
Raiding party 3

Chapter 59

The bustling soldiers around them stuffed food blankets and cookware into packs. Captain Aria Yelled," leave everything that is going to make too much noise, pack yourself 2 days' rations and no more, this will be a short excursion!" Reskemes stood stunned as the Platoon of 50 soldiers prepared for war in astonishing time, each carried a leather pack and filled it with various things from food to linen bandages.

The captain yelled," if I see a pot or pan strapped to one of your packs I will assign you latrine duty for a week." The captain shouted, "Form up, you have 5 minutes to be packed and ready to go!"The grumbling soldier trying not to be noticed unstrapped his various cooking utensils from his pack, Reskeme was baffled, the soldier removed the different steel pans from his pack out of sight of the captain his glare at the Captains back unnoticed.

Reskeme wondered at that, Carley whispered, "As a soldier, I can understand why they prefer hot meals, the food isn't good warm and eating it cold is much worse." Reskeme replied," the food isn't so bad." Carley replied," That is because you don't know what real food tastes like, In comparison this food is terrible." Reskeme thought she was exaggerating, the hard meat and bread were actually quite good he rather liked always having enough to eat.

In Reskemes opinion the only thing the army was good for was providing their soldiers with enough food, as the intensive exercise demanded a high intake of food. Reskeme eyed the practical tent, he was impressed that this captain wasn't clad in gold and silver she was dressed in brown and black leather armour and other useful things.

All the soldiers under the command of Captain Aria formed 5 lines of ten soldiers leaving a gap for the captain to walk in between them. She strolls down the line inspecting each of the soldiers tugging on armour and checking packs for noise. Each of the soldiers seemed tense, the five soldiers on the end of the line all sergeants stood facing the line each stone-faced waiting for their captain's inspection.

The assistants and staff bustling around them tearing down the tent and packing their belongings were viewed as a necessary part of the scenery. Reskeme had never realized what marching with an army would be like, even on this covert mission there was plenty of assistants. The jumble of thoughts in his mind stopped as the commander looked him over and even examined his worn armour and leather boots. His Camoflodge clothing and spears did not go unnoticed either.

Sighing as she passed Reskeme examined the troops, half had longbows thick long poles unstrung with quivers at their waists. The other half of The soldiers each carried short recurve bows and a short straight sword for thrusting and a small buckler on their backs. Reskeme had seen those tall longbows in action, they were used by soldiers who had shot a bow since they were a child and built their back muscles to a ridiculous degree.

Reskeme looks from the heavy bows to the light ones carried by Carley and Dusty, they carried Short recurve bows used on a horseback, while these soldiers carried bows for punching through armour at a long distance.

Captain Aria seemingly satisfied with her inspection said," Sergent's advance we will march, quietly down the path, once we are close you will all do your best not to make noise. Follow the commands of your sergeants am I understood?" The soldiers shouted, "Yes mam!"

Reskeme and his squad crept through the forest, He felt confident as they were now accompanied by 50 soldiers, well 51 counting the captain. The Captain followed in the middle, as to give orders to her subordinates Reskeme assumed that was to give orders if she needed to. The cloudy sky was hazy, holding back rain, glancing at the sky he hoped today wouldn't be as miserable as the day before.

A few minutes later he changed his mind pulling up his cloak as the rain started pouring down, in a light drizzle turning to a deluge. All the soldiers around him pulled their rain cloaks over their heads protecting themselves from the rain. In Reskemes opinion the weather was perfect to attack, well at least if he didn't slip and fall down the steep hillside and break his neck.

He grasps another tree his spears clanking softly, the leather wet soaked from the rain, his cold hand numbly held the branch as cold water crawled down his arm following the wet branch chilling him. All the soldiers looked wet and miserable, but none of them made a sound of the enemy encampment shuffling in the distance. through the drizzling rain, the plume of smoke from several fires drifted into the sky and nobody wanted to risk the ire of the captain by talking.

All the soldiers halted as the captain Raised her hand in a stopping motion, She gestured them over, Reskeme follows Carley unsure if he should attend the command meeting. He wasn't told to leave soo he figured he was. Captain Aria stood in the group of 7 looking each of them in the eye, she even stares into Reskemes eyes her hard firm expression halting his thoughts holding him firm.

Captain Aria said," Sergent Clark, Sergent Lars, Your squads are going to attack from the hill overlooking the camp." She pointed to the rise next to the smoke, Captain Aria said," do you think your archers are up for that hill?" Sergent Clark said," Yess captain, My archers could shoot an apple off your head from that distance." Sergent Lars butted in, We will see whose archers are better my archers will kill more of them, and I'm willing to bet a flagon of ale for the whole squad on it."

Sergent Clark said, "You are on, I'll even buy an extra flagon for the soldier who kills the most after the fight has started." Captain Aria only shook her head, She said," the rest of you are with me, We are going to attack them by surprise when the archers are in place."

The two Sergeants turned each holding strung wooden bows longer than they were tall sticking out from the other shorter bows. Everyone in the scout group had a bow and arrows besides Reskeme, but there were still archers among the amateur bowman. Reskeme had been told by Carley once that the longbow took decades to master, Which was normally why soldiers preferred the crossbow as it only took a fraction of the time to learn.

Captain Aria now in the lead crouched low ahead of reskeme, the cloak blending in poorly with the forest floor. Reskeme watched as the Captain held some dirt and drop it checking the wind, He heard the slight creak of armour as the soldiers crept on soft wet boots towards the Darvan camp. Reskeme couldn't believe the Darva was being this sloppy, not even a single guard to watch the edge of the camp.

Captain Aria held up her fist and the squad stopped, Sitting and waiting Reskeme did his best not to make a sound, the urge to cough or even shuffle his feet was hard to ignore. Only 100 steps away he could see the Flicker of the first fire showing through the trees. Reskeme held his naginata in one hand and a javelin in the other the two runes on the javelin dim waiting to be charged with mana.

His grip tightened turning his knuckles white, the Captain gestured towards something, a few moments later yips and grows drifted from the enemy camp to their ears. Soldiers advanced each with swords draws or holding their short bows ready to shoot. Reskemes heart raced and his hands clenched holding too hard onto his weapons.

Closing the gap to the side of the Camp Reskeme followed just behind the front line, A Darva with an arrow sticking in its leg stumbled yelping loudly into the bushes. A soldier with a sword was almost knocked over but recovered and thrust his sword into the injured Darvan scout.

The camp exploded in chaos All the archers in his group drew back bows aiming at the Scrambling Darva, Reskeme Channeled mana into his javelin and Aim at the shoulder of a Darvan scout perched behind a tree unaware they were coming from the side. Aria Held up her hand, And with a motion, she slashed her hand forward. Reskeme threw his spear the runes blazing green flashing through the air and striking a scrambling Darva in the leg.

The archers around him shot from Thirty steps away into the scrambling Darvan warriors, The warriors fell, with arrows piercing armour. Many of the scouts died their crapy armour ineffective against the bodkin points. Reskeme braced his naginata but into the ground, he felt his heart skip a beat as a deafening howl shook the ravine. The Darva holed furiously at the deaths of their own and charged his group head-on. The Darvan warriors 15 Reskemes quick estimate rush their group of 30 dartings back and forth crossing the distance.

Hands shaking he brace himself eyeing the Darvan warriors running directly at him, bearing teeth with hair raised they were clearly furious, he only had time to swallow before he had to brace his naginata the Darvan warriors' weight slamming into him.

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