
Chapter 8: EXPLOSIONS!!!

Just for Information:




~sound effect~




<skill activation>

'<silent casting>'

Chapter 8: EXPLOSIONS!!!


As we descend the staircase, we also defeat zombies here and there. It was quite tiring as we needed to also defeat some zombies that were spawning inside the emergency staircase above us for a while since our {no spawning zone} still the same value as our level according to the announcement, where spawning radius is (level x 10^(tier)m).

As we clean the zombies, I rely completely on my trustable peashooter that has become a mobile peashooter as I hold the pot with me when I descend the staircase. Despite also bringing a makeshift spear out of some of my table legs that I sharpened, I rarely use it.

After all, It is useless as I can't injure them with the spear when I try to stab them and only manage to hold them back using the force of my stab. It seems, although inflicting damage is impossible, knockback still exists from a stab from this thing or tier 0 weapon. That's why I still hold my spear as protection, or rather as a hitting bat instead of a spear...

It somehow becomes repetitive as all I need is just put some potted plant on top of the staircase while holding 1 myself and let the plants do the dirty work. Looks like this is the satisfaction that a gardener has when their plant grows to maturity and ready to be harvested huh? Isn't that a farmer? Well, whatever.

Due to this, I kill some zombie in the staircase while getting a glare from Xiao Mei that needs to manually do the job. Ha! Ranged class for the WIN! Why did you want to swing your sword if you can just shoot a projectile or let your subordinate, summon or plant in my case, do the work for you!

(Xiao Mei) "Brother! You are cheating! You are just abusing your plant like a slave while you yourself stay at the back and do nothing! If you continue doing this, I will report you for plant abuse!"

(George) "You!... This is strategy! You also can't report me as there is no such thing as plant abuse AHAHAHA! In fact, is there a government person that will be concerned about an animal abuse report in this situation? Never mind plant abuse, we are abusing zombies right now!! If a plant has rights to not be abused, then even zombies have that right too! bahahahaha!"

(Xiao Mei) "Ugh… you jerk…" said her with an annoyed expression on her face as she continued to kill the zombies she encountered with her kitchen knife.

I wonder if she has more knives in her kitchen? There is no way she's gonna use that knife for cooking food right?....Note to self: make sure she uses a new knife when cooking.

Looks like I finally know how talented person's feeling as they see others do hard work. They can get the same amount of benefit with less amount of effort. It seems that the phrase {Hard Work overthrows talent} only works if the talented person is actually someone who doesn't know how to use their talent huh...

After the hard work...Hey! I also work hard you know! Holding a peashooter and its pot with a weight of around 20 kg in my hand is a lot of work as it is very heavy! Ahem, after a while, I finally level up my other 2 skills to level 3 and I got a new plant [Cherry Bomb].

Since I only have a limited number of pots with dirt, I use my shovel to take the peashooter out of my pot to plant a new one to level up my skills. Of course, it is just an ordinary shovel, so no mana is refunded to me.

It seems after I take out a plant, it stays unmoving like a statue and doesn't react to my [plant Command] hence, it can't shoot at zombies. It is so weird that I even think that it is a bug in the system or a glitch.

It was so weird that when I tried to throw the plant that became a statue at a zombie, (don't ask me why I do that, I just want to know.) it bounced back and shattered into a light particle.

Ahem, back to my new plant [Cherry Bomb] which I just created its seed to observe it, despite no noticeable difference between the seed of my other plant besides its orange color. After reading its information from the status and Almanac, It basically functions as a C4 where after I plant it, I am able to detonate it remotely just with my command. However, there is a catch.

The problem is my [Plant Command] skills. It only has a range of 30m so as of now, I can only detonate it from 30m distance. This is also the reason why I can't get more energy from the sunflower that I plant in my garden as it is out of my range of command as of now.

It looks like once a plant gets out of the [Plant Command] skill radius or I stop commanding it, it becomes a stasis and will not do anything just like a normal plant.

As of right now, I am in the middle of trying my new plant the [Cherry Bomb] and how it will explode. I am planning to use the zombies that reside in the 6th floor hallway to test my cherry that can explode by luring them to the front of the emergency stairs door.

(George) "Okay I have lured the 10 zombies that reside from the hallway in the 6th floor to the location." said me to Xiao Mei as we downstairs in the area we have cleared out of zombies.

It was somehow weird that our floor doesn't have any zombies in the hallway (excluding that on zombies that enter my room). Maybe it was because our floor is the 7th floor? Since 7 is usually a lucky number, it somehow became a safe area?

The plan is somehow simple. I put a pot on the inside of the hallway precisely on the front of the emergency stairs door with the seeds of [Cherry Bomb] inside. I then lured the zombies to the door as I closed the door to make sure no zombies could go out. I will then grow the seeds and explode it, simple right?

(Xiao Mei) "Okay, explode it now brother!" said her with an excited tone, albeit a crazed expression on her face. I hope she will not become a certain someone who shouts "Explosion!" in the future. It was somehow a blessing she is not a mage like she wants it to be...

(George) "Okay <Plant Growth><Plant Command: Explode>!"


The [Cherry Bomb] explode as I command it and destroy a 3x3x2m area around it besides the floor. The explosion destroys the door and even the wall is somehow not left untouched as it is also destroyed by the explosion. Geez… the game 3x3 explosion area seems so small to the explosion that we see in front of us. Though, it seems that the pot and the floor survive the explosion…

If I have to guess, it might be because of some barrier? But I am not sure as I can't just take it out of the pot. I mean It also doesn't destroy the pot or the floor when it explodes in the game unlike the doom-shroom in PVZ 1.

After I killed all the zombies on the 6th floor, I get a notification that says that I level up to 3 while my skills also all level up(beside almanac and Inventory) to 4 simultaneously and obtain a new plant [Wall-nut].

Even though I have created the seeds from long ago to observe it, [Seed Creation] also level up huh? Looks like skills also level up as long as I used it when killing a zombie huh?

(Xiao Mei) "Wah! The explosions are so large! It might rival a real bomb!" said her with eyes that said she wants more.

(George) "Yes, yes, yes. However I can't just explode it without care here as first, I don't want to attract zombies and second, I don't want to die because this building fell down due to continuous explosion" I said with a somewhat regretful tone as I can't explode more of this new toy I got.

However, I should get ready for the incoming zombies as those explosions must have alerted the zombies in the vicinity. I think I should find a safer alternative to kill droves of zombies without destroying the building too huh?

As I was looking at all the new changes I got from level up, my attention is soon captured by the new plant that I got. No! It was not the defensive role that captured my attention, It was something else that I chance upon after reading the Almanac. This is why you should read the Almanac!

If I were to quote it, "Able to be detached to roll." Yes! This special ability of this particular plant was the reason I was very excited. Normally it was just a useless ability, but if any of you remember the minigame in the game, You will know what I was thinking as I gaze at the zombies roaming around at the bottom of the staircase.

(George) "HEHEHE! This will be NUTS!"

To be continued→

Hello! As of this chapter, I will only update the stats when there is a huge change in the status. Next status update is next chapter. I will also only give the plant and enemy description in the Almanac chapter. I will only give the descrition in the story when necessary. So kindly refer to the Almanac if you want more detail! Then as usual, vote and review if you like and comment below for comment, suggestion or question.

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