
Raiding Party 2

Chapter 58

Reskeme and his squad Climbed down the edge of the valley, they had spotted the camp of the advancing army, descending the steep slick hill they carefully watched their footing. Creeping through the trees Reskeme kept glancing around keeping track of both of his team members and looking for lurking enemy scouts. Reskeme realized this was why Carley kept scaring him it would make his paranoia get worse.

The advancing army was not subtle, hiding 250 soldiers dressed in leather and steel armour would be a monumental task, this was why three groups of scouts were ranging ahead assaulting Darva outposts. Reskeme waved at the guard who had been posted well ahead of the army trying to catch scouts from getting their numbers. Walking past the man who blended with his surrounding Reskeme entered the camp. Soldiers bustled around them eating lunch, reskeme couldn't believe how slow the mass of people moved.

passing tents and fires Reskeme searched for the brightest and most ostentatious tent, as that would be the commanders. Even on a mission that required subtlety, the commander had a flamboyant tent that was bright green, Reskeme thought it was the most pointless decision ever, they mise well have a bright orange tent.

The commander had a wagon just for his tent, Reskeme was agast he passed the wagon getting loaded and covered with fabric to keep dry, the fluffy bright pillows filled the wagon. five people unpacked the tent, Reskeme was baffled, the commander needed that many servants just for his tent?

Pushing aside his thoughts Reskeme dodged around the frantic servants and stopped a respectful distance from the commander. The commander's armour shown polished to a mirror shine, Reskeme thought that was absurd, he would be spotted in mere moments by the enemy. The bright red and yellow hat the man wore stood out, with its bright yellow feather and blinding red had certainly caught his eye.

Reskeme focused on his mission, He saluted, presenting his forearm soaked and muddy to the commander who somehow was still dry after the long night of rain. The commander halfheartedly saluting unwilling to touch his forearm, he didn't press the salute the man clearly was displeased with Reskemes appearance.

The commander sneered and said, "Report" Reskeme presented the problem telling of the enemy and their numbers. The commander listened diligently, He said," you three made it to bow range without being seen?" Reskeme replied," Yes Commander, we entered in the range of javelins even, the enemy is unaware of our quick advance." the commander said," you say that, but I seriously doubt we have gone unnoticed."

The commander waved to the group of waiting assistants, He said," fetch me a quill and my seal" The assistant ran to the cart dug for a moment then returned holding a quill, ink and parchment. Another assistant lit a candle from a nearby fire returning as the commander wrote the orders. Blowing and sanding the ink with proffered sand, the commander sealed the paper with wax from the candle and stamped his ring on the parchment.

Reskeme stood there baffled, all of that for a letter? The assistance had three separate containers all emblazoned with gold or silver, even the candle holder. His mind whirling Reskeme stared stunned at the commander as he presented the letter to the stupefied Reskeme. The commander said," Here are the orders to be delivered to the 4th platoon, you will accompany the 4th under their commander and lead them to the enemy."

The commander waved his hand dismissively, the bright hat on his head soo distracting Reskeme waited a moment, The commander sighed, he said," that means you are dismissed, get out of my sight, uncouth gutter rat!" Confused Reskeme sculked away cheeks red with embarrassment, the two guards flanking the commander were smiling doing their best not to laugh as they would catch their commanders' ire.

Reskeme was lucky he was apart of the mages and not a regular soldier, as addressing a superior improperly was a quick way to get a reprimand or even punished. Reskeme didn't understand the military, all their ranks and the deference one had to show to their superiors was new to him.

Meeting back up with Carley he nodded his head, they hadn't taken up any of the soldier's nonsense, being loud and shouting yes sir and of course, sir, was not good for sneaking. Carley was training him to be a proper scout, and that didn't involve being a soldier. He would never be a normal soldier as mages were much more valuable than a regular front line soldier, or so he had been told.

Reskemes head spun swirling with thoughts of the army and how he could come out alive. Carley said," well what did the commander say?" Reskeme replied," we are joining the 4th platoon, to lead them to the enemy." Carley scowled, She said," that lunatic, She is crazy and definitely going to cause us nothing but trouble."

Reskeme thought her words didn't match her expression, he thought he was learning Carley's moods and decided she wasn't as upset to be lead by this lunatic commander as she said she was. Reskeme followed her tracking up the column of soldiers who were saddling horses and packing tents and cookware for another day of hiking.

Over each platoon Reskeme counted flags Carley wasn't keeping her eye on the soldiers she kept her eyes on the flags. Walking up an inclined slope they passed a red flag a green one and then a brown flag that looked like cow manure. Reskeme could appreciate the bright colours he had to admit he rather liked some of them.

He was starting to appreciate some of the art, he still had to admit that some of the things he saw seemed extremely pointless. why on Laurentia did people wear bright hats with a feather, by far the most pointless thing he had seen, If he was the commander he would have required the officers to at least try and blend in with the forest.

Carley pointed to the brown flag she said," that is the 4th platoon, they are mostly comprised of archers and some light infantry all good for quick raids. Reskeme walk into the camp past guards in leather armour, none wore the heavy plate. Carley waltzed right past The guards nodding her head at the picket, the two soldiers were posted to watch for enemies but without that were much more interested in the group of outsiders.

Carley said," Evening James," The soldier on the right nodded," Evening Carley" Carley asked," "where is the Captain?" The soldier shuffled from foot to foot, He said," I hope you are not here to trouble our commander again with more bad tidings" Carley replied," Of course not! I am here on orders of the Commander himself." The dubious soldier held out his hand and said," your orders?" With a hurt face Carley said," you doubt my sincerity?"

James Replied," No mam, I am simply following my orders to not let you in our camp again unless you have a direct order from the commander." Carley said," Captain Aria really isn't going to allow me to speak with her unless I have a direct order from the commander?" The soldier sighed, He said," I see you hold one, Hand it over soo I can get this over with.

Carley passed the document to the soldier James, his leather armour fitting snuggly to his well-musled frame partly concealed hiding under a black cloak, the man confirmed the seal and passed it back. James said," very well you may enter our humble camp." Reskeme followed her, not wanting to catch the eye of this James, He seemed very capable, his posture straight and seemed very comfortable in his armour.

Reskeme felt every ache and pain at the joints, in his armour, he felt the discomfort, He had been sleeping in it as long as he had it and was starting to get used to it. He judged that if a soldier looked comfortable in their armour he should be wary around them, as they were the ones who wore it the most and therefore were the most dangerous.

The Camp bustled soldiers scrambling to pack their belongings onto horses and pack mules. Reskeme wondered how on Laurentia they were going to sneak up on the Darvan camp with this many soldiers, The clank of pots could be heard from 40 steps away. A Large plain tent stood still standing with the usual bustle of soldiers.

A Short woman only half a head taller than Reskeme stood in front of the tent her leather armour pristine but still scared from several previous wounds. The long deep scratches on one shoulder pad were a testament to the armour's usefulness. Reskeme thought Captain Aria looked familiar, Her black hair tied in a bun kept above her shoulders keeping with military regulation. Her Hazel brown eyes shown with a fierce intensity as she glared at Reskemes approaching group.

Reskeme thought it was him she was glaring at, What foolishness, she was clearly looking at Sergent Carley, whose Short black hair and upturned nose were oddly similar to The Captains. Halting a few feet away Carley saluted, She said," I'm here with an Order from the commander." Her brisk no-nonsense manner was very professional.

The Captain Glared, She took the proffered letter and read it her face turning from annoyed and angry to a grin, the Captain said," we can do it, Taking down those Damned Dogs unaware will give the soldiers something to boost their morale." Her enthusiasm was cut short when she looks back up and realize it was still Carley Standing there.

Captain Aria said," as much as it pains me to say, you three will lead us to the enemy camp, so we can thoroughly destroy them and cut off any hope of escape." Reskeme didn't know the history of these two, but Carley's cold professionalism shone through as she saluted and said," my squad is at your command Captain."

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