
Chapter 9: A very NUTTY Strategy

Just for Information:




~sound effect~




<skill activation>

'<silent casting>'

Chapter 9: A very NUTTY Strategy!


(George) "HAHAHA! This will be NUTS! <Seed Creation: Wall-nut><Quick Growth><Plant Command: Detach>."

I set a pot on top of the staircase as I use all my skills in the above order to grow my very nutty bowling. Yes! It was Wall-nut Bowling! A very copy-pasted idea that I got directly from the game, but instead of a flat land, it was bowling through a staircase!


As the Wall-nut Bowling detach and start rolling, it hits the zombie in the bottom of the first staircase, killing it, before bouncing it to the bottom of the second set of staircase. This happened a few times before I was unable to hear the sound of crashing anymore.

(George) 'HAHAHA! Looks like my strategy works! Now, just rinse and repeat with as much bowling as possible that my mana allows!'

(George) "<Seed Creation: Wall-nut><Quick Growth><Plant Command: Detach>."


(George) "<Seed Creation: Wall-nut><Quick Growth><Plant Command: Detach>."


(George) "<Seed Creation: Wall-nut><Quick Growth><Plant Command: Detach>."


I then spam this strategy as we descend the staircase. Besides the glares that Xiao Mei is giving me from stealing all her kill, I killed quite a lot of zombies even though I needed to hit and run as the zombie climbed up the stairs due to the commotion.

We also need to deal with the zombies that are coming from above as they also come down after hearing the loud noise my bowling produced. I hope only zombies in this apartment are the only one who come to our location.

Well at the very least, if they come from the bottom, they will be decimated from my countless bowling as I also plant some sunflowers and put them in the steps to regenerate my mana.

After ignoring the stare Xiao Mei is giving me due to the whole trouble I am giving her and due to the fact that she is the only one who manages the zombies coming from upstairs, I am able to level up some of my skills. [Seed Creation], [Plant Command] and [Quick Growth] increases their level to level 7 and from this, I also get 3 new plants [Potato Mine],[Chomper] and [Cabbage pult].

Through the new plant I get, my skills [Almanac] level up to 2, although it seems there is no change to the skills itself. You might think it is fast right? Well, it is honestly all thanks to [Wall-nut].

NO! It is not a Cherry bomb which functions basically like C4 and almost destroys the whole building before, not a Potato mine which is well… a land mine, Chomper which kills everything in 1 bite but needs around a half minute to chew it. And of course not cabbage-pult which has the same damage per second as Peashooter with higher damage but lower fire rate.

It was [Wall-Nut] that not only can it act as a shield(barely since I think intelligent zombies will just ignore it), but also an excellent bowling ball that works wonderfully in our terrain: Stairs. Although I don't know its effectiveness when using this technique on the outside, when on top of stairs, this is a very wonderful strategy as I can roll the wall nut off the pot and plant new seeds!

It is funny that this [Wall-nut] which some of the community out there think is a potato, is the most powerful attack I have right now to kill lots of zombies. Even the damage is very huge, although I don't know the exact value, it can kill every new zombie I encounter as I descend the staircase.

Speaking for zombies, I also found 2 new zombies which are tier 0 namely [Runner zombie] and [Crawler zombie]. Honestly, there is no huge difference between all of them with only a bit of balancing between the speed and damage they have.

Out of the three of them, [Runner Zombies] pose as the greatest threat as it can run and well… it is very fast as after checking from the Almanac, it has almost the same as my max speed. However, it seems to have endless stamina as I can' seems to see them in the almanac making these zombies very dangerous in the long run.

However, even this [Runner Zombies] which can run so fast is still unable to escape instant death! from the Wall-nuts Bowling. The reason for the high damage might be gravity as the Wall-nut is rolling downward. Oh! Another zombie! Just a crawler zombie huh...

(George) "<Seed Creation: Wall-Nut><Quick Growth><Plant Command>"

The Wall-Nut then grows from the seed to the 1 meter size nut and starts to roll as I command. While it might seems stupid, as long as a strategy works than it works!

Besides my skills, I also level up to 6, but I don't put my AP(attribute point) to my stats still as I use it as a precaution when I need that. I also advise Xiao Mei to do the same as me.

I also obtain lots of Earth Coins from the mayhem that I caused and also get 2 plant foods from the drops. However, I decided to keep it for now as I might need it later when I chance upon a boss or enemy that is way beyond my league.

Other than that, it seems that the zombies also drop several Items such as weapons and simple tools such as firestarter which I picked and stored in my inventory for the time being. All of them are of Tier 0 which is useless to me who doesn't have any skill necessary to use them unlike Xiao Mei who takes the dagger which should give her a better damage than a kitchen knife.

As we don't really have scan or appraisal functions which I have tested just now, we don't know how much damage they give as all we know when touching them is their Tier. We can only guess to determine their damage. It seems the Tier of the dropped items will depend on the being's Tier that we defeated huh?

Other than me destroying every zombie in sight, Xiao Mei is also finally able to build up the courage to kill several zombies. She levels up to 3, not as much as I am as I basically kill a lot of zombies with my strategy. Also, it looks like only the plant kill can make the corpse disappear.

If I have to make a guess, It might be the solar mana in work here where it somehow purifies? Or disintegrate the undead into particles, causing it to disappear. This is because when I kill them using [Cherry bomb], the zombies turn to ash as in the description it says that it uses fire mana instead of solar mana that the [peashooter] and somehow [Wall-nut] has, making it burn to ash.

After the long staircase to the first floor from the 7th floor, We finally descend to the first floor. It was very quiet, unlike the staircase which is full of groaning sounds from zombies a while ago. As we survey our surroundings, we finally come upon the reason for the quietness.

A humongous figure holding a sign showing {no parking} and also carrying a little baby-like zombie in his back is seen in front of the gate to the outside of the apartment. The figure seems to be around 4 to 5 meters talls seen from afar.

Besides its homogeneous figure and the things he holds, it also has big eyes which are staring at the exit gate as if it is an enemy that has killed its mother in the past. Looking at this figure, I was very surprised!

It is not the huge body that the figure has that is the reason I am surprised. It is also not surprising from the things he holds in his hand or the little imp behind his back. It was because I recognised its figure.

No! It is not my friend or anything, the reason I recognised it is because it came from the game itself that became the base of my whole class. Right! It is a gargantuar!

(George) 'WHAT THE PRICK----LY PEARS! For fume-shroom sake, why is there a Gargantuar in front of the gate?'

My mind descends into chaos then as I am surprised by the possibility that some of the zombies from the game might also come to this world. While gargantuar is strong, It is not as strong as the Dr. Zomboss, who has a high intelligence and is able to build himself a robot or a time machine in PVZ 2!

However, this is not the time to be shocked, I need to find a way to get stronger faster before some crazy zombies decide to dominate the whole world.

To be continued→



Entity Digital Status

Species: Homo Sapiens (male) Name: George Sargon Willam

Age: 17 years Class: Gardener Level: 2→ 6 (tier 0)


Health: 12/12→ 16/16 reg=0.06→ 0.08/min

Stamina: 10/10→ 18/18 reg=0.1→ 0.18/min

Mana: 20/20→40/40 reg=0.4→ 0.8/min

Strength:13→ 17

Speed: 7

Constitution: 7→ 11

Dexterity: 8

Sense: 5

Mind: 26


AP: 10→ 30


[seed creation 2→ 7]

[Plant command 3→ 7]

range=30→ 70m

[Quick growth 2→ 7]

Cost = 1Mp for 100→ 200Np(nutrition point)

speed= 200→ 700Np / s

[Almanac 1→ 2]

[Inventory 8>9]

Storage limit: 80→ 90kg

Range: 8→ 9m


[Peashooter][Sunflower][Cherry Bomb New][Wall-Nut New][Potato-Mine New][Chomper New][Cabbage-pult New]


[Plant vs Zombie]

Earth Coins: 3→74



Entity Digital Status

Species: Homo Sapiens (female) Name: Xiao Mei

Age: 12 years Class: Shadow Assassin Level: 1→ 3 (tier 0)


Health: 7/7 reg=0.035/min

Stamina: 7/7→ 9/9 reg=0.14→0.18/min

Mana: 5/5 reg=0.05/min

Strength: 7

Speed: 17→ 23

Constitution: 4

Dexterity: 16→ 22

Sense: 13→ 19

Mind: 3


AP: 5→15


[Close Quarter Combat 1]

[Short bladed Weapon Art 2→ 4]

[Throwing Art 1-->3]

[Stealth 2→ 5]

Cost: 0.5→ 0.48CP/s



Earth Coins: 1→ 22


Hello! How was the chapter? I try to incoporate the PVZ game elements more into the story and try to make my story more fun. I hope you guys enjoy it! Also next chapter will be a big battle that likely to last for 2 chapter as it is a boss battle. Wish me luck as this is my first time writing a battle naration in a novel!

Vote and review if you like the story. Comment if you have anything you wants to say.

Fun-fact: I write this novel with Plant Vs Zombie theme song to gain more inspiration LOL!

Rayzuto_Haztcreators' thoughts
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