
The New Addition

I watch as Jun casually walks off as if nothing happened before I collapse, my heart beating violently. I bring my hands to my hair and tug out of frustration.

What was that even for? If he manages to get Seoyun to hate him, he must be the 'bad person'. Above all that, does he actually think I'll trust him over Seoyun? With that being my first experience of him, chances are very low that I would.

I regain my train of thought and stand back up. Grabbing my bag, I begin to make my way to class.

I don't get it though. Why'd he ask about Seoyun, and what'd he mean about being the bad guy? I suck in my cheeks, then bringing my hands to my face, squishing them. I'm going to deal with that later. Besides, I told Seoyun to tell me once she felt comfortable enough, so I'll give her time.

I begin to quicken my pace to class. I can't help but think that Jun is something else; I'll make sure he stays on my radar. Taking my eyes off the ground, I look to my right and spot my class. I glance inside my class then immediately dash to my seat beside Seoyun and Dahyeong.

"Guess what?" I say to my friends with a hint of frustration, and they both turn to me right away. "Wonjun's locker is right beside mine."

"Ouch, that's no good." Seoyun scowls at the mere thought of him.

Dahyeong looks around the classroom before becoming wide-eyed. She slowly turns her head back to us and taps our shoulder.

"Hey, guys, Wonjun is in our class..." Dabin continues, "Do you think he heard us?" She gestures towards Wonjun, sitting only a few tables away from us.

There's no way he can hear us, right?

"Do you think I heard what?" Wonjun calls out.

Nevermind. With those words, Seoyun, Dahyeong and I freeze. I turn over to him, not wanting to get him involved.

"Nothing. Don't eavesdrop on conversations like that." I reply innocently, receiving a few disapproving glares from Wonjun.

"I'll eavesdrop when the conversation is about me." He says, somewhat peeved by my attitude.

I open my mouth to respond until I hear the teacher start talking. I shoot a few looks back at Jun before whipping my head around and immediately facing the front of the class.

"Ok, everyone. The first order of business: Please welcome our new students to the class." The teacher gestures towards Jun and this other girl. "Introduce yourselves to the class."

Both Jun and the girl stand up as soon as they were told to.

"You go first." The teacher says, making eye contact with the girl. She nods and begins to talk.

"My name is Min Hyorin." Hyorin smiles awkwardly before sitting back down slowly.

The teacher turns his attention to Jun, who remained standing.

"Your turn now."

Jin bites his lips, "I'm Kim Wonjun. Call me Jun because I hate hearing my full name."

With those words, Jun sits down, as I see many girls whispering about him. I roll my eyes and I turn my attention back to the teacher.

"Again, welcome to Cheongju High. My name is Mr. Choi, ask me if you have any questions."


I lean back in my chair and tilt my head back, trying to keep my attention on the lesson. For some reason, it was hard for me, and I found myself spacing out every now and then. I turn my focus to my notes - well, more like doodles. I never found myself interested in drawing from scratch, but rather, drawing off of things already on the page such as things like text and diagrams. It's great because doodling looks like you're taking notes, but you're not. I pick up my pencil, hovering over an infobox in the workbook while deciding what to do with it. I begin to shade the box, adding shadow effects to it.

I look over to my right, taking a glimpse of Jun. He had his head resting upon his arms on the desk. He turns his head around and catches me staring at him. Spotting a smirk on his face, I look away as soon as our eyes meet and return to my workbook.

"How annoying." I mutter under my breath.

I'm about to finish off my newly improved infobox until I am promptly disturbed by the bell, breaking all my thoughts. Rather violently, I stand up out of my seat and rush to get out of the room after packing all my things. Now where to find Seoyun and Dahyeong? They left a bit earlier than I did so I guess they took less time to pack. I take one step out of the class, only to be pulled to the side by none other than locker man.

"Seriously, it's already lunchtime, leave me alone!" I stomp my feet and pout, but Jun's grip on me only tightens.

"Aren't we locker mates? Just one lunch together wouldn't kill you." He teases me.

"Quite frankly, I think it will." I pause for a bit. "Seoyun and Dahyeong are expecting me too."

He scoffs, still holding onto my arm tightly. I'm convinced that I've lost circulation in my arm from how tight it is.

"Just come with me. I'm not friends with anyone else yet." Jun says, tugging on my sleeve, his grip loosening. I sigh, feeling pity for him.

"Find new friends as soon as possible." I mumble, my voice monotonous. He smiles like a kid and tugs me to a table in the cafeteria. I place my bag down, grabbing my lunch from it as well as my phone. I text our group chat with Seoyun and Dahyeong in it:

Minji: Not gonna sit with you guys for lunch today and maybe a few other times.

Dahyeong: Aw, ok. See you in the next block.

I stare at Dahyeong's reply for a bit before putting my phone down.

"So what gives, coconut head?" I ask, slightly annoyed, to Jun.

"Come on, I just want to make friends." He smiles innocently at me. "Which reminds me, I haven't even asked for your name yet."

"Kim Minji." I respond hesitantly. "I already know your name so don't bother."

Jun just smiles somewhat mischievously at me, making me concerned. There's an obvious of why he even wanted to sit with me in the first place. Does one strange first conversation mean I'm suddenly the person he wants to sit with at lunch? But I already know the answer to that question: of course it doesn't. The only reason why he's even sitting with me must have something to do with the fact that I'm Seoyun's friend. Now that I'm thinking about it, he might just be trying to tick her off by taking me. I scoff at the thought, turning my head to get a glance of the cafeteria. I spot people whispering and staring at us.

"Why is Jun sitting with Minji? He's clearly too good for her."

"I didn't think Minji was that type."

What's their problem? I glance over at Jun, who seemed to be unscathed by people whispering about us. He only kept his focus on his sandwich and taking minuscule bites out of it.

"You already developed a lot of fangirls here or what?" I say, irritated.

"Why? Do you want me all to yourself?" He replies, putting down his sandwich to lean over the table, staring directly at me.

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