
18 & still clueless

18 & still clueless, is a novel that has a little bit of everything -Tears,drama,happiness etc.It is about a girl in her senior year who is figuring out her identity as she goes on in life.

Roopa_sree · Teen
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Maybe School’s Not So Bad...?

Ha Jun's pov:

"High school here I come!"I happily said to myself as I got ready for the first day of school.You might be thinking that why is he even excited? Well, to say the least,I was homeschooled my entire life.Like, literally. I had to beg my overprotective father to let me go to high school.I am not exactly what you'd call an extrovert or even an ambivert but I am glad that I don't need to be cooped up in my house my entire life.

As I reached school,I marvelled at the huge sight of it.The air felt refreshing, filled with energy.I walked in with hopes of it being a good year.I don't know why, but I could feel my heart racing.The chitter-chatter of the students nearby, made me look forward to meeting new friends.And possibly making friends too.When anyone takes a first glance at this sight, they would call it chaotic.I mean it was.But in a good way.I felt free here, like I could do and achieve anything here.It felt nice you know, for once to not be all by myself.

Still taking in the chaotic and lively atmosphere, I bumped into someone. "Sorry!Sorry!Are you okay?" She said in a panicky tone, her voice slightly quivering but firm. "Yeah, I'm alright!" I replied.

She nodded and was about to leave when I held her wrist and asked her name.I used that as my chance to take in her face.

She was really pretty but something about her irked me.Her hair was as dark as a raven ,luscious,thick.Her skin was milky-white with a soft look to it, like dandelions. In comparison to her pale face , her eyes were a light brown with flecks of gold, lighting up her face even more.Faint freckles dotted along her nose bridge, enhancing her beauty.Her pencil-thin eyebrows furrowed when she caught me staring at her.I almost forgot I had asked her a question."What's your name?"I asked again.

Fazed for a second, she said,


Removing my grip on her hand, she left into the sea of students, cancelling almost every possibility to meet her again without actually finding her.Who knows?I might meet her again.With that, I hurried to my new class.

Lilia's pov:

After that strange encounter , I ran as fast as my chubby legs could carry me to class as I was running late.When I reached there,I knew I was late. Curious eyes looked at me as I apologised quickly and grabbed a seat at the back of the class.Luckily, our homeroom teacher,Mr Yang, went easy on me. Spurts of sweat trickled down my forehead as the heat in the classroom baked me, making me feel more uncomfortable. Placing my things,I fanned my self and looked around the class. Familiar faces had already started forming their year-long cliques and groups.Other than making few acquaintances, I had no friends and wasn't planning on making any.Mr Yang started to take roll call and the usual school morning began.

After taking the roll call Mr Yang began, "Class, we are going to have a new student.He was homeschooled up till now, so I hope all of you will take him in your care.He will be joining your class in a short while" Hearing this news, the class broke out in murmurs and whispering on who the new boy would be. "Hey!Who do you think it is?" A girl sitting beside me asked.Her eyes lit up in curiosity as she began to ask me more questions to which I didn't even have the chance to answer. The thing that baffled me more was why she was talking to me."I like your personality, that's why!"she said cheerfully while smiling.Oops, I said that aloud.Shocked by her bubbly attitude I muttered a "Thanks!" as my lips tugged upward to form a slight smile.What,don't look at me like that?I can smile but rarely anything humours me and her mega-watt smile was contagious.

I change my plans on being a pariah.Shyly,while looking at the floor, I asked her, "Can we be friends?"I looked up and I saw her squished up face, threatening to laugh at any moment.To my relief she said , "Of course, silly," as she extended her hand.Puzzled, I gave her my hand.Shaking it gently, she continued, "Let's be friends forever!" Hearing that,I giggled and nodded my head happily.It felt strange but I liked this strange.I felt free.Like I was swaying along to the wind.Enjoying the breeze and just living in the moment.Not thinking about the past, not worrying about the future.

Just present in the moment.

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