
I always know.

Sassy slid away from the other beasts who did not simply tear the monsters apart but also proceeded to eat their flesh. Hard-crusted exterior and all.

Through his connection with the beasts, Hal could tell it was quite beneficial to their development and also staved a Devilish appetite they had been developing. 

Even Borus was part of the feast which showed that even though he was second in command after Sassy, he was still a Demon, Nay, Devil Beast.

While Hal snuggled up with his green serpent with whom he always found an increasing attachment, he could not help but ask as he observed the feasting, 

"Don't you want to join?" 

While he was not exactly enamored with the act, he also was a staunch follower of the belief that as long as it made his forces stronger as well as took away any evidence that there was more than one opponent he had had to fight off, then it was fine.

Next chapter