

“Why don’t you just admit that I am a better version of you, and you are repulsed by it? Do I make you anxious, Elma?" Unable to live together, the Wistold couple filed for divorce but received the opposite of what they had hoped for. Instead of the peaceful divorce they were expecting, the court suddenly decreed that they had 180 days to sort out their marriage. Stating that if they failed to reconcile before the end of the 180 days, their divorce suit would be processed, and they could go their separate ways. But Elma was unable to live with her husband for another day, so Elma Wistold decided to take matters into her own hands. Why get stuck with a man that she didn’t love when she could just find a replacement? To pursue her love and happiness, Elma found a substitute, a lookalike who was not only desperate but was also determined to fulfill her duties. Sarah was just a low-class girl trying to make her family happy when a proposal was brought to her; all she had to do was become Elma Wistold for some time. Left with no other choice but to accept the offer, Sarah moves into the Wistold home, ready to be a mother to Elma’s kids and a wife to Anthony Wistold. She was the complete opposite of Elma and did everything contrary to what Elma would do. But what would happen when Anthony started getting attracted to Sarah? Wanting to make things work between him and his estranged wife, he was ready to spoil her rotten with everything that he owned. What will happen to Sarah when she starts getting greedy for a family that was never hers from the beginning? What will happen when Anthony solves the mystery of why and how his new wife changed all of a sudden? Will he be able to accept the truth when it finally comes out, considering the fact that he was getting comfortable with his estranged wife? Most importantly, what will the three of them do if Elma returns to her old life? What will be the fate of the three? Stay tuned for more. ** “Being Elma Wistold is tougher than walking on flames, you got to be tough and pretend you are a queen” “Here is one concept I realised today, our life is a novel and I am not the heroine. Elma is like an anti-heroine, she became tough and selfish because life made her that way” “And I am selfless because my parents raised me that way, I think she is the better version of this twins. She is the heroine and I am just a supporting character, she got it all and I crave for everything which is hers” “So who better to tell the story than me? The supporting character” A tear dropped on the page, will I ever get what I crave for?

T_RAE_23 · Urban
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193 Chs

Don't Cuckold Me

Sarah's POV:

I was in a very tight position, and I knew the only way to escape this was by being Elma, and when I say being Elma, I mean being rude and carefree.

"Give me that; why did you touch my stuff?" I said angrily, and he raised a brow.

"I am your husband; do I not have the right to touch your stuff?"

I chuckled. "My husband?" Didn't the couple already go to court for a divorce before getting rejected? If the court had pushed through with what they wanted, he wouldn't have gotten the chance to call himself Elma's husband.

"Who sent these?" he asked instead, and I snatched everything from him and placed it in the bag.

"How can you hold a lady's stuff that boldly?" It was the lingerie he was holding, not some common clothes.

"The one who bought it is bolder than me," he stated.

"You are right," I hurried upstairs with the bags. Elma was a born psycho. I banged the door loudly and checked the phone; Elma had hung up.

I dialed her number, and she hung up. She is lucky she didn't pick up "Elma." Anthony knocked on the door.

"Open the door," he said with an angry tone. What did he want? Didn't Elma tell me that there was nothing to tell me about Anthony because they didn't interact?

With a nervous tone, I pulled the door open, and Anthony stood there with a frown. "Don't disrespect me."

"We are still married, and you will not cuckold me, is that clear?"

"It's not what you are thinking." It's not as if some guy sent it to me.

"Then tell me, who sent those?"

"I am going back to sleep," I said and pushed the door to lock it when he blocked it with his legs.

"What are you doing today?" He questioned, Isn't today supposed to be my free day? I mean, the day Elma gets to sleep and watch a movie and all.


"Stop, it doesn't matter... There are a lot of tasks for you to do at the office. You better get dressed and go there; only God knows what you do with your free time," he sneered, and I got confused.

"It's Sunday," and Unise said I didn't have any tasks.

"And? The KC event is in a month. Will they wear rags? And I need some new collections, not something common like that red lingerie of yours. Now go to the office."

My eyes widened in shock as I watched him speak, and then he left without waiting for my response. What changed his mind? He told me that Nel was going to take care of my tasks, so why did he suddenly change his mind?

And what did he mean by KC? Well, I always wanted a task, so I should be excited about it.

I held the phone and searched for Unise's contact; luckily, Elma had her number saved, so I dialed it.

After a few rings, it got connected: "Ma'am?" She called in a sleepy tone, and I felt bad because we had to work today. She probably made fun plans for herself.

"Meet me at the office in an hour," I said before hanging up. Then I hurried to the bathroom and freshened up before looking at my cheeks in the mirror.

It wasn't as red as yesterday, and I wonder how Elma plans on solving her family issues.

Later, I walked downstairs to have breakfast because I was starving.

"Mother," Josh called, and I turned to find him sitting at the dining table with Anthony and Kim. I didn't know whether to join them because it didn't seem like Elma had breakfast with them.

And I noticed that there were only three plates. "Good morning," I said and Kim rolled her eyes. What was her problem with her mom?

"Let's have dinner," Josh said excitedly, and I thought for a while that I wouldn't want to do what Elma wouldn't do.

"Next time, I will leave now," I said and I walked out of the house immediately. Luckily, the driver was in the car waiting. Does he always know when I am leaving? How come he was always there when I needed him?

"Good morning, ma'am," he said with a respectful tone. I smiled at him. "Tell me, what's your name?" He was a responsible driver, and if I were Elma or had a say in his salary, then I would increase it.

"Jude," he answered, and I nodded.

"Good morning, Jude," I greeted and he looked surprised. Okay, I think I am overdoing it now.

"To the office." I walked to the car, and he drove away. Then I typed a message for Unise.

"Could you please bring some bread, cheese, pancakes, and fresh-boiled corn? I will appreciate it a lot," I sent the message before leaning back.

If I simply told her to bring me breakfast, then she might bring me some herbivorous food here.

Out of curiosity, I searched for the KC event: "It's a new event hosted this year by Wistold Fashion and Tyler Fabrics in honor of fashionable kids."

Tyler was Elma's family; the bond they had with the Wistold family was both personal and business; which was awesome.

"KC stands for Kid's collection…." I kept reading the articles online, so kids will be parading with new collections and the dresses will be auctioned and put on limited sales after the event.

"We are here," Jude said and I walked down the car, i have always drawn new designs for adults but never thought of drawing one for kids.

"Thanks" I waved at the driver and walked into the building with the guards greeting me, my mind was so occupied that I didn't think of replying to them.

Then I took the elevator upstairs and as expected, there was no one else present at the office. But Anthony sent me here anyway.

I walked to Elma's office and sat, Unise was going to be here soon… then I heard a clicking sound of heels.

"She is here" I quickly walked out of the office because I was starving and needed that boiled corn so desperately.

"Cancel the first collection I sent, I want to produce a better one," a lady said on the phone while walking to the other office which looked like Elma's. Her gaze stopped on me, she raised a brow confused before walking towards me.

She had very long black hair, very straight, and her way of dressing was stylish, elegant, decent, and very responsible and her light makeup made her stood out.

"Elma Wistold, what are you doing at the office today?" She questioned, and now I had the same confusion: was she an enemy or a friend?

"My tasks," I answered shortly.

"But I am handling all your tasks."

"Oh, you are Ms. Nel," I said out loud.