
The Rebuild Begins

Nearly a hundred ships occupied the waters of Valyria with many thousands of Soul Knights and countless more lesser undead carrying out the will of their Dragon Emperor. The moment the final design had been created, they all marched out and dozens of construction projects commenced simultaneously. The roads, docks, mines, farms, walls, homes, shops, places of worship... most importantly, a fitting palace for the Emperor and his family. Aerion had sold out some land to many nobles at a high price and sold even more as he promised to take care of all the construction. Hence, the costs for Valyria's rebuild didn't fall completely onto him and the entire project became far more affordable.

Truly, he 'claimed' all of Valyria, sold off the parts that he didn't require and then got money from these buyers to build what he intended to build anyway... profiting further!

On the side, Aerion worked alongside Vermithor to play with dragonfire and eventually learned to fuse stone... creating an extremely durable material called Dragonstone. After discovering this long-lost material, it would become the primary resource for most exteriors. Stronger than iron, steel, granite or even diamond... it was the perfect material for a dragon's city.


Valyria, the latter half of the second moon, 300 AC.

"Have you ever seen Summer?"

"Even during the darkest hours, the wind is but a gentle and warm breeze."

"Crops prosper and beautiful flowers bloom, all across the delightful world."

"It is the season that leads to many smiles, as radiant as the loving sun."

"Love blossoms and friendships are forged, everflowing like the shimmering sea."

"One day you will see…"

Aerion finished with one final note, letting its sound echo into the wind. Such sorrowful yet hopeful songs let him take out his sorrow and bring out the flames of determination. Music had become one of his preferred ways of expressing himself, in truth. Ever since he had done so for Rhaenys.

He glanced at Jocelyn Baratheon who was sniffling and in the act of rubbing her eyes.

"You wept from a song?" Aerion mocked in a playful way.

"Your voice… I could feel the sorrow from it." Jocelyn Baratheon replied, wiping away the last of her tears. "You have a habit of smiling even when you are sad."

"Do I?"

Aerion looked up at the sky that was once so bright… begin to grow full of dark clouds. From those dark clouds, snow started to fall and cover the world in its pure and wonderful white colour. He stretched out his hand… observing with a bewildered expression.

'Snowing… in the middle of Summer?'

"There is beauty in Winter, too. Its cold and uncaring nature allows us to appreciate the warmth that is unsung in the Summer. The warmth of food, the warmth of home, the warmth of love and care… it brings everyone together just as much as the Summer."

Jocelyn Baratheon spoke as snow gathered in her hand.

"And snow. It is the most wonderful thing in the world, is it not?"

"... Perhaps." Aerion nodded, chuckling. "I prefer fire, however. Snow has little use other than looking pretty."

"Why would it snow in the Summer, though...?" Jocelyn Baratheon exchanged looks with Aerion who shrugged.

"It has happened before," Aerion replied, watching the snow cover all of the buildings in the distance. "My poor Soul Knights, they will have the duty of burning it all away."

"Heh... I'm sure they can handle it." Jocelyn Baratheon smiled, nudging closer to Aerion and leaning against his shoulder. "When I think about it... I wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for you."

"Eh, why are you saying that?"

"My mother told me that when she was going to die from giving child... it was you who saved her with your magic." Jocelyn Baratheon replied. "The reason why I'm saying that is because I really do owe so much to you and I haven't really done anything to repay that. At the very least, when you take my blood... don't make that guilty expression every time. Promise me you won't."

"... If you wish."

"You haven't promised."

"I promise." Aerion sighed, shaking his head. "You're quite stubborn, aren't you?"

"I learned that from you~." Jocelyn Baratheon sang, standing up. "You still haven't helped me with my magic today, you know."

"There's nothing to help with. You just have to keep trying to make something happen on your own. Whether it's healing, fire, lightning, wind or anything in general... you have to find a magic that comes naturally to you."

"So that's why Lady Bellona said you're a terrible teacher at magic."

"That witch, hmph... I'd like to see her do better."


"Does she teach you?" Aerion raised an eyebrow.

"Sometimes. She is rather fond of me."

"Ahahaha..." Aerion laughed, although his violet eyes were chilling. 'Is she trying to steal away my ward?'

"Share your magic vitality with me again... I'll show you what I can do."


Aerion set aside his lyre, stood up and grabbed Jocelyn Baratheon's shoulder, imbuing her with his magic vitality. He gave roughly ten which was enough for him to destroy an entire horde... but to a novice like Jocelyn Baratheon without any magic proficiency, that amount usually led to nothing.

Jocelyn Baratheon closed her eyes, turning his white magic to gold.

"Magic is a manifestation of one's will... the stronger and more refined their will, the mightier their magic becomes. The easiest magic to learn is one that resembles the heart of its user and also tends to be the one mages awaken first." Jocelyn Baratheon stated, seemingly repeating another's words. "Fire burns with rage and emotion, lightning demands obedience, water adapts to its surroundings, the earth stays still with resolve and the wind is what connects others."

'... Interesting, I've never heard of this before.'

"My first magic... was Geomancy."

The golden magic in Jocelyn Baratheon's hands extended, forming the shape of a warhammer. Moments after, the golden aura became real and forged a gold stone warhammer. She held it with both hands with a proud expression.

"I see... no doubt, Bellona taught you to do that."

"You sound almost jealous." Jocelyn Baratheon remarked, grasping her warhammer with both hands and lifting it up. In truth, that thing was almost as large as she was... yet she wielded it like it was a dagger.

"Isn't it heavy?"

"I made it to be light." Jocelyn Baratheon replied. "The inside is mostly hollow... however, the exterior makes up for it by being tougher."

"Do you have any more tricks to show me?" Aerion asked with a smile, intrigued.

"Only when you take me on a trial." Jocelyn Baratheon's smile was both cute and mischievous. "Lady Bellona says they're all highly beneficial for all those who attend, especially mages... and she promised to protect me if necessary so you wouldn't be too worried."

'Why is she so fond of her?'

In truth, Aerion found Bellona to be the strangest person he ever met. Every time he thought he had her figured out, he would later realise he didn't. Sometimes she was seductive, other times she was cold and mocking. Sometimes she would give the impression of someone who wished to see all of the world burn... other times she was caring and strangely kind.

Although, he knew one thing for certain... well, two. She liked his blood and always held a strong presence.

"I already planned to go on one... having the both of you with me certainly would not hurt," Aerion replied.

"Alright! I promise I won't disappoint you."

"You never do."

He sought out more dragon eggs more than almost anything else. Given Vermithor's age, the dragon would still need a decade or so to start laying eggs. In truth, there were many theories and no maester nor Targaryen had ever produced a solid thesis on the reproduction of dragons. Some say dragons have no fixed gender... others say they can change them when needed... and the rest would say that only female dragons could lay eggs.

Given these uncertainties, he observed one certainty; the more dragons there were, the greater the chance of an egg being laid was.

As for dragons... the only clues he had were the Shadow Lands, where dragons were told to linger deep in the mountains. Not many dared venture deep enough to prove that tale, however. Those that did were said to have been eaten by demons and the like. Another was the lands outside of the known world.

Stygai, City of the Night, was known as a ruined and haunted corpse city that barely saw any light throughout the day. Demons and dragons were said to be in its vicinity... as they would anywhere else so deep into the Shadow Lands.

Naturally, Aerion feared no such beings and intended to thoroughly trample upon the City of the Night. If there were demons, he would humble them. If there were dragons, he would tame them. If there was a trial ground within the Shadow Lands... he would conquer it.


When he asked Bellona to grant her blessing to other people he had in mind, she coldly rejected the thought. Granted, Aerion could grant his blessing to others... but they had to be dead first. This was a flaw he worked on but couldn't quite overcome yet.

Before heading off to any trials, he wished to properly celebrate his twentieth nameday. The Fall of the Second Moon was a day that almost every man in the New Valyrian Empire had engraved into their soul. Following that, was 'Ascension Day', the first day of the Third Moon, which celebrated Aerion's coronation. Amusingly enough, this would also be the third year anniversary of 'Ascension Day'... on the three-hundredth anniversary of Aegon's Conquest.

He celebrated these days in Sunspear, where he gathered his close family. It was a joyous occasion, no doubt. Despite not wanting too many gifts, he was still showered in them. In truth, all across the known world, honoured Soul Knights received gifts from smallfolk to the highest of lords and stored them away for their Dragon Emperor.

The night of his twentieth nameday was quite... amusing, especially when everyone else departed. Queen Arianne was a little haughty towards the two betrothed of her husband, letting them all know that she still was the first wife. Two because she quite liked Jocelyn who had spent many days in Sunspear beside Aerion. Meanwhile, Queen Ashara was far more welcoming towards all of them, resembling a more calm and refined lady.

"Such a shame... although promised, none of you three are married. As before, the Dragon Emperor will only have two women at his bedside." Arianne remarked. "If you thought more in a Dornish manner, it would not matter as much..."

"Do not worry too much... there will be more than two next year, my Queen." Margaery Tyrell added.

"You should enjoy yourself, Queen Arianne." Daenerys Targaryen smiled, keeping her composure. "I'd rather be taken on my wedding night and not in the presence of another woman. That night is worth waiting for... as I see it."

"I suggest being more open. In the end, we are all part of the same family." Ashara stated. "There are pleasures that can be found from both men and women, so I've learned with Queen Arianne. Is that not right?"

"Hmph... sometimes."

"Wouldn't His Radiance be overwhelmed?" Margaery Tyrell japed, laughing a little.

"She doesn't know." Ashara chuckled.

"She doesn't know about Aerion's endurance," Arianne repeated, smiling. "By the time he grew tired..."


Aerion opened the door, entering the hall. His black sleeve had barely visible tones of red... where he had rubbed his face clean from blood.

'That woman's blood tasted like cheap wine...'

"I hope you are all getting along well enough."

Aerion smiled, naturally exhibiting his vampiric charm which was almost irresistible. He keenly observed all of their emotions and sensed some envy... he figured as much. Arianne's desire seemed to be the strongest out of them all, however, and was far more noticeable than the envy.

"More or less." Jocelyn Baratheon replied, shaking her head. "Although, Arianne is being a bully."

"I am not. Simply, no one should forget that I am the first wife and queen." Arianne countered, glancing at Aerion for reinforcement.

"That is true." Aerion approached, helping Arianne from her seat and holding her closer. He passionately kissed her on the forehead before looking back at the rest. "Arianne will always be my first love and queen. Nothing will ever change that truth. That said, in regards to marital matters, her influence is only lesser than my own. She shouldn't have to make a notable effort to adjust... but rather, all of you should adjust to her."

Arianne made a smug expression as she looked at the rest.

"However, Arianne, that does not mean that you have to look down on the rest. Instead, I expect you to be the senior queen who 'leads' the way. Acting in a haughty manner will only lead to further divide and issues given your position... and put it at risk, even."

Aerion cupped her chin, making her gaze into his ethereal violet eyes that could melt hearts and steal souls.

"You won't disappoint me, will you, Arianne?"

"I will be the wiser queen for you if that's what you wish for, Aerion," Arianne replied, her eyes refusing to leave his.

"That's what I want, indeed." Aerion smiled and, when Arianne nodded, he kissed her on the lips. "Let us retire for the night alongside Ashara... it has been too long since I've properly enjoyed myself."

"Yes, my dear."

"Have a good night, my ladies."


"Has His Radiance grown even more irresistible?" Margaery Tyrell wondered, remaining with Daenerys and Jocelyn. "Even Queen Arianne was so easily tamed..."

"He handled us like a group of quarrelling lords, uplifting a side before humbling that very same side until both were more or less satisfied." Daenerys Targaryen remarked, standing up from her seat. "Anyways... let us depart, Jocelyn."


"No good night wishes for me?"

"Perhaps another night, Lady Margaery." Daenerys Targaryen smiled a little, turning around as she left.


Aerion allowed Arianne and Ashara to service him, starting with the removal of his clothes. They were not too hasteful, enjoying his rather appealing body with their touch. Eventually, he laid down on his bed and put his hands behind his back in a carefree manner.

"Let us serve you today, my Dragon Emperor." Ashara stated, undressing herself.

"You know what to do."

Aerion smiled, encouraging his wives. Both of them bent over to their respective sides and approached his cock like stalking prey. Arianne grabbed it first, relishing in its girth right before placing her lips against it.

Aerion gently grabbed her head and she went down, swallowing his dick whole.

"Ahh~... that's the spot." Aerion grinned in pleasure, sneaking his hand out and around to grab her ass. His fingers slithered down and pleasured her pussy as her lips swirled around his dick.

"Arianne's being quite a greedy woman,"

Ashara remarked, chuckling as she went over to kiss Aerion. They shared a passionate exchange of tongues that seemed to be almost like a battle of who can trap who... in the end, Ashara won and Aerion chuckled when he broke free.

"You have such sweet lips, Ashara... I missed their warmth."

"Then you can have them as many times as you want."

"Don't mind if I do~."

Aerion took the charge this time, freeing his preoccupied hands and holding Ashara's face as he kissed her once again.

"Hmph." Arianne changed her position, now engulfing his dick in her large and smooth breasts. "You'll like this even more..."

'She knows my weakness...'

With the lower shaft surrounded in warm, plentiful breasts that rose and fell consistently, alongside Arianne's mouth that pleasured the tip... while also kissing Ashara... well, safe to say, Aerion was enjoying himself once again!


After that warm-up, Aerion went absolutely wild and his bedchamber was the loudest one of them all. When he was done, neither Ashara nor Arianne had any remnants of energy left and drifted off to sleep. They had long since been drained, in truth. By the end, he was just doing what he wished until fully satisfied.

Having lived in a dead body for two years... the feeling of pleasure seemed all the greater.


Aerion wore his full set of armour as he prepared Vermithor for flight, storing some belongings on the dragon's 'armour', so to speak. It was more so for storage purposes rather than actual protection. Jocelyn Baratheon, unlike usual, wasn't wearing a pretty dress but wore a black travel dress accompanied by a cloak instead.

"Are you ready to fly?" Aerion inquired, grinning a little.

"Not with you and your mad manoeuvres." Jocelyn Baratheon replied playfully, shaking her head.

"Come now... it's fun to ride upside down and spin in the sky."

"Not until you fall off!"

"I'll catch you," Aerion promised, chuckling a little as he pat her head. "Whenever you fall, I'll always be there to catch you. No matter the circumstance."

"Uhh... right." Jocelyn Baratheon's face turned a little red. "Let's go already instead of waiting around."

"I don't think you'll be as excited when you see how dark the Shadow Lands truly are."

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