
Chapter 151: Lost-/- And Found

Henry slammed his fist into Alex's jaw. The pain spiked through her teeth sending jolts of pain and stars to her brain. She blinked a few times trying to clear them from her vision.

"I am so sick of your shit." He pinched her chin between his thumb and forefinger to force her eyes to him. "I have no need of you now. I have won. This campaign is over and your efforts to escape have been fruitless. Just submit already."

The building shuttered and Henry released his grip. He looked to the ceiling as bits of dust shook loose and floated freely.

Alex felt a draw deep in her stomach. Was it him? Had he finally come for her? She pulled at her chains that held her arms behind her back.

Henry heard the clink of the chains as she moved and backhanded her. "This is your doing, isn't it?"

He unhooked her chains and marched her ahead of him like a human shield. He flung the door open and pushed her through. The guards scattered to find the source of the noise.

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