
Chapter 21

The tension in the air was palpable as the Rose Xiao Long family sat in the dimly lit office of Beacon Academy's Headmaster, Ozpin. Summer Rose, Qrow Branwen, Taiyang Xiao Long, and Yang Xiao Long were all gathered there, waiting anxiously for news. The relationship between Ruby and her family had been fractured for years—haunted by guilt and regret from the abuse they had inflicted on her in her youth. They had spent the last few months desperately searching for her, clinging to the hope of redemption, but with every passing day, their chances seemed slimmer.

Summer's fingers clenched tightly around the edge of her cloak, her silver eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and worry. She knew that Blake Belladonna and Adam Taurus had accepted the mission to find Ruby, but they had yet to report back. The silence weighed heavily on her heart. She knew Blake's capabilities well and trusted her to do the right thing, but Adam's volatile nature left her uneasy. Still, her maternal instincts urged her to hold on to the hope that Ruby would be safe—despite everything.

Ozpin's calm voice broke the silence. "I've called you here because there's been… a development regarding Ruby."

All eyes snapped to him, and Summer leaned forward, her heart pounding in her chest. "Is she okay? Have they found her?" she asked, her voice strained with emotion.

Ozpin's expression was hard to read, as always, but there was a flicker of something—relief? Concern? "Yes, Ruby has been found. She's currently in the Vale Tower."

Taiyang let out a shaky breath, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly, though the guilt still weighed heavy in his eyes. "She's alive…" he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "That's all that matters."

But Ozpin wasn't finished. He stood from his desk, moving over to the window, looking out over the academy grounds. "There's more to this situation than simply finding Ruby. I've been tracking her using bloodline magic, as you know. Her Silver-Eyed Warrior heritage has always been of great interest to me, but something unusual has happened recently."

"What do you mean?" Qrow asked, his usual flippant tone absent. His eyes were sharp and focused, knowing that anything related to the Silver-Eyed Warriors could be dangerous.

Ozpin turned to face them, his expression somber. "The magic I use to track Silver-Eyed Warriors relies on the purity of their bloodline. It's a way to ensure that no one tampered with their power or heritage. Until recently, Ruby's bloodline showed the usual characteristics—a light red glow. However…" He paused, letting the gravity of his words sink in. "That light red has changed. It is now a dark crimson."

Summer's breath hitched, and a cold shiver ran down her spine. "What does that mean? What happened to her?"

"It means," Ozpin said carefully, "that Ruby has managed to purify her Silver-Eyed Warrior bloodline."

"Purify?" Yang echoed, confused. "Isn't her bloodline already powerful? What does purification even do?"

Ozpin sighed, folding his arms. "Silver-Eyed Warriors have always been seen as protectors—agents of light against the forces of darkness. However, the full potential of that bloodline has been diluted over generations. What Ruby has done is something I've never seen before. She's somehow reclaimed the purest form of her power. Dark red signifies that she's awakened a part of her heritage that has long been dormant."

The room fell into a heavy silence. Summer's heart was pounding, both in awe and fear for her daughter. Ruby had managed to tap into something that even Summer hadn't known was possible. But what had pushed her to this point? The guilt gnawed at her, reminding her of all the pain they had caused Ruby—the emotional scars that still lingered.

"What does this mean for her now?" Taiyang asked quietly, his voice thick with emotion.

Ozpin's gaze softened. "It means that Ruby is likely stronger than any Silver-Eyed Warrior before her. But it also means that her journey is far from over. The powers she's unlocked will draw attention—both good and bad. I believe it's more important than ever to ensure she has the support she needs."

Summer clenched her fists, her resolve hardening. "Then we need to bring her home. We need to fix this… before it's too late."

Ozpin gave a small nod. "I agree. But approach her carefully. She may not be the same girl you once knew."

Summer's eyes dimmed with the weight of her guilt. She knew that all too well.


Atlas Tower - The Schnee Family

Far from the turmoil of the Rose Xiao Long family, Weiss Schnee stepped through the front door of the small cabin she now shared with her mother. The bitter cold of the outside air was nothing compared to the icy atmosphere inside her mind. She had just returned from yet another expedition into one of the mysterious towers that had appeared throughout Remnant.

The towers had changed everything—especially for her family. The once-mighty Schnee Dust Company had lost its grip on the world when the towers appeared. Dust, once essential, was now almost obsolete. And with that collapse came the fall of her family's fortune. Her father, Jacques Schnee, had been humiliated and ousted, leaving the family scattered and the company in shambles.

Weiss tossed her gear onto the small table in the cabin's entryway, sighing heavily. The expedition had been grueling, but at least it had distracted her from the mess her life had become. She was about to collapse into a chair when her Scroll buzzed loudly. She pulled it out, seeing the name "Winter" flash across the screen.

She hesitated for a moment, then answered. "Winter?"

"Weiss," her sister's sharp, professional tone cut through the static. "I've just heard back from the council. They're finalizing their decision on our next move. I assume your expedition was successful?"

Weiss leaned against the wall, feeling the weight of the conversation pressing down on her. "It was. But… Winter, what does it even matter anymore? The company's gone, and father's influence is all but nonexistent. What are we even fighting for?"

There was a brief pause before Winter responded. "We're fighting to restore what's left of our family's legacy. And I won't allow father's failures to define the Schnee name."

"Father's failures," Weiss repeated bitterly. "The towers changed everything, Winter. We're not in control anymore—of anything. The world is different now. The old power structures are crumbling."

Winter's voice was cold, as always. "That doesn't mean we give up."

Weiss sighed. She admired her sister's determination, but she couldn't help but feel the crushing weight of their family's downfall. Their mother had retreated into isolation, and their father… well, she didn't even want to think about him. Everything they had once known was slipping away.

"Weiss," Winter's voice softened slightly, surprising her. "I know this isn't easy. But we need to stay strong—for each other, and for what's left of our family."

Weiss nodded, even though her sister couldn't see her. "I know, Winter. But sometimes… it feels like we're holding onto something that's already gone."

The line went quiet for a moment before Winter spoke again, her voice softer this time. "We'll find our way, Weiss. We always do."

Weiss wasn't so sure. But for now, all she could do was trust her sister and hope that somewhere in the mess of their lives, they could find a way to rebuild.


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