
Comments of chapter undefined of Hunter x Hunter: A Selfish Wish (COMPLETED)


can u make jax hatsu revive mikasa after all of HxH world End?


It's good but I cant like the mc he is too cold and unfeeling. Not someone most would want to relate to and delve into the story by putting themselves in the mc shoes.


Everything is clear. The author is a necrophile. Do not invite him to the funeral.

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this story is really unique... I don't even know if the MC is villain or not.. he is super realistic and always have a plan..but he is also cruel playing with others emotion haixt I feel kinda bad for mikasa but base on the story her sacrifice also make sense since she love the MC too much


Damn and here i thought the mc finally found a girl who will become his pairing............


my only words are, MOTHERFUCKER!!


Huh, needless death that could have been avoided...

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Why are there so many vulnerable idiots in the chat who cry for some strange reason. The author did everything right, and it should be so. If Mikasa became the main character's love interest, it would be extremely disappointing. How infuriated me are the stories where they take characters from different fanfiction and all after a couple of chapters make them vulnerable harem owners, who think in only one place.

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I'm actually sad about her death. Her being his love interest would have added a lot of plot to the story, but I guess it's just not meant to be. I'm sad now. I just want someone innocent (killing aside) and loyal like mikasa to have at least a bit of fulfilment before her death. Jax could have whispered some words like "I always cared about you" so that Mikasa would have some closure. that way, Jax could be seen more than a powerful, power-hungry robot with no emotion. I mean, these past chapters, all of his emotions were mild amusement. is that the kind of life he wants?


Wow Stone Cold man, Stone Cold.


what the hell is this ??? is her sacrifice even worth it , the mc is already so strong, he didn't need her sacrifice at all , but just because author wants everyone to know that the mc is cold hearted, Mikasa has to die. I mean wtf . I'm just disappointed, this is sacrifice is so forced .


i personally think this mc is boring, he has no ambition, he does nothing of importance except "clearing monster filled zones" like wtf. and now he watches his own student kill herself? is he so contend on living a dull and boring life ? there was literally no point in having a mindless drone with the strength of a royal guard . especially if he has no intention of ruling the world. what is the point in being strong if you do nothing with that strength. *sigh* nothing is more infuriating than an emo mc 😪 or an arochimaru mc who only interacts with people bassed on how "interesting" they are .

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Oh, I expected Jax to kill her at some point, but not this. Now I want to leave the novel for feelings, but I want to follow it for power.


Even after her 'idiotic' sacrifice, the MC is still heartless. I can't continue forward after this. The execution of her suicide was out of nowhere and the MC just let her do it. I hope something meaningful comes out of this later on.

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I want to see other characters and their thoughts on the mc. Always having the story in mc perspective while barley getting information on some of the others thoughts could be quite dull sometimes. Like it was cool with the phantom fearing mc. Others last chapter shocked at him recreating gons move but it was also underwhelming


the only thing i dont like this is the author scared of changing the plot just like with the spiders he dont want to kill them because of the fucking plot, and right now instead of going to dark continent he'll followed the plot and go to chimera ant arc even though he's stronger than the king


Bring her back, it's not worth it! When Jax meets Killua sister, wish to bring her back. Not cool.

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Adoro esse MC, MAS gostaria que ele agisse um pouco mais como o Yami, Com mais sentimento, pra mostrar que ele não é uma Máquina em forma humana! Sabe? Mesmo que fosse "Jax sentiu uma pontada de tristeza, mas logo esse sentimento se foi, e lembrou que Mikasa sempre foi uma Ferramenta!"


What I feared ...


Thanks for the Chapter~!


the thing about antagonist mc's is that they need either some sort of drive or they need to be relatable in some way. imagine a story of some guy blowing up a city for no reason. now imagine he did it because of a personal relatable reason, like for example a loved one had died in some sort of police service and the government swept it under the rug... having this drive for an antagonistic main character is important because without it there is no investment and without investment their is no story. this story of course still has investment from previous "goals" however by killing off this character without any drive or anything to make it relatable to the reader you effectively also killed many readers investment in the story, as previously stated without investment there isn't really a story, so by killing a single character like this you have killed your story in many more ways.