
Flaming Pit.

Beldar crossed his arms and they received the brunt of the attack while their sudden separation also threw Hal off but not to the ground since his wings kept him in the air.

The Beldar formed the hard-crusted shell around both of his hands into weapons. The right became an ax while the left was a hammer.

Hal's eyes narrowed, 

"I'm guessing the copy you sold is not capable of this" he said.

Beldar grinned and it was quite gruesome thanks to his hard-crusted face, 

"No, it's not" he said in a much deeper voice than before and then swung his ax at Hal who dove to evade it only to meet with a hit from his hummer...


... which smacked him out of the air and into a tree in the forest. A tree which fell as a result of the impact.

Hal groaned as he slowly and cautiously took flight again. Clearly, despite his size, Beldar's swiftness was not to be underestimated.

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