
18 & still clueless

18 & still clueless, is a novel that has a little bit of everything -Tears,drama,happiness etc.It is about a girl in her senior year who is figuring out her identity as she goes on in life.

Roopa_sree · Teen
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5 Chs

First times always feel strange.

Lilia's pov:

"It's 5.45 AM!" the house robot, Alexa told in its monotonous voice as it started playing a piece of classical music piece.No I didn't set that as an alarm. My mum did. If my mum allowed any music, it was the instrumental pieces.No pop.No jazz. She was a plain and boring person. I got up to get ready for school and stopped the alarm. Since my mum wasn't here, I allowed myself to relax and be a bit behind "schedule."Before I left the house, I grabbed those assessments that my mum gave me to do later.

It was 6.20 by the time I was on my way to school. I had plenty of time left as we had to report by 7.45 am. I was on the bus, listening to music while my mum called. She informed me that she would be back by 9 pm instead as she had something to attend to. I was so happy! That meant I could stay with my friends without her knowing. Doing my victory dance in my head, I replied indifferently to my mum, "Yes, Mother."I asked her if I could go to the library after school.Luckily, she agreed. With that, she hung up. I know I am lying but I would still be doing those assessments. Just that, I would go out later.

As I reached school, I spotted Hee-Young. Running to her, we linked arms as I told her my plans for today. She seemed hesitant as I could get caught but agreed after my relentless persuasion.

Ha Jun's pov:

I arrived at school early and waited for Kai to come to class. Only a few students had arrived. All of them were busy doing their things. Just then, I spotted Lilia and her friend settling down in their seats. I looked at Lilia and back at my right hand, specifically my ring finger. I was wearing a ring that had the initials-P.H on it. It was silver in colour. Other than that, there was a carving of a lily in it.

As I studied Lilia's features, she looked familiar to someone I knew 12 years ago. Could it be the same girl? Twelve years ago, a girl and her family had come to our house as guests. We had become so close in that short period that we never "left" each other's side. That's what my father always said after my brain surgery. My father would tell me that story as I had lost my memories. I always thought a part of my life was gone. Vanished. And whenever I tried to remember anything before that, my mind would be blank. Like I can't think of anything. Sometimes, I felt so helpless that I would have a mental breakdown out of nowhere. To calm me down, my father would tell me, "What are memories if not for the people in them anyway? So don't cry as, deep inside your heart when you see the people you forgot but a treasure, you will recognise them."Then he would continue by telling me what had happened before my surgery. He told me that when I first saw that girl I was really shy. He also said that my face would be as red as a tomato. He never left that part out and would tease me the entire day.

I softly chuckled to myself as I secretly hoped for Lilia to be that girl from 12 years ago. Still deep in my thoughts, I didn't realise that Kai, Lilia and Hee-Young were calling out my name. "Sorry," I mumbled as I woke up from my stupor. We began talking when our homeroom teacher said that we had to pick lots and a girl would be partnered to a boy for cleaning duty. The boys wrote their names and placed them in the basket. The teacher said that the girls would pick their partner.

I hoped it was Lilia as if someone else got her we weren't allowed to exchange partners.

Kai's pov:

I hoped whoever I got was helpful. If you ask me who I would be hoping for, I would say Lilia. I get that Ha Jun likes her but that does not mean I can't develop feelings for her. I won't date her or try to "steal" her away from him unless she doesn't like him. Then, maybe. Just maybe, I would have a chance.

Lilia's pov:

I walked to the table and reached out my hand as I grabbed a chit. Honestly, I didn't have anyone in mind. Not even Ha Jun.Just because, I think I like him doesn't mean I want him to be my partner. I sat down and opened it. I was astonished at who I got. It was Kai. I planned to inform him later. After the assigning of partners, we got on schedule to clean up.


The bell rang, signalling for lunch. Over time, Hee-Young, Kai, Ha Jun and me had grown closer. We sat together for lunch and promised to pair up as a group for any future projects. As I went to our regular table, I saw that Kai had gotten there first. I went over and told him, "Hey Kai! I'm paired with you for the cleaning duty for this whole semester. Tomorrow, we have to start"He smiled and thanked me for telling. I smiled back and left to grab my food. Little, did I know that was I going to be caught up in some testosterone-filled mess.

3rd pov:

The rest of the events were a blur to Lilia as the lessons were not too much of a hassle. She got excited just at the thought of going out with Hee-Young. Meanwhile, Ha Jun was sulking not at the fact that he didn't get Lilia but because his best friend, Kai had gotten her. He knew Kai wouldn't do anything to betray him but he was envious and helpless. Envious of Kai.Helpless, that he couldn't do anything about it. Kai, however, was beaming from ear to ear as he got the news from Lilia. Before he got his hopes too high, he reminded himself to not like her or he wouldn't be able to let go of her.

Lilia's pov:

Eventually, the day came to an end, and Hee-Young and I left for the library. After an hour of doing the assignments, we went to other places as Hee-Young led the way."Listen up, Lilia! I am in charge. I am going to make this the best day of your life! First stop, Cafe Lolita!!!"Hee-Young exclaimed in excitement as I got dragged along. It felt like this was my first time in Seoul.

3rd pov:

Lilia took in her surroundings.She saw the bustling,crowded streets of Seoul as people began coming back from work.Daylight began to drain away, as soft hues of pink and violet coloured the blue sky.She noticed that the "night life" of Seoul was coming to life.Shop-owners turned on neon lights, making their shops stand out in the darkness.As they both reached the cafe,Lilia saw how packed it was.It was filled with students.Some who came to finish their assignments.Some who came with their friends after school.She was in awe as this was her first experience going out with a friend.Soon after ordering their drinks, Hee-Young and Lilia got them and started chatting.Time flew by fast and it soon was 7 pm.Noticing that,Hee-Young brought Lilia to the make-up and jewellery store nearby.It was quite trendy among teenagers these days.

Lilia's pov:

Looking at the different shades of lip tints, mesmerised me.I was in a cosmetic and jewellery shop and the atmosphere felt so new.Hee-Young told me that I could use the samples to test the shade on my skin.Feeling brave and daring and not caring about the consequences, I took a lip tint that had the name, "mellow peach."It was a pleasant colour and Hee-Young looked at me approvingly.I unscrewed the cap and applied it lightly on my lips(in Korea ,that's usual for samples, i think).In comparison to my fair skin, the pink shade really made my lips stand out despite its simplicity.I looked at the mirror and saw a new version of me. The one I like.

After that, Hee-Young brought me to the jewellery side. There was a booth where we could customise accessories like rings and bracelets for a cheap price.We headed to the booth when Hee-Young said, "There is this tradition for customising jewellery.We have to do it for each other while keeping in mind each other's preferences!"I nodded and said, "Challenge accepted!" We settled on making the "lucky charm bracelet." Despite knowing her for fe days, I learnt that she liked the colour lilac, ice-cream and fairies.I also decided to add in charms of the our first times together.For example, now.

Half an hour later, we both showed each other the bracelets. She gushed at the sight of what I made for her and I was in awe when I looked at the bracelet she made me.I felt so emotional and raw as she saw me for who I was.We both hugged each other and went to pay for them.When Hee-Young was paying, she had another item.It was the lip tint I liked.After purchasing it, she gave it to me and said, "I am giving this to you as this is probably your first time receiving a cosmetic item.I would also like to get closer with you, so don't give it back."I gratefully accepted it.Realising that it was already 7.45 pm, we both parted ways.

When I reached home,I quickly rinsed off the make-up and hid the lip tint and bracelet in my bag.I hoped my mum would never find it.Today was really a memorable day for me.Taking out my beige-coloured journal ,embroidered with gold satin, I marked 25th Jan as the best day of my life.Then I flipped to an empty page and started writing as I thought about today and the consequences if my mum found out about it.

Dear Journal,

This is another one of my entires where I put my thoughts out in the open for no one to see.Here goes nothing...

"I tell myself not to get swayed,

Not to believe,

But why,

Even when the slightest of wind arrives,

I sway to the wind,

Victim of its empty promises.

Why do I get swayed,

When I have the choice.

Wait I think I know why,

Someone once told me ,

Wind is cooling to one's trapped and suffocating life,

A reassurance that this too will soon pass,

But does it?

The wind goes as abruptly as it comes,

Crushing our hopes, even false ones like they are nothing.

Then it comes back again, toying with our feelings, recycling our hope after

it got shattered.

As much as I want this wind, I hate it too.

It makes me believe that the hard, rough storms will soon be

defeated by the wind,

But it never does,

And in the end,

I don't even protect myself.

I just cross my fingers,

Close my eyes,

Purse my lips,

And wait for the wind.

I think that's why I am always stuck in this loop called life, just experiencing the wind in different situations.Just waiting for it.I think this is also the reason why I never stand up to my mum.Never try to talk it out with her.

3rd pov:

With that, Lilia closed the book and hid it in a hat box.She opened a few assessment books and started revising as she waited for her mum.Even though she wrote what she wanted to do,she just did what her mum expected to do.

Study and be at the top.