
Chapter 22

Jaune Arc stood at the base of the Anima Tower, staring up at the impossibly high structure that pierced the clouds above. He took a deep breath, the cool air filling his lungs, and tried to suppress the mixture of anxiety and excitement coursing through him. This was it—the moment he had been preparing for ever since the towers appeared.

The emergence of the towers had changed everything.

In the beginning, Jaune had been confused, like everyone else. The towers were a mystery—massive, otherworldly structures that had appeared overnight, reshaping the world's landscape and power dynamics. At first, they seemed like a threat, a reminder of how little humanity truly understood the forces at work in Remnant. But as time passed, people realized that the towers were more than ominous monuments. They were challenges.

And for some, they were opportunities.

Jaune still remembered the day he discovered he was stronger than ever. He had always struggled to find his place, lacking the natural talents of those around him. But one day, shortly after the towers appeared, he found that his strength, speed, and endurance had all increased. His sword felt lighter, and his strikes were more precise. It was as if something deep within him had awakened, and suddenly, the training that had once felt so difficult now came naturally.

He didn't know why it had happened or how, but he wasn't about to waste the opportunity.

That was years ago. Since then, Jaune had trained relentlessly, honing his newfound abilities. He'd traveled across Remnant, learning from other warriors and Ascenders—those brave enough to enter the towers in search of answers, power, or purpose. Now, standing in front of the Anima Tower, Jaune was ready to take his first steps as an Ascender himself.

The massive entrance to the tower loomed before him, carved with intricate patterns that seemed to pulse with energy. The stories about the towers were as varied as the people who sought them. Some said they were trials set by the gods, tests to find the worthy. Others believed they held untold treasures or knowledge from a lost age. For Jaune, it was simpler. This was a chance to prove himself, to become the warrior he had always wanted to be.

He adjusted the straps on his armor and tightened his grip on Crocea Mors, the sword and shield passed down through his family. The weight felt right in his hands, familiar and steadying. His heart raced with anticipation.

"You've got this, Jaune," he muttered to himself, trying to calm his nerves.

As he stepped forward, crossing the threshold into the tower, the world seemed to shift around him. The air grew heavier, charged with some unseen force. It was as if the tower itself was alive, watching, waiting to see what he would do next. The stone beneath his feet hummed with a low vibration, and Jaune could feel the power radiating through the walls.

He wasn't sure what awaited him inside—whether it would be monsters, traps, or something else entirely—but he knew one thing for certain: he was ready. For too long, he had doubted himself, and questioned whether he truly had what it took to be a hero. But now, after years of training, after feeling the strength grow inside him, he believed he was capable of more than he had ever imagined.

"First steps as an Ascender," he whispered, a small smile playing on his lips. "Let's see what you've got, tower."

The moment Jaune took his first step into the tower, the doors closed behind him with a resounding thud, sealing him inside. There was no turning back now.

Ahead, the dim light of the tower's interior revealed a sprawling hallway lined with massive stone pillars. Strange, glowing symbols etched into the walls flickered and pulsed, casting eerie shadows across the floor. Jaune's senses were on high alert, every sound and movement magnified in the stillness.

As he walked deeper into the tower, the silence became oppressive, broken only by the soft sound of his footsteps. He tightened his grip on Crocea Mors, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger.

The Anima Tower was known for its trials, and tests designed to push Ascenders to their limits. Each floor was rumored to have its unique challenge, and those who could ascend the highest were said to gain immense power—or insight into the mysteries of the towers themselves.

Jaune wasn't sure what he would find, but he knew he had to push forward.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the hallway, and Jaune froze, his body tensing. The sound grew louder, reverberating off the walls, and from the shadows, a massive figure emerged—a creature unlike anything Jaune had ever seen. Its body was a twisted fusion of stone and flesh, with glowing red eyes that burned with fury.

Without hesitation, Jaune raised his shield and readied his sword, adrenaline surging through his veins. The creature charged at him, its massive form barreling forward with terrifying speed. But Jaune was faster. Years of training kicked in as he sidestepped the creature's attack, slashing at its side with Crocea Mors.

The blade connected, but instead of flesh, it struck stone. Sparks flew as the creature let out a deafening roar, turning to face Jaune with renewed fury. He gritted his teeth, adjusting his stance. This was going to be harder than he thought.

But he wasn't backing down.

Jaune ducked beneath another swipe from the creature's massive claws and rolled to the side, coming up behind it. He lashed out again, this time aiming for the joints where stone met flesh. His sword sank into the creature's vulnerable spot, and it howled in pain.

This was it. His chance.

With a final, powerful swing, Jaune brought his sword down on the creature's neck, severing its head in one clean stroke. The beast collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud, and Jaune stood over it, breathing heavily, his heart racing with the thrill of battle.

He had done it. His first trial as an Ascender—and he had succeeded.

Jaune wiped the sweat from his brow and looked around, the realization sinking in. This was just the beginning. The Anima Tower held many more challenges, and he did not doubt that each one would test him in ways he couldn't yet imagine.

But for the first time in his life, Jaune felt truly ready.

"Onward and upward," he said to himself, sheathing his sword. "This is my path now."

And with that, he continued deeper into the tower, ready to face whatever came next.


59th Floor - Vale Tower

Ruby blinked her eyes open, the cold, biting air of the 59th floor prickling her skin. She shifted slightly, the chill from the frozen ground beneath her seeping through her armor. The exhaustion from trekking across the icy wasteland weighed heavily on her body, but something felt… off. There was a presence nearby—one she hadn't noticed before.

As she slowly sat up, the first thing she saw was another pair of eyes staring straight into hers.

Silver eyes.

They weren't as intense or vivid as her own. The silver was diluted, more like a pale reflection of her own gaze, but unmistakably of the same lineage. Her breath caught in her throat, and for a moment, the world seemed to narrow down to the space between them—two people bound by the same mysterious, ancient power.

The figure standing over her wore a heavy cloak, its hood pulled low, casting shadows over its face. But even through the shroud of frost and mist, the faint silver gleam in their eyes was clear. A chill ran down Ruby's spine that had nothing to do with the frozen landscape around her.

The stranger took a step back, allowing Ruby to rise fully, her hand instinctively resting on the hilt of her sword. She didn't sense immediate danger, but years of survival had taught her to be cautious—especially in a place like this, where nothing was ever as it seemed.

"Who are you?" Ruby asked, her voice steady despite the racing thoughts in her mind.

The figure tilted their head slightly, studying her with a strange mix of curiosity and caution. "I could ask you the same question," they said, their voice soft, almost echoing in the cold. "But I already know who you are… Ruby Rose."

Ruby's grip tightened on her sword. Hearing her name from a stranger's mouth always sent her guard up. "You know me?"

The figure nodded, lowering their hood to reveal a woman with pale, almost snow-white hair, strands falling messily over her face. She looked older than Ruby, though not by much, and her silver eyes glowed faintly, a testament to the heritage they shared. Her expression was calm, though there was a weight behind her gaze, as if she carried secrets Ruby couldn't yet comprehend.

"I'm familiar with your bloodline," the woman said simply. "Our power comes from the same source, though yours…" She glanced at Ruby's eyes, her lips pressing into a thin line. "Yours is purer. I can feel it."

Ruby narrowed her eyes. "You're a Silver-Eyed Warrior?"

The woman nodded again. "My name is Selene. I've been tracking you for some time now. The purification of your bloodline… it's drawn attention."

At the mention of her bloodline, Ruby's heart skipped a beat. She had felt the change, the surge of power coursing through her after the events in the tower, but she didn't fully understand it. She hadn't had time to process what it meant what she had become. Now, standing face-to-face with someone who shared her lineage, the weight of her transformation became even more real.

"Why are you tracking me?" Ruby asked, her guard still up.

Selene looked at her with an intensity that Ruby couldn't quite place. "Because your power is unlike anything I've ever seen. The Silver-Eyed Warriors have long been protectors of the world, but over time, our bloodlines diluted. Our power faded. But you-" She paused as if trying to find the right words. "You've awakened something ancient. Something far more powerful than what we've known for generations."

Ruby frowned, stepping back slightly. "I don't even know what I did," she admitted, frustration creeping into her voice. "I didn't ask for this. I'm just trying to survive."

Selene's expression softened. "None of us asked for it," she said quietly. "But this power… it's a burden we carry, whether we want to or not. And now, you're at the center of something much bigger than you realize."

Ruby's heart pounded in her chest. "What do you want from me?"

Selene took a deep breath, her silver eyes searching Ruby's. "I don't want anything from you. But others will. There are forces—some who will seek to use you for their ends, and others who will see you as a threat. The purification of your bloodline has made you a target."

Ruby's stomach twisted at the thought. She had spent so much time running, fighting, trying to escape the shadows of her past. Now, it seemed, the shadows were catching up with her.

"What am I supposed to do?" Ruby asked, her voice quiet, but resolute.

"You fight," Selene said, her tone unwavering. "But you won't fight alone. I've seen what happens when a Silver-Eyed Warrior stands alone. It doesn't end well. You need allies—people who understand what's at stake. People who can help you."

Ruby thought of Fang, her loyal companion, of the brief glimpses of her fractured past and the people who had once been her family. She had always fought alone, relying on her strength and will to survive. But maybe, just maybe, there was more to this journey than solitude.

"I have allies," Ruby said, her gaze hardening. "I don't know where this road will take me, but I won't run from it."

Selene smiled faintly. "Good. Then maybe there's hope for us yet."

Before Ruby could respond, Selene's silver eyes darkened momentarily, as if sensing something on the horizon. "But be careful, Ruby," she warned, her tone shifting. "Other eyes are watching you. Stronger forces are moving in the shadows. You're not just walking the path of a Silver-Eyed Warrior anymore. You're walking the path of something far greater."

Author's Note: Spell List

<Silver Strike>

A powerful melee attack infused with Ruby’s Silver Eye magic, creating a radiant wave of energy.

<Silver Slash>

A quick slashing attack that channels Ruby's magic into her sword, enhancing its cutting power.

Ice Cloak>

A defensive spell that envelops Ruby in a layer of ice, increasing her resistance to attacks.

<Illusionary Mirage> (used by Guwa)

Creates multiple illusory copies of the caster, confusing enemies and drawing their attention.

<Final Silver Strike>

Ruby’s ultimate melee attack, channeling all her remaining magic into a single, devastating strike.


A basic offensive spell that conjures a sphere of fire to hurl at enemies, causing explosive damage upon impact.

<Flame Wave>

Unleashes a wave of fire that spreads across the battlefield, dealing damage to all enemies in its path.

<Inferno Burst>

A high-tier fire spell that creates a concentrated explosion of flames at a targeted location, dealing heavy damage and causing lingering burn effects.

<Fire Shield>

Summons a barrier of flames that absorbs incoming damage and burns attackers on contact.

<Phoenix's Embrace>

A healing spell that channels fire magic to mend wounds, using the power of flames to purify and restore vitality.

HiatusAuthorEuclidcreators' thoughts
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