
Chapter 33

Courtney shook her head and giggled at the story the woman before her was telling.

Annabelle Gish was a forty-year-old woman who Courtney had grown very fond of in the six weeks since Austin reopened the shop. She had worked for him before he remodeled and enjoyed manning the coffee counter. Her hair was unnaturally red and kept so short it spiked in odd places. She was round in her torso and waddled slightly when she walked, reminding Courtney of a duck.

She was telling Courtney about her youngest daughter, Jessica, and the fun she had getting the bubble gum out of the six-year-old's hair. She'd had to give her daughter a makeshift haircut.

Courtney shook her head. "At least we took her birthday pictures before it happened."

Annabelle lifted a pudgy hand. "And thank the Lord for that too." She wiped at a spot of coffee on the counter with her rag. "You did good work on those photos. I got lots of compliments and more people who want you to do their portrait."

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