
Chapter 36

Serena slumped in Jake's bed and listened to the water down the hall from his shower. She felt damn fine. Tired, her chest achy, but fine.

She threw the sheets aside and wondered if he still had a couple pairs of her panties in his top drawer, along with an extra set of clothes. She rose and fished around in the dresser. Her hand closed around a small hard object. Curious, she took it out and froze. After a beat, she stumbled back to the bed.

The tiny black velvet box shook in her hands at the same time the air rushed out of her lungs. She heard Jake come in the room but she didn't look up. "This was my mother's wedding and engagement band."

He leaned against the doorframe with a towel around his waist and crossed his arms, searching her profile for a reaction. Aside from shock, he couldn't get a read on her. "Yes, it was."

Her lips trembled when she finally looked at him. And there was his Serena, heart in her eyes. "How did you get it?"

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