
My Heritage & Gringotts

Chapter 8:

I was finishing up my 10km run, it's been two days since I went to Diagon Alley. I looked to my right,

Quest: Road To Strongest, has been completed!


100 Push-ups (100/100)

100 Sit-ups (100/100)

100 Crunches (100/100)

10Km Run (10/10)


Random Box

Status Recovery

10 EXP

[Accept Rewards]

'Accept 10 EXP and Random Box' I decided to keep the Status Recovery's and save them up for a later date, they would be useful at a later time.

I ripped open the black wrapped box, it was different from a Reward Box. I had found out it didn't give out that good stuff, just normal things, towels, water bottles, etc… it also seemed to have some prophetic powers of some kind, giving different items when needed later in the day stuff like that.

Inside was a 100 Pound note, which I quickly put in my inventory, I guess this solves some of the money problem. I would need a lot more money, of course since I am the heir of an ancient and noble house I might have a lot in my trust vault if I have one but there might be a chance I don't have one.

I looked up at the sky, it was clear allowing the sun to shine its rays on me, basking me in the golden light. I also found out that I could change the currency in my inventory into any currency except Credits that are so useful! Imagine changing one form of currency to another through the system, that way it won't be able to be tracked!

I guess it's time to go to Gringotts, I held back going to Gringotts since I was learning all of the spells. Well, it turns out I could learn them all in one go with a simple press of a button, I thought back to yesterday.



I was sitting in my room with all of the books I bought from Diagon Alley in front of me, they were all glowing with a blue hue. But I wasn't looking at them, no, I was looking at the multitude of screens in front of me asking me to learn them all.

Skill book detected!

Would you like to learn: 'The Standard Book Of Spells' By Miranda Goshhawk?

[Accept/ Decline]

…does this mean I can instantly learn this skill and all the spells inside? I was left in awe at the system. But I was stuck with a problem, would I gain INT points by insta-learning them?

Just to be safe I won't learn the skill books but I will study from them.

(End of Flashback)


Since I didn't want to lose any INT points I might get, I started to study them and boy was I in for a surprise. It turns out that a lot of the magic subject while somewhat contradictory to their science counterpart also shared similarities.

Like in Charms and Transfiguration you have to have basic knowledge of certain science subjects like the states of matter and what not.

An example in the book is imagine turning a wooden table into air if you were to breathe in that air it would go through your respiratory system, into you bloodstream and eventually into your cells, if the transfiguration was to wear off then all of the oxygen that came from that wooden table would turn back into wood, critically damaging the person.

It was quite interesting, seeing all of these things, which also gave me a great idea. Imagine turning something into air, letting someone breathe it in and then a few hours later… boom! An insta-kill, it would be great for assassination attempts, of course there is a way to remove such foreign objects from the body, but if taken too long… well you get the picture. I also got an INT point for each book for a total of 8 INT points.

I didn't learn to cast all the spells, but I also did try to learn some other stuff, and from my experimentation I got a few skills.

Mana Control (Passive) Lvl 3 EXP: 10.00

The ability to control mana in its purest form.

-3% mana cost for all spells and skills that need mana

+3% effectiveness with spells and skills that need mana

Mana Blade (Active) Lvl 2 EXP: 05.00

The ability to create a blade made out of mana from your hands. Further levelling up this skill may allow you to increase DMG output, and create blades in the air. You can make 10 mana blades.

60 DMG

Cost: 25MP/ sword

Mana Chain (Active) Lvl 2 EXP: 10.00

The ability to create chains made of mana from your body. Further levelling up this skill may allow you to have different types of chains.

Cost: (Length of blade +50)/ Minute

Mana Arrow (Active) Lvl 2 EXP: 15.00

The ability to create an arrow made up of mana. Can make any amount of arrows

60 DMG

Cost: 25MP/ each arrow

Wandless Magic (Passive) Lvl 3 EXP: 00.00

The ability to do magic without a focus

-6% mana cost for spells when cast wandless

+6% effectiveness with spells and skills that need mana

I looked at my skills, they can easily be levelled up, if I keep them active, but that might create a strain on me and the goblins may be able to have an enchantment that can sense the skills, I doubt it but it is possible.

For making a wise decision you get +1 WIS,

I looked at my status, and there it was.

Allen A. King

The Gamer

Title – Cold-Blooded Killer

Class – Wizard Lvl 1 EXP: 30.00

HP – 540/540 (110HP/minute)

SP – 650/650 (165SP/ minute)

MP – 560/560 (85MP/minute)

Lvl 4 – 20/400

Race – Human Wizard (Pure-Blood)/ ?

STR – 11

DEX – 14 (+5) = 19

VIT – 14

INT – 16

WIS – 9

LUC – 12

CHA – 8

Points – 0

Money: 5G/0S/0K –£230

Allen King is an orphan, he has been reincarnated into this world with the P-System. He does not know his parents of this world but he knows his family: the people at the orphanage. He is a Pure-blood, the heir of the Ancient and Most Noble household of ?

As it turns out I got the 5 Galleons from Professor Mcgonagall when I reached home, it was also the reason she had to go to Gringotts. But, wouldn't it have been easier to just get it with the school supply money? One more reason why Magical Britain is the most backwards magical region, colony? Society, yeah let's go with that.

I also put the 3 points I had into CHA, it would be good to have some more charisma when talking to goblins seeing as they completely hate my guts. Well… not just mine but the whole wizarding worlds.

Anyways, I already got permission to go from the matron to go 'somewhere' for some extra school supplies, as it turns out she doesn't remember anything about Hogwarts being a magical school, just that it's a boarding school for special children. Which is actually a lot better than her knowing I was 'magical'.


I walked into the goblin-infested bank and stood in one of the shorter lines, I observed the goblin that the line is leading to.

Tonguecrusher, Lvl 19

HP: 2200/2200 (300HP/Minute)

SP: 1900/2100 (210SP/Minute)

MP: 2230/2230 (330MP/Minute)

REP: -10/100

Job: Bank Teller

A bank teller at Gringotts, there is nothing very interesting about him compared to other goblins. He has a dislike for his brother.

Interesting, it can even show their jobs and descriptions, if I level it up more can it even show that person's secrets? The name was also in white, does that mean that there is a high chance I will win if I fought against him? I looked at my skill,

[Observe] (Active) Lvl 7 EXP: 03.20

Allows you to find more about an object/person. Can only work on those 24 levels above you and any levels below you.

-Able to see targets: HP, SP, MP, Job and description.

-Colour coded names: White means easily killable, Orange means takes some effort, red means incredibly hard but doable, etc..

It's an interesting skill that's for sure, all information is available to me if I level up this skill.

'Oh, it's my turn now' I turned my attention back to the line and found it empty except me now, okay now's the time.

"Excuse me, I am here for an inheritance test" I say, thankfully he can't see my face thanks to the cloak I am wearing that I got from yesterday's Random Box.

Black Cloak –Rank: Common

A black cloak that allows you to hide your

Armour: 15

Durability: 250/250

"The fee is 5 galleons" he grunted out, seriously can't they smile at all? But then again they lost a lot to us. A small bit of smugness welled up within my heart before I realised that I was a wizard of britain, not really something that one should be proud of.

Also this was the real reason that I came, for an inheritance test. This way I can easily finish the quest.

I put my hand in my pocket and converted 125 pounds into 5 galleons with my system and took them out. To anyone else it would look like I just took out 5 galleons, but I didn't.

You might be asking why I didn't just give him the galleons that Mcgonagall gave me, well there is a reason.

I don't want to be tracked. It might sound whimsical, how and why would they track me? Well there is a serial number on every galleon, and that way they can be traced back to me. But through the system I won't be since it's the system that creates the currency, I don't really know how it works yet but hey, it is useful so I can't really complain.

The goblin gestured to me to follow another goblin by his side, we started walking deeper into Gringotts.

We walked past and through numerous hallways, countless doors passed by us every hallway and door was the same and it was very dizzying.

Of course the ceiling was very low, barely tall enough for an adult to walk through though they did have to crouch down a bit. The doors were similarly very small and barely enough for an adult to squeeze through. These gits knew what they were doing when they built this place, they are very spiteful, huh.

We finally reached a door, runes were etched into the golden knocker and black wood. It looked quite different from the rest of the doors, it looked as if it was more for sealing things inside and keeping things outside as well.

The goblin by my side knocked the knocker three times, the sound echoed through the empty hallway. It was almost like we were in some kind of monster-

I looked at the face peeking through the door, and boy was it the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. Warts covered the abomination's skin, gruesome yellow teeth were shown on display through a toothy grin and it was all topped off by large beady black eyes. To be honest the monster- I mean goblins looks wouldn't be able to put in words it was that terrifying!

Thankfully [Gamer's Mind] stopped me from showing any outward reaction, it seems he was looking for one as he almost seemed both surprised and somewhat sad that there wasn't one. He is quite lonely I'm guessing, all the way down here.

My goblin escort said something in Gobbledegook, the monst-ahem, goblin said something in return and beckoned me to follow him, leaving the other goblin behind. I quickly turned around,

"Thank you" I said quickly before following after the horrific goblin.

+1 REP with Skulleater

Oh, so that's his name.

I took a moment to look at the goblin in front of me. He wore a purple cloak with golden edges and he had his hood pulled up, he was wearing simple clothes that looked straight out of the Middle Ages. A white shirt and brown leather pants, he wasn't wearing any shoes. I took this chance to observe him.

Longnose, Goblin Shaman Lvl ?

REP- -10/100

'Oh, so he must be above level 28, at least 29 and his name is in red as well. His strength just shows how dangerous the world is when I am so… weak. It hurt just thinking that' I blinked in realization.

I distracted myself by looking around the room. The room was filled with different things, finely crafted goblets that sprouted wine, one of a kind dusty tomes of advanced magical subjects and other less… innocent things like organs of different creatures in jars, you know stuff like that.

There were so many that they were stacked against each other on piles near the walls.

But, I could tell that they were all expensive as hell, each one must be hundreds- no maybe thousands of galleons of worth. I had a question though, why would they just leave it here with no protection? Well at least I can't see it anyways, probably magical but still…

…wait, aren't goblins known as one of the cruellest debt collectors? I heard that there was even a noble house that went bankrupt because they couldn't pay them back.

My eyes widened in realization, they want us to take them! Just so that they can make us repay with even more money, that is why there are so many rare artefacts being practically shoved into our faces.

We soon reached a table with a tablecloth over it, on it was a sheet of parchment, a silver bowl with runes engraved in it, a fancy quill and an ornate curved silver knife with an orange gem on its hilt. I observed the instruments;

Parchment of Revelation –Rank: Artefact

An ancient artefact that reveals things about people based on what is given to it. Is used in conjunction with The Dagger of Blood Sacrifice and The Brush of Knowledge. It is said to be made and enchanted by Hufflepuff for something.

The Dagger of Blood Sacrifice –Rank: Artefact

An ancient artefact that is used to take blood from a person, all blood taken must be willingly given, which is an extremely strong ingredient for rituals and can be used in contracts. Is used in conjunction with Parchment of Revelation and The Brush of Knowledge. It is said to be made and enchanted by Slytherin for something.

Any cuts made by this knife will heal automatically by the mana stored in the enchanted Citrine gem.

MP: 2000/2000

Brush of Knowledge –Rank: Artefact

An ancient artefact that seems to have a sort of sentience, it seems to have an instinctual knowledge on what its ink is and its history and relations. It is used in conjunction with The Dagger of Blood Sacrifice and The Parchment of Revelation. It is said to be made and enchanted by Ravenclaw for something.

Silver Bowl –Rank: Rare

A bowl that has been enchanted to keep anything inside of it from spoiling. Made by a goblin enchanter. It has other minor enchantments.

All things inside will last ten times longer

Woah, these are crazy! Made by 3 of the four founders, these are priceless artefacts! Especially that knife, if I could steal that and reproduce them then… but what causes alarms to ring in my head is that bowl. It's like they're preparing for something, hmm… I don't have enough information.

+1 REP with Greed

I took a breath to calm myself, ignoring the message. I looked at the goblin that is now standing on the other side of the table.

"What do I have to do?" even though I have read some- read a lot- fanfictions, they are just that fanfictions. Things can differ from reality, so I don't have much hope things will be as easy as they usually are in the fanfictions.

"Just cut yourself, and let the blood drip into the bowl, that is all" he grunted out, and handed me the knife and pushed the bowl towards me.

"Okay" I took the curved knife in hand and cut myself large enough to leave a scar, I watched as my blood started spurting into the bowl, surprising me as not a single drop of blood splattered on the table.

Status: Bleeding has been inflicted!

-10 HP per second

As soon as my blood started spurting out and filled the blood until it was a third full, my cut closed itself up.

I knew that the wound would close itself, but I kind of wanted to test its limits. I observed the bloody knife in my hand;

The Dagger of Blood Sacrifice –Rank: Artefact

MP: 1990/2000

I looked at my health;

540/540 (110HP/ Minute)

That is pretty useful, the MP to HP conversion is 2 to 1. That's useful to know if I learn any healing spells, which I know I will if there are such spells.

Due to impressing the goblin shaman you get +1 CHA

So I can get CHA like that as well so that's good to know.

The shaman took the bowl swiftly and snatched the knife from my hand and deposited it in his pocket, his face passive of emotion but I can tell the slightest hint of a smirk on his face. Greedy little bugger, now that I know that giving my blood will be dangerous I won't let you guys get a single drop.

I looked at the blood in the bowl, it was different from what I thought my blood would look like. It almost looks like it's glowing… probably because it is willingly given and magical at the same time.

I had my full attention focused on the goblin shaman, he dipped the brush into the bowl until the tip touched my blood.

I watched in fascination as the brush tip sucked all the blood into it. Its previous pure white brush tip was now crimson red, stained with my blood.

The goblin took the brush and placed it on the parchment and took his hand off it, but instead of the brush falling down it stood still. The brush soon started moving, writing in a cursive font that seemed to glide along the page. But I couldn't tell what it was saying… not like it was in a different language, just that as soon as I read it I forgot about it.


There is a magical artefact that is trying to read you, what parts do you want to show it?


Demon Prince (Locked)

A???? ???g?? K??? (Locked)


The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black [x]

The Holy House of King [x]

I ticked both of my wizarding heritages, it's a shame that I can't check my new bloodline but its fine. But what irks me, I turned to the second house I 'belong' to, is that. I threw a pointed look at the second house, the house of King.

If I recall correctly -which I do- it says that I am a Half-Blood, so what is this? Since it is a house, but not an ancient and/ or noble house, it must mean that it is pretty new. I need more information, this is way to obscure.

If you're wondering why I'm not surprised about being a Black is that I look just like one, I remember that Sirius had black hair and grey eyes similar to mine. Besides Prewett is the house Molly Weasley comes from, and I look nothing like her. I put my attention back to the brush, the quest was to find who my father is, not my house.

Finally when the brush had its last stroke it stopped writing and went to the bowl and deposited the rest of the blood left in its tip into the bowl. It was really weird… as weird as it can get, the brush tip shouldn't be able to take that much blood in or deposit that much.

If I can reproduce these I can sell these for lots, since I'm pretty sure Magical Britain only has quills. That was from like, 300 years ago.

The goblin took the parchment and quickly read it, I could see his eyebrow quirk up. What is so surprising? Yeah, I guess it would be somewhat surprising that I am the heir to house Black, but it's not like I'm Regulus's son or something. I'm probably the product of one of Sirius��s one night stands.

"Well well, it seems like you'll cause quite the stir in Magical Britain, it will be most enjoyable to watch" he said with a toothy grin that showed his pointed teeth. He handed the parchment to me, allowing me to see the contents.


Allen Atlas Black King


Regulus Arcturus Black (deceased)

Selena Adriana King (deceased)

Magical Guardian:



The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black

The Holy House of King


Heir of The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black

Heir of The Holy House of King


Trust Vault: 1,000 Galleons per year, items in said vault

Key to Trust Vault

I slightly teared up as I read it, dammit stupid kids body and their emotions. I took in a big breath to calm myself down, at least I now know my parents' names, and it did bring a small smile to my face to know who they are. It calmed my heart to know this.


Quest: Find out who your parents are! Is completed


Find out the name of your father!

Hidden Objective:

Find out the name of your mother!


10000 EXP,

1 Gacha Token,

Metamorphagus Perk

100 Credits

Heir of The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black Title

Hidden Reward:

1 Gatcha Token

Heir of The Holy House of King Title

Random Rare Item: Soul Seal Dagger

What assaulted me was the beautiful sound of me levelling up multiple times.




You have levelled up 9 times!

Woah, it was a weird feeling, levelling up and receiving all these stats to yourself all at once, it wasn't bad per se, it was actually very addicting. Like getting high on something, it made you feel great.

"Ahem" the goblin coughed out, getting my attention back to it.

"Oh yes" I fixed my posture, "does Gringotts offer any services that will keep quiet about my Black heritage.

He showed a nasty grin, "but of course, Gringotts has a wide array of services that may be used... thought some are a tad bit expensive, they are worth it and I don't think money is an issue for you" he said, that still nasty grin stretching across his face no matter how much he tried to hide it. I guess he really wanted my blood, he could probably make a blood pact or something with it. No way will I ever give it to him.

"May I see the Black account manager? I think I might need to discuss certain… things with him" I told the goblin.

He nodded his reply and faced the door behind me and said something in Gobbledygook. It sounded like he was making clicks with his tongues while making deep guttural sounds, I think he was calling someone, and not a minute later did a goblin escort in a suit walk in.


Language: Gobledygook learned!


Modern English Lvl 10 EXP: 06.48

The ability to read and speak in modern English.

+50% understanding

+50% reading speed

+50% writing speed

Gobledygook Lvl 1 EXP: 10.00

The ability to speak and read in Gobledygook

-50% understanding

-50% reading speed

-50% writing speed

That… is pretty cool, I thought as I started walking towards the goblin escort. Just as I was going to leave I turned my head and said one last thing, just to spook him a bit.

"I do not allow you to use my blood for anything, Longnose" I said with a bit of bloodlust channelled into my voice.

-5 REP with Longnose

I could see that my blood lost its brilliant sparkle, so I guess that's what made it so bright? Yeah let's go with that. Sucker, if it was that easy to get willingly given blood then he wouldn't be so pissed off right now.

I checked my status;

Allen A. King

The Gamer

Title – Cold-Blooded Killer

Class – Wizard Lvl 1 EXP: 30.00

HP – 1530/1530 (255HP/minute)

SP – 1830/1830 (355SP/minute)

MP – 1650/1650 (265MP/minute)

Lvl 13 – 880/400

Race – Human Wizard (Pure-Blood / ?

STR – 20

DEX – 23 (+5) = 28

VIT – 23

INT – 25

WIS – 18

LUC – 21

CHA – 44

Points – 45

I forgot that I have those extra stat boosters from my new bloodline thing, damn that is so OP! A grin returned to my face, making that bastard angry AND getting these extra stats. I will be strong and keep getting stronger, nothing is stopping me now.

… But now I have extra things to start learning about now, that's not really a bad thing since I don't hate knowledge, I embrace it.


Hey guys sorry for not writing for a bit I had some other stuff to deal with so I wrote up an extra-long chapter, expect the chapters to be a bit longer.

The Galleons to dollars ratio is:

Knut: 00.05 Dollars

Sickle: 1.45 Dollars

Galleons: 24.65 Dollars

Credits (these are the currency used by the system, even though you could use any): 1000 Galleons

(Also Credits can't be made by exchanging money into it, they are very precious).

I thought this would be the best ratio,

As for the pureblood change in the status, it is because I have wanted to change this for a while, and the half-blood status was a spur of the moment thing, so I will go through the fanfiction and change the half-blood status to Pureblood.

Also does anyone want to comment or PM me a perk he can get when he reaches 50 in that stat?

And anything- I repeat, anything you want from one of the spare Gatcha tokens, it could be a power, x-gene, item, skill, anything!

Please leave a review or comment!

Next chapter