
First Blood

"Praise be to the Dragon Emperor, the true Lord of Light!"

The Soul Knights of Volantis preached, their resounding cheer loud enough to be heard a mile away. Aerion no longer desired to be seen as a prophet or messiah for any God or Faith… no, such a thing was beneath him now. His ambition was to be worshipped as the (Dragon) God Emperor of the World, a holy Emperor of Emperors and the only God amongst Mankind.

Once his new Faith grew fervent enough, he would be immovable for all of time.

Aerion went on to flaunt his great power with an army of Soul Knights marching around him in perfect symmetry as he walked back into Volantis. Each of their heavy steps were perfectly in sync and created a constant rhythm that was quite... magnificent. Aerion would often unleash a wave of light magic, blessing his people as he went along. He remained barefooted but that did not diminish the might and sheer presence of the flaming Dragon Emperor. Even naked, he showed no shame in his splendid body.

This... was the pride of a true Dragon!

Once he reached Daenery's palace, he was welcomed with a crimson cloak that was decorated with a three-headed black dragon. Although these colours resembled House Blackfyre, it could also be interpreted as the distinguished Vermithor. Daenerys Targaryen and Jocelyn Baratheon had gathered before him.

"You're... alive?"

"In the flesh." Aerion nodded, looking at Daenerys with a rather pleased smile. "I believe the cloak is mine own?"

"I knew that you would find a way."

Daenerys Targaryen threw the cloak in the air, towards him. In turn, Aerion dismissed his flames and put on the cloak within a flash.

Afterwards, he walked forwards into the courtyard, grabbing Daenerys' hand and pulling her forward for a kiss.

'This feels so much better...'

"Let's get married."

Aerion stated after stepping back.

"Not dressed like that, we won't." Daenerys smiled as she jested.

"Heh..." Aerion chuckled. "You mean to say I should come without the cloak?"

"I'm glad to see you so cheerful again." Daenerys knew full well that Aerion was jesting. "You should put on proper clothes, however... a cloak can be rather unreliable. Although, Jocelyn doesn't seem to mind... the perverted girl. She is often in heat-"

"I am not!" Jocelyn Baratheon protested, her cheeks turning red as he glanced towards Aerion. "Put on some proper clothing, you crude, feral, unruly, barbarian!"

"Hahaha..." Aerion laughed, lowering himself slightly as he kissed Jocelyn on the forehead and pat her head. "My condolences, princess. I will see to it that I am dressed properly with haste."

"Hmph... how can you show yourself like that? You're a married man, lest you forget. You can only look like that before your wives... or betrothed, naturally."


"You heard me." Jocelyn Baratheon replied, pouting slightly.

"As I said, Jocelyn inherited certain traits from her father... but she's too shy to admit it directly." Daenerys chuckled.

"Which traits?" Aerion inquired, smiling a little. "She is strong-willed, confident, proud, decisive... what is there to be shy about?"

"Hmm... everyone knows that Robert loves to f-"

"Shush!" Jocelyn Baratheon, embarrassed, kicked Daenerys Targaryen in the leg.

"Alright..." Daenerys nodded, pretending like that kick didn't hurt much. "I will keep your secret."

'I see... so that's how it is. Young girls are capable of touching themselves, it is known...'

"Jocelyn, your focus should be your studies before anything else." Aerion remarked.

"I know..."


There he was, enjoying a night time bath and cleansing himself with water hot enough to burn a man's skin off. To him, however, the bath was simply bliss as he filled it with an ocean of magic vitality. The easiest way to exert it was in its purest form, from which it can be bent to his will.


If used for destruction, this amount would've easily turned Volantis into a ruin. Of course... that would not be ideal. Instead, he used it to create water and attempted to imitate the figure of a tall warrior. It took some practice to sculpture it to where he was satisfied.

When he was, he turned the water to ice and witnessed his creation harden. With the addition of his Necromancy, he willed it to start moving. Its walk was very stiff but serviceable... then he made it punch the wall.


There was a decent impact, alright. Not that of a Soul Knight but rather impressive nonetheless.

'Hmm... a soulless tool that does not even require a corpse. How amusing. If I can master this ability, I could very well make an army of various creatures from nothing but sheer magic vitality!'

After burning his new creation, he tried out various different shapes and animals. Hydromancy and Cryomancy truly worked hand-in-hand as he used Hydromancy's everchanging water to form the shape while Cryomancy froze it still.

A relaxing nighttime bath session had turned into a lengthy magic experiment just like that... and that was when he earned another crown, becoming King of Hydromancy.


When Aerion went to his bedchamber, he found the Soul Knights meant to be guarding it thoroughly crushed. Aerion extended his hand and collected their lingering souls, sighing afterwards.

'Don't tell me...'

He turned to the door and opened it, only to see Bellona resting in a carefree manner on his bed.

"Why the frown? They stood in my path so I slaughtered them."

"First of all, I told you to rest in your tome and stay in that room. So why are you in my bed-chamber?"

"I don't recall ever saying that I will follow every one of your orders." Bellona smiled, chuckling. "I am not your subject, Dragon Emperor."

"Then what are you?"

"We are... partners, as I see it," Bellona replied, playing with a pool of blood in the air. "Blood partners, if you wish."

"Sharing blood? What's the use in that?"

'Won't one party always be on the losing end?'

"My blood will improve upon your new power and help you ascend higher, mastering your newfound blessing. On the other hand, your blood will work towards restoring my true body and prove to be a delicious meal. I won't have a need to harm any of your people... of course, if you don't want to be my blood partner, I could make you into an obedient little thrall."

"If you're capable of all that, then why don't you have your way?" Aerion inquired.

"You'd be less amusing as a thrall..." Bellona shrugged, smiling a little as she released the blood in the air into her tome. "I see that you agree with me. Then come into my embrace, Dragon Emperor... I'll be gentle."


Aerion felt his body unconditionally move forward and lay down beside Bellona who then embraced him from the back. She opened her mouth, exposing lethal fangs as she dug into his neck and sucked his blood.

"Ahh..." Aerion grunted although it did not feel all too painful. He was overcome by a feeling of bliss, in truth.

"Hmm... this will do," Bellona remarked, withdrawing. Almost right after, Aerion's body began to naturally regenerate at a rapid pace.

"Why... everything was a blur." Aerion turned around, facing Bellona. He channelled light magic which instantly healed whatever wound was left. Although, he still felt a little dizzy.

"One of our many gifts is the ability to charm and even control another's mind. Regarding that, we can sense the thoughts and feelings of others... and even directly hear them, if experienced enough."

'Oh... well, that's just wonderful.' Aerion decided to test that theory, stroking his chin. 'You look very nice today, Bellona.'

"Why thank you." Bellona chuckled. "It's not often you compliment me, Dragon Emperor."

'So what kind of creature are we, exactly?'

'We are vampires.'

Aerion heard Bellona's voice in his mind... but her lips hadn't moved!

'So it is true! You have power over the mind.'

"Yes... and I know how much you'd like to have your way with my beautiful body. I also know that you're wary of being manipulated and still don't trust me fully. And then there's the matter of your virtue... you think of the approval of your wives first. Truly, how adorable."

"..." Aerion furrowed his brows.

"Now that I think about it, are you going to host a great council amongst your wives for every woman you intend to bed?" Bellona wondered, laughing. "Hahaha... a great council that grows every time someone new is let in! It's foolish and quite laughable for a man who is so lustful, immensely desired and will live well past a hundred years! You are a Dragon Emperor, a man who holds absolute control over his people... and yet you think of such diplomatic solutions? Hahaha!"

"Shut up, witch. You know nothing of faithfulness." Aerion shook his head.

"In truth, you are correct. I never had anyone to be faithful to... and am still a virgin." Bellona laughed. "Although, I do have the memories and experiences of plenty skilful women... does that count?"

"Hmph, then you're no virgin."

"I've never done it myself in all these years, however... so I am still a woman of great virtue." Bellona chuckled, putting emphasis on the word 'virtue'. "As for you... conquerors take what they desire, do they not?- Oh. Someone is coming."


When Aerion focused, he started to hear distant footsteps that echoed closer. A dozen or so seconds later, it stopped close to the door. Ever since he had been reborn, all of his senses were much better, especially when he focused.

'This smell... Jocelyn?'

The door opened and low behold, he was right! Jocelyn Baratheon strolled inside in her nightgown, observing Aerion and Bellona who were still rather close. "Who in Seven Hells are you?"

"Do you recognise my voice?" Bellona tilted her head slightly, gesturing her to come closer. "Come and sit next to us."

"The book..."

Jocelyn Baratheon paced forwards and sat beside Aerion, who frowned.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"I... wanted to sleep with you."

Bellona chuckled at Jocelyn's reply. "Perhaps you should rephrase that one a little, young princess? You meant to say you wish to share his bed."

"Well... that is true." Jocelyn Baratheon nodded. "I was feeling cold and you wouldn't do anything so... why not?"

Aerion focused for a moment and did, in fact, feel her emotions for a moment.

"I sleep fully naked," Aerion replied, shaking his head. "So no."

"He has nightshirts and other such clothing." Bellona countered, smiling as she spoke with a sweet and enchanting voice. "There's an issue... you see, little princess, Aerion's rebirth came at a price. He now needs a decent supply of human blood per day to remain the way he is... otherwise he will lose his sanity and become mad. However, he doesn't want to hurt anyone... and that is why he doesn't want you at his bed. Because he fears that he may hurt you."

"Think about it... he'd be extremely grateful if you provide your blood to him willingly. He will even share his bed with you, there's no doubt in my mind."

"What are you talking about?" Aerion furrowed his brows. "This is none of your concern-"


Jocelyn Baratheon made a cut on her hand with a dagger and presented her hand. When Aerion saw the blood, his heart beat much louder with a heavy thump. His newfound instincts began to take control...

'This desire... no, I refuse.'

"He needs more than just a hand." Bellona extended her hand and made a perfect cut on Jocelyn's neck, splashing blood onto Aerion's face. "Go on, Dragon Emperor. Embrace who you are~!"

There was a drop of blood on his lips and so he licked it... it was so rich, luscious and succulent. He had never tasted something so brilliant in his entire life. The pleasure he derived from a single drop seemed otherworldly... and so... he desired more.

It didn't help that Jocelyn did not retreat and instead came closer, seeing his look of desire and falling into his lap. Aerion opened his mouth, where fangs now emerged and easily tore through Jocelyn's neck.

"Mnnn." Jocelyn Baratheon moaned, although she did not struggle.

'So good... why does it taste so good?'

Aerion continued to suck out Jocelyn Baratheon's blood until he was satisfied. That was precisely when his instincts were no longer in control... and he realised what he had done. His satisfied grin turned to an expression of despair.

"What did I..."

"Truly, your instincts are strong. No wonder you killed when you were so young." Bellona laughed, condensing into a pool of blood as she withdrew into her tome. "You may despair today but you will understand and appreciate my actions in due time."

"Jocelyn..." Aerion Targaryen held her closer to his chest as his eyes grew tearful. His hand caressed her neck, where she had been bitten. Light magic coursed around the wound at a rapid pace until it was completely healed alongside her cut hand.

"I'm so sorry... I hurt you."

"That means... you won't hurt anyone else, right?" Jocelyn Baratheon replied with a sweet smile, grabbing his hand and holding it tight. "You can take my blood whenever you want, Aerion. That way you won't feel guilty towards anyone else."

'It's the opposite, Jocelyn... why would I feel guilty for a stranger?' Aerion thought.

"It didn't even hurt all that much... but I am a little sleepy~"

And so, Jocelyn Baratheon drifted off not many seconds after.

Aerion sat still for a moment in contemplation before neatly tucking her under his bedsheets. Then he undressed and put on some of the nightclothes in the wardrobe. Once he was done, he joined Jocelyn and warmly embraced her. He glanced at her carefree face and managed a smile.

'You are a strong and brave girl... I can't deny that.'

From that point onwards, Aerion decided to embrace his new way of life as a vampire.

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