
Chapter 152: Flight/Reunited

Alex awoke in the medical bay. Shelves lined the walls with bandages, bottles of pills, and liquids. Her head felt fuzzy and her body ached. She pushed her up off the cot. Every motion was like a battle raging in her aching muscles. The large hospital gown hung off her and made her feel even more thin and frail. She set her foot gingerly on the cold floor and tested her weight, steadying herself by clutching the bed. After her weight settled, she crept forward toward the porthole.

Dark blackness drifted by. She could barely tell that they were moving, but there was still a gentle rock to the building that made her feel like she was on a ship. She rubbed the back of her neck where the Vice had been. She remembered Jack's angry face when he saw what it did to her and smiled.

The door behind her slid open. "I am so glad to see you awake," a familiar voice said from behind her.

"Brooke?" Alex swung her gaze from the window.

Brooke gave her a gentle smile. "How are you feeling?"

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