water from a Mana Spring, it is made in places with high mana density. it is filled and purified with mana. It is quite delicious and helps mana regen, though if you drink more than a litre in a week you have a high chance to get Mana Toxication, which will siphon off HP and MP until it stops.

+50% MP Regen for 10 minutes

+5% HP Regen for 10 minutes

This… can make me so much money! How much water is in here? From what I can tell I can make MP restoration potions with this. Imagine selling this? How much could I even sell it for? Loads! I would practically be swimming in gold.

+1 REP with Gluttony

-1 REP with Greed

As I slammed down [Gamer's Mind] I found out that I was already kneeling beside the water, scooping the water into my mouth. After I drank much more, I finished wiping my mouth only to be greeted with a message.


Due to drinking more than one-bottle of Mana Water, you have gained Mana Toxication!

A small amount of annoyance was squashed by [Gamer's Mind].


Due to being the Prince of Gluttony, nothing that you inject can hurt you, this includes poisons and other things. Instead you have a chance of getting a skill from the thing you ingested, though it is a 10% percent chance and if it fails, you get five times worse than the normal status you get from the ingested substance. Also you can only do it once! The formula is:

(10+ LUC÷ 5) %

Unlocked: Heaven Eater Perk!

That's… good? I guess. I forgot about the whole Prince of Gluttony thing, it kind of took the back burner in my mind but now thinking about it.


Due to Ingesting Mana Spring Water, you gained a skill!

Mana Regeneration (Passive) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

Mana regenerates faster.

+1% faster Regen.

That is a great skill and since it's a passive it'll level up on its own. Though this brought me back to my original thoughts.

I could possibly get in trouble and the whole increased REP with Gluttony is fine and all but now I need to deal with demons.

I'm not stupid enough to believe I won't be tracked down, or already am tracked down by Demons.

I took out a canister from my inventory, it looked like a normal grey steel flask. It was a reward from the random boxes, it could hold 50 times what it could normally hold, reason? Magic.

I dumped the contents of the flask which was just water… 50 litres of it. When water stopped coming from the flask I sunk the flaks in the lake and watched as a small whirlpool appeared sucking in even more water that went in to my flask. When the whirlpool was gone I brought the flask up and screwed the lid and put it in my inventory.

Just as I was walking away from the lake with my back turned my [Danger Sense] told me there was something coming at me from behind me.

I jumped to the side getting my shoulder nicked in the process.

-345 HP!

HP: 1865/ 2210

Shit, my health regeneration is halved as well. Well at least I have the King heir ring and the boost from the Mana Water. My initial panic turned to nothing before [Gamer's Mind].

I turned around, surrounding me in a circle were a small army of foxes that looked to be made of water with water trailing into the lake. Did I just drink the foxes?

What the hell.

I pulled off my bow, just as I was going to shoot an arrow at the foxes I turned invisible.

I started running- I mean, gaining distance. I arrived back to the tree line and activated [Parkour] I quickly climbed the trees until I was a few metres up.

I sat on the branch and unhooked my bow, i looked at the area the water foxes were in, there rest were walking into the water while there was still one left to guard.

I 'observed' the fox.

Water Fox Spirit Lvl 20

A fox spirit that are made by the Twin Kitsune's living inside a cave at the base of the mountain. They can turn to water, and use weak Water Magic. They are tricky and mischievous creatures, and they aren't ashamed to sneak attack their prey.

HP: 1000

MP: 1000

DMG: 475 Water DMG

Weak Spots- ?

Drops- ?, ?, ?, ?,

EXP/ Kill: 100

I sent a barrage of mana arrows at the poor unsuspecting fox, I waited for the pop up to come.

You have found the Weak Spot of the Water Fox Spirit! The back of the head!

+150 EXP

Yes. That was what I needed; the weak spot. I checked the foxes HP;

HP: 800/950

I shot three arrows at the back of the head of the fleeing fox. I jumped down from my branch and ran over to the place the fox died. I found that there it dropped 1 Water stone, 1 mana stone and 1 water fur, nice, this is good enough.

I took out all of my Fire Mana Stones, I had 7 of them, and I also took out my Mana Stones. I hope this is enough.

I held one of my Fire Mana Stones in my right hand, in the other I held a mana stone. I made my way to the edge of the water and pressed the two stones together while leaving an opening. I didn't have to wait as a big 1m wide fireball came out from the Fire Mana Stone. I couldn't see anything since as soon as the fireball hit the water, a lot of water evaporated creating a screen of steam.

I took out a wind stone and channelled my mana into it, I controlled the air to clear the steam away allowing me to see again.

I saw that the lake had got smaller and… I seemed to have caught the attention of the foxes.

I took out three earth stones and slammed them on the ground with both hands. A tower made of stone appeared below me pushing me up. The earth stone turned to dust, so that's what happens when you overuse them.

I threw mana-strings down surrounding the area below me in razor sharp mana wire. I pulled on the wire, hard, the foxes that were scattered around the area were now being crushed against the pillar I was on.

I started shooting arrows each hitting their mark, damn, I am good at this.

Soon all the foxes were dead, where there had been around 20 water foxes, there was nothing now.

I jumped down and gathered all of the loot drops, i got a bunch of stuff but I just stuffed them all in my inventory, I would sort them out later.

I looked to the other side of the lake, the stone path way was continued on the other side.

I felt an idea come to me, since there are elemental stones, can I combine them?

I pulled out a water stone and a wind stone, I put them together in one hand and closed my fist. I walked to the lake and pressed my fist against the water gently and channelled some mana into the stones.

I watched in amazement as a bridge made of ice appeared, it wasn't anything extravagant but just the fact that I could do this is amazing.

I stepped on the bridge made of ice and found that it could support my weight, imagine the uses of this! I can make anything, I could probably make Elsa's castle if I got enough water and wind stones.

Yep, that's a long term goal; getting my own castle.

I finish walking across the bridge and when I reach land i looked back.

I used up a wind and water stone for this, I am not letting this go to waste. I open my inventory and press it against the floor of the ice bridge, I saw the ice bridge disappear. I checked my inventory and there it was, sitting in a box innocently.

I continue walking down the path way that was lit up by Kitsune Fire.

I didn't have to wait long for the damn fox spirits to come again, though this time they were lightning foxes.

Lightnning Fox Spirit Lvl 22

A fox spirit that are made by the Twin Kitsune's living inside a cave at the base of the mountain. They can use Thunderbolt, and use weak Lightning Magic. They are tricky and mischievous creatures, and they aren't ashamed to sneak attack their prey.

HP: 1100

MP: 1100

DMG: 550 Lightning DMG

Weak Spots- ?

Drops- ?, ?, ?, ?,

EXP/ Kill: 110

What's thunderbolt? It didn't take long for them to answer my question as a thunderbolt struck me.

-(700-275) DMG!

HP: 1785/2210

Because you are Combat Tagged, your regeneration is slower.

Damn it, I felt my body spas, I couldn't move from my spot on the ground. I felt the effects lighten but then I was hit with another Thunderbolt.

-(700-275) DMG!

HP: 1360/2210

I felt the spasing stop a bit, I looked up just in time to dodge a bite from the lightning fox. I could barely dodge in time, I took out a wind stone from my inventory and threw multiple wind blades aat the fox. They hit their mark, each meeting the legs of the fox.

You have found the Weak Spot of the Lightning Fox Spirit! The Legs.

+150 EXP

You have found the Elemental Weakness of the Lightning Fox Spirit! Wind.

+150 EXP

I shot a few more wind blades at the fox's legs but the fox didn't die.

Just as the wind stone crumbled in my hands the lightning fox jumped at me, intending to bite my shoulder. I tried to dodge but I got both shoulders hit, one from a claw and one from a bit. I felt the fox loom over me, getting ready to kill me. I felt terror grip my heart, am I going to die?

[Gamer's Mind] calmed me down right away by squashing the fear in my heart.

No, I won't die. Not here. Not ever.

I mustered all my strength and took a bite out of the fox's leg. I waited for the message.

Heaven Eater Perk Activated!

You have gotten skill: Thunderbolt!

Thunderbolt (Active) Lvl 1 EXP: 00.00

You can now channel the power of thunder, time to strike down these fools! You can overpower a skill such as this by feeding extra mana into it, though it maybe dangerous to you aswell.

Every 10MP = 20 DMG

DMG: 700 Lightning DMG

Cost: 350 MP

Right away I brang my hand near the foxes face that looked between a mixture of horror, disgust and anger. I held my hand next to his face.


A snap rang across the haunted forest followed by the roar and crack of thunder.

All that remained was me in a crater, everything around me had been blown away.

I pulled my self out of the crater, and held my head. I felt the headache I had go away immediately.

I looked down to see the loot drops of the lightning fox. I placed them all in my inventory, I have no current use for them. It's just the usual, elemental stone, mana stone, teeth and fur, wait, that's it.

I pulled out the fur of the Wind Foxes. I 'observed' the soft fur in my hands.

Wind Fox Spirit Fur –Rank: Poor

Class: Ingredient

The fur of a Lightning Fox Spirit, can be used as a crafting ingredient. Is strong against the element: Wind.

I took out all the fur I had, it wasn't enough so I scrapped the idea but I still had one. I took out all of my wind stones since they were still poor-ranked they aren't the best they are good enough I also have [Thunderbolt].

I turned on my cape's invisibility, I started sneaking through the wood side at a fast pace, I had already turned on [Sprint].

I found more lightning foxes but they were easily dealt with, a wind blade here, a wind blade there. Safe to say I'm not going to be caught off guard anymore.


I finished of the last lightning wolf, I collected all of the loot drops and left the charred area.

I started walking towards the base of the mountain, I wasn't far and the mountain looked a lot more daunting up close.

I walked towards an entrance at the base of the mountain but just as I was going to walk in I heard a roar.

I looked behind me and saw a five headed fox, each head had a different style that was unique to an element.

Nope, no, I just, ugh… I turned on my invisibility and ran towards another spot. Thankfully I was fast enough to move out of the way. I looked to where I just was, there was nothing left as lightning and fire assaulted the area creating shockwaves.

I quickly 'observed' the creature.

Five-Headed Elemental Fox Spirit Lvl 30

HP: 1,500

MP: 1,500

A fox spirit tasked to protect the Twin Kitsunes. It knows nothing else aside from its task: Protect the Twin Kitsunes and kill those who are a danger to them.

DMG: 750

DEF: -25% DMG

Unique Skill: Five-Headed Elemntal Blast

Weak Spot: Head

EXP: 3,000

Drops: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?

Dammit he is powerful, there is a slim chance I can beat him.

Quest has arrived!

Five-Headed Fox Hunt!

Kill the Five-Headed Fox!


Kill the Five-Headed Fox!


Crafting Recipe

50 Credits

2,500 EXP



[Accept/ Decline]

I accepted the quest, and dodged in time to miss a thunderbolt.

I snapped my fingers, "Thunderbolt!"


I summoned a thunderbolt that landed on him.

-525 HP

Fox's HP: 975/1500

My MP was;

MP: 2050/2350

I quickly dodged to the side as a blast of wind and fire scorched the area I was just in.

I sent a super charged thunderbolt that had 1000 of my mana in it.

A blinding flash occurred and I couldn't see, when I could see I looked at the spot that my thunderbolt should've wrecked.

MP: 1050/2350

There were no scorch marks, only a five headed fox that seemed perfectly fine.

I narrowed my eyes, there should at least be a scorch mark, did he dodge it?

No, he must've blocked it.

Well then I just have to get in so close he won't be able to block it.

I activated [Sprint] and ran at the fox in a zig-zag, when I reached close to him I was about to snap a thunderbolt but I saw him narrow his eyes.


All I felt was the heat from the fire surrounding the fox, it was hot, to hot. I can't breathe.

-700 HP

Status: Burned has been applied!

-2 HP/ Minute

[Gamer's Mind] Activated.

I calmed down immediately, my mind that had been assaulted by the searing pain was now calm.

I took out a water stone and channelled my mana through it, covering my self with water I felt the effects of the fire take less of an effect on me.

Oh, did I mention I ran away? Yeah, well I thought: 'nope, I'm not dealing with that right now' and ran out of there.

I ran into the tree-line and climbed up on a tree, time to do some sniping.

I unhooked my bow and notched an arrow, since this damn foxes weak spot is the head and each head houses a different element I'm guessing they also have the elemental weaknesses.

But I won't be using those no, I'll be using mana strings.

They don't have a strength limit and I'm going to use that to my advantage.

I spread my mana strings all over the area, especially around the fox.

I pulled the strings, binding the fox from all sides.

This was my chance and I took it, I shot three arrows at the heads of the fox.

-225 HP

-225 HP

-225 HP

Foxes HP: 300/ 1,500

This is it, I snapped my fingers at the mana strings generating a thunderbolt that travelled down the length of the string before splitting up in the spider-web maze of strings towards the fox. He couldn't defend against something that came from all angles and was touching him.

You have Killed: Five-Headed Elemental Fox Spirit Lvl 30

+3,000 EXP

+ 10 Lightning Stones –Rank: Common

+10 Water Stones –Rank: Common

+10 Wind Stone –Rank: Common

+10 Fire Stone –Rank: Common

+10 Earth Stone –Rank: Common

Quest: Five-Headed Fox Hunt!

Kill the Five-Headed Fox!


Kill the Five-Headed Fox!


Crafting Recipe: Fox Fur Jacket

50 Credits

2,500 EXP

You have gained 1 level!

Allen A. King

Title- Cold Blooded Killer

Class: Wizard: Lvl 4 EXP: 43.75

HP: 2230/2230 (390.5HP/ Minute)

SP: 2120/2120 (530SP/ Minute)

MP: 2460/2460 (297MP/ Minute)

Lvl 15 (27.18%)

Race: Wizard (Pureblood)/ A???e Dra??? K?ng

STR: 31 (+10) = 41

DEX: 31 (+10) = 41

VIT: 33 (+10) = 43

INT: 35

WIS: 29

LUC: 29 (+15) = 44

CHA: 53 (+15) = 68

Points: 49

DEF: 275

Credits: 731,100

I just realised that I heal up to full in both MP and HP when I levelled up. That's nice to know.

Because I can't use Stat Recoveries in Dungeons, I was a bit irked at that.

Before I started on my way again, I took out something from my inventory, time to use this.


(3rd POV Allen)

Allen walked into a Japanese-style room, he saw that sitting at a small table were two Kitsunes.

One had long snow-white hair that pooled at the floor and sky-blue eyes. She wore a white kimono with snowflakes and mountains on it that showed a lot of cleavage. She was beautiful and looked around 19 years old, she looked calm almost as if she didn't even know he was here. She had white fox ears and 3 tails that laid on the ground.

The second one had long-black hair that reached her waist, she had crimson eyes that seemed to look at everything with arrogance. She wore a black kimono that had red patterns on it, it also showed a lot of cleavage. She was beautiful, unlike the other kitsune, she also looked calm only in a more prideful way as if nothing could hurt her. She had black fox ears and 3 tails that laid tensed around her.

He could tell that she was very protective by the way she was sitting and glaring at him, her muscles were tensed, ready for battle.

"Please take a seat" the white kitsune offered him a seat in perfectly English. His eyes narrowed, that was weird, how did they even know English?

Allen calmly took a seat at the small tea table, he didn't think he needed to fight if he didn't need to.

The white kitsune gave him a cup of tea and he took this chance to observe them.

Shirohime, Daughter of Tomamo No Mae Lvl 20 (51.2%)

Class: Kitsune Magician Lvl 30 EXP: 21.34

HP: 2140/2140 (430/ Minutes)

MP: 2300/2300 (485/ Minutes)

Race: Kitsune

STR: 17

DEX: 19

VIT: 14

INT: 30

WIS: 25

LUC: 4

CHA: 21

One of the twin daughters of Tomamo No Mae, she hadn't travelled outside of the woods and feels lonely and trapped because of it but she hides this from her sister. She dearly loves her sister who is much more brave and arrogant than her.

'Tomamo No Mae?!' he recognise that name, it's the name of one of the foulest evil spirits ever. He felt a deep hatred towards that person and name bubble within him, though [Gamer's Mind] stopped him from getting angry and calmed him down. He took a breath and observed the other one.

Kurohime, Daughter of Tomam No Mae Lvl 25 (12%)

Class: Kitsune Magician Lvl 34 EXP: 11.23

HP: 2500/2500 (380/ Minutes)

MP: 2500/2500 (355/ Minutes)

Race: Kitsune

STR: 21

DEX: 25

VIT: 26

INT: 34

WIS: 21

LUC: 5

CHA: 27

One of the twin daughters of Tomamo No Mae, she hadn't travelled outside of the woods and feels lonely and trapped because of it but she hides this behind an arrogant facade. She dearly loves her sister who is much more kind and loving than her.

'I'm starting to see a trend with their bad luck. But I can use this to my advantage, I can take them out of here easily and I can use that to bargain with them.w' thought Allen his eyes wondered the little room, there wasn't much else. He drew his attention back to the women in front of him.

After a quick observe told him the tea wasn't poisoned he took a sip and allowed the tea to wash down his throat. Bringing the teacup down he looked at the white kitsune, "thank you, it's delicious" he kept his words short but meaningful enough.

The white kitsune nodded her head and sat down.

"So… how are you ladies?" He asked them trying to break the ice.

"We're… good" the black one replied hesitantly.

"So umm… do you know of a way to get out of here?" I asked them, trying to broach the subject of escaping.

"Do you know? How did you get here? It's not exactly out in the open to enter" the black one-Kurohime, bit back.

"I do have a way… though I need help from both of you" he admitted, inwardly he knew it was a lie, he was just seeing how much they could trust him. 'CHA stat for the win!' He thought inwardly.

He could see both of their eyes widen considerably before turning a bit icy. Of course I could expect that, they had been here for so long. If someone just came and said that you probably wouldn't believe it.

"Oh? Really? Now I think we've heard that one before. Do you want to know how?" Kurohime asked him, that hooked his attention. Someone else came here?

Seeing his confused face the Kurohime smiled bitterly, "yes, you're not the only one to have come here. There were… others."

"where do we start?... yes let's start there" she flicked a fan that she took out towards a wall, it transformed to describe the story she was telling.



Once upon a time there was a spirit, hated by the country but loved by the emperor of the realm which didn't know her true identity. She was beautiful, enough to charm her way into being the emperor's favourite concubine.

A beautiful women appeared, she had Asian features and black hair. On the outside she looked normal- albeit stunningly beautiful, but in her shadow was a shade that was a mirror image of her that looked like her but evil features. It was literally her true colours.

She seduced the emperor at the time to bed her, a few weeks later the empress was found murdered. Whether it was from assassination or suicide was unknown since they found her clutching a dagger stabbed through her chest. The emperor was furious, he loved that women, who was always happy. He was positive someone had killed her,

…but they never found the person that killed her. Soon he was starting to get hysterical, trusting no one. And with the manipulations of the women, it started a war, which in turn caused a rebellion that ended the Shang Dynasty.

She fled for some time, before appearing again. This time in Ancient India, and become Lady Kayo; a concubine of the crowned prince. Through her subtle manipulations, the crowned prince cut off the heads of 1000 men! This caused a rebellion that eventually won against them. This caused the fox spirit to flee once again, she was once tempted to destroy the children in her stomach who she placed a spell on to grow slower (that ironically when cast can't e undone), but she kept them. Something told her it would be better to keep them, maybe train them? Make an army? Who knew what was going on through her head?

She was gone for a while before she reappeared once again, this time during the Edo Period, Japan.

She reappeared as a beautiful and intelligent young women who worked her way up the ladder until she became the most favoured courtesan, her name was Tomamo no Mae.

Eventually she brought sickness to the emperor who became extremely ill. When the emperor called for a master of Onmyōdō, Abe no Yasechika. He revealed that the cause of the illness was Tomamo no Mae, who fled from the palace.

Whence the fox spirit was gone, the emperor miraculously returned from death's doors.

A few years pass by and the emperor orders for Tomamo no Mae to be executed, to do the deed he sent Kazusa-no-suke and Miura-no-suke to kill the nine-tailed fox in the plains of Nasu.

But just before the start of the battle she finally gave birth to two kitsunes, though a normal mother's face would be filled with love and joy hers, was not.

She was a glorious nine-tailed fox, why would she love these two beings that only had one tail? The tails symbolised how powerful we are, and w-they… were the most weak.

But unable to kill them she sent us off, though she didn't love them, they were still her blood.

Creating a spirit she gave her children to it to protect, the spirit was sent off to a forest with the two bundles in his tails.

But before they went Tomamo no Mae gave her children their names: Shirohime the oldest and Kurohime the younger one.


(1st POV Allen)

"And that's mostly how we are here right now" Kurohime explained bitterly. I see, so they're this bitter about their arrangement?

"Then I have a proposition" I took out something from my inventory "become my familiars. And I'll show you the outside world" I showed them the two Binding Contracts.

"How do we know you are not different from the rest? Also did you not tell us the way to get out?" Shirohime spoke up, she had been quiet the whole time.

"Do you want me to make a vow? And also I asked if you knew, I never said that I didn't" seeing them want a vow, it brought forth a problem. I don't know how to make an unbreakable vow.

"Ugh, you obviously don't know how to do this, here" Kurohime brought her hand forwards and clasped my one. My obviously smaller one fit in her hand, I could see how sharp her blood red nails were.

"Swear that you'll never harm either Shirohime or me" Kurohime told me,

"I swear as long as you never hurt me" I told her.

"Then I as representative as the Twin Daughters of Tomamo no Mae, declare your our… master, we pledge our loyalty to you." She told me before a searing pain appeared on the back of my hand, I looked at the back of my hand.

On the back of my hand was a red mark that looked like a kitsune mask made up of two separate foxes intertwining together.

Quest Complete!

Fox Raid!


Defeat the Kitsune Den ID!

Hidden Objective:

Do it without dropping a single blood from either kitsunes.


2000 EXP

ID Create/Destroy Skill Book

100 Credits

Hidden Reward:

2000 EXP

2 Bound Servants

Random Skill Book

[Accept Rewards]

I grinned, albeit it was a small one. I stepped out of the cave, you know since the whole reincarnation thing, my whole life has gotten better.

Finally, things are looking up.

I saw the first rays of Dawn break through the horizon, maybe things aren't so bad after all.

You will be kicked out of ID: Kitsune Den in 10 Seconds!





I looked at the two kitsune behind me, will they be able to come with me?



I really hope so, because- ilooked at them basking in the dawn's light- they are really beautiful right now.





You will be sent back to the normal world! Any servents will crossover with you!

Ahh, that's a relief.


Hey guys! This was a big chapter ey? Well I've decided I'll put this on hiatus for now since I've lost some of my inspiration for this story.

I think I'll be getting it back soon but I kind of messed up the whole regen things with everyone so… yeah.

Also I might start a few fanfictions along the way, but I'm probably not going to drop this one so don't worry, maybe.

Peace out, 2Unreal