
I'll Just Run.

"A devil? Hahahaha" Beldar laughed loudly and so hard that he held his stomach.

"Oh, you don't believe me?" Hal asked with a smirk.

"Of course I don't! What, because your eyes changed color, I'm supposed to believe you're a Devil?" Beldar said and laughed once again.

Hal chuckled, 

"An unbeliever, huh? This is interesting" Hal said and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

It seemed it had been a little shallow of him to believe that all those from dystopia will have a reverence for the Devil just because of Arya.

Oh well, it would not have made a difference.

"Let's say you really are a Devil, I 'm curious how you will fight off me and my forces" Beldar said, and finally the rumbling in the dark at the back of the cave made sense as at least twenty individuals all encrusted in the grey shell that was synonymous with the mutating technique showed up.

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