
A Peek To The Past

After the awkward run-in with Wonjun, I quickened my pace to catch up with Seoyun and Dabin, who were a few steps ahead of me.

"Thought you ran off for a sec there." Seoyun nudged.

"I did, well, kinda. We're good now." I babble, my voice dying down towards the end of the sentence.

I'm considering trying to explain what exactly happened but I know it wouldn't come out nearly as eventful as it actually played out, so I don't bother.

"See anyone you'd wanna talk to?" Dahyeong says quietly by my ear.

"I noticed someone staring at me as well, but that's probably because I have a problem with people watching." I say dryly while scratching my head.

I look over to Seoyun and notice her staring at the ground, seemingly uneasy for a bit.

"Hey, you good?" I bend over a bit and cock my head her direction. She turns her attention to me and smiles.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about how I recognized someone of the group of new students." After saying that, Seoyun proceeds to dart her eyes right back to the ground.

Dahyeong has a puzzled expression for a bit, before turning to me and gesturing to Seoyun. We weren't exactly surprised at Seoyun recognizing someone, after all, she's the most popular out of all of us. Rather, the reaction was one that neither Dahyeong nor I have seen.

"I see, spill." Dahyeong grabs Seoyun's arm and tugs on it in a light-hearted manner.

"Alright, alright. The guy I know is Kim Wonjun." Seoyun pauses and seems to think for a bit. She continues, "He was a real pain so don't even bother with him."

Dahyeong and I both nod our heads. We trust Seoyun's judgement of a person so we don't give it a second thought as she's more people-orientated than Dahyeong and I will ever be combined.

"What'd the guy do to make you that pissed?" Dahyeong asks, genuinely confused. "Last time I checked, it's really hard for someone to make you hate them."

"Let's just say he did a lot of things that I can't forgive him for." I glance at Seoyun, who was still looking at the ground, now biting her lip.

I can't help but feel guilty and partially responsible for bringing up her sensitive past. I stop mid-way through walking; Seoyun and Dahyeong do the same. I reach over to Seoyun and hug her.

"It's okay. We won't bring it up anymore, and you can tell us when you're ready." After I attempt to cheer Seoyun up, I gesture towards Dahyeong to join me, and she follows suit.

Seoyun finally looks up from the ground. "We should go to our lockers. School's starting."

Seoyun holds both of our hands and we travel the rest of the distance to each of our lockers. Dahyeong's locker being the closest to the entrance, then Seoyun's, and finally mine.

I like my locker because no one has one near it, even though there are countless unclaimed lockers beside it. However, the enjoyment I find in my locker placement will no longer exist anymore because of the new students.

I turn around and spot a faculty member leading the group of new students to the empty row of lockers, in which only me and a junior at my school share. I hurriedly dash for safety behind my open locker door - not like it would do much, but it was something. I peer over the edge of the locker door and listen in on the welcoming tour.

"Cheongju High welcomes every single one of you. Your lockers for the school year are located here and labelled with your name. If any of you need anything or have a question, you may inquire the office about it." With those words, the faculty member bows and leaves.

I don't have to worry about someone new being on the left side of my locker; that's junior Lee Yuna. I grab my final books from my locker before deciding to take a look at who's taking the locker right of mine. Grabbing the sticky note plastered on top, I begin to read.

Kim Wonjun

I hastily place the sticky note back where it was while trying not to panic. Seoyun told me that Wonjun was a pain. I must say, I don't think I can exactly avoid him much when he's right beside me.

I finally finish repasting the name tag back up, turning around with my bag in hand to see someone standing directly in front of me. I gulp and look up to see Wonjun himself towering over me.

"What's that face for? Not happy you're beside me for the rest of the year?" He teased.

"Of course not!" I spit back with utter disgust. He stays quiet for a bit, before breaking the silence.

"Has Seoyun told you anything about me yet?" Wonjun says with a hushed voice.

"She has, is there a problem?" I retort, slightly irritated.

He chuckles to himself before his mouth twisted to a smile. One that was as sweet as honey, yet as poisonous as the snakes that wander the desert.

I slam my locker shut, startling Wonjun and breaking his calm composure. He takes note of my bad mood and crosses his arms, examining me.

"You seem ready to beat someone up right about now." He states bluntly before breaking into a cackle at his own supposed joke.

"So what if I am?" I say, ignoring what just happened.

Wonjun stops laughing and puts an arm to my left on the lockers, leaving me pressed against the locker with his face inches from mine.

"Hey. I'm not the bad guy like Seoyun makes me out to be." He says using a serious tone.

I'm confused. This guy is either very good at lying or he's being real with me.

"Yeah, keeping lying. You might just be able to fool yourself." I reply, trying to free myself from the awkward position he has me in right now.

I attempt to move his arms aside, but it doesn't work. My squirming encourages him to put his free arm to the other side. I bite my lips, witnessing it all.

"I'm serious." He continues, pressing this idea on me.

We stay in this position for a while, making me extremely uncomfortable. I'm not too sure what or how to feel about this Wonjun guy. Looking up from the ground, I catch a full glimpse of his face. I must say, he's so crazy handsome that it's making me mad.

Wonjun begins to lift the back of his hand to my face until he's interrupted by the bell. Scoffing, he frees me and calls out to me as he leaves.

"By the way, call me Jun. I don't like hearing my full name."

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